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_ The Fonrth of July celebration ut Manchoster cost $277. 60 ; Í5.90 less than the sum „olleoted. _ A small amount of wheat has been out (biswheat. Funners begin to complain of rusty wheut. _ City Attorney McReynolds returned from ug visit to his old home, Clevelaud, Ohio, vVeJiieaday. Our city butchers threnten to simt down ,n the supply of iresh njeat in c;is the slaughr-house ordinance is aforced. - Eugene K. Frueauff lcft for St. Paul, j[inu., Saturday, on professional business. He trill be absent about three weeks. - The pull-back dresses are good in a palé o of wind. It is not true, howcver, that they bfivP to erease them to set them on. _ The State liquor tux has been paid by all tlie An Arbor deuleis. The amount collected, fli 670.83, has been pftid over to the City Treasrer. - Next Monday evening Company B have n inspectiou, drill, and social at their armory, towhich all their triends, ladiea and gentlemen, are mvited. - An adjourned term of the Circuit Court jS being held, Judge Crane presldiug. The Lewitt divorce case is on trial, and wjU continue for several days. _ Tuesdaj a little daughter of H. S. Dean, ihile play'ng with other chiliiren on the stairs attherear of Dr. Nichols' dental office, lell jikI broke her collar bono. - Prof. Geo. B. Merriroan, who recently reigned the chair of adjunct professor of physics in the University, hns been appoiuted professor ■ mal hematíes in Albion College. - Tracy W. Root has been " navigating " pn crutches during the past week, in consequence of injuries received by falling down a -; Jit of ftairs on the evening of July 5th. - Sheriff Fleming goes to Ypsilanti next londay, to gather in the the unpaid liquor laxes. Atter whieh he will give the other ut dealers around the county a "look - Wednesday aftemoon Justice Clark gave oue Henry Donuelly, a profesBional deatl-beat iho claims to hail from Monroe, an order for monthi board :it The Detroit House of tion. - S}lverter N. Clark, of Chelsea, was irrested and brought to this city Wednesday, .1 with obtaimiig money under false pre. He gave ?ó10 for his appearance fof i the ITtli. - A procession of ten teams draw ing wagons laden with lumber, left town Saturday morgiag en route for Northtield. The lumber is lo be used in the coustruetion of a new residenee íor Hiigh Corle. - Tlie largest casting made in this city during the past ten yenrs wsis cat.t at the foundry ofTiipp & Price Wednesday, its weight benig over 2,000 lbs. It was a bevel wheel for the loarinK nnll at Wilhamston. - One of the gardeners of this city lins this yearraised from his strawberry pateli, containDg about an acre, over #ö()0 worth of herrie?, of whieh over $400 worth have beeu retafled it oue grocery establishment. - A Icad of wool "as large as a meeting house," passed through Main stteet Saturday eveuing, and attracted considerable uttention Itcontained 2,612 lbs., and was bought by Bach & Abel. Isaac Dunn of the Fifth wtu'd was the owner. - Caroline Miller, the female bruiser, of Frepdom, who recently committed an assnult on three men at that place, was brought to this city Frirtay afternoon by officer Mclntyre. Justice Bealian plueerl her uuder 1600 bouds for good behavior.. - Judge Beakes, of this city, and Hon. S. M. Cufcheon, ot Ypsilfrati, have formed a Jaw partnership and wiil soon open an office in Detroit. Judge Beakes will, it is said, continue his office and resideuoe in this city, tptnding a portion of his time in Dttroit. -The Moody Hill Sunday School, ot Jackon, had an excursión to tbis city, Tuesday, lud a picnic on the University campus. The Uuiversity buiktiags were vistted and inspected. Dunug the afternoon the party divided into small pquads, and made a tuur of the city. The excursionista uumhered about JÜO. They left for home on the Jacklon express - A tiiend oí ours vi.sting the postoffice the ctlier day, mquired of us the object of the "irfliued glass'' for the letter boxee and outer Windows. Heremarked that he did not reully admire them, as the-y put a persun to the inconveuieiice of inquiring of the clerks if there wa anjthing in his box. We could not te! him whether it is the taste or for the couveuieuce of the " department." -Prof. E. F. Mair has opentd a school in the Buchoz block, Detroit street, for giving iuitruction in the üerman, French, and English iauguages, and vocal and instrumental music. The school is open day and evening. Private lesiona will aiso be given m Latin, Greek, French, Germán, and Italian. The school has beeu open only two weeks, bot we learn that Sod number oi people are already attunding. - The Doxter girls are evidently behind the timee in the marnier of their dress, as the followingfrora the Leader shows : " We are bePnuing to lose our attachment tor the girls of Beiter. When we go to the city and see the raung ladiea c'othed in one-legged gaiments of üivcrse co!ors aud shoving theinselves along 'lie sidewalks with poles, we become painfully nscious that our village girls do aot keep Pce with the development of the race." - Monday the horse and carriage of Rev. H. L. Hubbell carne upon Main street without driver, and at a high rate of speed. When near Mack & Schmid's store the carnage cap'wdand was wrecked. The horse left the earriage lying in the ditch and continued his l""ruey down the street, hut was soou stopped. Ite earriage was damaged to the amount of sbout 150, and the horse was badly injured. - A large number of our citizens had the pleasure Friday and Saturday evenings, untü mulnight, to witness, at the residence of . N. Gott, Eiq., the blossoming of that rare flower, the night-blooming cereus (cactus grandi■ Two flowers opened Friday Dight. Siturdny night four buds upon the same stalk ttpanded their wax-like petals to their short nd perfumed existence. The corollas measfed seven inches in diameter, and when they "ad attained their f ullest beauty were cut and Preserved in alcohol by private individuals 'd one was placed in the University museum. - Detroit Vost says : Among the assets of the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Kailt0d tlie assignee has fouud a subscription, the Wndition of whose pavment is that the Witier, Fred. Borough, of liedford, Honroe tounty, who is 105 years oí a;;e, should llave a e pass tor one year over said róad, alter lts "oplehon. The d te of the subscription ie "bruary X, 1872, and the impatient subscriber begiiiMiujr to inquire whether his free rirte Wmes this century or the next. If that is the ay they are (juing to deal out passes over that road, we shall take our clianue and walk. The frescoing oi the Catholic Church is "eMly completed. Thescaffoldinf; was removed aeaday, wheu.the walls and ceüing presented "niuch finer appearance than was expect.ed üe work has boen inspected by many citizens Hof whom pronounce it the best job of Ires C01n in the city. The job was done by eyw. ot Detroit, and has required the labo "! tliree artists dvrring the past three months ke uew Windows, contributious from variou fflembers of the society, have arrived and wi placed in tneir poaitions durinf; the comin lreelt. The church is to furnished with new l&ter iu the teaon. - Joseph Bennett, of Salem, drovo his team to Salem station Tuesday afternoon, stopping in front of the store of Geo. S. Wheeler, he got off the wagon and went into the store, loaving his wife in charge ot the team. To avoid the heat ot the suu she raised her parasol, at whioh the horses took fright and stnrted on a run. Opposite the store the horses j umped a fenoe, throwing Mrs. B. out of the wagon upou the ground, breaking one of her thighs, cutting a severe gash on her head, and rtoint,' other damages. bhe was takeu up in an injeusible state and conveyed to an adjoining residence. - The Ypsilanti correspondent of tbs Detroit Post says: A youug 1 ad, age il 6 years, sou of a Polander, was drowned Sunday nftertioon, while playiug by the side of the tnillrace nrar ihe sawmill. at the depot. He and a little girl liad some wild flowers, and the btmdh that he hnd in hts hand feil in the iratar, and trying to roach ït he lost his balance and feil in. The little girl went up on the street and gave the alarm, when a crowd came and he was flshod out, after being in the water about 20 minutes. When he was tound life was extinct. All way were tried by a mimber of physicians to briog him to life hut they were of no use. The parents were almost heart-broken, as this was the only child they had left, having lost five previous to this ad eveut. - The quiet town of Sliaron has a new sensatiou. Un Tuesday Slieriff Fleming arrested Samuel Smith, one of the " F. F. V.'s " of the township, on a charge of bastardy preferred by a Germán girl named Mary Komerhart, and brought to this city. Wedneday he was taken bet'ore Justice Beahan and gnve bail to appe:ir tor examination Aug. 4th. Smith is a married man, about 45 years of age, and has always borne a good reputaïiou. The girl who brins the charge is about 18 years ot' age, and lived at Smith's louse about a year ago ae a aervant. Smith says that the nffnir is a put up job," for the purpose of extorting money from hira, and that be will mnke it hvuly. lt is naid that numerous yuung men ot the town are on the " ragged edge," expocting to be captured as wituesses iu the case. - A young ru:m named Fisher, who has lately been hanging around this city, went to Utoss Lake u iew days since and hired a horse and buggy of William Wyer, represeuting that he wanted it for the purpose of going to see a man near Chelsea, agreoing to be back at 2 o'olock, and not having returned at 5 o'clock, Mr. Wyer commenced making iuquirlee about town, and concluded that if he wanted his property he raust go and fiud it. Wyer went to Chelsea, found that at Lima Center Fisher hod traded the horse and buggy to W. Beach, oí this city, tor a horse and ten dollars. Wyer came to this city, took possession of his property, and returued home, leaving Beach out o hürse and ten dollars. Uflicers started in pursuit of the thief, whose track was followed through the townships of Dexter, Webster and Northfield, and that on the route the horse had been offered for sale to numerous peisons tor Í10. At South Lyon the horse wüs found on the strcet, having been abandoned by the thief. The horse was returned to Mr. Beuch, who is stili out $10 on the trade. The thief made hia escape. WoOL.- During the past two or three days wool has not been moving as freoly as during ast week, probably owmg to the busy times ow among farmers iu taking care of their ïay erop and in gettiug ready for the wheat arvest, and also to the fact that the great mik of the clip has been marketed. It is said ïere is a considerable amount of wool yet in lis viciuity unsold, among which is some ïe large clips. There has been large amounts ought from pf-rsons who have uaually before oíd their clips in other markets. The total mount purchased in this city dnring the seaon is near 20i),0[)0 Ins. On Biioh & Abel's book we notice the folowing names among those who have sold the BTgerelipa: Jas. C. Allen, Aun Arbor, 1,756 bs.; Isaac Dunn, Ann Arbor, 2,612 ; Duffy ros., Webster, 1,141 ; Xelson Osborne, Scio, llö;Ed. Curtis, Superior, 1,579; Baekm ros., Webster. 2,317 ; John ' Schenck, Freeom, 1,388 ; Jacob Aprill, Scio, 1,060 ; F. P. Gal pin, 975. On Mack & Schmid's book the following : ! Hemingway, Webster, 1,424 ; E. Cranson, Webster, 1,173 ; J. Krause, Scio, 957 ; J. Jede, Scio, 921 ; J. J. Parshall, Ann Arbor, 900 : Lyons, Scio, 926; S. F. Sears, Webster, 2ó; Brown Bros., Ann Arbor, 795; E. S. Wolden, 705 ; John Boyle, Webster, 700. For the finest clips and for being put up in he best order, Bach & Abel give the credit to : )avid Depew, Pittsfield, Abrani Hirtb, Lodi, I. Stanlor, Lodi, and Michael Stem, Scio.


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