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Subscribí: fok the Aeous. - H. C. Dauchy hus resigued the office o Qishier of the Savings Bank. _ Bom farmers ure willing to contract theil notatoes this fall at 25 cents a bushel. - J. V. X. QngotJ has sold his grocery jtore in the f'ittb ward to James Donoran. -One of the iraprovement of Hurou street ua new sidewalk m trout of W. A. Lovejoy's. - Aiany of the professors in the Univeraity ,lteuded the Scisntitic Associatiou at Detroit is week. - The Michigan Central grain elevator at be depot has been leased by Tunothy Fohey „f Webster. _- The Kev. Mr. Boyden has been creating peci&l interest in the Baptist Church at jlocrerille. - An associated press telegram from Naples on Sunday last stated that Prof. Watson had jirived in that city. - Prof. Harry B. Hutchins with his family, ifill occupy the house of Prof. Tyler on Nortli reet, next college year. _The tiremen held their regular meeting on Thursday evening last week, but trausacted Do business of importaiice. - The Aun Arbor District M. E. Conference (UI hold its next meeting at Saline ou the l'tb and lSth of this month. - Eoot & Granger have removed their law ijice to 26 Hurou street. A gin iniil is about ,lStrted in their old quarters. - G. H. Winslow, went to Ionia Tuesday to ,tteiid the base ball tournameut. He accomIjuiiied a club from Detroit as catcher. - The services of the Congreational So(ety will be held at Zion Chureh (late Couregatioual) next Sabbath, at 3 o'clock P. M. -Bach & Abel are putting down a model iiJewalk south of their block. The plauks are ptuieJmatched and put together with paint. - Prof. Beruard Moses gave a lecture iu the i. E. Chureh ou Sunday night on the sub;eot: Divine Provideuce as Manifest in the Spread of Chnstianity. -Geo. W. Cropsey, of the ñrm of Clark & Cropsey, is enlarging his house in the región of e dimng room. Object, to feed more .-.U'lents the coming winter. - Frot. Adams will have an article in the October number of the North American Reda; which will consider the recent wovk of Prol. Teu Brook on State Umversities. - Patiick Kennedy had exhausted the ptience of the justices by the frequency of his ïpiees, and so on Friday last he was sent to e Detroit " water cure" for sixty-five days. - A game of base ball way played Tuesday uternoou, betweeu picked uines h-om Protectiou and Hurou fire companies The ProKction's were victoriom by a score of 29 to 13. - The Aun Arbor Sclieut.enbimd comueuceii the sport of their gieat tournameut itetenluy, and are continuing it to-day. Large ktogttiona from various parts of the State are present. -Hook, of Boston, will furnish a 2,000 6rg&o for St. Luke's church in Ypsilanti. Kev. Johu A. Wilson, the rector of the same church, is sptnding a vacatiou at Washington uid iu the East. - Mr. Burt ot State street has moved back s Terre Haute, Indiana, with his family. B. i. Burt will teach in the Normal at that place ■M cummg year. W. W. Burt will remain we in the University uext year. -- Delos Fall, of the class of '75, retama the ositiou he held last spriug as Principal of the High School at Flmt, the coming year. He is i'. present in this city spending a portion of his time iu giving lnstruction as a tutor. - Wm. Wheeler left lus horse tied near a lateoo Fourth street, last Suuday, that blew open and sluit till the horse became frighteued uid rau away, demolishing some portions of lle wagon to which he was attached. - The services at the Catholic Church last Suudsy were attended by one of the largest uidieuces ever assembled at that church, the diurcli being literally packed, while large uumtiers nrero uuable to gaiu adniissiou. -Joliu MeOready, nu old and eccentric inividual, and for forty yeara a resident of Ypilanti, died on Mouday. He was the tirst clerkelected after that city was iucorporated, uil was the choice of the Democratie party. He was never married. -David üuerou drove up Main street in Deiter one day last week with his wife, when tliey niet a dog, which greeted them boisterjusly and frightened the horse so that they ere unceremouiously tipped out of the buggy ud somewhat bruised. -The next meeting of the Pioueers will be held ou the 6th of September at this city. This meeting is the anuual one, and will be ie occasion ot the election of offleers and other executive business. The usual bimonthly sesiou will be held the first Monday tt October. - A. W. Hamilton, of the law firni of Fc&ier & Hamilton, ptarted on a trip east on Mouhf. He will go to New York city on business and theuce on a trip ot pleasure to Boston, and return by the way of some other prominent cities. He expects to be absent bout three weeks. -Arthur Sweet, au eight year old son of Spencer Sweet, who hves ou Fourth street, was playing in a barn Sunday and feil a distónos f ten feet, striking with his left side upou a wgon tongue. The fall caused thl breaking two ribs and some ïnterual injuries upon his tangs. He was attended by Dr. Sraith and at tot accounts was doing well. - Two barns, two sheds, and personal prop'rty consisting oi two clips of wools, several tandred bushels of wheat, and twenty tons of 'y, belonging to Chas. Al ban who lives two 8 east of Ypsilanti, were struck by lighting on Friday morning of last week, and e entirely destroyed. There is an insurace in the Washteuaw Mutual of about 1,950. - A school of instruction foi the officers of Sie various Masonic Lodges of Washteuaw tounty, will be held in this city on the 2óth W., and will be conducted by Bela Cogshall, 11 E. G. M., of Holly, Arthur M. Clark, Grand turer, of Lexiugtou, and Foster Pratt, ''lid Secretary, of Kalamazoo. All members M the order are ïuvited to attend. Winslow Bros. have framed a piece of eedle work executed by the inothor of John "rtley wiieu she was a young girl. It con""ts of a border of flowers and pictures sur""Wding a verse ot six line and the name and 4e, Sarah Hind, Apnl 24, 1835, all formed ""ha needle and silk thread upon a ground Wk of light canvas or like material. The whole amount of wool brought in this I atl' this season is 218,132 lbs., and ie distribut among the buyers as follows : Bdcl' A Abel, 107,132 lbs ; Mack & Schmid, W.0O0 lbs; August Herz, .')1,OÜU. The average t"ce puid was about 38 cents. Of these cmuts Bnch & Abel still hold for sale 25,W 'bs. Mack & Schmid have sold about 1()plK)O lb Btill holding the rest. - Piot Tyler is preparing an article for a 'ttll9 uumber of Scnbuer's Mouthly ou the %an UoiverBity. This is to be one of a "es of papers on the leadiug colleges and "Wversitjes of the country, which Dr. Holland '" 9ured from the pens of different writera "ais magazine. The paper by Prof. Tyler "1 occupy about fifteen pages mthe Monthly, iui 't wiil be illustrated by fifteen engravings ken from photographs furnished by S. B. "'enaughof this city. The eugravings will "trate the Uuiversity building, grouudB, &c. - A beautiful specimen of wai-work is on exhibition at the store of Winslow Bros. I was made by Mis9 Maggie Donovon of th Fitth ward, and consiats of a cross profuselj eovered with delicate flowera and vines. The work seeras ahsolutely perfect, and one ha to look twice not to be deceived as to their artificial character. The vrhole is et in a fine frame and is tor sale at Í2 . - Prof. Tyler has about completed his new study. It is a building of brick standing in the rear of the looatiou for his new house, has two rooms, and its special feature is that f it is tire proof. The two Windows and the door will have iron shutter, and the roof of r material uot ordinarily " burnable." It commamls a íine view of the northern part of the ' city, the intervemng river and its sceuery and the hilla beyond. : -The public schools will open on Monday, August 30. Supt. Perry has been re-engaged, and the same able and faithful corps of teach■ ers in the High School, except that Prof. DePont succeeds Prof. Hennequin as instructor in French. But two or three changes have been made in the whole corps of teachers, a guaranty that the High School will continue the best in the State, and that the Grammar and ward schools will maintain their superior reputation. - The M. C. R. R. Co. have under headway the constructien of new water works at the depot. A large reservoir is being built just north of the track and opposite the woodshed, with capacity sufficient to supply not only the locomotives but also all that may be required at the depot buildings. The water will be brought trom the river to the reservoir through pipes, and raised into the large tank by means of a stationaiy engiue, which will be located in a building near the tank. Hose will be in readiness to use in case of fire, thus affording protection as well as convenience. The supply of water heretofore obtained from springs in the Fifth ward ha failed, and trains have been p ut to great inconveuience by it. - Mrs. J. D. Williams, of the shouthern part of the city, met a narrow escape with her life on Saturday. She was driving to the depot a horse aitaslied to a light wagon, and owmg to the " holdbacks" not being secure, the wagon rau againct the horses heels. He of course et out at full speed, turned to the left and rau on the platform at the freight house, just missing the carriages that were in waiting tor the train. In his blind fright the horse ran headloug against the side of the freight house, but suddeuly brought up as he smashed the siding with hls head. He was stunned for a time but seemed to have been injured no more seriously. Mrs. Williams was not even throwu out ot the wagon, and wos not hurt in the least, vet she was terribly frightened.