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Michigan News

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Tim hemlock-extraet factory of A. V Newton, dt Cheboygan, vas ivoontly do' ströyed by iiro. Loss, $27,000. TiiF.rivsi.Tent has apaiutóa Iüithor K. Trowbiidge Collector of Interna! Kevime iu tlic l'irst District of Miehi gan. Tin: animal meeting of the Ktate. Sun ilay School Association MU Im held at Groad Bttpads, commeucing August BI, ainl contimüng to September 2. The steain milis of John Copelaud, ncar Lapeer, were burned Mi wéök, togother with a largo quantity of luniber. Loss, !(i;U),000, and no insurance. Malcolm Campbeia, of Ladington, rcccntly ldllod in tho wood.s, loft his property, ftbont $10,000, to his mother-in-law. The will is to bo coutestnd. Jcdoe Cochkanm, oí Detroit, has dccided that tho ncw State law imposing a tax on the liquor trafile is constitntional. Tho question will go to the Supremo Court before it is flually scttlcd. Tiie íire-tiend lias been Himsnally bnsy in this State recently. Fires aro reportod at Manistce, Grand Bnpidfa, Liulington, Kalamazoo, and other place', the loases ranging from $1,000 to $3U,000. A Chicago drummer, uamecl E. A. Lincoln, while attempting to forco an entranco into the house of Mrs. HcIoh Clark, atFlint, a few nights ago, was shot in tho back by that lady and seriously ■womided. Thk banking house of Congcr Brothers, at Benton Ilai-bor, was ontered by burglars one night last week, but tho .scoundrels became frightened and fled before gisting into tho safe, leaving a portion of their tools. Six prisonors effeeted :ni escape from the Kent county jail, at Grand Kajiids, one night laat week, by cutting through the wall and lettiug themselvos to tho ground by means of a rojíe mailo from ■ Bheets taken from tho bed. Moses A. Luce, a gradúate of Hillsdale College, has roceivod thü Rapublican uumination for Coimty Judgo of San Diego, California. The term of office is four years, and the saiary $2,000 per year, payable in gold. William Wilson, a raft-sman, was drowned in llillo river, néar Sterling, a few days ago. He wás riding a log and accidcntally feil off. He was unable to swim. His comrades would have saved. liim had not tho brancji they xtended him broke. Mbs. Thompson, of Grand ïtapids, horsoivhipped a butelior named Waldron the other day, for garnisheeing a third party to secnro tho payment of a moat bill owed by Thompson. "Waldron was badly beaten. A largo crowd awsombled and chocred the woman, A fatal shooting affair ocenrrcd at Hillsdnlo last week. Two raen were di:covcred bveaking into tlm jewclry store of T. Bi-yas. While att(Mnpting to escupe, Charles Moore war; lirccl at by tho Sheriff aud i'alally woimded; Tho 6ther was ui unknowu person. Jioth wero cüptiired. Wjf. Kilmer, tho old jail-bird of Augusta, who was arrcKtxjd at Battle Creok a fe n days ago for connnitting burglarics in blond daylight, lias been sonteneed to live years' imi)risomnent at Jaoksojj. Kilmi-r ík an old ollVudcr, . and was diseharged from State Prison 1 not long since, whero ho had served a i t-erm of two years. The State Board of Auditörs has ' awardcd tho following contráete for 1876-7: Printing, W. S. Gteórfre & Co., Lansing; binding, ButtérBela & Bnrr, Detroit; news, print and böofc paper, Poniiisílla Compauy, Ypsilanti. The Viids are tbirWrÜiree per cent. lówbr than tho présent contract pricés. lliiiijSPALB had a gamo of baseball between its fat and loan men, last week, which was tiie occasion of moro mcrninent than mylhing else wldch kas ocjurred there this season. The öld-fash LQaed game was played, wMcji used to bo üi tho da ys of " town mfeetin's " and " inisiu's." FÏyo innings were played, ind the scoro stood 32 to 32. At a iiotel in (rand llapids, when Barnum was in towp, and tho tolde was 3et for 110 dinners, tliore was a striko among the waiting-girls for extra pay for the extra occasion. The landlord naid down without any words, and all passed off smoothly. But two weeks aftor ho called for the striking waiters, paid them np, and blandly infornied tliem that he had struck for extra help and their services were uot needed. The Commissioners for the Supervisión of the Penal, Pauper, and Èeformatory Iiistitutions of this State, visited the Eeform School, at Lansing, a few lays sinee, and expresa themselvcs well pleased with the recent improvements in ,ho premisos, care of the inmates, and jeneral ippoarance of harmony that prevails in the i)resont manageiaent of tho instituüoii. At East Saginaw, ono cvening Lust weck, a ytmng mau nained John McGuire was aasaultcd b.y a party of iivo desperaiJoes, knocked down and liorribly ïnutilated, His left ear was literally toni from his head, his right car bitten into, and hia eyes and face goüged, di-stigiuing him for life. Two of tho gang, K '] i ert Graliam and F. Hollister, weïè arrested uul locked np in default of bail iu tlie smn of $800 iorapprarancc ?r exaniination. The State Tempernnce Assnc-iatimj prganizcd at Jack.sou on Tiiosday lat, with the Kev. Jos]h Kstalrook,ol' Vpsilanti, l'rcsi.lcnt. Coniinitto's were appointed, and uldressos and a discussie m of tho ((Uiipi'iaiicii qui'stion wor( in order. The discuK.skm was (inite a:iinia;(.l, cs-.'oially when the rolaüon of trin'ianci' to tho political partics was broui;M op. The p:issage of tho State lic'iiso lau tln'.y eonsider a defeat of tenipcranci', aiul Ui Logislatiu-e and all ho favor iö were censiu'ed. There are eleven savinti's banks doing business in this Stato, who;;e eondition is reported as foüow.s : LIADILITII'S. A-Kn.nt.0. pl,. - Surplus - r ■ in ' I)„ftaiik and depoaitore B iï'iiS , l'rolit a.ul losa 1H.I1...,! Tnüd í'l,0"H,-VJ.78 üEtiOUHOEM. Loansand aiücounts $:i.fl(if!. Hl! . 17 Bands 8i2,608.70 CMh s5t),O83.1 BelBtote i '.'"'í [lm rniuibiiiiks 617,804.24 ExpenOB. -■'■■'':i;-'") Ovcrdratt '■ letsli tWiltm...i,U


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