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Finance And Trade

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Tho affeiingl of honda woro liberal, and the o oarket waa dull. Interest ratee wero very low, t @7 per cent. per amium for CO days and 7@ j 0 per cent. on long loaos. Nw York exchange -y Irm. Government bonds firin. ; Suyinff. FelHnrj. 7. 8. ' of '81 (i-x. Int.) 121i Vl ' I. 8. S-ao's o '82 (oi. int.) 1 1 r ■ . llBJj c f. B. 5-20"bc '04 (ex. int.) 11". ■■; 117 % ( F. 8. 5-20'i of '68 (ex. int.) li'.i ■■„ ll'.H, r. S. 5-SO'B of '88 January and July.lls.. 118i ' :. S. 6-20'fl ol 'fi7 .Tanuury and July.120', 120', ( 7. H. S-20'b Of 'B8 January and July.lWJi 12U'„' ;. 3 10.40' U7JÍ IWJi J. H now B's of '81 (ex. int.) 115-'., 115;,', r r.S ourrencj B'a 122J 122X " tolrt (full woight) 113; 114'.. I Jóle! Courons 114 114 '., iolil exchange 114 114% I BBEADSTÜÏW. Tho graiu marketa wcro moro or lesa excited ! lormg the past woek and fluctuations in ' ien wcro both frequent and quito aovere. Aa J 1 general rale a bigher range was eatablishcd, jut the outside prioes were not maintained for ] my of the articlea. The Bhipmenta of wheat ] ivero libera!, and the advices from the East ! ivere of a favorable tenor, encouraging slriptcrs to buy, whilo the receijjta were ighter and holden of cash grain were ury ftrm in their viewa. Trices advanced to 11.16 lor July, but oloaed atSsl.13%. Corn nTaa alao lirui and higher, with tho cloaing quoLationa ahowing no decline or advivnee. Oats vvero very firm at tlio opening', but a failure of i prominent buil operator canaod a break and subaeqaent declino of about ác per ba. which WUB p:utüilly rpcoverd before the close. Ey tna Hteady and firm. Barloy mot with a good :lemand, and prices woro higher all round. Tho followiug table ahows tho pricos ciirrent a.t tho opening aud close of tho past week : Opening. Closin No. 2,np'i wlioat, casli tl.üCXcïl.ds S1.12X@1.13i No. 2, peller July 1.077 (1.135 No. 1 Holler AuKuat. .. 1.07,i(gl.(H;,. (ffl.l;!1, No.9,Bflllr Sept6Ol l.tió (gl.Oii l.lS V LlONo. 2 corn, cash fi'.l @ . j69Jí .58 a .69k No. 2 corn, cllerJuly. .i;i) @ .69 ( .noy No. 2 oom, b. August. .W,:(ii JDX f.. ,70J No. 2com, sellorScpt. JoyjUl J'u .IXy, bid No. 2 oats, canh r,l (A .Blij .V)y, likl No. 2 oat, BCilcr July. .ü)4 .50jt .411 No. 2oatx, s. AllKUBt.. .88 @ .89 .88JÍ bid No. 2 oat, 8. Kept M A .37 ,88 ! No. 2 rye, caoh (U.DJ 1.03 No. 2 rye, 8. Aun (# .75 .75 No. 2 barley. caKb (SI. 25 1.30 I.8Q KO, barioy, a. Sept. .] .: Q, .88 1.02 l'KODÜCE. The ftliipping demand waa vory light for butter during the past week, and the business transacted was ■ only moderato. The local demand was fair, bat bnyera were taking only tho botter qualitios, aiul for medium and couimon grtided aalea were slow. There waa no particular chango in prioes, though for the common quahtiea, of which the offerings wero quite largo, a wcak l'eoling prerailed; quot;.blo at 19@23o Tor extrius, lltjr.Mc for firste, 14@17c lörseoonds, I3@15o for thirds, and Il@l2c for inferior stock. lieana urore rather quiot, l)ut pricoH remain ateady at ■ïl.H.lèl.yo for prime Éastern mediums, and $1.00@1.80 for common to primo Woatern. A good tnule wás roported in broom corn, and tho market niled ürm at llJí@lác for No. 1 to extra hurl, U@ 13c for good to ohoice stalk braiu, and C@8%c for crookcd. Beeswax waa quiet at 28@30c for primo rellow. Thore waa a good demand for graiu baga and bagging. and a íirm feeling prevailed. Quotable at 28.00 for Amoakeftg and Ainericau A, seauüoHa cotton; -30.00 for Otter creok, Lewiatou. .Montauk and Ludlow; JIS2.Ü0 for Stark A, and wool sacks 55@G0c. Thore was nothing of consequenco done in either eider or cranberriea, and pricoa wero entirely nominal. There wi.i quite au activo shipping movement in cheese and tho market ruled ürm at about previous qnotatiens. Bales in Iota were made at 10(()10Vc and in a ïetail way at about lic. Dried traite were veiy quiet, but the offerings of applea were aomewhat lighter aud a steadier feeling was developed, but blackberriea ruled weak. Quotations range at 7@7Xe for prime New York and Michigan applea. There were no Southern or Ohio offered, and pricea for these descriptions were nominal. Peachea 8K@9C for halves, 7í((íSc for mixed and 18@ ll)e for pared. Blackbemea quiet at 8%o. There was no chauge ia dried peaa - quotable at .Y2.00ïi2. 10 per bu for choice green and $1.70O1.76 for marrowfat. Drifid sweet coru was very alow of aale at 6@7c per lb for choico. Fcathera were also dull ; prinie live geese 48@52c per lb, and choice turkey tiul 20@25c. Kggs were in large aupply and the market was very dull ; prices ruled weak and lower, at about 14e for fresh in carriers. Green fruits wero in large supply, and the market ruled active. There waa a fair demand for all kinda bnt avn)lea. but for these the kei was chili. The market closedat35c(5)il.00 for poor to good peaches in one-third buboxes ; il. 50 for clioice, and. il. 75 for faucy Crawfords. I Apples 30(;50c per box and 1.50@3.00 perbrl. I Choico red pluma $1.75@2.00 per box, but common vild were slow at fl.0U@1.5O. Grapes sold at $2.50@3.00 in twenty-four quart casea. Hidos were quiet and ratber eosicr. Green salted 7@8e all round ; calf 12((ijl3c. and dry kip 18@Í9c. Hops were inaetive and nominal at 20 f;30c for good'to choice. There wjLH nothing done in honey; nominal at 18(íí)23c per tb for couib and 10(iillc for straiued. Vegetables wero very dull and it wai alrnost impossible to close out the receipts of Southern. Tjade was light in wool bnt priees remain nnchanged. Quotable at 38(42c for waahed, 25@3üe for unwashed and 40@50c fortub, according to condrtion and weight. PUOVISIONH. Thero was an increased apecuiativo business , transacted in thia market during the past week. t and priees show aomo improvement over tlie qnotations of tho previoua week. The advices I received from Eaötern markets were firmer in tone and the movement for the week shows somewhat of a deereasoin the supply. Thorecoipta of liogs were fah' and the tendency of values was to a higher figure. Tho improvement on meas pork was about 20(W25c on the whole range, and lurd was about ï$@20o per lOOlfos higher. The market closed at 19.50 for cash mess pork, íjsl!).47}í@19.50 sellei August, and $19.70 seller September. Cash lard closod at $13.26, aeller Angust at 13.25, and eoller Soptember Y13.40. SKEDS AND HK1HWIXKS. Tho Heed market was in about the same conrïition as lor Homo weeks past. Thero was a Blight increaso iu tho amount of Timothy offered, but there were a uumbor of Eastern arderá on the market and good lots sold readily at farmer priees. Hales were made at $2.30 for common white; prime lots ko!1 at Y2.60@2.75. dover was quiet but iirm at ■j7.15(a,7.25. Flax nominal at í -1.53 spot und $1.50 was paid Beller August. Hungarian was dull and orders eould have been iijled at about buyers1 own prioea : at the close a small lot of prime sold at 75c. Millet dull and unsottled ; (notable at 1.25@ 1.75. liuckwhoat nominal at 8S@8e. COOI'EIIAOE, IAI-MllElt AND WOOD. Thero is but little doing at Ywesent either at the parking housen or (listillories, and the demand for heavy coopeïage was very light, while for Üour barrels tho deniaud oontinuea moderate. The olTeringH, howevtr, of tho different kinds were not largo, and there was no chango ol' importanco in prii-es. Qootïtiona mnee at H.V2}'.iii 1.15 lor pork barrels and $l:3S(g 1.45 for lard tierces; $1.00(2.10 for whisky barrels and 45(55e for floul barrels. Itshoiüd be understood that the outside priees for lard tierces is only paid for "standard" pibkasea - the new si.e adoptod recently by tho Tackers' association. Trade in ltunber was alsovery light, and tlio otferinga throuliout the week were in excess of the deniaud. Pricos were a trille weaker, but the declüie Bubtiiined was slight. The market olpsed al. tyt. 75(88.00 for joist mul ucantling. $8.00814.W for strips and bourds, 2.M @2.70 lor nhingle. and tl.50 for lath. Wood was very lnll, but at the same time prices remain BÏeady nud unc'ianged. Quotable at Í8.00 per oord föi Mbïory, ■■J7.00 for maplo, ifG.OO for birch, and $4.00 for alabs at the yards. Tclegraphlc Market Beports. NEW YÜ11K. Beever 10XW llj' Hoos- Dtesued 10 @ 1(), COTTON H;(n! 16 su]kt!íiu' Weatem n ou w S 60 Wheai- So. 2-CHoag 1 32 (A 1 34 Ño.l8prliJg 1 ■" è 1 ■" Oohn ■ 88 @ n;'.. Oats 00 ï IJi Hyk 90 (jj 1 00 Pork- New Mess 20 00 @20 50 Laüd- Steain 13 13', ST. LOUIS. ■Vheat- Ho. 2 Eed 131 1 32 Cokn- "o. 2 66 @ 67 Oatb-No2 S9 @ 61 RïE-No.2 7 (i, 1 00 Pouk- Mess 20 25 (20 50 Lam 12 $ 13 Hoos e as ( 7 25 Cattle i 50 @ 6 00 MII.WAUKEE. -Viikat- No. 1 125 O126 No.2 1 53 (S, 1 25 Ci.un-No. 2 07 (4 6!l Oats- Ko.3 @ 8 Kyf. 4 ("" 96 liAlll.KV- NO.2 1H @ 1 15 OINOINNATI. WïAt- Eed 133 3 I 88 Co 71 0 n l ) v i „ 67 (4 60 K.i 1 15 (ft 1 20 Pobk- Mena 1 fO mia 75 Laui. 11 ê 12 TOLEDO. Extra W 1 ;)K Amber 0 1 32 Corn 73 ( 75 Oats 55 @ 5S DETÜOll'. Extra @ 1 30 Amber 0 ISO Oqb 7" S 7'Oat 54 @ 58 CLEVELAND. Whiat- No. 1 Red o 1 : . No.2 Red f J ■" Cokn "0 @ '.i OMs 50 IA f.7 Out of iiiiioty Üiree mombe.rH of tli( graduftting class iu iTalo Ooilege only iiine intend to bOlB olcrfgrafllh Whnt a ohange I


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