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Estáte of Einily D. B. Stwbbins, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County oí Wastehnaw aa. At a eaaion of the Probüte Court for the county of "Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the oityof Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the fírst day of July, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and seventy-flve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judee of Probate. In the matter of the eatate oi Emily D. R. Stebb as, minor. On reading and flling the petition, duly veriüed, of Wedgwick Dean, Ohiardian, prnying that lie may be licensed to ell eer ia i 11 real entate belonying to faid minor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Saturclay, the thirty flrst day ol July, 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigued for the heaiin? of saíd ptition, and that the QttXt of kin of said minor, unü all other persons intercsted i said estáte, are required to appeur at a aesaiun of said court theu to be holden ut the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor and thow cause, íf any thcre be, why the piiiyer of the petitioner alionid uot be granted : And it ís further oideied that said petitiouer give notice to the persons intereated la snid ehtttte, of the pendency of aid petition, nd the hearinK thereot'. by cauaing a oopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Atgus, a newsunper printed nd circulated m sitid county fonr successive week previmirt ro suid day of he-inng (A truecopy.} NOAH W. CHEEVKR, l.r36w4 Judgc of Probate. Bstftt of Fredriok Muller. TATE OF MICHIGAN, ('ounty of Wnshtenaw, s. At a seasion of the Probate Court toi the eounty of WaBhtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, thenixteenth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Jurtfre of Probate In the matter of th tétate of Fredrink Unltet, deeeaied. On leiidiriff and fllinij the petitioo, duly veriflod, of David rtiúeey, iraying that j, üeitaiu ínMiruiucul now on tiïi! in tnla )ourt, purportinje to be the last vvill and teutanient of nuid dweased, may b :idmittcd to Probate und that Gorge Muiier may be uppointed sole exenutor thereof. rrheceapoi it Is ordered, tbat Monday, the ninetetintb day oX July next,at ten o'clock in the f oreoood, bo afttijcnea tor the hearin(r of hí1 potition, and tbat tbedorueet, legateeM and heirs at luw of Buid decenbed, and ui] other perrons inteiertted m daid estáte, art required to appear at a sesmos of nid court, theu te be holden st the Probate Ortice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show eaiue, if any there be, wliy tht prayer ii the petitii-ner nhonld not be granted: Aml it i further orrlerf d, tht nid ptitioner tri ve uoMoetotho persons ititeroated in maid estatoi ") the ptinéency of naid pel i tion, and the heuriiig tlip.reof, by cuisine ;i oopy of thi order to be pub lished in the Michigan Argui, a newspapr printed and ciroulatiug in aid f.ounty, thrte öuooeiwivt weeks previoUH to enid d:iy of heariug. (A truecopy.) SOAH W. OHBBVfiR, '530 Jurtue of Probate. MortgagB Wale. DE FAIT LT haviiiij been made in the conditlon of a uiortiíage execufced by tieorge VV. Haven iid Mttry Uavonw, bli witV, to Charles T. Wilmut, all of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated ih thirteenth dy ol April, A. JJ. 1870, and recorded on the tifth day of May, A. D. 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, in hber 41 ot' murffju;Les, uu pago 616, upon whicb mortgage there i rlaiined to be due at the dat ot tino notice the .um of onu thouaaud ttvn hundred and fort y doliurii, and no uit or proccedin-- t law having been instituted to recover the mortuaged debt, or uny part thereof: Notice i theretoie hereby given, that on iSaturday the twenty-flist day of August 1H75, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon ot unid day. I shallaell at public auctiun, to the highest bidder, at the soutb door of the Court Houie in the city of Ann Arbor, the moitgaged premiseK, ot so inuch at will satisfy the atnount due ou such mortgage and Ir gal costa and charlen ot' such sale, togethei ?ith au attorney fee of twenty-rtve dollars, to wi' : Lot uumbfir ttve, blofk number eleveu in HiconckN addition to the ei j oí Ami Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Stat; of Michigan, except tmir ruda ir width oif from thu north nide of naid lot. Dated Aun Arbor, March 19, 18fl. 1622-32 CHARLES T. WlLMí T, Mortgagee. Ordinance No. 89. Au Orriinance to Prrveni SiaughUr Hou$rt vithin the City Limüs. Skction 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor. Recorder and uidennen of the city of Aon Arbor, tlat it .-jhall be unlaw ful fur auy persoD toslaughter beeves, sheep or otlu'r animáis within the limits of tho city of Anu Arbor. OEÍ.TION 2. Any violation of theprovisions of thi.s nrAi nunflfi shall be puni:hod by a fiue of DOt leffl than twenty dollafs, nor exeecding one huudred dollars, or 'by irupriBonment in the Washtenaw County Jail, for a term not t-xoei'dins ninety days. Skction ;í. Seotlona niueand ten ufan onUnanee of said city entitied " An ordinanef to abate and remove nuisanees, and preserve health," beingordinanee no. 1, made and pnincd In (!oraraon Couneil the fourth day of March, A. D. 1872, are hereby repcahvi. Skction 4. Tliis ordinaoee hall take imrnediat effect after legal puhlication. Marie and pasaed in Coiumon CouneU thlsaeventh day of July, A D. 1S7". EDWARP D. KINNE, Mayor. Williah A. Ldvkjoy, Recorder. STATK OF MlCHKiAN, "1 County of Washtknaw, ƒ City Kkcokhkr's Office, Aun Arbor, July 7, 1875. I, William A. Lovejoy, Recorder of the city of Ann Arbor, do hereby certify that I have compared the ibregoing eopy of an ordinauce with the original ordiuauce, passed by the Conimon Council of said city, on the seventh day of July, A. D. 1875, aud that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the wholfi of sucfa original. I also certify, that at the same time, the following reaolution was adopted. Resolved, That the Recorder of this city be and is hereby directed to cause the ordinance this day puswl, entitied, "An ordiuance to prevent Siaughter Houses within the city limitó," to be puplished two weeks successively in the Michigan Arym and Peninsular Courier and Family Visitant, the two newspapers publishe.d in thin city. William A. Lovkjoy, Recorder. Mortgage balf. DEFAULT having been mado in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by Alvin J. Cole, of the city of Aun Árbor, oounty of Washtennw, and State of Michigan, to J tunes Treadwell, of Dixboro, county oí VVashtenaw, aud State aforesaid, on the eighth day of January, A. D. one thouand eight huudred aud seventy-two, and recorded in the office oí the Hegister of Oeeds of said county the niuth day of January, A. I). 1872, in liber 48 of inortgages, on paye eight, and there ia now elaimed to be due on said mortgnge and the boud accompanying the same, the sum of tevt?n hundred aud íilty dollars, also itn attorney's fee of thirty-flve dollars, should any proceedinga be taken to foreelose sHid mortgage, and no proceedings in law or in equity htiving been had to recover said aum of nionpy or nny part thereof : Now, thereiore, notice is heiehy gi on that by virtue of the powr of sale in said mortgage contaiued, I shall sell at public nuct ion, to the highest bidder, ou the thirty-Ürst day of July next, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the tront door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, county jiforesaid, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county) all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor aforeaaid, oommeneing at a point in the section line betweeu secuons twenty and twenty-nina, at the northwest corner of land lately owned by William Ü'Hara, theoce northerly along the line of G. Ward's mili race (so cailedj to the south-weat corner of said Ward's mili pond . thence easterly nloug the south line of said Ward's mili pond to the aotith-east corner thereof; thence nor'herly along the east line of said mul pond six rodst to a point parallel with the north wfül of the courity jail; thence easterly on a direct line to the jail fence ; thence southerly along the jail fence to the south-weat co ner of the said jail lot ; thenoe eaaterly along the south fence of the said jail lot to the west line of landsof Mrs. McCourt ; thence southerly along the west side of said land to the north line of Felch street ; thence westerly on the north line of Feioh street to the line of the mili race ; thence to the place of beginning ; renerving the nght of the said Wards granteea to repair the raoe and pond embankraent, without any manner of trespaping on the tmd hereby conveyed ; the land deacribed bfeing the tame land (except the street) deeded by David Page and wife to Beinard Harkins, February 1, 1857. DatedMay 1,1875. JAMES TREADVEI.l,, John N. Gott, Mortpanee. Atty for Mortgagee. 1529 üfl-ortgage Sale. DEFAUï.T having been made in the eondition ot a certain mortgage executed by W'üliam O'Htira and Hannora ( ('liara, lus wife, of Anu Arbor, Waahtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridget Eagan, ot the same place, on the mnth day of July, A. D. ene thousand eight and seventy-three, and recoided in the office of the Register of Deedp for the county of Washtenaw, atoresaid, on the eleventh day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'clock p. m., in Liber 48 of moitgages, page 665, and there is uow claimed to be due the sum of flve hundrcd and sixty-five dollars and aeventy-four cents, also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars, should any proceedings be taken to forecloae the sanie, and no proccedinga in law or equity havicg been had to recover the same, orany part tiieroof : Now, therefore, notice is bereby given, that by virtue of the power of tmle in said mort gage contained, I shall sell at public auction, to the hijihest bidder, on the aeventeenth day of July next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of aid day, at the iront door of the Court Houwe in the city of Aun Arbor, county aforeaid, Cthat being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county;, all that certain piece or purcel of land, known, and described na follows. towit: Lot six (6), block two (2), south ranie twelveeast, in the city of Ann Arbor, ccording to the recorded plat thereof. Dated April 22, 1876. BRIDGET EAOAN, John N. Gott, Mortgiijrees. Attorney for Mortgagee. 1527 Assignee Notice. All persons having claims against the flrm oí C. A. Leiter&Co., and agaiiiát Tracy W. Rnot, are requested to present thein to ine, and all persons owing the said partieü t re requeated to cali and settle. I offer lor eaU ; acre of land near the observatory ; Also oie '.nlivided lialf of 4! feet between Besimer'e Ket' uiant and the Leonurd Houhe, und other landsiL ' e State. For tnrther particnlarB cali on me. R. 8. 8MITH, Dated May 6, 1875 Ibïtilt Asnignee. The Qiiality of our Flour UAli: , HPKOIAtiTV J. M. STUIFT (ft CO., of the iate ftnn of Deubel, Bwift & Co., offer to the ! public a Ürst claims braud of Flour. Orders tur FLOUR AM) FEED! tnay be left at the Post Oöice, in our Box. murked J. M. Switt & Co., or at the uiiU. wliiob wiü be made a upecjuly. DKLIVJSHY FBBE- TBBM8 CASH. 152ÍIÜ6 t. M. IVIIJ' A CU. ' Mortgage Sale. DiEFAUI.T haviug been mad In !), 'of a MrtaiD mortgage. eiecuted by JohW0 anc Mary Harria, of the city of Aun Arbor r' arrL' of Waahleuow an I State of MklTli1n lCouty Volland, of the saín, place, on" h , ,L";it ■ of Jiiue. Inthc year of our Lord m„ ,h !' elgbt hundred andsixty-four, and reínMÍ?!"M EteglateiM office In th countj Sf wïïhSiS '" Buteof Michigan, on the 24t'l, dav of lfaw a"ü ISC4, n lib-r 32 of mortgages, on J' T' U M mortgage waa dulv asslgned 6v l. i v!' lo Andrew Í.Shivdy, f the and State I?"SM íork, un the niuth day of August, A D , ;N" said assignment waa reconté! na the liimt ' V"A August, A. D. 1864. la llbet 32 of n, w" '" day ol 582. That tuero is nuw clalmed to bc ffiïn,W pa? mortgage, and uotc acconipanviui the I sail1 m of eleven hundred aud' fortv-fonr -"' tht dollars; tbo thirty dolían, a, a reasonabwítL!? fee, sbould any proceedlngs be taken to ni ?' tbE nme, and no proceeding havinc bwi ■nlc ted, either in law or equity. to r,.w i slituorany irart thercof. Notice i lli.-n f,,r i meKiven thatonlh, u,l, day of Sept,m. é e , 'ÍJt!'í 2odock in the alti-rnoon of said .lar ntii! ' al door of the Court House, In the city „f1!"?'1 f that belng the place of holding thl CircSrt 1'W tor said county „ and by.vlrtue óf the nm fOurt oontylned in aid mortgage. I hall sell ,. Ï.S" auction to th highest Blader, the pri senbed In aaU mortgage, to wtisfy the an . principal and above claimen to bedne LS the. charges of sale and altormy'sf..colthirtv uï"h All tbc, certaln plee or pareel „,h„: , fthe city of Aun Arbor, counti of '" State aforesaldknown bounded and deseïirwrf S to.towit: Being l„ts Dumbered nine ( MOi, in Mocknumberonem, north ofHu and range tirelve (12; tast, according toa r , ?'" plat if Alm Arbor. Tr:"iH Datad June llth, 1875. ANDREW J. SHIVELT John Assignee of MortaL Attorney or Assignee of Mortgage %. Mortguge Foreciosuro. rKFAT;LThaviiigbeen made in the conóiti U of a mormage, ezecuted by l'stnck KÏon '' :ud N nncy Kennedy to Elijan W. Morirán rfJanuiiry tlrst, A. l) 1873, aud recoided Marèhfi ft same year, in the Wusbteimw Countv m, Orhee, Inliber46 ol morlgages, pogeiw iï igutdtoChllétianHeiUfl, n.iKiiinent J" recorded February twentieth, same veat .„.f" 18 of BUKtgage, puge 5US, by whieh d,.'láS ï? power of wie tbtrtin oontained l,.c;n„e ,Z ,■ and the suni of tour huudred nud thirteïn i"' lr is claimed u now due thereon (taclniSS uimmpaia fcrilttuiance and a reaonaUe ,tt"" ney-s tee,; and there are flve furthei incalía' witl. interestto becme due, aud no i"r ceediii; having bw n inntituded to rpcovn,f' nmrtnage d.'bt or any part thereof: Sotl ■ therefore hereby itiven, thnt snid mortg JjiÏ forertobed l.y a sule oí the mortguged rrlmfcï some part tlieieot. to wit: Lots number OuuJi fonrteeu, ui block number three north in , ' two nat, intl.e city of Anu Arbor, at'thecZ House in suid city, on the fonith dfc3 o[ 8epta!iï next, at noon, aid mortgiige as given tu SS paymentot the monej for Uie moHni rremiies. Aun Arbor, June 1, 1S?5. ,. ,,- „ CHRI8TIAN HEI.RF.R Attonwy icu "" Alortgage Sale. Dcfault huviujj bien mude m the coiidition nt certain mortgage executed bv iiiiam j " ' the elevuuu. üiij ui April A. Ij. 18J4 t0 ú „ ttj-au, extcutor oí the lal will and t,tmem , Kdwnrd l:au, deceaboii, whicli akl nionBaiM ï pven lo eeuie tl:e purchase monc-5 ol the nrenJ! thereiu dt-ccriued, nd recordcd in the otlièe otS Kegisterof Deed in the eounty ot Washtan ilichigau.iu Liberal' of Mortgiige, on ra and wliich aid morti-age wiis on the smnd Jii'rf November A. JJ 1 874, asaigned by said üaniiZ to Leouhard (iruner, nd on the samedayreeM in the utüne ot the regii-tci ol Denla j, jcounty of Washtenaw, in liber 4 ol wuigiua of mortgases, on pafzo 427. and on the 24th (W December A 1. 187,4, i-eonhard liruuer, asiigja, uloresaid, assigued the game to Wiüiam ï'.OiJa which assignmeut was recorded ou the wime'dno the onïce of Hegiatir of Üeeds in the countj o.' W'ashtenaw, in über 4, of ;iBiLulneiits of moitgages, ou page 4ö3, by which delault tbepow ol sale coiitameil in öuid mortuge hu come operativo, on which mortfrafre there U cUia;. ed to be dun at the ümu of tliis uotice, forintcnl sixty doilalf and hixtj-!ix ceriti-, uliI alj-o thttuther huui of thirty tor nu attoroey'efeen providedin ayid mortgiiíre. nnd no üuitorprocHií at law or in eqaity haviug bt-eD inHtituted te recover the amotint due on said uiortfrage or wi pait thereof: Notice is, therefore, hereby m, that by virtue ol the power ot anle comiucK ■ said mortgage, I sball sell ut public auction, ï. the 8outh front door oí tbe Couit, in tij city ot Ann Albor, ftliíit bring the building m which the the Circuit Court for said County c[ Watthtenaw ia l.elilj on the tirst day of Septemk A. D 1875, ut ten o'clock in the f(,renoou ofüal day, the lollowini: premisos detcribed in said mwtiago viz: Allo villaje Iota number íive andtü in block number turty-üve in the village of ïrichester, county of Washteriaw and Slate of llKbi gan, aecording to the recorded plat theretil, or h much or such part or parts thercof as shall 1 i.eceasary to satisfy the amount due upon ml mortgage. Dated June Int, 1876. WILLIAM F. 0SIC8, Fredkbick Pihtorius, Aöaipiee Att'y for Asaiguee. U3S Mortgagö Sale. DfiFAULT hrtvingbeeu made in the conditioti ot a certuiu inortgaxe, executed by JohaZitb and Kathrine Zeeb, hit wil e, both of the townelup of Ann Arboi , county oi Washtenaw and fctata of Michigan, to William April, Administrator o! the estáte of Veet Zeeb hite of eaid county, deceased, hearing date the tweuty-nintjj day of December, A..D. 1-73, and recordedla tie office of ti Register of Deeds of Wnsbtena-w county, on ths second day ei January, A. O. 1874. in liber 4c( mortgages on page 44:1, at ten and ont-halt a. k. of said day, ou wbich mortgage and the note accompanying the ame, there is claimed to be dan at the date hereof the sum of nine hundred and rive dollars and eighty-üve cents, also the sum ot seven hundred and toity-one dollars and sjxty-oni cents to become due, also an attorney's fee ol fifty dollars provided lor by the terms of suid mortgage, and no suit or proceediogs at law or ie chancery haviug been instituted to recover sai; amount or any part I hereof : Notice ia therefort. hereby given that by virtue of the power of sak in naid mortgage coutain. d, on the Sívenieísie dat of Jüly, A. D. 1876, at the hour of eleia o'cloek in the forenoono. said day, Tshaüsellit public vendue to the highest bidder, at the out) door ol the Court House, in the city of Aun Altar, (that being the building where the Circuit Court fa the county of Washtenuw is held) the premises deacribed in said mortgage, or &o much therwl asshall be necessary to sat isfy said amount, wit' interest, costs and expenses allowed by lav, swi piemites being described in said mortgage aslollows : Ali thut tract or paree! of laud situatedii the county of Washtenaw and State of Kichigaa, bounded and described as follows. viz: The rat half of the northeast quarter of section nümhi ten, in townnhip number two Bouth, in range mi ber six eaet, in the county of Washtenaw. ffliland being the same tract or parcel of land leede to Daniel C. Haas by David (Jamp and wiíe, o: the nineteentb of Octobcr, 1858, and recortó liber 44 of deeds, page 186. Ann Arbor, April V, 1876. WILLIAM APEI1, D. Crameb, Adni'r, elc. , Mortgija i Att'y for Morfgagee. l'ï;td Mortgage Sale. DEPATTIjT having been made inthecondiliom a certain mortgage made and execuledbyHer. man Teats and Haunah Teata, of the city of Ao" Arbor, Washtenaw county, nnd State of Migan, to Alonzo Allen, of Cluyviile, Oneidaccuntf, Xew Tork, on the flf teenth day of November, A. D. 1872. and recorded in the office of the Kígi1 of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw aforea. the third day of December, A. D. 18Í-! at W oclock and forty-üve minutes in the afternoopot aaid day, in liber 45 of mortgages, on pnge i on which ruortgage and note accompanyia? lw same there is now due, April flfteenth, Is75, tüe sum of one thoueand nine hundred and eigbty-w ihttlare, and tio suit or proceedings at law llj been instituted to recover said aum of f an part thereof: Now, theref re, notice is hereb given , that by virtue of the power of ale conUn in said mortgage, I shall sell at public 8UC : the highest bidder.on riaturday, theseventeentliú8 of July, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon ot day, at tho south door of the Court House in' city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of hol! the Circuit Court for aald county of Washw' the pieraises described in said mortgage. or6OB" thereol as will satisfy said mortgaeed debt, i gether with interest and coBts allowed by l1?an attorney fee of twenty-five dollars pi' therein : That tract or parcel of land desenw1" lot number one in block number two "",' Hurón treet, range eleven east, in 'hecity0!..Arbor, county of Washtenaw and tiluteof ICB gan. Dated April 15, 1875. AL0NZ0 ALLEN, By Attorrey. 1626 Mratg Mortgage bale. WHEREAS WilliamO'HaraandHanoroO'flj: hiswife.did execute and deliver to ■" ,„ Huson, un indenture of mortage, bearing "ate' ninth day of April, A. l). 1873, on premis1 deacribed ad ah that certain piece or parcelol sitúate and being in the city of Ann Art the oounty of Wahbtenaw and State oi J"0"!,.,; deacribed a tollows. to wit : Being the east tu fourths uf lot nuraber three (3J, in block nr une, south ol Hurón etreet, and muge d uw two east, ftccording to a recorded ptitt f'f t'ie tnow cityj of Ann Arbor, which said m0"!, was recorded in the Kegister's office for tte a"" : oí Washtenaw, aforesaid, in hber4'J ?f B""r'?S- on pugb 3S2, on the ninth day of April, A 1 at '2:111 o'clock v. M., and whereas default ow ", made in the condition of Baid ïnortft?9' J' "j, paymeut of moneys thereby aecuied to . wheieby the power of sale therein con'"!,te of become operative, and theie is now, at the tff8ae thii notice, claimcd to be due on ama !?"' ,jj the sum of eleven hundred md twenty ooi 1'j r , v eighty four cents, besides an attoruey fee ol dollars, in said mortiiae expressly ref ugjj io paid as otten as aay proceeding Blioulu tjorni foreolfwe the pame ; and whereas an adjuuici bankrnptcy has been passed in the District -f oftho United State for the Eastern l'[JJ!lin Michigan, in bfmkrup cv, aainnt the 8üiü ÏLm O'Hara, since which udjudication the a" "'S or O'hara has deceascd. Now. therefoie, f n proceeding having been institnted flt lw the debt uow remaining secured by sai !1" or anv part thereof, and leave haviue oeeu g y by an order of the aforeaaid court, on the 8e" tr of June, A. D. i87o, to foreclose aid """ J. th advertlsement, in pursuanre of the '"'"" v,leJ. State of Michigan, in such case made n" l rïS,iJ Notice is hereby given that to satiofy tne yj,, ■urn due on said mortgatte at the duie ""' 'rne inteieHt, and said sum of thirlv dolíais, a" ,,, fee. and all other costa and expenses a"? ,,l law after deductinsr the amount ol au K nM(s shall have been received by the ninrtgBïee. _ named, on account of the mortpifted Prcm'he saii der authority of the aforesaid ürdef;hp mortmortgage will be foreclosed by a ale ol w bid (faged premises abovedc-seribed, to tne "'„m!tio der, at the outer Bouth door of the CoBTt Bi b()t the county ot Washtenaw, in the oityol ."" [xX iu said county (said Court House beinff tn if holdiiig the Circuit Court withio tne w, in which the above described I ly evteaDated, Ann Arbor, JuMb. A. D. Root & Gsahokr, Mor j í jítí Attornyi for MorUgM.


Old News
Michigan Argus