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Aun Arbor Market. Akn Arbob, Thubhday, Aug. 12, 1875. Appleb- 50(a;75o per bu. Beans- $1.40. per. bu. Büttkb - 18c. Beef- 67 per hundred. Corn - 50(tíi6Üc. per bu. Chickrnb - Dressed l;ic. Eoos- Oominand 13c. Hay - flOígíltiper ton, according to qwtUty. Lard - The market stands at 10c. Uatb- 4ñ@48c. Pork - $7.00'aï7.fiO per hundred. Potatoep- New, 30 cents. Tuknips- 2ñ@35c. WHtAT-White, 1.30(91.40. Detroit ITfarkctN. WHEAT. There haa been a slight check in the unward tenEency ï prlcea ooted one week ago, tnongh the ilghesi point ivas not theïi reached. When SI iW was bid uu Friday the exclted holders stoixl agha-st, ronderlng whether to sell at any prlce. but Saturay tiu-v rogntted tltey had nol sl(i, &nd irere ftthor froe aellers at $1 ft6. Then on Monda j $1 52 vas Rccepted there wia considerable weakneen nanifested, bal Tnesás opened more favorable, n( reporta innu New V-rk und Lirerpool tfcreafrth ued tnelr faith in blgher prlcea agaia, Wedaeeay8 markc't rloied al ïl (52, and a nmch ftteadier BelLng was mauifested. So iar as tlu crojp ouilook concerned, tht re in little doubt that n )iat.- ei bao ïHppened in ither statM ours bas sufTeif1! com►aratlvely Little, and that tbe farraera had ■ i;iii larrest. (iorn- Dull but .steady at 79a80 cents. Oats were looklag up a trille, with boy era for all iffered at BlaSS. The iiidicHtious that barley witl ba targe rop, and there are no huyera tbr thf new erop at ven $2 60 per ceataj for September delivery, General prodnee in very diill. Beans DOtWngdottg, though ftrmly held at Si 80a 1 90 for best. Buter, stocks are accumulating a little, but unly a tv sinall pnrtieu etjinniands 20n21c, the balance of Bgiuto second gndea and freely offered at i)al8c. iïggs are in full supply and Blow sale at 14e, tin onsumption being very li.u'iif andfurther rertricid hy reporta i'l' liad lola in the market. Potatoes re dull at ?1 2öal 40 per bbl, dealers operating care'ully, belng afraid to ship lare lote at thi.s partieutr season. Apph-s scarce and bring ood priees, ie range being trom Siïa4 50 per bbl.


Old News
Michigan Argus