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The Black Hills

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ITrom the Chicago Tribune.] In the feverish excitement which some newspnpers and adventorers havo provokod with stories of the wealth of the Black Huls, perhbp the following eanilid letter from Lieut, John II. Ooáie, of the Second Oavivlry Regiment, U. S. A., iiow in that región, to hia father, Isaao Coide, Eiq., of this city, will bc rond with interest, and perhaps gratituda, br tliosi; who lieed it '. Camp HarneY, Jilack Hilla, July 18. -Camp Hanicy, from whicli I writo, ia situated in the Black llilln of Pakota- to bc oxact. in latitude 43,deg. 4G min. 20 hci, and longitudo 103 dcg. 44 min. and 45 sec. Wo liavc a permanent camp here, and Hend out aurvcying partioa with smal] escorta to map the comitry witliiu a radiua of fifty miles. We are about through with the southeru porta of tb o Ilill, and to-morrow will move up to tho i orthward, with a view of chtaMishing a iiernianont camp about Kixty or Hcvcnty milca from liere, whero we will complete the Hurvoy of the nortlieastern nortion of the Hills. I notice that the Eastern papers aro fillod with lic about the gold-diacoveneH. I liavo jUHt as good o])portnnitioH of knowiug a anybody, and I am aatisfied that, so far, no rich '!'.]jiit.! have been diHcovered, and I dou't beliovc one nuggot ha been fouud. The gold, so far, i in very mail scalen, and I, not leing an enthusiawt, havo failcil to lind out what tho ii-ld actually ia. I am natinfied that most of tlie ïnincrH are not making $1 a day, and that perhaps one or two partios aro maki'ng #2 a day, 1 by mucli h,,rdcT work thaii they would bo re quired to do on any railroad in tho United Htatcs. rrovmionu, a yet, cannot bc bonght at auy Irice ; so when tho stock whicli the minera have brought with them ia exhaustod, they will probably lmve to cali on tho governmènt to keep tl iom from atarving. I am satisficd that no rich fjuartz-leadi havo been found, all news)apcr reportH to the contrary notwitlmtanding. If uishixlv tliinli-i of coming to tho lilack llills. be bad better think twicc about it. I really believo that, so far, all tho stories about rich diggingH havo bcou invented by a few speculatorn, in order to get pcoplo out licro to buy clairaa. ïho miner hcre are really nöt doiug aliythiug, but are lyiug back for tlie rush, in hopos of selling out their claima at labulous priecs. I Buppoeo there are about 500 miners Here iiow, scattered throiigh the ilills. Wo have uo instructiona to interfero with them, bccause wo have ottier dutica to jierfoi'm. Most of them aïo a poor, deludcd set, who have no idea of the ditliculLicH they will have tocontend against. They Heem to have como ont hero tliinking they would find the gold lyingaround looae, and that all they woukj luwe to do would bo to load tbeir igons and start homo with a fortune. I do not mean to say Hiero aro no rich deposita of gold in the Hills, becaueo I am no propliet ; bul i know Umt, up to the presont time, they have not beci discovered.


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Michigan Argus