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OCR Text, Neb., July ', 1875. KMJGHATION TO NEB11AKKA. The State is rilling up rapidïy. The telina bring out gfeat nnmbera daily, and the prairie sclioonors ai'e on all tho roads, I don't wonder at it; for certainly Nebraska oftcr.j woncferffu imluccmeïrta to settlors. It lias the most pleoMSlt and oqnable climate of any of tlio Western Staten, auj Uk Huil cannot be exeeüed. Then its POSITION is very favorable. It is midway bekTin ' the oceans, and tlui great thoroughfare from East ti West p&iBea. over it. lts farmers flnd a prcfitáble, ; roarket w!st of them among the lümors of the TeiTitories, and aa good a market oast aa any of the States have. The Nebraska farmer fiuds a quick profltable market east, west and north, witti a vory j short liaul to h3 cousnmer. The tance between the producer and couBumer does not eat up the grain. SOI!. Thero is no better soil in tho United Btatos than Nebraska luis, nor ono more easily worked. The land draius itóelf. The whole State is a system of valleys and aplauda, with beautifu] streams vunning through the va?leys. Tho bou both in tho valleya and uplands is f rom íive to twenty fee't doe}), without stonea or stump. The prairie muy be broken up in the spring and a erop prodneed in tlie fall, onough to pay for the land .".nd tlie oost of breaking. Tliis has boen i done in thoiisands of instanees. HEALTH. There is ao healthier country in Ube i world. The whal Hteto 'a árained perj fectly - indeed tliere is not a marsh or swamp in it, so thore is no matarte to ! eontend with. The air is pure and bmoiiigandthe watpr excellent. All the raiii ditions of health and long lifo exiat in NeV)raska. VAfilKTy OF 0ROFÍÍ. In no cíjuntry can there be so preat a vnriety of crops jirofitnlily produced. The western part of the State is a ruagnificent grazing country, while the easbern and central are adapted to wheat, corn, oats, et The dairying business has been demonstrated to be profltable j overywhere. Fruit oan be gi-own in any üirl of the State, with a eertaiuty of a good yield eveiy yeir. 8heep raisiug is I a vcvy profitalilo business in Nebraska. COST OP TiAÏJTlS. land.s may be had in Nebraska at any pnce, from nótliing up to $10 por aero. The government has vast bodies of excollent land, ■whicli oan be had by merely sotüiiip: on it, and the Union Pacific Railroad Campany has lanas adjacent to the road at pricen virying from S'2 to $10, according to looation. VITRAGES AND ('ITIHK. The villajes and cities of Nebraska are growinp; with a rapidity unpavalleled. Nono of them are in tteht to any oxtont. The gevernmont hassot apart lands ampie for school purposes, and a great railroad was built by government bon ds, bo no debt has beeu incurrod for schools or roads. The villafros have not only prown rapidly but the growth has boen lu-iilthy. Omaha is a spion did citv, and IVomoiit, Columbas, North Platte, Grand Islancl, aud a score of other pfcutês oh the line of the road, are prospcrous and thriviug. SCnOOIjS AND CIITJItCHKS. No State has a better school gyfltem than Nebraska, fmd all the churches ure i represented. As a rule, the chiireh edifices are Iarge and elegant, and the societies prosperous. The schools are supportcd by an endowment of lands set apavt for that purpose. To snm it all up in a word, the man ■who gODS t" Neb'rasfai now and secures land cixnnot but maka hJiBSelf independent in a few years. He can get lands with railroads, towns, school-honses and churches all built, as cheaply to-day as he could have got them twenty years ago, wlion none of these things were dono. TnE PIONEEE. O. F. Davis, Esq., the Land Coinmissioner of the Union Pacific Railroad, publishos a paper oalled The Pioneer, which gives very full and reliable informnlion concerning Nebraska. It sets forth fully how to get lands of the railroad and government, how to get to them, and how to pay for them, with a maas of information vahiable to all who desire to know anything ftbout the country. Copies of the Pioneer will be sent free to any address. 8end a postal card to O. F. I)avifi, Omaha, Nebraska, and get a oopy. It will riebly repay a pernsal, and will give in detail informatiou T.hich I havo only been able to touch.


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