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The Centennial

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To thepeople of tlw State of Michigan: Fellow-Citizens. - We who herewith eign this paper feel impelled by a sense of duty to the entire Union ; our obligations to it ; our State reputation, and interest as a State, to address you upon the important anniversary we are oalled upon to celebratain 1876, to wit : The Centennial, or the One Hnndredth Annivermry of the Declaration of Our Nati&nnl Independence. We do not forget that 200 years ago email settlement was made in our State, on the spot where the beautiful city of Detroit now stands, and that our beginBing has passed its two hundredth anniversary ; but our growth was slow, and it was not until sirty years had passed, after the Declaration of Independance, in 1776, that we became a sovereign State, and added our star to the galaxy of the Union. Forty years will have passed over us as a State, when the centennial anniversary of our Nation's birth (in 1876) will cali us to joiti our sister States in its celebration. Proudly can we take our place in that assembly. But four-tenths of the century in sxistence, we oan return a population of over one third that of the old 13 States, when for us and all mankind they declarad for freedom and self-govern inent. We have reaped the result of their declaration and subsoquent detense of it ; it is therefore but fitting, proper and right that we should exhibit our production8 of soil, mine and manufaoture, side by side with our sister States, for the inspection of the world. In doing this, our pride as citizens would not permit us to accept the shelter and power, proffered f ree for that exhibition, without lending our proportion toward the cost of preparing the necessary buildings and machinery. After much discussion of the subject through a period of years, in which distinguished citizens and the press of the country have taken part, Congress, in 1871, gave expression to the prevailing sentiment in an act declaring that "it behoves the people of the United States tff celébrate, by appropriate ceremonies, the centennial anniversary of the memorable and decisive event which ted the Fourth of July, Anno Domini 1776, the birthday of the Nation ; " that " it is deemed fitting that the completion of the first oentury of our National exiatence should b coinmemorated by an exhibition of the National resources and their development, and of its progresa in thoae arts which benefit man kind, in cotnparison with those of other nations ;" that "no place is so appropriate for such an exhibition as the city in which occurred the event it is designed to cominemorate ; that " the exhibition should be a National celebration, in which the people of the whole country should particípate," and "should have the sanction of' the Congress of the United States." In pursuance of this declaration, Congresa, in the same act, made proviBion for the appointment by the Preaidont, of a National Centennial Commission to represent the several Statea and Territories, and to be charged with the duty of conduoting the enterprise to a successful issue. In 1872, Congress created a Centennial Board of finance, clothed with authority to raise capital not exceeding #10,000,000, by selling its own capital stock in abares of $10 each ; "the proceeds of said stock, to gether with the receipta from all other sources, to be uaed by said corporation for the erection of auitable buildings, with their appropriate fixturea and appurtenancea, and for all other expendi tures required incarrying out the act of Congreas of Maroh 3, 1871, and which may be incident thereto." Section 10 of the act creating this Board of Pinance providea, " That, as Boon as practicable after the exhibition ahall have closed, it shall be the duty of said corporation to convert the property into cash, and, after the payuient of all liabilities, to divide its remaiuing asseta among its atockholders pro rata, in full satisfaction aud diacharge of ita capital stock." THE LOCATION OF THE EXHIBITION The choice of a location for the exhibition waa fortúnate in every respect. The Declaration of Independance was made in Philadelphia, in 1776, and it was there that the National Convent' on of 1787 perfected and adopted its Constitution under which the Republic has attaitied ita present greatness. The grounds selected tbr tho purpos08 of the exhi bition are in the midst of Fairniount Park, oue of the most oonvenient and and attractive locations to be found in the United States, some 450 acres of which was by deed presen ted to the Centennial Commission, and dedicated to its use in the presence of the President of the United StateR and a vast multitude of people, on the 4th drty of July, 1873. THE PARTICIPATION OF OTHER NATIOKS. Although the language of the Congressional act of 1871 iudirectly reoognized the propriety of giving to the exhibition au international character, the Government had taken no steps in that direction until the dedication of the grounds above alluded to, when the President, by his chosen representative, not only commended the proposed celebration to the favor and support of the people of this country, but also callad to it the attention of the governiuents of other oountries, with a view to their participation therein. The last Congress, although, like the preceding, it did not think best, in the present condition of the National finance8, to appropriate money to carry on the work, passed laws facilitating the raising of oapital, providing tor the admission of articles for exhibition froui other oountries free of duty, and requested the President " to extend, in the name of the United States, a respeotful and cordial invitation to the governments of other nations to be represented and take part in the International Exhibition to be held at Philadelphia, under the auspices of the Government of the United States, in the year 1876." The following named contries have accepted the invitation of Congress, through the President of the United States, and will be present. Their coinïnissioners have been appointed, and soine of them are already at their posts. Uur neighbor, Canada, has appointed her commissioners, and appropriated $200,000 to cover expenses. The couutries are : Kuglaml, V'enezuala, Spain, Nicaragua, Switzerlaiid, Ecuador, U. S. of Columbia, Canada, Peru, Liberia, Chili, Austria, San Salvador, Swedeu, Australia, Japan, Frauce, Germán Empire, Norway, Belgium, (Jhiua, Sandwich Islands, ttreece, ïurkey, [tion, Mexico, Argentine ContederaNew Zoalaud, Tasmania, Hayti, Italy, Netherlands, Brazil, Honduras, G-uatemala, Egypt. PRESENT STATUS OF THE ENTFRPRISE. Encouraged by this action of the Goverunient, and sustained by the niunifioent liberality of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania, the Centen - nial commission and the Board of Finance are progressing with the work of preparation in a manner that promisea well for its timely oouipletion. The City Counoil of Phüadelphia appropriated $50,000 to pay the expenses of the coinuiissioners. The Cominissiouers of Fairmount Park deeded to the Centennial Commissiouers 450 acres of the most beautiful part of their park for the uses of the Exhibition, free of coat. The State of Peunsylvania appropriated $1,000,000, and the city of Philadelphia $500,000 to build a handsome granite building, covering nearly three acres, to be kept for ever as a National Museum, in commemoration of this lOOth anniverBary. This building they donated free to the Exhibition to be used as a öallery of Art. The city of Phüadelphia also donated f unds to build a beautiful Horticultural Hall, covering nearly two acres ; a Machinery Hall, covering nearly 11 acres ; and an Agricultural Hall, covering 12 acres, all of which are placed at the disposal of the Exposition, without cost. Congress has appropriated $505,000 to build a Goveruuient building toexhibit theDepartments of War, Navy, Interior, Patent Office, Smithsonian Institute, etc, thus adding this great attraction to the Exposition, free of cost tv the atockholiler. The citizens of Philadelphia, with a few outside of her Corporation (includiug $100,000 by the State of New Jersey), have subscribed and taken $2,000,000 of Centennial Board of Finance Stock. This provides for the erection of the main hnlding, to cocer 20 w-rex, and there will be under cover for exhi bition of all productions, over 50 acres of ground. ïhe Board of Finance has a right to isue $10,000,000 iu stock, but owing to tho great liberality of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, will only issue holf that auiount, or at most, $5,500,000. The subscriptions, as bofore given, have reached (tuostly in Philadolphia) $2,000,000, and the citizens of the other States are called upon to subscribe theremaininsr $3,600,000 to enable the conimiasionera to complete their work properly. This money is wanted to complete and decórate the interior of the main, machinery and agricultural halls, erect fences, cattle pens and sheds, shaft the 14 acres of maohinery hall, paint the whole. supply gas, lamp posts, pipes for grading, gardens, fountains, to fence in the 450 acres, etc. All the buildings are under contract, and all are to be completed by the lst of January, 1876. The contractors must complete them, part of their payment is retained as security, besides heavy bonds given to insure the fulfillment of their contract. The Peunsylvania Railroad is erecting a grand union depot and a large hotel adjoining it on the grounds. Work on them is being rapidly pushed and all will be eompleted by January 1, 1876. THE DUTY OF THE NATION. . From the foregoing facts and considerations, the duty of this country is manifest. Having failed, as a Nation to do ourselves credit, cither at the New York Exhibition, in 1863, at London, in 1862, at Paris, in 1867, or, finally, at Vienna, in 1873, so much more must be done in 1875 if -the country would redeem itself from the discredit into whioh it has fallen, and make a fitting demonstration to the world, of the vastnexs and variety of the National resources und the marvelous progress of the Republic during the first hundred years of its existence. Add to these motives of action, the certainty that, by bringing together, in a peaceful and patriotic rivalry, the representatives of all portions of a common country, the proposed exhibition will also serve to strengthen the sentiment of nationallty and mutual good will in the hearts of the whole people, and thus to bring all the States together in a more perfect unión. What citizen of the United States can refuse to the enterpriae his most cordial sympathy and hearty oooperation ? THE DUTY AND INTEREST OF MICHIGAN. As citizens of Michigan, we should also be influenced by a proper regard to the interests and duty of this State as a constituent inember of this Kepublic. If higher motives were wanting the opportunity thus alforded for making conspic.uons, before the whole country and the world, the extent and supenority of our natural advantages should of itself be a sufficient inducement. But citizens of Michigan cannot forget the patriotic duty they owe to the nation, whose birth and grand achievements they are asked to unite in commemorating in the year 1876. The late Legislature, by its act appropriating f 7,500 to be used by a conimission of the Governor's appointment, has at once manifested its sympathy, and openly committed the State of Michigan to a fitting participation in the great eveut. It but remaius for the people to redeum this pledge by a splendid exhibition of the products of our industry and by such subseriptions of stock in aid of the National fund as they ought to make, aud as shall be worthy of 1,240,000 of patriotic and intelligent people occupying the beat portiou of the American continent. This Intornation&l Exhibition is now an established fact, sufficiently advanced aud provided for to put up the buildings. The wholn United States is ooinuiitted to it, and its complete success or failure will fall on each State alike. To make it a perfect maan this $;ï,500,000 subBcription must be provided for at once by the States outside of Pennsylvania. Most of it must be expended before next winter. If the people wül thus back the labora of " Their Commission," and " The Board of Finance," there will be a ucceis worthy the occasion and the Nation. Remember, this subscription is no domdion, but an investment. The 550,000 shares of stook issued are entitled by the aot to all receiptt of ecery description recñoeil by the Exhibition, less expenses. Tbe price of' admission is tixed at 50 cents. F rom data obtained from forHign expositions, añd our local ones, it Í8 fairly estimated that 12,000,000 adnnssions will berecoived. This auiount, less expenden, wbich cannot reaeh $2,000, 000, but which we will attume to be the figure, would leave the sum of $4,000,000. Add the receipts froin the salo of the niain building, pipe, lamp posts, shafting, etc, not less than $1,500,000, we have the net sum of $5,500,000 to return to the stockholders. So that the aniount each will take, will, in all humau probability, be returned in f uil, and if u,ot more ; but if not, wo shal] at least teel that we have done our duty. This could not have been the case but for the great liberality of Pennsylvania and fhiladelphia n providingall buildinga necessary but those in the maiii building. Here will be seen the people of all climes, in native dress, exhibiting their native productions of art, manufacture, ot' soil and mine. All exhibitors have space assigned them, litrlit, shelter and power f ree. Each slockholder receives - to keep in memoriam of this occasion - a certifícate of stock, engraved on steel by the engravers of the United States Treasury, who bave been engsged on it over 16 mouths, and have just completed the work. The act of Congress directing the engraving of these certifícate by United States Treasury engravers protected them from duplication or counterfitting, the same as a United States bond or note. The certifícate is an allegorical representation of our 100 years' progresa, drawn by F. O. C. Darley. As a work of art, it is worth three times the value of a single share. In conclusión, we advise each and all our citizens that canvassers for stock 8ub8criütions will soon be sent amongst you, and we ask for them your kind attention, and such subscriptions as you feel you can make, remembering it is not a donation, but an investinent, with a good prospect of return. An act of Congress provides that medals for the Kxposition shall be struck at the United States Mint, and their duplicating or counterfeiting Drohibited, the same as United States coin. These medals are to be sold for the benefit of the Exhibition. MessrB M. S. Suiith & Co., jewelers of Detroit, have been appointed tor the sule of niedals in Michigan. The headquarters of ths Centennial Board of Finance and Bureau of Revenue for the State of Michigan have been established at the Kussell House, Detroit, where Gen. H. S. Lansing, general agent of " The Oentennial Board of Finanoe " will be found ready to receive 8ub8criptions, issue stock, appoint canvassers, and give any inforination needed in regard to the past or present condition of the Exhibition, its future prospects, mode and forni of application for exhibition, space, etc. All interested are invited to cali. We are very respectfully, Your obeáient servante, (Signed) JOHN J BAGLEY, Governor. JAMES BIRNEY, U. S. Contenniul Commissionor. CLAUDIUS B. GRANT, Altérnate U. S. Ceuteuniul Commissiouer. STATE BOAED OF MICHIGAN CENTENNIAL MA3ÍAOERS. J. J. Woodraan, Paw l'iw. IC. J. Mili, Detroit. Jay A. Hubbell, Houghton. Henry Fraliek, Grand Rapiils. CITIZKNS OF TH1Í STATK. M. E. Crofoot, Vontiac. V. L. Wutmore, Marquette. Peter White, Maquette. (J. T. Hills, Muakegon. Délos L. Eiler, Ludingtou. E. B. Póud, Ann Arbor. H. J. Wells, Kalamazoo. L. H. Bandall, Grand Rapids. P. R. L. Pierce, Mayor Grand Rapids. E. J. Bonnie, Niles. B. F. Emerson, Cooper Falla. George L. Malt., Alpeua. John Hibbard, Port Huron. J. Webster Childs, Ypsilanti. Charles E. Mickley, Adrián. T. T. Lyon, South Haven. A. S. Dykeman, Soath Haven. J. M. Neasmith, Kalamazoo. J. M. Sterling. Hourou. W. H. Stoue, Adnan. ühas. Kepp, St. Johus. E. ü. Grovenor, Joneaville. Jas. Shearer, Bay City. E. A. Webster, Jackson. L. C. Chapín. M. D., Kalamaoo. T. D. Dewey, üwoaso. N. R. Gardner, Jonesville. J. L. Partridge, Bay City. H. C. Potter, East Saginaw. W L. Bancroft, Port Huroa. E. H. Thompson, FUni Henry Waldron, Hillsdale. F. C. Beaman, Adrián. Fred. Hall, Ionia. H. A. Hayden, Jackson. Stephei' A Cobb, Knluincino. A Sherman, Paw lJaw. Charlt'8 UpRo, (Joldwater. Oooiye 11. Duraud Flmt. (!. L. Ortinatt, Sagluaw. Il 11 . Jerome, do V. P Collier, Battle Ureek. I. P. Dhristiancy, U. S. S., Lausiog. CITIZEN8 OF DKTE01T. L). M. Rlohardsou, Emory Wendell, Benj. Vernor, Sylventer Livned, A. S. WtUiama, M. S. Bmith, W. J. Chittendfin, Fred. Wetmoie, Pliilip J. D. Van Dyke, C . H. Butil, Wm. A. Moore, Jas. F. Joy, H. P. Baldwiu.


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