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NEW ADVËRTISËMENTS Cowmissioner's Notice. ciTATE OF MICHIGAN, County uf Washtenaw, O as. The underaigned havintr been appointed by ;he Probate Court for said county, coinmissionera ,o receive, examine and aUjust all claims and demanda of ali persons against the etttate of Frederick iuller, late of aaid county, deceased, hereby ive notice that eix months from date are allowed, )y order ot said Probate Court. for creditors to rfcent their claims againnt the estáte of said doeased.and that they will meet at the store of Kiney & Seabolt, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ounty, on the nineteenth day of Üctobor and on he niueteenth day of Jauuary next, at ten oYlock a. m., of eiich of Baid daya to receive, eramine and adjust said claims. lated July lfith, A. D. 1875. MOSES 8EAB0LT, I . , 540 ANTÓN K18ELE, ( Comn"8flloners. Commissionera Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, 3 ss. The undersijned having been appointed by he Probate Court for said county, commissioners .o receive, examine and adjust all claims and deaaudsof uil persons against the "estáte of Patrick )onneUyt late of eaic county deceased, hereby give notice tnut six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to preent their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of oseph Donnelly, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ounty, on the twenti:th day of October and on he twentieth day of January next, at ten oclock a. m., of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims, Dated July 20th, A. D. 1875. 1540 JOHN CLJSrof, i Cotnmisaioners. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Patrick Fallen , of the township of Lyndon, Waahtenaw county, State of Michgan, did execute and deliver to Thomas Young an iudenture of mortgage bearing date the thireenth day of November, A. I). Ih74, on premises ;herein deacribed as all of those certain pieces of and known and dencribed as lollows, namely : The weet half of the northeaat quarter and the east half of the southweat quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of ection number twenty-seven, and the east nrt of the northeast quarter of the south?aat quarter of uection thirty-four, all sitúate in township number one sonth of range three east, in the State of Michigan, containing in all wo hnndred and seven acres of land, more or leas, which said mortgage was duly recorded in the Regïster's oifice ior thé county of Washtenaw atoreaid, in liber number tilty-one of mortgages, at age four hundred and tifty-six, on the sixth day f February, A. D. 1875, at %% o'clock a. m. of ;hat day. And whereas default hae been made n the conditions of said mortgage by non-payraenta of moneys thereby secured to be paid, wherey the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and there is now, at the date of this notice, claimed to be due on said mortgage the sum of five hundredand seveniy-four dollara and seveny-one een ts,besides an attorney i ee of thirty-fl ve dolars, in said mortgage expresaly agreed to be paid as of ten as any proceedings should be taken to oreclose the same, or any part thereof, and no proeedings at law or in equity having been instituted ;O recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is herefore gi ven, that on the t wenty-third day of October, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenooxt of Baid day, at the south door ot' the Court House, in the ity of Ann Arbor, (that being the place for holdng the Circuit Court for said connty of Washtenaw), I ahall sell at public auction, to the highest adder, the premises described in said mortgage as above set forth, or such part or parta thereof aa hall be neeessary to aatiafy aaid amount with in erest, costs aud expenda allowed by law. Dated Ann Arbor, July 19, 1875. THOMAS YOUNG, Mortgagee. Root & Geanokr, 1640 Att'ys for Mortgagee. edwaríTduffy HAS JUST EECEIVED AN Ent ire New Stock Of Roods consieting of Teas, Coff ees, SUS ARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VERY 8LICHT AÜVMC1 over New York Cost. Also a full line of LADIES and GBNTIjESIEN'S WEAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which hc ia nffering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It pays everybody to buy their goodB for Cab. Cali and examine goods and priceê, and I WILL INSURE SATISFACTION Goods delivered to any part of th City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. M Maynard'p Tllock," cor. Main and Ann Btreets 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. T IVE (EESE PEATHJStlS Conitnttronhand and for ealcby B ACM ir ABEL. TUT YOUE MONEY WHERE IT WILLDO THE OMCOST OOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QÜALITY AND PRICES TO DE ï Y COMPE T IT ION AT,SO, A FÜLL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. Cali befare purchasíug. 1 5 South Main Street. _J A FULL LINE Sewing Macüme Weerllts WINES & WORDEN'S. 1S01U TViÑSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep eonstantly on nand, BEEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TEADE. We shall alno keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. 8WIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUR, RYE FLOUK, BUCKVVWHEAÏ FLOUIl, CORN MEAL, FEED, fec, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constan tly on hand, whieh will be sold on as reaaontble terms as at any other house in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. KT Goods delivered 10 any part of the city without extra charge. KIIVSEV óc SEABOLT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 1514tf "STILL OPENr HIK A1VN ARBOB Mineral Springs House. Thia house, whieh has been open to the public for the past three years,has umlergoneachangeotmanagement, and will heivafter be uuder the superiutcndance of Dr. Clelland, Dr. Hale having retired from the establishment. The house will continue open to the public every day, as heretofore, exckpt sundays. Hot, cold, porfunied, and electric baths at all hours. Plunge, hot air aud steam baths everv Wednesday and Satui'day for the present. Ampie acconimodationa for invalida in search of health, or tourists in aearch of pleasure. Chargei moderate. Sendtothe Superintendent for a circular. 4wl539 ífefí a hOAPer day at home. Terms free. Ad. JU10 9M"ds8G.Si-iKfiOMACo., Portland, Me DETEOIT, BÍLLSDALE&INDIANA RAILl 'OAD. OOINO WEST. ;-187i- OOIHO IAST. BTATioss. Mail. K 'xp. stations. KxpTïlaii. Detroit, aep...ioo' bio' A. K. y. u. Ypsilanti.... 8:32 7:15 Bankers a:i5 215 Saline 8:30 7:45 Hillsdale ... 8:30 225 Bridgewater.. 10:00 8:03 Mancheiter.. 6:21 4-07 Manchester. 10:33 8:22 Bridgewater 6:55 427 p. M. Saline 7;25 4.4c HilMale 1:28 10:05 Ypsilanti.... 8:56 5:26 Bankers 145 A0;lí Petroit 10:15 6:30 Trains run by Chicago tiinSi To tke eflect July 11, 1876. W. F. PAKKEB, Snp't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere_Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NOETHWESTEBN MICHIGAN. Close an4 reliable connections made at Wayne Juoction with trains of the Michigan Centj-al K K F'our traías iíorth and tour South daily expept 3lwtay. Ik Effect Jume 2!th, 18JS. OOINO WOBTH. " U L I ■ -■ h ! I I f ma I S m (5 I AM. P.H. T. H. A. M. Wayne, leave 9 00, 12 67 7 00 3 Holly, 10 40 2 S4 8 36! 6 00 Flint, II 2S 3 10 9 16' 6 38 E.iat Saginaw, 12 47 4 20 10 38 7 00 Bay City, arrive 1 Ï0 S 00, 11 10 8 00 Reed City, 8 42 A"í Ludington, 10 S 11 40 OPINO 3OPTH. Á". M. A.K. p.M. Wayne, arr. 2 65 5 tí s 20 Monroe, errrive 4 05 9 15 Toledo, arr. 5 08 10 20 The steamer " John Sherman " leaves Ludington on arrival of Day Express at 10 45 making close connections with the Sheboygan & PonduLacR. R. at Sheboygan for all points in Wisconsin, Minoefiota and the Upper Peninsula oí Michigan. Returning leayea öneboygan at 12 30 noon, eonnecting with the Night Express leaving Ludington at 6 P.M. ; connections at Ludington also with steamers f or Pantwatt: r, Maniatee, Franklin, etc. 8ANFORD KEELER, Ass'tSupt. J. P. Noubbe. Gen'i Ticket Agent. C. BLISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE with an Elegant Stock - F New Goods coQsisting of CLOCKS, WATCHE8, JEWELRY, Silver & Plateo Ware anda erïnp t)iera at prices never before offered in the market. tíomething new ia TEA SETS and at a great reduction f rom former pricea. 83" Remember we have tbe J.nrgv ut Stock in the city. Cali and see for yourselve. REPAIRING NEATLÍ AND PR0MPTL7 DONE. C. BLISS & SON. J522 LYNCH & KINNUCAN, MERGHANT TAILQRS. 181 Jefferson Avenue, MERRILL BLOCK, Detroit, - Mich. OUR STOCK OF FINE WOOLENS Is the largest and most complete to be found in the city of Detroit. Gentlemen Yisiting the City Sliould examine these goods before purchasing Our Styles are Imported cxpressly for us and are confined to our House. Samples sent to any part of the State. LYNCH & KINNUCAN. 1532W13 NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. WM. WAGNER Kas Juit RecelTed A FINE STOCK, Which must and will be solil at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full Btock of Cloth, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to luit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Maiin St. Anit Arbok. 1496 POR Old Newspapers APPPLY AT THE ARaUS OFFICE. I. J. MECHEM, M. D. Hameapathiit and Electrlcian. Offioeand residente corner of Mayuard and William streets. ii'MwS


Old News
Michigan Argus