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gtTBSOElBK FOE THE AttOTS. - Justice Mellahon is again upou the streets _ Common Council meeting next Monday eveniug. - The First ward school building is geltiug juew roof. - TheCatholics of X orthfield are thinking d( aiiew church. - Don't forget the excursión to Grosse Isle neït Wednesday. - Jacob Gwinner is pamting the front of bis saloon building. _Jas. Toms is painting, repairing and jleaning at his green-house. - A. game of bare ball bctween tlie Dexter jud Ypsilanti clubs is in prospect. - New potatoes, squashes and cabbage are tue dehcacies of the vegetable market. - The uext term of the Supreme Court will open on the second Tuesday in October. _ Nicholas Nehemiah Neaurtoix will go on tlie excursión in company with his faniily. - The excursión to Grosse Isle on Weduesday next is the general topic of conversation. - Nathan H. Drake rejoices iu the possesijon of a sky terrier, whose uativity is Seotlaud. - The Dexter boys played a match game of base ball yesterday aftcrnoou with the nine of this city. - Mrs. Dodge, of Ypsilanti, was at Lansing on Friday last, and had her shoulder broken a a ruuaway. - The milis of J. M. Swift & Co. are undergoing repairs, and will be closed for the coming tvo weeks. - Keil Gallagher of this city was admitted a Citizen of the United States, in the Circuit Court last week. - Company B will hold a target shoot this fternoou for the captsin'a prize, now in the hands of Sergeant Fall. - James Coleman paid the costs of a trial amouiiting to six dollars, on Tuestlay, lor agaiu being drunk and disorder!}-. - The colored people of this vicinity held a j.icmc Tuesday, on the island below the city. bout 200 were in attendance. - A little daughter ol Hernard Norton, of this city, was buried on the '27 tb, having died two days before of choiera inlantum. - The Lewitt divorce case has been appealed to tlie Supreme Court, the bond was riled in the office of the County Ulerk yesterday. - Postmaster Clark has had the " stain" removed from the glass of the postoffice boxes, and the public think it is a great improvement. - Jas. Boydand F. Sorg have boen "swinging around the circle " during the past week, taking in Lansing, Snginaw, Bay City and Detroit. - Judge Crane's quick decisión iu the Lewitt case took people generalij by surprise, but afewof the kind, " I told you so" tbought it natural enough. -Saturday last was the dullest day of the seaion for city trade- so pronounced by all tlie ksmtss men. The famiurs were all buty in theit wheat ftelds. -Richard Johnson, of Pittsiield, was thrownfrom his mower on Saturday last. ipon the knives, and liad right arm nearly severed from his body. - L. B. Simmons, of Henderson. N. Y., a former resident and merohaot of this city, has been spending the past week here, visiting his cl'i fhendg and ruiïitives. - The last quarterly meeting for the present conference year will lie held at the M. E. Church next Sunday, and tlie Baorament will taobserved at half past nine o'clock. - Dr. W. H. Jackson will close his dental rooms for a short time, -mv, in company with his family, will leave for a trip to the Lake Superior regions to-morrow evening. - A short piece of old sidewalk between A. E. Hall's bakery and Duffy's bloek, and in front of the old Hylaud property on Main street, has beun replaced by new ones. -The lato report Df the M. C. R. R. for the yearending May 31st, 187Ö, shows that during tab jrear :9,7HO pasaengers and 5,769 tous of fieight were lorwarded from this station. - Richard lloach, of Pinckney, lost a cow on Saturday last by her eating Paris green. Bome people will be carelesB enough yet to leave this poisou where animáis :an get at it. - John Stianahan, of Northfield, an old mau npwards of 80 years of age, was buried on Tuesaay. Mr. Shanahan was the fatlier of Mr. Keenan, the milliner in the Opera House block. - The sacrament of the Lord'a S upper will lie observed at St. Audrew's Church on Sunday next, and the rite of infant baptism will te administercil in the atternoon at the same place. - Robert Tedwell, of the Fifth ward, was meBted on Friday last for the use of iudecent aud insuiting language. He was brought beore Justice Bealian, aud his trial was flxed for to-day. - Several tiusiuess mou will go to Detroit nest Wednesday, as they can inake the trip -r less thau halt faro. A hint for the whole town to arrange its business in Detroit for that day. - J. C. Kiiow'.ton left home on the 27th for "isconsin, to spend a few months in recreation and business. He expects to return in October and enter the law departmeiit of the L'niversity. - Prof. liosos Coit Ty'er will lecture the coming season on " Old Euglish Ballads " and " The Early Colleges and College Builders of America." He has engaged to Redpath's lecture bureau. - Jeff. Davis, the Court House custodian, carne uear depri ving the couuty of his services ou Saturday last by being drowned, but a colored brother rescued him. They were out isliing in the Huron river. - Compauy B are making arrtiugements for au excursión to Put-m-Bay, to take place in 'bout two weelis. The occasion will afford our itizens au opportunity to visit that famous resortata cheap rate of fare. - The ialoonists haven 't all learned the limit of the law. Andrew _McMahon kept his 'i'sütution open on Sundaylast, and on the following day had to pay f 13, at the order oi Justica Beahau . A. business letter f rom an oíd subscriber : m Bridge water says : "We of thia región are , Jaly26)in the harvest. Wheat is of a very i)uor quahty, as far as I can hear, in all iirections, and but mighty little of it." - Au excursión party will leave this city "ii Tuesday, Aug. 17th, for Denver, Colorado. The tare tor the round trip will be $80, ticket good muety days. Furtber informatiou Iu'ly 1; obtained of llenry C. Waldron. The caáe of Isaac E. Sutton vs. Eliza HatrUon, et al, in whioh a judgment ot $1,700 Ud upwards was found {or plaintiff, at the te term ot the Circuit Court, has beeu appmled üy the defeudant to the Supreme Court - Work :n the uew Congregational Church ws resumed Wedneaday. The object of the y is to complete the work without delay. Ahe contract tor finishing the ntain audience 'coui has bauii let to E. Eiohardson and Chas. Uurdner. Chas. J. Kintner is "scoopmg" all tho "ys on aumber and size of ñsh caught at Wliitmore Lake this suuson. He co-me to town Wediitsday with six fine pickerel, weighing hum eight to ten pounds each, and distributed ttiem arouud among his friends. We kuow siiuethiug about the quality oï oue of them. - The Washtenaw County Pioneer's Society will meet at the village of Saline ou Tuesday, August 3d, 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m. The object of the society is to get a correct history of the county, and it is hoped that there will be a full attendance. - Nicholas Bader was put under the cliarge of the Sheriff on Tueaday, for Bix days, for being drunk and disorderly. Wheu Mr. Fleming is through with him he will be called upon to answer a charge of assault and battery preferred by a woman. - The postoffice of this city has been designated by the Postmaster General as a Canadian money order office, under the new system of postal money orders between the IJmted States aud Canada, which will go into effect on Monday uext, August 2d. - ütto Glotz, of Prestou, Cauada, sou-in;aw of A. Widenmann, is in the city on a vis it. He canie from the Red River country iere, where he has been in the employ ot the üauadinn government, as an agent in settling a new colouy ot Mennonittjs. - Jas. O'Brien was up bef ore Justice Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, Monday, on the coinplaint of a woman who swore that he " did ravish her of a kiss upon the street." James plead guilty, and was fined $3 and costs, which he puid. He thought it a cheap kiss. - The argument to dissolve the attachment on the property of Cook's hotel did not come off on the day appointed. Mr. Preston, of Detroit, íailed to bring with him some very necessary papers. Further consideration of the question has been sent down for to-day. - Last Friday one of the finest loads of wool of the seasou was sold to. Messrs. Bach & Abel, by Wm. Edwards, of Lima, its weight being 1,218 lbs. This is the first season that Mr. Edwards has sold his wool in this market, and seemed well pleased with the change. - A combat of words took place yesterday noon, on the corner of Main and Washington streets, between Captain Husou and a former employee, in regard to a claim for wages. The young man w; s arrested by the Marshal and taken to jail, for using insulting language. - The brick work on the tower, at the laboratory, has been completed to the point where the frame work to support the tank will rest. This is about twenty feet. The tank itself and all the frame work will be surrounded by ürick work. This will be quite an imposing structure when completed. - Mr. John (iarrity, who Uves about seven miles north ot Dexter, feil from a load of hay Vlonday, as it was entering the barn, and suffered some pretty severe bruises about his ups, aud cuts on his forehead. His escape rom further injury was remarkable as he is a man of considerable weight. - H. J. Beakes, of this city, started on Monday for a trip through some of the princiml cities of the East. He went from here diectly to Middletown, N. Y., where some of his relatives live. He will visit New York city, Philadeiphia, Hartford, New Haven, and other places, returning in about three weeks. 3e is accompanied by his daughrer. - The colored base ball club of this city made extensive preparations for a match game of base ball on Monday with their brethren of Detroit. But the latter failed to put in an appunrance, thereby losing a share of a bountiful dinuer which had been prepared for them. The club here, however, were played by niue white boys, and beaten by a score of 32 to 27. - A head of wheat raised by Delevau E. Doane just south af the city, has twen attractng considerable attention. With the wheat there was discovered growing five graius of oats, one seed above another, and upon oue slender fíber projecting from the head. This may help to settle the question that chess and wheat may grow together aud the latter run ato the former. - An Englishman stopped at Ann Arbor ast week 'to take a look at the city. He put up at Thomas Godden's, in the öth ward, but remembered suddeniy that he had business elsewhere, and ín the excitement of his departure took a gold watch and chain belonging o Amos ü-retcm, a young min stopping at Mr Godden's. The watch was worth about $45. The Sheriff was sent to interview him, but so ar has not secured his attention. - A young man by the name of Daniel Boss met with a sevcre accident at the new building oí W. D. Snuth, on Wednesday. Some oists-were being lowered'from an upper story, and Mr. Ross was below to receive them. One however slipped from the bands oí the man above and feil, strikiug the hand of Mr. Ross just below the thumb, makiug a trightful wound. Dr. üeorg dressed it, and put it in a condition to heal without much üeformity. - Gottlieb Kalmbach, a wealthy tarmer of Lima, met with a serious accident last Friday by being ruu over by a mowing machine. He had attached a span of young horses tliat were supposed to have been thoroughly broken, but they became frighteued while he was standing at their heads, and drew the machine over him, breaking three ribs' and his shoulder. He died from the injuries yesterday morniug. He was a man about 45 years oí age, and lenves a large iamily. - Chas. H. Cheeney, of Ypsilanti, gave a note some time since to John Boyce as security for borrowed money. The note was signed by the name oí John Burnham, a farmer living near the same place, but it was afterward discovered to be a forgery. A warrant was issued by Justice Claik of this city, on the complaint of Mr. Boyce, for the arrest of Cheeney, and on Saturday he was brought here and bound over tor trial to the next term of the Circuit Court, under bail of $600. - Carrie Sweetland, 14 years of age, had three front teeth knocked out while at play in the Union School yard, on the 3d of June, at the same time breaking the alveoral tissue to the base of the nose. The teeth were afterward picked out of the sand and in half an hour she was at the office of Dr. Jackson, to have them replaced. The doctor was laughed at for presumiupr to restore the teeth. However he made the attempt by putting them in place and binding them fast with a píate. On Wednesday the plate was removed, and the teeth were íound to be as flrm as though they had never been displaced, just two months having been required for them to grow to their place. In our report of the Lewitt divorce case last week, we did the Doctor an injustice by the statement that the poetry pnblished in the report was "inscribed" to Mrs. Perkins. There were two pieces produced by the defendant- copied from the Waverly Magazine and Godey's Lady Book - which were claimed by her to have been iound in the Doctor's desk ; but there was nothing in the testimony nor upon the mauuscnpt to indícate that the lmes were dedicated to or had ever been adS to auy one. This portion of the testimouy was unintentionally misconstrued by our reporter, but we assure the Doctor, and the lady to whom allusion is made, that we had no disposition to misrepresent or give any false coloring to the testimony in this unfortunate and uupleasaut affair, but simply to give the facts elicited by the evideuce as a matter of news to our readers.


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