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CpAii and irou deposite have been dis coverod in Osceola cotinty. The Nilos Light Guards have been accepted l.y Hie Govornor, and will ba inmt.ered into srrvieo. Cait. Day has bid tho East Saginaw Ui fles f.irewoll on account of hisforthcoming removal to Detroit. Bentley's lumbcr mili, in Clinton county, was destroyed by fire last week. Loss heavy, witfi no insurance. The little town of Dryden, Lapeor county, has a Ladies' Library Association, with a 500-volumo library. John Keuen y, Supervisor of Hamtramck, Wayne cuunty, was killed by a fall from his horso, lost Saturday. A son of Mrs. W. W. Gibson, 10 years of a#i!, was killed at Okemos, last Saturday, by a log rolling on liim in a mili yard. Petek MuiíHomíand, of Detroit, while eatiug Miippor the other ovening, got a pieeo of meat lodgod in his throat, and chokcd to death. Tuk fcsefwrs of tho State Prison have been uiiiformed. Some ready mean of distingiiishing them írom tho convicta was fouud iibsolutoly necessary. 8. S. Vaiküin, of Jackson, owns onosixth of a dollar- ono of tho Continental tssuëj howevcr, but worth more . now than it ever was ia its diy, which was 100 years ago. The 'Michigan Teacher is now pubÜshed at Kalamazoo, and Gapt. Ford hopes this is tbe last of its numerous remováis. Gapt. Ford has also hitched ÖH to Vtiè '' Icji-apfi. A i-'AítMErt Aampd Pówé'rSj living near Nilos, was receiray bifteú by a rattlesnako. Tho prompt applieatioii of reme(fiöa to counteract tho ënbere of the poison saVefl Un lífeí The Niles school meeting oxemptcd the district from the oporatiou f the " Bernen Guunly Text Book Law," and decidoá tli;it tho ncIiiimI should bo held ton ïnonthH iu the yoar. Tlio district paid itw teachers i$8,()K0 ièie past ycar. Ciov. Öaolby han appointed Charles G. Wing, of Ludington, Jndge of Probate for Mason eouhty, in place of M. D. Ewel], rosigiled ; and has also appointod Silas Iroland, of Niles, State Agent for Bomen Gonnty for the Care of Juvenile Offenders. A DAUOHTBit of Lawrenee Day, of WatertowD, Clinton county, latoly conimittod suicide by poison. She said tho réason for tho rash act was that sho had boen outraged by tx man namod Aiulrow Sperry, who has docampcil beyond tl reach of justice. Tiie stock and fixfnres of Mrs. Yeo's saloon, at Albion, was sold by tho Slierift' on Saturday for about $C5, and was bid off by James G. Wright. Tuis, wo beliovo, is the first salo in tho State under the now Liijnor law. ïlrs. Yeo was asessed ynth liquor tax. The animal meetings of tho Sovonth Day Advontists wiil be held at Battlo Creek, as follows: Pubh'shhig Association, August 10; Micliigan Conference, August 11; Educational Society, August 12; Health Reform Instituto, August 13; Fourteenth Annual General Conference, August 15. The toll-gate near ï. h' kson wasbiurued Srinday mornii% by a party of maskod men, supposed to be dissatisflod patrons of tlie road. ïhey, howover, considorately removed the fiu-nittu'o; and, iu order that no harm might come to tho koeper, tied him and John Green, au officer, to a neighboring tree. 4, ltti?LiE Asíociatioa has boou orga n izod at Jacksou, with twenty-one memi bers and tho follofling oflicers: I'rcsidont, Grove Wolcott; Vico-President, W. G. Gridkiy; Secretary, Geo. Blair; Treasiu-er, Walter Johnson. AJviu Fitield, one of the meinbers, made a score of tlúrty-í'our out of a possiblo thirty-ftvo af two hundred yiu-da, offhand. Tiieke was a terrible explosión of an engino in the wood-yard of the Michigan Central railroud, at Marshall, on Thursday of lafit week. The engine was thrown 150 feet. Dovers and Murray, ownors of tho ongiue, wero badly iujured and ■calded. J. McKinstry and his sou wero liailly scalded. Ten óthers lim-t. Tho MoKinstry boy, 13 yeiirs old, wa-s throwu over 50 feet. None wero futally injurod. Jimmy JUjAkeia', of Detroit, aged 12 ycais, is missing from his home and oannot bo fonnd. Ho is an umibually bright boy, but has of late beoome so deeply iinliiicd in reading cxeiting romances Iliat thoro can be but little doubt of his liaviiig run away. Ho had often signifled his intontion of going to sea, and the probability is that he oither shipped on a graiu vossol or Btolo passage on board some steamer bound for an Eastojn port. Patiïnts havo rocently been issued to inventivo cïKzëns of this State, as followp : Plaiiking sets for ship carpentors, K Sloau, 'rr.'iitou : steam engines, H. 1'. ('ase, Detroit ; manufacture of illuminating ga, F. I. Iliolibaum, Detroit; ear-eouplingw, J. Jaeobson, St. Joseph ; dévïoes for converting motiou, G. Tnrner1, Kalamazoo ; hamo-fastcners, H. J. Vil;:un, Masön ; iroeosses of graining wátíd, (I. I'1. Mehling, Detroit ; processes for prin'iuf; in cöïots, AV. H. Holmes, _,...!.. Hastmgs. Tjik oelebration of tho iutroduction of Lal:o Iluron water into Bay City on Thnrsday of last week was a grand suceess. Business mis gemrally suspended. A largo nuinbcr of jjeople lame in from. the country, anti invited guests from. Detroit, East Saginaw, Saginaw City, Lapeor, and many other citics were present. This iutroduction of pure lako water is tho most important event in tho history of Bay City, and, as a sanitary measure, is invaluablo. The couduit ia i a 3-foot pipe, laid on tui iuelincd piano, at au average of thirteou feet bolow the surfaco, and is öve milos in longth, to Bay Shore, and extends into the bay i i'oo foet. Thero ír, beside the conduit, eighteen miles of pipe aud ninety two hydrante, all doublé dischargers. The total expenditm-es for water worka foot np $375,000. Up to about the last of June 312 miles of railroad were completed in the Um'te t States iu 1875, against 670 milos ri ! ported for the same period in 1874, arul 1 1,271 miles in 1878


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