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NEW ADVERTISEMggT8 House and Lot for Sale. I OFFER my property No 69 Huron street, between División and Btate. The lot is 4 rode y 12. Ten rooms. House and grounds in good ir er. Pnce $,000. A Iarge sbare znay remain u bond and 1542 GEO. D. GILLE6PIE. EXCUESIOÏÏ ! An Excursión party for DENVER, COOLRADO, Will Btart from Ann Arbor August 17tb. 'ickets good to return for 'JU days, and only S8O For Round Trip Partiea wiahing to toke advantage of this excuron or desiring auy iniormation in iegard to the itai; will pleaae address HENRY A. WALDRON. AffciU for the K. P. R. It . I mul. 1540w3 A1VN ARBOR, Midi. GOXJDBIOTSB llr) nnt rnd Stratton BUSINESS UNIYERSITY ' Detroit, removed to the new Mechanic's Hall, posite the City Hall, occupies the best location the city. The rooms are the flneBt and best furshtid anywhere to be fodnd. The instiution is uducted upon the actual businessplan, and after ï yearb experience in the business we are satistted iat it is superior to any other; it aUo receives the ndorsement of business men. College paper sent ee to auy address. 1542 Ï6TINT8 Of legitmate Lead and Liquid Paint Mixed with Pure Linseed OU, ut up in packages from one pint to f.jrty gallons, id ready ut all times for immediate use. Not withstanding our paint is im ici: i.i; a i aïïö zink, it is sold as cheap as ordinary Z.ZQX7ZD FAZXTTS. )ne gallon of this paint will cover 250 square feet, wo coate, and can be applied immediately, aa it is ixed with oil, and READY FOK THE BRU8H. We will send samples, througe the mail, to any ddress, FREE OF CHAKUE, or it may be seen ; the warerooms of the Detroit White Lead Works N. B.-We also oall attention to our brand of tbioily Pübe White Jl,kad. D2u100 IN OKLD!-i We warrant this White Lead to be chemioally mre, and will pay $100 in Gold for every ounce of dulteratioo tound in this p ickage brunded with ur uame. WOHCESTER, BOTDEL & CO., 127 Jeffcrsou Avenue, Detroit, Mich. ADÍES can niako 85 a day in their own city -ior towu. Address ELLIS M'Fü Co., Waltham, aa. 1 ayhew Busineu College offers thebest 'Akiimvu facilities for athorough business educaon. For circulare address IEA MAYHEW, Deoit, Mich. 'MTCUTC Have you an invention for mJ l Lrl loi whica you desire a Patent, , either in the U. 8. or iny foreign country I Then send to the Mechanica and Inventora' ssociation, the only reliable Patent Agency in ichigan. 37 W. Conress St., Detroit. THO8. 8. SPKAGUE, President. E. W. Voight's SALVATOR BEER s tlie Best Lager Brewed in the West. MILWAUKEE BREWEEY, Grand River Ave., Detroit. This beer is bottled by Jacob Beller, 11 State street, F. Maloney 4 Co., 260 Grand River avenue, and Villiams & Co., brewers, Buncan's Brewery. VVAlvf BD 1MMED1ATJ2L.Y An YOCNG MEN TO .U3 LEARN TELEGRAPHY. ith good situation guaranteed. Salary paid while vacticiuiï. Address with Stamps, C. A. SHEARMAN, Supt. U.T. C, Oberlin, Ohio. SherifTs Sale. CJTATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, J as Alfred W. Hamer vs. Jamen W. Case. y virtue of one writ of execution issued out ï and under the seal of the Circuit Court for ;he county of Washtenaw, in the above entitled ause, to me directed and delivered, I have on thia d day of Angust, A. D. 1875, levied upon all tbe ght, title aud interest oí James W, Case, in and u the following described real estáte ituated in ie county of Washtenaw, State oi Michigan, to wit : The east half of lots number six hundred nd nine and six hundred and ten in Follett, ought and Holmes' addition to the city of Ypianti, Michigan, which above described land 1 will lïer for sale to the higheet bidder, at the south oor of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, nthe28th day of September, A. D. 1876, at ten 'clock A. M. of said day. Dated Agust3d, 1875. 1542 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. SherifiTs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, J sa. John T. Raywalt vs. Alva A. Robiscn. y virtue of one writ of execution ismed out f and under the Beal of the Circuit Court for ie county of Washteuaw, in tte above entitled ause, to me directed and delivered, I did on the ith day of May. A. D. 1875, levied upon all the ight, title and interest of Alva A. Robison in and o the following described raal estáte sjtuated in ie county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : All that certain tract of landsituated in block umber eighteen of the village of Dexter, Washenaw county, ötate of Michigan, known bounded nd described as tollows, to wit : Begmning on [ie east side of said block number eighteen, and outh side of an alley twenty ieet wide, one hunred and seventy feet from the south side of Mam treet or Ann Arbor road, and runniug north sixy-tour degrees wrst along said alley one hundred nd eighty-five and a half feet ; thence south wenty and a half degrees west along an nlley wenty feet wide, and parallel to said east line of aid block, forty and one half feet; thence south fty-nine and ttiree-fourths degrees east, one hunred and eighty-six and a fourtn feet to the east ne of said block ; thence along said east line üftyve and a half feet to the place of beginning, which above described land I shall expose for sale o the highest bidder, at the south door cf the ?ourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, at ten .clock A. M. on the 2Sth day of September, 1876. Dated August 3d, 1875 . 1542 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. NEW ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMEE CL0THIN6. WK. WAGNER ts Juil Received A FBIME STOCK, Which must and will be sold at PKICEa T0 SUIT THE TIMES Also a f all stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to uit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods CALL and C. Wl. WAGNER 21 South Maih St. Ann Arbor. 149 (i.m:kai. and business ROOT & GRANGEE, having secured the exclu ROOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOK for the county of Washtenaw, whioh tbey hav carefully revised, popted and periected, and hav iuii, with an t-xtensive ana reliable correapondeuc opened a General Business Agency at No. 5 West Huron Street, Ín the city of An Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchaa and leasing of real es tu te, the loaning of mone collection8,negotiation6, contracting1 and conve ancing, Life and Fire Insurances, and to the pra tice ot Law in the various Courts of this State. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1475. TRA.CY W. KOOT, B. V. QKAN&BR. EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JTJST EECEIVED AN Entire New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Coff ees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a W 8LIGHT ADVAKCB over New York Oost. lso a full line of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR in BOOTS & SHOES, All of which he is offering VERY LOW FOR CASH. paya everybody to buy their Eoods for Cash. Cali and examine goods aud pricee, and WILL INSUKE SATISFACT ON oods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard's Block," cor. Main and Ann streeta 34 Ann Arbor, Mich. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OS Snnn j Annual Statement, JANUARY 1, 1875. crumulated Assets, - $6,555,828 iabilitiee, Including reserve 5,843,846 urplus belonging to Pollc hold'rs 711,982 nnual Income, 2,820,313 mount of Insurance in force, $54,998,941 Tlirty dn] of errace alloned on Payinent of Bcnewali. No restriction on Travel. Prompt and liberal n payment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. Total death claims paid in last eight years, 3,000,000, G. A. "WATK1NS, 538 No. 10 Bank Block, Deiroit, Manager for Michigan. JOHN SEARS, Dist. Ag't, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROO F ING. THI8 ROOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATER PKOOF; VERY FLEXIBLE; F AR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AR0UND CHIMNEY8 AND CONNECTIONS BETWEKN WO0D and BRICK. This Boofing has been in use flve years an is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indenite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roofs [t is flre and water proof ! This paint will be put on by the Company or sold by he gallon, with inatiucuons how to apply the same. W No Coal Tar is uscd in eitner. We solicit the pnblic patronage. All work will e warxanted. All Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS ROOFING CO. P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA . Residence 43 South Thayer Street. TINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDFLOÜR & FEED STORE. We keep eonstantly on nand, BEEAD, CKACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. "We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FL0UB, CORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasomible terms as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. Kf Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514H PLEASE CALL AND GET The best Lawn Mowers at Pease's. The most beautiful Plant Stands at Pease's, 2 new Ferneries and Ferns at Pease'B. The best Refrigerators in America at Pease'a. Cali and see the new Lever ClotheB Wringer a Pease's. 40 reasons for using Reed's Carpet Sweeper a Pease's. Wire Cloth for Screens, at Pease'B. Water Coolers- shop made, at Pease's. Water Filter's of metal, neat, convenient an durable at Pease's. Toilet Sets of Galvanized- iron everlasting, a Pense'. Wire Arches, for Centerpieces, or walk, made a Pease's. Bath Tubs- Famiiy, Sitz, Plunge and Cliild's, a Pease'B . Farm Tools at Pease's. Everything resqnable at Pease's, O. J. PEASE, 40 S. fflaln st. For Sale Gheap. The subscriber offers for sale hls HOUSE A1TD LOTS on West Huron street, next west of S. P. Jewett residence. The house is one of the best, and plea antest, for the size, in the city. Will be sold fo 500 less t h an cost. For particulars apply to John N. Gott, or löaO A. D. BESIMEB. __RAILROADS. M 'ÜHlttAS CENTKAL BAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. OOINO WIKT. STATIOSS. - W SIS" 'SÍ 1 M a o o A.H. A.H P.M. P.M. P.M.JP.M. Detroit, leave, 700 9 60 330 4 00 6 40 9 60 Wayne, 7 S6 10 3C 4 07 4 60 6 34 10 37 Sfpoilanti, 8 32 11 00 4 22 5 27 7 10111 00 knnArbor, 8 57 11 15 4 36 45 7 45 11 17 Dexter, 9 20 4 52 6 08 8 10 helsea, g 40 _ 6 23 8 30 russ Lake, 10 07 6 49 9 00 P.M P.H A. M. ackson, 10 37,12 33 6 40 7 15 9 30 12 45 A.H. alamazoo, 1 56 2 55 12 26 3 54 hicago arrive, 7 35 8 00 6 30 8 00 OOIHO KAST. o a iS 'S. o L fc_o A.H. A. H. P.H. P. H. A. H. hicago, leave, 500900 5 15 900 alamazoo, ; 10 50 1 40 10 30 2 35 - - P.M. A.H. A.M. ackson, 2 12 4 05 7 00 12 47 4 5fi 9 50 raag Lake, 2 45 7 32 - I - 6 23 helsea, 3 10 8 00 6 501 extei, 3 25 8 18 6 08 nn Arhor, 8 52 6 10 8 37 2 22 6 28(10 4T psilanti, 4 20,6 27 8 66 2 42 6 48 11 00 Wuyne, 4 45 j 5 43 9 25 3 02 7 10 11 19 etroit, arrive, 6 45 t 4510 16 3 60 8 00 12 00 Tlint & Pere Marquette R. R. OLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wayne unction with traína of the Michigan Central K. R. Four traína rsorth and fouz South daily except unday. In Effect July 18th, 1875. OOINO NOBTH. STATIONS. W M '5 M S L ■ % &5_ jg_ _S f_ A. H. P. H. f. M. A. M. Vayne, leave 9 00 1 00 7 00 3 26 Holly, 10 30 Í 28 8 29 6 00 lint, .11 06 8 C'5 9 06 6 44 ast Saginaw, 12 47 4 35 10 20 7 25 ay City, arrive 12 20 6 00 10 60 8 00 P.H. teea City, 8 42 12 30 .udiugton, 10 45 6 55 OOINQ SOUTH. A.1T A.H. P. H. Wayne, arr. 2 55 5 45 8 20 [onroe, airrive 4 05 9 15 oledo, arr. 5 08 10 20 The steamei' " John Sherman " leaves Ludington n arrival of Day Express at 10 45 making close .onnections with the Hheboygan & Fon du Lac R . R. t Sheboygnn for all points in WisconBin, Minneota and the Vpper Feninsula ot Michigan. Reurning leaves fcineboygan at 12 30 noon, connecting with the Night Express leaving Ludington at 6 . M. ; connections at Ludington also with steamrB for Pentwater, Manistee, Franklin, etc. SANFORB KEELER, Asa't Supt. J. P. Noubse, Gen'i Ticket Agent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINO WEST. -1875- OOINO XAST. stations. Mail. Exp. stations, üxp. Mail. Detroit, aep...7:Oü' 5:40 p" " 'paüanti.... 8:32 7:15 Banken 3:16 2:15 aline 9:30 7:45 Hillsdale ... 3:30 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:00 8:03 Manchester.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 8:22 Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 P.M. Saline 7:25 4:46 Hillsdale 1:28 10:05 Ypsilanti.... 8:55 6:26 Bunkers 1:45 10:16 Detroit 10:16 6:30 Traina run by Chicago time. To take eflect July 11, 1876. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. C. BLISS & SOU are now ready for the SPRING TRADE withan Elegant Stock New Goods consinting of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver & Plateii Ware anda ering them at prlces never before offered in the market. Something new in TEA SETS and at a great reductlon f rom former prices. B3Remember -we have the I.argest Stock in the city. Cali and see for yourselven. REPAIRING NEATLÍ AND PROMPTLY DONS. C. BLISS & S01V. 1522 LYNCH & KINNUCAN, MERGHÁNT MORS. 181 Jefferson Ayenue, MERRILL BLOCK, Detroit. - Mich. OÜR STOCK OF FINE WOOLENS Is the largest and most complete to be found In th city of Detroit. Gentlemen Yisiting the City Shüuld examine these goods before purchaslng Our Styles are Imported expressly for u and are confined to our House. Samples sent to any part of the State. LYNCH & KINNUCAN. 1532W13 . fJLL OPENTHE ANN ARBOB Mineral Springs House. Thia house, which has been open to the public for the paat three years,has undergone a change of management, and will hereafter be under the superintcndance of Dr. Clelland, Dr. Hale having retired from the establishment. The house will continue open to the public every day, as heretofore, except slndays. Hot. cold, perfumed, and electrlc baths at all hours. Plunge, hot air and steam baths ererT Wednesday and Saturday for the present. Ampie accommodations for invalids in search of hcñllh or tourists in search of pleasure. Charges moderate. Send to the Superintendent for a circular. 4wl539 ÏÜVE ÖEE8E FEATHJSK8 FIBST OTT-A.IjIT-2Constntlyonhand andforsaleby BACHfr ABEL. O K t„ 9iïPeT day at home. Terms free. Ad JpO' JpAVdrMaQ.STmioiiACo., Portland, M


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Michigan Argus