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Agricultural And Domestic

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liacl times aro upon n, And the people are ia debfc : Tlic coinitryV fnll of tróoble, And tlir wirsí is ooming yet. 'Tíh nnt without iu oauses, Aiul ytfB' plainly teH yon now, 'J'lir nn!f wnv lo stop it, 18 to "füllOW Up tho plow." Cnojiu - Thon follow up the plow, boy?, Kollow up thc plow; If yon wnuld Imild the country np, Just follow up thc plow. Then ínllow ap tlio i)lov, boys, Follow up thc plow; If nra WOUld boud lh country up Jost fdllow ap tbe plow. FU! up your ñelds and prairies With a crop thal'H " oood .ih goM." And uiinoyour hills and valleys wide, Ker i ron, Halt and coal. Xbe earth isthe producer, And we oan toíl yon tiow To mako a jiríncely fortune - 'Xis to "íollow np the plow." Choiïus - Tlifro are too niany people, wiin froni tlif ir duty Hlürk, ■VhoM rutlirr makc a fbrtune By Hoiur oth'T mcaiiH than work. The DXftn who planta tobáceo, Corn, wbeat or cotton now, Ib kinfí among the " uioneyed nien ;" He 'ío11owb up the plow." - Will ís. Hay. Around tlie Farm. Liquii) raaiime f rom nnder tliostallsis vastly more valuablo tban the solid mixod up iii water. We have now in tho United Statna 38 agricultural colleges, with 389 professor, and 3,917 studente. Few of the graduatcs, howevor, become farmers. To keep seedB from the dcpredaüons of mico, mix some picces of camphor gum with the seeds. Camphor plaeod in drawers or trunks will prevent mice from doing them injury. Pick ap all the stones on your place and cart tliem off. It is not very pleasant husiuess, but it is wor1' that should Ik) dono promptly and with great care. It is niuoli better to pond a few days in pieking stones every spring than to havo valuablo time wasted and money required to repair broken mowing machines. Kuijïs fok Fakmeiís. - Take good papers and rcad them. Keep an account of farm operations. Do not loave implements scattercd over the farm, cxposed to snow, rain, and heat. Repair tools and buildings at a proper time, and do not suffer .subsequent thrce-fold expendituro of timo and montiy. Seta that fences are woll. repaired and cattlo not grazing in the meadows or grain fieldu or orchards. A white in the Arricultural Oazctte cites his observation in reference to the hoaling of broken boncs in cattle. An ox fracturcd his leg aboye the knee, a heifer bfofee lier thigh, a compoiind fracture, another sufferea a simple fracture, but in spite of diH'eriug doctors theso animáis wero tttnied out to take their chances, and each and all actually made a good recovery in the courso of a few weeks. A New Bmbsb of Shebp. - Win. Grozier, in charge of an extensivo farm on Long Island, is endeavormg to establish lirmíy a new breed of sheep, produi ed by crofsing Cotswolds and Southdowns. il e bas producod, saya tlio American Agriculturist, a sheep with a heavy fleece of combing wool, superior in quality and equal iu wiúght with that of the pure Ootswold, and with as good quality of ilesh as the Southdown, and one-half greater sizo. A FAVoniTE and ratlior now kind of maflh for horsos is coming into use, composed of two quarts of oats, one of bran, md ii half a pint of linseed. Tho oats ■xre íirst placed iu the stable bucket, over which is spread tho Hnseed ; boiliug water is then oddod to the brau, and tho nixture covered with an old rug, nnd Ulowod to rest iivo hours, after which iho maas must bc well stirred up. The bran nbsorbs whilo retaining the vapor, and the linseod binds the oats and bran together. Flavob of Eaos. - There is a vast difEerence in the ílavor c f eggs. Hens fed on olear, sound graü), and kept on a clean grass run, give much fin er flavored eggs than hens thnt have access to n stable and manure heaps and eat all kinds of filthy food. Hens feeding on fish and onions flavor their eggs aceordingly, the saine as cows cating onions or cabbage, or drinking oflcnsivo water, j impart bad taste to the railk or butter. The riclier the food the higher the color of the eggs. 'Wheat and corn give eggs the best color, while feeding on buckwheat makes them colorless, rendering them unrit for some confectionery purposes. - Moore's Mural New Yorker. A wntTBR in the Chicago Tribune ays : The carbon contained in the vegetablo organism of which the coal is componed, and the bihiminous matter also, togetlier with the sulphur, lime and other mineral matter eompoung tlie coal, furnish öhbstancea which swine seem to need. We havo for several years 500 hogs on tlie tetase of city hotels, and luid 110 cholera or other soriojia disease among them. They were allowed all the soft coal and rotten wood they would consume. Pometimes they wonld eat largely of it, and then ngnin it would be leXt untouchod for days at a time. We should not hesitate to allow hogs all the soft coal they wantod. About tlio Hiiusr. PiiAiH Cri Cake. - Také 1 cup of 1 ter, 1 cup of milk, i eggs, 2 cupw silgar, j and soda and nutmeg aecording to judgment. MüFi'LNS. - Ono pint of milk, J cup yoast, a very little salt. Stir in flour suffioient lo nmke i botter. Cook in liugs over the flro. A New IIampsuiüe family keep thetr viuegar in a Avhifc lead ki'g, and weit? surprisod the other day to liud theniselvea liaillv poisonod. Do not permit ca.s! knife blades ot forke to Btaaid in hot water. Et expanda the steel and cracks the tmndtes. Ivory handlea sliould nover be[)luccil in water. Iluid glue may bo prèparecl by dissohang oue pouiul of gootl gluo in onc pint of hot water, to whieh are added three ounces of nitric acid; after th) cvoini ion of niivouK vapora hasoeased the liquid is cooled, when it is iit. for Ijoaf Chk. --1; potuida of ilour, H ponnda of silgar, 1 puund of butter, ' eggs, '. pint of milk, i pounds of fruit (rausina and currante), I teaspoonful of soda, smees, lcmon, elo. Beat the whitoB andyolksof th( cggs sc.paraleiv. Dissoive the soda in the milk. Stone the raisiiis ual rub tliem and the currante in a little of the flour to prevent them seitliug in the cake. Bub thesugarand bfltter to i eivam. Add the eggs, milk xvith soda, spices, lemou, flour, and ! laslly the fruit. I Steawbeurt Shortcake. - With X qnartof hííWmI flour mix Uioroughly '2 teaspoosfuls i creani tartar mul 1 of soda, or the Mjniv:xlfnit of lliése in bakinp; powder, rub in a bit of buttcr the kízh of an ■'-,'?,', add i littie alt, and weet milk enough to i'onn á sdft dongb. lioll half an inch thick and bake in A shallow pnn 15 or 20 minutes; linvc rcady two anorta of line, fresh strawbei-rioH; split the cake, placo half the strawberries Ix;tween, and cover thiokly vith white silbar and cream; put the other half on the top and cover in the samo way; serve as soon as done. Cabvino. - Fifty yoars ago the art of oarving was regarded by the mosf polislied society in England and in thifl country as the indispensable accomphshment of every lady who had to preside at the hcad of hcrtablo. It was a reflection troon her ütness for that post to say that she managed the candng-knife with little skill, or was ignorant of the choice parte of each cUsh. Fa-shion haR cluuiged all tliat, and the office of earving is now assigned chiefly to gentlemen ; but there is no reason why ladies should not kapw all tlio meetioa of the ait, and be iible, when circnmstancos require, to presido with case and skill at the hoad of the table. A good carviug-knife, fork, and steel renders this office a pleasuro to the ocoomplished carver.


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