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Cured By Prayer

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Mrs. Lamo, wife of Mr. Francia Lamb, ; iftanufacturer of looking-riasses and picture; frame;;, fesidiflg at No. 1912 Pourteenth streot, northwest, has, fbr the past fourtoen years, been an in valid, and for nearly ten years of tbat pcriod boen confined to her bed and dépnved of the. uae of her limbs. When flrst taken sick it waa snpposed her indisposition would be brief, and only a short timo would olapac ere, she Bncceeded in recovering her acenstomed health ; but as the days rolled on that improvement looked and hoped for failed to appear. Her situation baffled the professionals' knowledge and skill, and several of them oonfesscd being unable to prescribe medicine tbat would produce a curo. Still tliey attended upon her, watching for any ehange that might occur, in the hopo of being able to furnish relief and prolong life should death threaten to interveno and take her henee. In this condition, unable to riso from her sickbed, had she passed from year to year, hoping for the good time coming, when, re-endoned witk strength and the usefuhiess of her limbs, she might again become a perfect being of the world. In all this prolonged sicknesa and prostration the invalid was never known to murmur at her situation or complain of her misfortune. But, on the c mtrary, being a ilevout Christian, placing lier trust and relianco in Him who afflicts at wcll as relieves, she daily and almost hourly invoked the blessing of the, Almighty, and that, in His chosen time, He would send that relief which sho believed could only procecd from Him. Her friends -were frequently with h;r and minglod th;ir prayers with hers for thedesired chingo. A litfclo more than k weck ago sho sent a request to the memluTH of tho Yonug Men' Christian Associiition, asking that they would make her condition tho special object of their prayers that she might be raised from a lingeriug disoase, which had coufincd hor on her bed for nearly ton ycars, and be restored to health. The requcst was granted and the prayers made. A few dnys aíterward, while a lady friend was writing, she convorsed of kei religious feelings and said that she bolieved fthe would soon loave the siok bed; in fact, she bolieved that she could walk at that that time. The lady, whilo wishing that nuAx would be the case, could not believe it possible for her to aocomplish such an nndertaking, and o expresscd horseli'. HU'ango as it inay appcar, Mrs. Lauib, eonfident of her ability to walk, roso f rom het: bed and in her stocking f eet aetuully walked acrogs the room, and retuming sat down in a chair. It was not tobe wondeved at tliat lieri'riiuid i-liimltl Ixi a:sti)iinhi'd, and, asking liow jSlrs. Lamb lelt, reccived the reply that shr was bette?. To further qnestioning ft3 to what had caused her siulden and miracuious impi-ovement, the siek lady replied that she .sir.cerely believcd it to be the result of constant, faithful prayer to heaven for the bettering of hor eonditiou, and that her prayers must have been auswerod. The fact of Mrs. Lamb having got np and walleed soon spreal, and many friendo visited the house to seo her and coiigratulato tho famüy ou the happy change. In the evoniug a prayer-meoting wus held, at whicli she related bör feelings before and since walkiug, and bclieved that tho change was permanent. Tho following Sunday bo mr.oh had shc improved that she rode in a carriage to the Mouut Zion ehni-fh, and attendod diviae S(irvice. Since that time othor jirayer-meetings have been held, and she. is unceaning in her devotions, pr:ise, and thankKgiving to God for raiaing her njp and making her whole. She believes that it will not bo many days ere háa becoine perfcctly sound and healthy. At present she experienoes some troupje in wnlkiiifr, her i'eet being very tender froin want of oxereise. The case is a strange one, and attracts much cousideration and talk amoñg the ehurch people.


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Michigan Argus