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The Black Hills

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Tho Interior Department, says a Washington telegram, has a very fu).l and i píete report from Prof. Jeiincy, tlie cliiof oí tíie scientiflo expeditíon sent out to investígate tlio condition of the supposed gold flolds of tho Black Ilills. Tbis report was given to thn public today, as it is the desire of ti i o Interior Department to have it as oireulated as possible. The report; confirma thej fh-st dispatch of Prof. Jenñey, in Tvhich lio said tliat nothnig bad yet been disoovered that would warrant KitenaiVe rinniiig operatíoirt in the Black Hills. Hia report íh in flireot contradiction of tho glowing tales of correspondente, and opens np a qnestion of vemcity, with öie iiidieations all in Prof. Jenney's ítiTot. The report iirst gives a deseription of the operations of tho sciontiíic party and its movements, all of which havo been fully describod in the Special ce iiTcspondenco sent ont froni fche expi'dilion. It thrn prooéedB at uc( (o Mtplocte Öiq HtorioH abont the rich ñélds on Fronch's creok, at tho pot where Capt. Mix receutly raided a party of minr-rs. Prof. j Jenney says this íh the npot whwe minéis liavo sail tlmt, the waslung of lv)oso dirt, ! in the diggings, panried out 27 coits to the pan. Ho wout into tho beato!' this dirt and worked out niño buckets of it, :uid secured tho rich result of 22 conts out of the whole. He saya that the j best' dirt doos not average one cent and a quarter a Dan, which is (juito a different story from that tent out by the Senatorial visitoi-K to "Harney ; City." He also unk a haft in the bodrock near tho stoekade, somo 15 feet, without discevering a trace of gold. Ho I saya that there is gold there, but it exista in very small quantities, and is Kprond over snch a large arca of territory ! as to make practical digging a {siluro. Ho also says that tbero íh no coal in that ! región. He has i'ouud soine beds of j clay in wlüch thero are rich deposite of iron. ïho noxt point Prof. Jenney will examino will be in the Cheyenne rivor, north of tho sito of the present camp. ïhere are somo beds of crefaiceous lignites in which gold may bo foiuad. ïhe report is emblazoned at tho top with a 8apie of tho gold found. ïhoro is no " dust " in thismining región. The gold is found in small partióles, showing it to be derived from quartz-veins. Prof. Jenuey speaks very highly of tlie Black Hills country as an agricultural región, Ho says the soil is rich, water plenty, mul the timber, a species of the Notway pino, is very yaluable. This report of Prof. Jomiey's is disoouraging in the extreme, Í but it is not believed that it will deter auj' one who has tho gold fever from visiting the hills. Evon now, tho ! liovers in tho sensational reporte say that Prof. Jenney's report is made to snit tho wishes of tho Interior Depurtment, as it I de.sires tho minors kopt out of the Black ',]]}]■ cogioj] Ililtil '''■■ qm iug oponoa up ia settled with tlio íáioux, beyond dispute. .


Old News
Michigan Argus