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Wool Time Aiííiíii Now as woüI time ia aroimd again on her annuiil our, and that time has promised me monoy, I want evnry man that owes me to make the quickest ime on record to pay me the amount due. You mve had my goods; now I ara after the pay. four more time, on account of poor crops or low priccs, will do you no good, aud is of no use o me- it don't pay my debts, nor buy my bread and butler. Now I mean business, and just this kind of busiuess too, beoause there is but very litle of any other kind, and this must be attended to without delay. Give this cali your early attenion, or the next cali will be delivered to you at 'our door, or any other place where you may be found. 1536 m2. . X. ROGKRSLetters from Driigffitits. There is no caae of Dyspepsia that Green's August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of Eberbach & Co. and inqufre baout it. If you suffer from Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Indigestión, Liver Complaiut, or derangement of the Stomach or Liver, try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. Boschee's Germán Syrup is now sold in cvery town and city in the United States. Ve have not less than five hundied letters from Druggitsts, saying it is the best medicine they ever sold for ConBumption, Throat or Lung disease. Sample bottles of both 10 cents each. Regular size 75 cents. THE AXN ARBOR SAVIÏtf GS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. R.'ceivt!s deposita of One Dollar and upwards anc allows Five percent, interest on all deposits remaiuing three months or longer. Interest Compoundcd Semi-Annualiy. AIso buys and sells U. S. Bonds. (ïold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchauge. Alsosells Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Ikkland, Gerjiany, or any other part of tjfoe Europcan Continent. This Bank ís organized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are individually Hable to the amouut of their stock, and the whole capital issecurity for depositors, wbile with Banksof issue, the capital isinvested for the security of bill-holders. Thisfact makes this Institution a very safe depository of inonies. Marricd Wonien can deposit subject to their own drafts only. Ülouey to Loan on Approved Securlties. DIRECTORS : s. Smith, c. Mack, W. W. Wines, R. A. Bkal, W. D. Harriman. Ü. Hiscock, V. Deuiïel. OFFICERS: R. S. Smitm, Pres't. C. Mack, Vlce-PreB't, C. E. Hiscock, Teller. RBMOVAL. W. H. JAGKSON Has removed his DENTAL OFFICE to room over Bach & Abkl's store, corner Main and Washington streets. Entrance adjoiniug National Bank.


Old News
Michigan Argus