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Brooklyn's Scandal

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[■"mm NVw Ym-k Hcrald.l Yesterday afternoon ex-Judge Samuel D. Morris served the foUowing formal nofcice on Messrs. Shearman and Sterling, Attorneya Of Record for Mr. Beeoher : !lty Court oT Brookiyu- Thraxloro Tiltou Hoiiry Ward Boechef. - Please to tai;o I ïiotico that tito íhruo of fact in the above action i witl l)o brought on for triaJ, aml nu inqtiest taken tbcroin ut the next term of the City j Court of ürooklyn, appointpd to ho lipld at the City Couit-JIouHe. in tlio city of Brooklyn, in Haid County of Kingu, on the iirnt Monday of September next, at Kt o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or au hooji tliercafter au counael can be heard, unlofs Hooncr tried. IJatcd the 2(1 day of August, 1875. Yonrs, etc, ftloSSIfi 4 Peakmai.i,, AttornevM lor ])laintiir, No. 1UÜ Mojitafuc street, Brooklyu, N. Y. To Sheannan & Sterling, attorneyH for defendant. Tlio date tlms iixed for tlio new trial demanded by counsel for Theodoro ïili ton was tlio earliest that conld be solect od, for tlio reason that all the courts in Brooklyn havo adjourned nntil September. Mr. Morris declared that it was his intention to place the suit on record in the city court, and hoped that it would flnd a leading placo in the calendar. He took this view becanse tho issue betwrcu Tlii'odore Tilton and Henry Ward üeecher is yet uusettled. tlui jury having disagreed and failod to bring in i verdict. In the meaiitime apeeulation is rife among ptiople as to whether the plaintiir, Tlieodore Tilton, reafly is in ppsRession of any new cvidenco Upon wliioh to seck a verdict. Ex-Jddgü Morris claims that he lias orno n;w t;vidence to bring bef o re the jury, and Gen. Tracy ! is of the opinión that, in the event of a ! new trial, the (cíense will not be a long I one. It is also arguod that it will be almost an impossibility to íind twelve fijen in Brqoklyn who aro not thoroughly "read np" on the case aud havo formed an opinión on oitJicr one side or ótheï. There are vory few citizens of Kiugs ! count.y who could relish the idea of ! being felrood to takc a ücat in the jurybox on a trial liko the last one in the scandal case. Jirooklyn jurors will not be likoly to forget that tho TiltonBeechcr jnry woro taken away from their legitímate business for half a year at a sMponcl of $2 per day and a dinner. That they werevotedan "extra" compensation by the Stat! Lcgislatiire, which act raiscd their expectations of rewiird, aud the "Board of Supervisors failod to I givo them the ïnouey; that liually they wivro lockeu upiDacoiirt-rixii), mul nfber eight dayts diacussing the te.stimony, faiied to ctgreo'. All these eircumstunecK combino to érente a natural abÜorireHce to jury biisioéSS where the. principáis ure tl; sume i.s ftppewefl in the groat scandal trial of the age; Tho ilefiHulaut'a counsel took the matter very ooolly, aml they declaré them.selvtis quite a.s ready for trial as the pltiintiir could bey They will take tbe usual steps, imd if the caso comes to court, fight the issue to tho bitier end. Jiulging from the Ktatements made by I ffie counsel on botli sídes, quite i livcly content will le the fesult, though it is j evident tüat tlie proposed trial will not be a very long one.


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