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SUBSCRIBÍS FOH THE AliGUS. - Bishop Gillespie was iu the city early m the week. - Martín Clark starts to-day ou a tiii iiround the lakes. - Richard Toban, druuk and disorderly clMt8 oí trial to settlo. - A number of our citizens have gone to guffalo to attend the races. - Commiasioner Lawrence will decide the Cook's Hotel attachmeut case to-day. _ A Germán at Manchester was seriously injuved by a racing hand-car Tuesday. _ Robert Tedwell was diseharged by Justice Beahan on Friday, on nis paying the costs. _ Chas. Holliday and Jeff Davis have again il off the adjiistment of thair difficulties till the 16th. - ïhe Baptists of Manchester and neif,'hboring villages will give an excursión to Putjn-Bay next Tuesday. - A. S. Mallory, formerly clerk at the freight house iu this city, has been appointed gtation agent at Grass Luke. Í_ Harvest is about corapleted in this vicinitj, aud threshing has already beguu. Much H'heat. will be badly shrunken. - The First National Bank will rejoice in a MVF marble floor next week. The proper foundations are uow being put iu. _ A little son of J. W. Buss, who lives jbout three miles southeast of Dexter, fel' (rom a ience last week aud dislocated his left elbow. - R. E. Frazer was actively engagod on Suuday íor a briet period in subduing Sames that poured in volumes out oí the chimney on jus house. No domage done. - James Greemug was arrested on Tuesday for beiug drunk aud disorderly, aud the expense in connectiou with i subsequeut offense oi breaking Windows was Í15. . - David Gore had to answer to a charge of jssault aud battery ou Jake Eittlebus, before Justice McMahon, Tuesday, aud settle the little matter by a iiue of $1 aud costs. - Aretus Dunn is makiug au improvement in the appearance oi hls residence, on Washiugton street, by the additiou of a pórtico exteuding across the front of the building. Xhe appearance of División Btieet, betweeu Hurou and Catharine shows what a litlle work wiü accomplish, aud furnishes a good eiampló to be followed along other streets. - Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Chicago, while risitmg her father, Olney Hawkins, feil from a norse she was riding, on Spring street last. Saturday, aud met with sorae slight injuries. - Justice McMahon ordered meals and lodgiug for ten days in the county jail for James Corrigan and John Kiug on tiaturday, in return for drunkeuuess and disorderly couduct. - Byron Cheever of this city was quietly married to Miss Jennie Markham on the morning of Tuesday. The happy couple at once started íor a trip down the St. Lawrence. - Two able-bodied men with a ínonkey and haüd-organ were plying their vocatiou on Mam street yeaterday morning, attracting a crowd of spectators. The Marshal dispersed tnem. - Dr. J. A. Watling, of Ypsilauti, the newly appoiuted professor of the Dental School of the Umversity, attended the meeting oi the Dental Aasociation, held at Niágara i'alls ttais week. - A. young woman, giving hnr name as Siplirunia McMilleu was arrested on Saturday last for fortune telling. Slie wis sent by Justice McMahon to Toledo where she claims lei home is. - Dr. Dimster w ill give a cuuise of lectures tilia sumiller at Dartmouth ('ollege, returning intime to commence Lis labor here at the openiug of the medical department of the Uuiyersity. - Wm. McCreery, who lelt this city for Burope on the 7th oí July, has been heard i rom. His letter was dated at Cork, and atated, among other things, that the vojage waB a very pleasant one. - The game of base ball played at this piace ou Thursday last week resulted in a score of 19 for the Ann Ar hor club aud 17 for the Dexter club. Euthusiasm seemed to be wantiug on both sides. - A replevin suit was held before Justice McMahon on Monday in wliich the property ot Eugeue Osterliu was at stake. The cao oocupied the whole day, and was deoided lor the di'feaadaut by jury. - The services ot the Congregational society will be held at the old church next Suuday afteruoou, at 3 o'clock. ïhe Sabbith School will meet at the same place immediately alter the close of the church services. - A grand picnic is to be held at Whitmore Lake next Thursday, August l'2th, uiuler the auipices and for the benefit ot the Cathohc Clmrch of Northfield. Several good speakers are expected to be present. - Wm. H. Levering, of Layfayette, Indiana, was in the city on Tuosday last, as agent of the Cooitueutal Insurance Co., luokin up matters pertaining to the Keyuolds flre at Manchester. He put up at the Leonard House. - A letter from one of subscribers of ïork says : " Wheat is nearly all harvested in this viciuity, but the rain of Sunday will prevent maiiy trom drawing it into their barns for several days, and it is feared injured the oat erop to soine exteut." - The regular monthly meeting of the Aun Arbor Scientittc Association will be held at the usual place to-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock. A paper will be read by Prof. G. B. Merriman ou Parhelia. These meetings are fu.ll of interest to visitors. - The Normal base ball club played the Dexter boys and were beaten. At the request o the former club, ten men on a side played and each had ten inniugs. The result was a score of 16 for Dexter and 9 for the Normáis. The game was played at Dexter. - Three tramps, James Fagen, James Roach, and John Dow, arrested by Marshall SWing, were sent to the House of Correction on Saturüay byjustice McMahon for ninety days, for vagraucy. Such fellows had better keep clear of our Marshall's reach. - A man by the name of Baker and A. J Buckliu, of Sylvan Center, were taken to Jackon last Saturday, from Chülsea, on a charge oí stealiug a horse at Michigan Center. They Had hired the horse to go to Jackson but iustead of returnmg wunt to Clielsea. - A grand touruameut of the Schutzenbund Societies of the State will be held in this city on the 12th and tëtb of August. A laige attendance is expected. Prizes will be given to the amouut of 200. The shootiug will be without rests and at a distance of '2Ü0 yards. Dr. D. M. Tyler has tormed a partnership for the practice of law, with John Galloway, of Detroit. The doctor graduated from the law department of the Umversity last spring. He will continue hix medical practico here ijíhts aud moinings, where he will still reside. - ïwo cliildren ttarted a fire iu soine ahav'g8 in the rear oí the new building of W. D. Sinith, on State street, the first of the week, 'jut fortunately the flames were arrested before any damage was done, 'fhis ia the third 'line that building has had narrow escapes irom ure. - A. W. Ames started for Chicago Mouday eveiung, Lor the purpose oí viewing the Bights oi that city during the next áay. Owing to a colhsion on the western portion of the road, he dia not reach Chicago unta Tuesdiy evening - just about time to take the night expresa tram for home again. He nv the big depot. - 'Squire Breugel, of Manchester, slumbered in this city Wednesrtay night, and huns to his bed a little too long yesterday moraran. We niet him "legging" it down Detroit 3treetr putiing and fonraiug, anxious to cdtch the eastern train, but the train got the start of hi m about half an hour. Many of the raemhers of the Common Oouncil, as tliey eutered the counoil chamber Monday eveniug, did not recognize the place, thinking that they had got into the wrong pew having forgotten that at the last meeting a thorough renovation of the room was ordered. The room presenta a decidedly improved appearance. - The communion services of St. Thomas's (Catholic) Church, will be adiniuistered next Sabbath morning, commencing at 10 o'clook. Soine 40 children will on this occasion partake of tlieir tirst communion. A procesaion of the children will he formed at St. Thomas's school and, beaded by the,churo!i chuir, murch to the church. - Eugene K. Frueauff was recentl}' appointed Commissioner of Deeds in the State of Minnesota, but after a trip thither he has decided to decline the honor and remaiu in Ann Arlor. He reporta his journey as a very pleasant one. He went from Detroit to Duluth, thence through St. Paul, Miuneapohs and other large cities on his way home. - The thieves who, a short time since, burglarized the store of W. H. Burt, of Milan, have secretly returned nearly all the stolen goods. To be sure Mr. Burt feels uuder obligationa to the thieves lor thair kiudness in returning the property, but ïf he could ascertain who they were prooeedings would be instituted against them just the same. - Horace Washington, a colored gentleman, sould uot find felicity in domestic Ufe and quietly withdrew to more peaceful realms. lis spouse wouldu't be left alone and so had lirn arrested for abandouing her. But they ' made up" subsequeutly, and decided to reunite their fortunes. Four dollars coste was he expense oí the little misunderstaudiug. - Jas. öauntlett, of Mooreville, was a few ays since assaulteü by one Milton Marvin, who approached hun as he was quietly aitting pon the stepa of the hotel, and, without a wor.l of waniing, Rtruck hiin a fearful blow pon the lace, and then turned and walked off. Marvin was promptly arreated aud fíned, and ib now under arrest for private damages. - Au excursión will be given by Company B on the 18th, to Put-iu-Bay, the steamer Jay Cooke having been chartered for the occasion. Over 130 miles of travel on the water will thua be given, and au opportunity on arrival to visit the islands aud other places of interest in the viciuity. The f are lor the round trip will be $2. It is understood that this ia the last excursión to be given on the M. O. R. R. this year. - A parish meeting of the Congregalioual society was held Tuesday eveniug, at which the terms oí sale of their old church property was fully disoussed. The uctiou oí the Trustees aud the terms oí' sale were uuanimously ratitied and coutirmed. Mauy of the members expressed regret that the property did not bring a higher rigureT but all were of the opinión that tiie sale, uuder the circuuistanses, was the boot thing thatoould he done. - Frank Bishop, a young man twentj'-one years of age, met with a very severe accident about two months since, and died trom the effocts of it on Thursday of last week. He was at -work in a brick yard near Brighton, wheu some machinery about the engine caught his clothing and tore away a portion of the flesh on his side before he could be rescued, leaving his lungs exposed. He was careiully treated, however, and the prospects were that he would recover. But he became imprudeut, feil iuto a relapso and died quite suddeuly. - The target shoot by Company B last Friday was quite au enjoyable aft'air. As it was intended for recreation, failure to make brilliant shots disappoiuted uo one. The targets were placed at a distance of 500 yards and over 100 shots were h'red before they were hit. At length Private U. A. B. Hall scored 22 and 24 at two shots in successiou, and carried off the rirst prize; which was a silver medal. Sergeant Chris. Weiurecht scored 19, and took the second prize, which was a pearl laid gold pencil. The otber scoring was as follows : Fred Lutz, 13 ; Sergeant W. F. Reed, 7 ; Albert Volland, 2, and Albert Sorg, 1. The first prize has been in the possession of Sergeant Fall duriug the past year. - Dunug the entire summer the jail in this city has been overrun with vagabouds, vagrants, tramps, druuks, fec, their time being spent thre in idleness, and living at the expensa of the people without reudering any benefit to the community, extept their absence trom the streets. The prospects are that the same state of affairs will continue to exist, at least they will if the officers do their duty. Along neariy all our streets noxious weeds are growing, which needs cutting, aud there is no better way to have it done than to eet these "jailbirds" to work at it, under charge ot an officer. By this meaus the streets will bear a different apijearance and the numbfir of occupauts of the jail lessened. Let the Coramiii Council adopt an ordinauce for thid purpose. - The Germans have purchased the old. Congregational church foi $4,300. They will take imniediate possession aud have preaching regularly at 10:30 on Suudays. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Graessle, of Bucyrue, Ohio, will occupy the pulpit. Everythiug oonnected with the church goea with it except the old organ Preparations will at once be undertakeu to iraprove the external appearance of the building, one feature in this improvement beiug the coustruction of a new tower. The society is to be kuowu as " The First Lutheran Society of Ann Arbor," and the church as " Ziou Church.'' Subacriptious for the payment of the bill of purchase are footing up rapidlyThe Congregationalists will continue to occupy the uhurch in the afternoon till their new one is completed. - ïlany towns are adopting an excellent plan in regard to tramps, who are overruuning the country, solicitiug aid to get from one place to another, in many instances demandiug it as their right, and showing violence toward womeu and children when refused it. The authorities set them to work to pay for their board aud lodging, I'ormerly there was a pity feit for these ragged, wandering wretches, but people have lost all sympathy, and have cuncluded that the only way to get rid of them is to starve them out, or compel them to do some useful work. It only breeds tramps to board and clothe them. At this seasou of the year there is plenty of work to be had in the country at fair wages ; but in mauy places where they have been offered work they have scornfully refused it, and suddenly leU fot the next town. The authorities ot this city have f urnished board and lodgmg for ninety days for three of these lazy vagabouds at the House of Correction during the past week. lf evory city would use this or similar maasures, thete vngrants would soon liüirn that they must work tor what they eat, i drink and wear.