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DISSOLUTION. lyrOTlOE is hereby given that the copartnership 1 of Hule & Tremain is bj mutual connent thi day dissolved. Austiu K. Hule havms: sold out his interest in eaid flrm. All demanda and nccount will be aettled at the oíd st a ml by our succeusora, H. A. Tromain Sc Co. 3wl538 HALE & TREMAIN. K, E O "V-A. JU. W. H. JAGESON Has removed his D12NTAL OFFICE to rooms over Iïacii & Abel's store, corner Main and Washington strcets. Entrance adjoining National Bant. I. J. MECHEM, M. d7" Iloiueopatliifit and Electrician. Oöiceand residence corner of Maynard and William streets. 1524m3 ËDWARD DUFFY HA JUST RECEIVED AN Elntire New Stock Of gooda conaisting of Teas, Gofíees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a m mm advamb over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S VVEAft in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he ia ofifering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods for Cftsh. Cali aud examine gooda aLd pricee, and I WILL INSUEE SATISFACTION Ooods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block," cor. Main nnd Ann streeta 1W Ann Arbor. Mich. CONTINENTAL UFE INSURANCE CO. 5 m I Annual Statement, JANI1ARV I, 1875. Accumuiated Assets, . $6,555,828 Mabilitles, includin? reserve 5,843,846 Surplus belonging toPollcy hold'rs 711,982 Annual Income, 2,820,313 AiixMinl of Insurance in force, $54,998,941 Tliriy days of errace nllowed on I'ityiiieut of Henen ui. No restriction on Traveï. Prompt nrid liberal Ia p;iyment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Totnl death claims paid in last eight years. %3,O()O,(K0. G. A. WATK1NÜ, 15S8 No. 10 iiank Block, Detroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHX 8EAK8, Dist. Ag't, Ann Arbor, Mich. gECUKK GOOD JOB WORK At moderate prices, by getting your work done AT THE AROUS OFFICE. f & 4 H O r r v oí 3 &L ( CO ëPlJ q h g ■ hí ■: g í 1 i u tí g H r ü -a i - i.fei K BOOT AND SHOF, SlflBE, Opened April 1, 1S75. I have openefl a Boot and Skoe Store in the Fantle Block, No. 43 South mam Street. I have one of 1HE MOST ATTKACT1VE STOCK of Boots and Simes ever shown ín Ann Arbor. Xhey are se'ected witli greut care, nel offered ut very low prices. Iu Ladies' Fine Shoos I have a f uil line, compriHing1 all the Noveltiesof the neuron. I um now recu i ving NEW GOODS DAILY. My fltock ís entirely New. thoroughly assorted, and ïnarkcd at prices tlrnt wiil suil thu most economical buyera. IMi'iiM'tflunu' a cali befure purchaving eUewhere. Id2ñm3 JOHN BUIt(i. For Sale Gheap, The subseriber offers for sale his HOTJSE Ü1TD IíOTS on West Hurón street, next west of S. P. Jewett'y residence. The house is une of the host, urI pleasantcst, for the size, ia the city. Will be sold fur föOClessthan cost. tor particulars apply to John N. Oott, or 15 A. D. BEBIMER. PLEASE CALL AND GET The beet Lawn Mowera at Pease's. Themost beautiful Plant Stands at Feascs, new Ferneries and Perna at Vease's. he best Hefrigerators in America at Pease'a. Cali and seo the new LeviT Clothea Wringer at Pease'a. 0 rensons for using Reed's Curpet Pweeper at Pease's. WireClothfor Screene, at Pease's. Water Coolers - shop mude, at Peaso'. Water Füter's of metal, neat, convenient and durable at Peuse's. 'oilut ireta of Galvanized- iron everlastiDfp at Feaae'a. p'ire Archos, for CenterpieceB, or walks, made at Pease's. ath Tubs- Famiiy, Sitz, Piunge and OUd'f, ai Pease's. 'arm Tools at Pease's. vrything rasonable at Pease's, 3F1 A33 3E1.3E O R0OFIPJG. THIS ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATER l'ROOF; VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETÏER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKB AROUND CHIMNEYS AND CUNNECTIONS BBTWEKN WOOD and BRI.CK. This Roofing has been in use flve years an is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! Thia paint will preserve shingled roofs an indefl nite peiiud, nd is equally adapted to tin or iron roois It is flre and water proof ! Thift paint will be put on by the Oompany 01 sold by the gallon, with inatructions how to tipply the same. BíF No CojiI Tar i itscd in oïilicr. We solieit the public patronage. All work will be warmnted. AU Communications should be nddresaed to the HUTCHINS ROOFINU CO, P. O. Box 222, ANN AKBOR, MICHIGA . Kesidence 43 South Thaver Street. HTRtf TEW ÁRmVAL OF SPRING AND SÜMMER GLOTHING. WM. WAGNEH Has Jiiit Kereired A FSIME STOCK, "U'bieh murt and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a f'.ill utock of Clotha, to be CÜT AND MADE TO ORDER. Htyle and Work warointed to suit. Also a FullLine of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM, WAGÜEK, 21 Son th Maiin St. Aiíií Arbor. 1496 "eni:kai. law and AQENCY. ROOTáfc GEAXGER, hnviug seoured tbe excluK00T8 ABSTRACT BECORI) HOOKS for the connty of Washtenuw, which they have carefully revisod, postecï tintl perlected, and havinpr, with aa exteuieive ana relia ble correspondence, ojH'ned a Generajl Business Agenct at No. 5 West Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will atfiend promptly to the sale, purchrtso and leasing of real estüte, the lo:ininp of moncy, coïlections.neB'otJKtionii, contracting1 and conveyHncini?, Life and Fïre Insurancea, and to the practioe of Luw in the varioua Courts of this Sttti. Aun Arbor, Mtty V, 1476. TRACY "W. ROOT, B. F. GHANGBK.


Old News
Michigan Argus