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Finance And Trade

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The eupply of money continue in cxccbh of tho demand, thoro boiug but oomparatTvely iittlo (Iemand for favors. Speculators in grain ind provisions are about t ! 10 only borrpwers. Interost raten are without qaotáble changé - 7(ffl 10 per cent., aocorfiñg to sccuiity and time. ( toTwttmwut boncM lirm. 1 1 KltEADSTUKKH. The grain markotH attraoted considcrablo attention from spoculators and operators generallv during the past week, anrl ;m extensivo business wan trunsaeted. Tho receipts wero somewhat larger, and the uliipmente also donóte an increado, Ijii t still neither ' the receiptH nor ahiffflteobs aro a largo as at this time lat seawon. At times tlio prerailing ieeling was rather weak, and again qnite lirro, but taking the week all througb the prevailing feeling was ono of firmnesH and a highrr range of prices was ectaUUiad, Tho shorts for July delivery showed a general deHÍre to provide for their outHtanding con'racts, and up to Satnrday the demand from this soiireo was quite urgent, espocially for corn and oat, The advioes from tho Kant wcre of a favorable tenor, and bolden) and operator generalij manifested considerable conrHenco in the tradc. Tho markets at tho close wore eaater and outsido pricea were not maintained, tho higher pricen inducin;; moroselling orders from tho interior, whilo the weather was more settled and erop reporta were favorablo. The n 1 1 i 7 - ping inquiry W8S fair, and thero was a reduction of tho stock in store. Tho following table shows the pnces current at the opening and oloee of the past week: i)f,ïv.-mj. e toaing, No. 2 sp'R uheat, casL 1.0:l.,'e,l.lll $1.06 ai.O7 No. 2, (milor July 1.0:1 4".1.o4 1.08 [1.l]7 No. 2, Reller Angiut.. 1.04 @1.05 1.06 @1.06J No. 2 neller8eptMüttet 1.88 @l.(j, No. 2 cnrn, caah fis%il .(!'.)'., .;)'.. ü .71)'., No. 2 corn, sollor July. .E#?{(&, .K .]'■■ ut, liifl. No. '2 oom, R. August. .70,. .71'. .71', Wil. Ko. 2 oora, geiler 8epl ,7'2ki@ .72', .71', Md. No. 2 oats, caRh r,:K.„ ,6S Kn. 2 onlR, RolliT .Iiily .'' Ño. 2 Oats, 8. AilRUHt'. .WVíA .tl)í .89 No. 2 oats, 8. Si pt 'M'jiai, .MJ4 .'7 No. 2 ryr, cash 92 .90 1.00 O1.0J No. 2 liarloy, cash.... 1.1S @1.M 1.25 ' bid. No. 2 barley, s. Sept... 1.00 @1 01 1 .08 _ I'rUYT.SIONK. Tho movoment during tho past week Wai not as brisk in this markot as during tlio previous one. though a fair amount of business waa reported. During the early part of the week a iïrm feeling prevaileó!, and pnces exhibitod an improvement, but later tho feeling, oning to increased receipts of hogs and lower prices, was oasicr. and a slight reduction was sulTered in prices. The market closod at Í19J55 for cash mess pork, $19:50 seller Jnly, $19. 58 soller AugnHt, and $19.70 Beller Heptember. Cñah lard closed at $1820 and peller July at tho samo ligurc; Roller August quiet and nominal at $13.20, and seller September closed at $ 13.40. PBÓDÜCE. A fair amount of botter was roeoived during the week, but tho quality of the rrivaJs not as gooil as during tlic previ. uk weel;, and sales for tliis reason wcre ratlier slow. There waa a fair shipping domand for the betler qualiticn and prices were iirm. wliilc cominou grades rulod dull and rather weak. Qnotable at 10@ 23c for extras ; 17@20c lor iirhts ; IK" 17c for seconda ; 13@15c for thirds, and ll@12c for inferior stocks. Thero was no particular ! chungo in the market for bcaun. The (Iemand and offerings wcre botb lighi, and prioes were stendy at $1.90 for choice Éastern niediuras in barrels, and $1.00@1.80 for common to choice Western. Tiiere was a fair demand for broom corn, but prices for somo descriptions, owing to moro liberal offerings, worc a shado oaeier. Quotable at ll@lio for No. 1 to exlra hnri ; 11 @13c forgood to choiec talk braid, and I'S' ,C for crookcd. Iïcoswax. waa quict at 28@ 30c per 1b for good to choice yellow. Tho movemont con tinnes quite brisk in the market for checso, and a firm feeling prevailed. Sales wero made at 10(5)10 ' ,c in fots, and ll(í113íc in a retail way for prime factory. Cidcr was inactivo and nominal. Coopers' stock wan quiot at 810.00Cïl2.00 per m for ilour hoop-poles, and $13.00(318.00 for tight-barrel poles. Cooperare was also quiet but steady at. il.l'i'„Yf; 1.15 for pork barrels, ?1.35r(il.45 'for lard tierces. í1.90@2.10 for whisky barrels, and 45(ï;55c for ilour barrels. Dried fruifs wero duil and miHetlled. Apples. under larger offerings, were weak; qnotable ut Ve for New York apples in lots, and 7J(''8c in a. small way. Peaches remata steady at, K}(JH:}{e. and blacfeboi-rieT sold at 8Vc. Dricd peas were inactive and clull at 2.00@2.1B per tra for ehoice green, and 41.75(1.80 for mairowiat. Dried sweet corn was dull at 6(57o per Jb. Feathers were dull, and for some kinds pricea wero eaaier; (uotable at 48@52o per lt for prime livo geeso, 20(31250 for choice torkèytail, and 4(íí5c for chicken feathers. Eggs were in good supply and pnces ruled rather weak. Tho mr.rketclosed atabont 14X" per doz in casefl and 1J for lijoso. Green fruits were in quito large sniiply, but for sound fruit the domand ivas good umi prices ruled quite stoady. Teaches sold at 40@90o per box for cominoD to fair, l?l-,00@1.50 for good to choice, nd f2.00@2.25 for extra Crayfords. The bulk f tho penrrf re('eivod sold at 41.O0 per box, choice quotable at $1.50. Apples wfTO dull at 25@GSc for pooi to choice green, mul 75c((ï;rl.(l0 for ripe. Plumssalahle at 1.75@2.O0 for '.; lm boxea for choice red. There was a fair demond for bidon at 8c all round for ehoice lots and l:irrï)13}.c foi calf. Honey remains dull at 18@28c, peï (b for comb and 10@llc for straineff. Hops rulcd quiet at 2(lC'ï30c for fair to choice i'rom flrst hands. Thero ma but Iittlo demand for old potatoos, and light sales wero made at 70(B80c for Eastern peachblows ; ncw under larger offerings wero eauier. The market closed at i2.50(t"i.50 for fair to choice per brl, andC5(íí!75c in one bnsliel boxes. Yegotables werë dull and slow of sale. Cabbago cïosed at about 4.flO per 100. Öncnmbera at 2()(i25c per doz. Sqoaah at 45c per H. Toniatoí h 90c@íl.00 per box. Oniotuj ::.(HI(.í:!.5i) peí; brl wr Illinois, and 9Qc@ïl.25 for one bushei boxes of Iiermnda. Veal was in fair demand and steady at 4(a.S)c for pooi to chcicc careases, l'or Jiglit. coarso and medium wool therc ivan f air demand, bat fine and heavy rulcd duil. Quotable at 38@43c for coane to line good etmditionod washed. 88($9o lor tino heavy to coaiHo hoavy uuwashed, and 40@53o for poor to prime tub. KKK1IS AND HHiUWINKN. Thero waa no particular chongo in the market for seeds. Tradc was very liglit, and prioes with but few osoeptions wcre witlinul oasential change. Timothy, uudor a light demand. va; Iirm at f2.G0@2'.f5 for prime and $2.40 for fair to good. For prime medium dover $7.00 was bid with more offercd on the market. Flax quolablo at $1.01) for good erunliiiig iot and -il. 50 seller Augu.-I and September. Hun garian dull at 96c@fI.10 and millet $1.75@2.00, accordiug to iuality. l'rime buckwheat nmt offered at 90c. There was a good domand for higliwinesand the markot closed Iirm with sales at ÍH.17. COOFEltACK. ASII WOOD. Auother very quiet wi-elï was pascd in tbc eoojiprage market, but as the olTcriugs wcre not largo tho feeling wu ono of oteadiness, and fornier priees were maintained. Quotable at Y1.1'2'.2(h 1.1.5 for pork barrels. íl.30(M.4() For hird tierces, tl.90@2,lfl for whisky burela, and 45((55c for tlour barrels. The lumber market was dull and transactions wero limited. Trieos under liberal offerings were wcakcr. The nnuket closed at t7. 75(5)8.00 for foieá and semtling. 00 for common to choice atripeand boards, f2,aO@2.70 for shingles. and vl.50 lor laik. Tiiere was no chango to nmke in vvood. the market being dull at formcr quotations. Ilickory !5'8.00 per cord, maplo $7.00, boech $6.00, and slabs $4.00, in the yards. Telegraphir Market Report. MEW YOKK. Bekver 12 @ 1:1 Ho"- Uressed 9 ( lö Cotton 15üsi@ i(''A Floub- Sup'erfine WcRtern 4 75 (.1 .1 (: Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 IS @ 1 20 No. 1 Spring 1 26 (n 1 ;) Corn 80 @ 82 Oats M @ fiü jIye 1 07 ( 1 OS 1'ouk- NewMoss 20 50 (, 20 75 LAUU-Stoam 1'2 13,f 8T. LOUIS. Wheat- No. 2 nl 1 36 (S, 1 27 ConK-Nn. 2 tim 86 @ fiS OAT8_No.2 60 @ 61 KYB- No.2 97 @ 1 OQ PonK- Mess 20 (KI la) 28 Lard 14 16 Hoor 6 85 @ 7 3S CATTI.E 4 5 @ 6 00 .MILWAl'KKK. Wiieat- No.l 1 10 a 1 19 No.2 108 @ 1 09 CORN- No.2 :... OS (at 07 Oats- No. 2 @ .rl Utk 1 08 @ 1 10 Baiilet- No. 2 1 00 Ü 1 02 CINUINNATI. Wheat- Red 1 22 @ 1 27 Coun - New 86 & Oats 00 H RïE H (100 Poiik- Jlcss 20 (H @20 25 1,A1U) 13 % Vi Toledo. WiimT- Extra 129 @ 1 SB Amber 1 88 (-. 1 Ü6 (V)itN- Now 71 W' 7 Oats M I BI DETBOIJ. WHKAI- Extr - 128 An.lxr (i l 21 Cokn 85 i. lui (Mts BJ (■■ -81 CLEVELAND. Whkat- No. I Red l 23 i.i1 1 " No. 9 Red II @ 1 20 Cohn M rf " Oats 59 .; 60 Tweed, the boys say, was nevcr in the liabit of gotting very f uil. And yet it Beema to tako a good whilé, in thé pre ent instauro, to l'ail liiiu out. -New Yark GomrrtercUú AjAiortiaer. A son of Martiö Van Büreú was re oently sout to tho insiwo isyluni at Poughkoepsie, N. Y.


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