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Politics And Politicians

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Senator Logan is rusticating in California. California will clcct fonr Congressmcn September 1. B. Ghatz Bjïown has boon invitod to Ohio, to take jiart in tho papraM of the Stato for Allen. Senator Moiíton will raake a dozen speeches in Ohio, beginning abont the lst of August. The Syrocuse (N. Y.) Couricr is for S. S. Cox for Speaker of the next Ho aso of Representativos. The St. Louis Globe-JDemocrat nominates Blniuo and Beveridgo for President and Vico-President. PbedhbiOK W. Sewabd is named as a probable candidato of the Republican party for Governor of New York. It is said thflt the Hichmoml Jtlnquirer will bo removed to Washington, and beeome the national organ of the Democratie party. It is nimored that General Adam Badeftu, at present United States Consul at London, will suoceed J. Rasael Jones as Minister to Bolgiuru. Gov. Tilden ha,s vetoed fcho bill passed by the New York Legislafure for shortening life sentences on account of good behavior of the convicta. VlCE-PlïESIDBNT WlLSON WÍ11 Speild the summer at Saratoga, where he will devote himself (o drinking the waters and writing on his history. An old farmer was once askod what a politician was. He answered: "Wellj he is a man that serves God as far as he can to not oftend the devil." Gov. Allen, of Ohio, has accepted an invitation to deliver an addresK at tho Lynchburg, Virginia, agrieultural fair, fo bo held early next autunm. Hon. Sjiefjieht) LnFLFit, the Democratie candidato for Governor of lowa, is a Yirginian by birth. He settled in lowa wlulo it was still a Territory. Conouessman CatjIjFIeld (Demoemt ir) of Chicago, has been interviewed concerning the Speakership of tho next House. He thinks Sa n llandall is the coming man. We learn by onr Piiciflc coast 'xchauges that General Joseph Laue is Ktill alivti and vigorous. He kille I a paöther near Rosellng about ili iirst of July, and deliveretl au oration on tlie 5th. Mn. CnAr,Es Wjontwoií'! h Roberts, the Democratie candidato l'or Govérñor of Maine, isa luilive of Bangojc, about 45 years of age; graduiiti'il at Bowdoin in 1851; entercd the Unimi ariny as Lieutmant Colonel al, l.lie bttaJdng oul of tli(! war, :nidwas discbiu-ged in l.S(i:i, decHniog a Brigadior-Gencralship-; was candidate for Govtiruor in 1870, wIkmi Perham was elected. Hon. Rbveiidï Johkson, tlie Nestor oí the American bar, having álroady píisaed his eightieth year, asfccpi'Oied -v ■ :% 1 .;. in a Baltimore eourt-rooui the otber iiav by liifi mental and pbysieoJ rigor, the ré tentiveness of bis mloaiory, the olearnaas aud Btrength of bis toíc, and the close neea of his reasoirhig ou pomte of law. j He took nu noten, rtílyiug m his memory to repjy t i long a by his oppouents, arguing the eutire dy without apparent fatigue,


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