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An English Cure For Drunkenness

An English Cure For Drunkenness image
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There is a preScripfcton in uso iu E:igUnul foi the rare of arunkenneÉfe, by whiofa thousamls are saiil to have been asaieted in reoovering thquiselves. Tho reeipt oaino into notorièty through tho efforta of Jlm Vino Hall, eJjnmándfl of tho Gbreat Ëaston Btearnship. Ho luul fiilicn into such liabiiual dmikanaqsa that his most earaest efforta to re ri ü;:i himaelf proved anavailing. At 1,-n-lh ho sought thé advíoo ol a nent pbvsiciau, whogave liim a .ivsoiipi„,n whioh he foÜowed fMÖiiallr foi seven montiis, niid at the 'ii,l of l!ial Üme had lost all deeire for hnuor, althoiMh he had foi mauj ycárs bo'cn rd can uw wliich .oaftorwafd pnblishwl, andbywhiohsö aiany .Inmkar.Is have been assisted to roforn), as follows: "Sulphate of iron, 5 ;;ins; peppermiil water 11 drabhms, spirit Of nutmog, 1 drachm, twioe a day.' This preparation aota as a stipiulaut aad tonío, ana p.Miiiüv suppHes tlie place oí the aooufttomi I üqu.9r, ad provSnta !'u;ii alwuiule physical and moral prósttatioa that LollowH a Buadeu breiitiut; frofla thq se ol


Old News
Michigan Argus