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Bach & Abel

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We are now receiving au unu&ually large and attractive stock of Fancy Dry Goods tor thé Sm ul Sim Trili, bought exclusively for ash and selected with cure. Each department will be found full .uil complete. We cal] attention to the following SPECIALTIES! Lyons Black Silks, Cheney1 American Silks, Black Cashmeres, Tamise, Crape Cloths and Bombazines, and the Mary Stuart Black Alpacas, the best and cheapest alpaca brought to this country. These goods are warranU-d the Ixst finish, weight and color, of any imported. Sun Unibrellas and Parasols, the largest assortthent and Choicest Styles ever exhibited in this city. Choice selections in Hamburgh Edginga and Insertings, at very low prices. Novelties in Ladies' Ties and Silk HandkercMefe, and a fine assortment of AVhite and Linen goods A fine assortment of Pacific Percales and Cámbrica in the newest parteras. Black Grenadines, direct from the iniporters, Warbantkd all Silk and Wool, at the lowcst prices. A large line of Bleached and Brown Cottons, in all the popular brands, direct from manuafcturers tbr Casií, and ottered at a very small advance ovTer cost. From and af ter this date we sh.all con., duet our business upoa a Strictly CASH Basis, and tñe price of evsry artiole -will be marlsed at th.e Lowest Cash. Prices. BACH & ABEL, 1525 Cohnee Main and Hukon Streets.


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