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Two To One

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David John.son, clerk in the country , store of AVilliam Ohristy, ii Leosvillo, oh tlio corner of Biiüer iwcnm; and the ' Gratioi; rdïtd, which is distant about íive i miles from the City Hall, ekfl np :it au ] early hour yesterday morningto tho eonseiousncss that soine one was moving about in tho store, directly under the : room; and arming Irimself with his rovolver, crept softly down tho back sfairs. The stairs open into a long, narrow room back of the store, and before he had taken threc steps frora the door, sorao oae steppod up behind him and s truck him a heavy blow npon the back of the head, wliich laid him on the Hoor in au insensible conditiou. When lio carne to he fouml the robber engaged in tearing np his shirt and stuwing it into his moutli as u gag to prevent his crying out. .He at once renewed tho struggle, and oxasperated the rnfflan, who dealt him a number of severe stabs in the arm. Before he could inliict i fatal wound Mr. Johnson caught hold of the blade with his left hand, whilo with his right he rainod his revolver and üred a shot upw.ird into the body of the rntHau, who was holding him down. The latter Jdiipcdup with a cryof pain, and, after kicking his prostrated antagonist in the hcad, started for the door, as did anotbar bnrglar who about tliis time made his appearanco. Johnson, raising npon his elbow, fired a sliot at the second bnrglar, áfter which he i'oll back weak aml éxMttsled from loss of blood. The two men, howover, did not stop, and dixappeaivd ïrom view in the darkness outside. In the morning it was evident that both bul Iets had told, and one of them ■erhaps tatally. WbmaB were blood-marlis in the yard and on the stair:;, and in the road, while the dust in the road was markëd in a peöullar mannev, indioating that the body of a man had been pulled outside of tlie gate and lifted into a buggy, tlie wheel-marks of which were plaiuly visible in the dust. Mr. Johnson is unable to identify any of his assailants. The burglars had'lifted the moueydrawer out upon the counter aud liad tied up ibout $200 worth of dry goods, r'eady to carry off, bnt nothing was ëtólofi, owing to Johnson's prompt aud courageous action. Mr. Johnson'a wouudsare (juite severo. In addition to those inilietedon lus arui, his hand was fearfully out and gaahed by his catoh ing hold of tho mur.lcnms diii'srer. and it mil be Bme time bef ora


Old News
Michigan Argus