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Gossip Of The Day

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Thkre are but throe members of President Lincoln's Cabinet now living - Montgomery Blair, Gideon Welles au il Simoti Oameron. The English Channel Ttinnel project is lik!ly to be roalized in the uext few years. Bills authorizing the work havo paised the British Parliament aud the Frencli Assembly. Mosrs Lono, a Kentucky Unolo Ned, who claimed to be 111 years old and did ïiot claim to have been a servant of Oeorge Washington, has Intely gone whore the good darkies go. Mr. George Gbant, of Ellis county, Kansas, is credited with owning and running the biggost farm in the universo. It covers the wholo county of Ellis, and is devoted to the raising of stock. Eakii Russeia ia probably the oldest mau of equal distinction who maiutains an active interest ín public affairs anywhert in the world. Gen. Dix and Gortschakoff wcre bom in '98, Thicrs and Emperor William in '97, but Kussell dates back to 1792. The lawyers of Chicago are a very bad lot or else the Times is a great libcler. Tlmt jourual says that " wero it within the limits of possibility to send from five to iifteen per cent. of all those who cali themselves lawyers, in Chicago, to the ronitentiary, it would be one of the grandest moral reforms of the age." Washington died during the Administration of John Adams. Cousequently there was a short period during his term of office in wliieh there was no living ex-President. Froui the timo that Thomas Jefferson took the Executive chaii of the nation untii the death of Andrew Johnscn there was no time during which there was not at least one exPresidmt living. An important discovery in the shape of an electric light to be used at sea has just been perfected by Commander Parker, Chief Sigual Oñicer of the Navy. In additiou to the lumïnous quality of the light, it is so manipulated as to emit a shower of electric sparks or stars, and by patiënt experimenta the new process lias been completeil to the entire satisfaction of the Navy Department. The reports of tue uów inaturing cotton erop iu tlie South are encouraging. The erop is heavier and better than last year, and the labor situation in connection therewith is generally satisfactory. A good cotton erop this year will go far toward helping the Southern States out of their iinaueial diffieulties, and will, together with our large grain crops, contribute largely to the restoration of "good times " all over the country. The infaut mortality of New York city is frightful. The heat is too much tor the poor litüe innocente, and they are dying at the rate of one hundred a day. In Cliicago a íloating hospital has been instituted, upoa wliich mothers accompanied by their siek infante take daily oxcursions upon the lake, thus giving the babes plenty of fresh air, which will have the effect of saving the lives of hundreds of littlo cherubs that would otherwise succumb to the terrible ravages of the sunimer plague. The events of the late Andrew Johnson's busy Ufe aro inscribed on the tablet of time in the following order: Bom at Raleigh, N. C, on the 25th of December, 1808; Alderman in 1828, 1829 and 1830; Mayor in 1831, 1832 and 1833; member of the Legislature in 1835, 1839 aud 1841; Prosidential Elector in 1810; Govemor from 1853 to 1857; United States Senator from 1857 to 1863; Military Govcruor in 1862; Vice President, 186éj President, 1865 to 1869; Senator in 1875; died in Carter county, Tenn., July 31, 1875. Postmasteu-Genebal, JewetjI. is making very liberal arrangemente for a Centennial Postoffice at Pkiladelphia. The difficulty has been that no appropriation has boen made for the purpose, and that the appropriations for the Philadelphia office are inadequate to the increased service. The Centennial office is to be entirely separato from the Pliiladelphia office, and will be servedby carriers of all nationalities. The attempt will be made, as in London, to allow no stranger to be in the city more than a day before the carriers lind him. Resort will doubtless be had to a registry to effect this. Evekï month addssomo 2,500 Chinese laboréis to the Pacific coast. Thoy are expert cooks and servante, and make good bank clerks, aro industrious, but havo learned how to strike for highoi wages. They care littlo for politics, seldom get drunk, but gamble and fighl universally. They never are idlo. Their great numbors already regúlate the wages in California, both iu the kitchen and on the public works. They control cigarmaking, boot and shoes, are carpentors, gardeners, tinsmitlis, watchmakers, and altogether aro a vast improvement on the Caucasian tramp element of the day. It is announced that overy mili in Fall River, Mass., has been closcd on account of the refusal of the operatives to accept a reduction of wages during the dull season. The city has forty-three milis within ite limits, containiug 1,258,508 spindles and 20,865 Iooms, over oneeighth of all the pindlcs in the Unitod States, and manufactures over ono-half of all the print cloths. The montlily pay rolls amouut to more than $500,000, and 15,000 hands are employed in tbo busy Kcason. Thn cosKaüon of such au iudustry will make ite-.]f feit throughout the United Stsites." As a general Iliing women as Postmistresses are honest in this country. They may be inquisitivo, but they are upright. Possibly some may peep into a gossipy letter - just peep, you know - but they would never steal its contente. It is not bo in England, Not long since, at Malvern, a Postmistress named Sara Pullen was deteoted in abstracting il 14 from a letter and appropriating the money to her own use. As she was 55 years old slie had lived long enough to know better, and an example was made of her. Probably a man would, undor tho same ciroumstiinerK, have stolen still moro. Women are poor hands at sueh prácticos. The Niágara Falla JicyUlcr thinks " it is not imponible that sonie BtrOBg man in a light strong boat niay it Homo future time go over the Horsoshoe l'all aad not be killed." Tlio reasons for tdis belief are that on two occasions, one in 183G aiul the other in 1NÍÍ8, a dog has been thrown into tho rapids, gono over the fall, oud surviveil the operation. In the lattcr case tho dog eame up the ferry stairs in loss than an hour, looking very wet, and not at all gay. The reason given for tlie safety of the animáis is that the water pours down more rapidly than it can run off, tho largo water conos aro forined, on vhich the doga slide down safely arto the current below. We think, howovcr, that no sane person will try tho experiment. The success of tho cheaptraias on the road betweon Boston and Lynn has led to a new thing in railroad enterprise. A narro w gaugo railwuy has been built le;ween tho two ci'ies, which is to be run on the chcap fare principio entirely. JL'hc five-cent trains on tho Eastern railway are coufined to tho morning and evening, and mako only oue trip each way. The fares on the narrow gaugo will be somewhat higher - 12?, cents to Gytm - but they will apply to all trains. One lnindred days beforo the road was opened, tho iron of which it was built was lying on the shores of Lako Champlain; tho lumber of which the cars are made was pilod at Troy; and the ties were growing in North Carolina foresta. Sucli entorprise'augurs well for the succoss of the railwiiy. The death of ex-President Johnson lias revived tho subject of tlie vote upon liis impeachment and tho nuinbor of Itepublican Senators voting for acquittal. In tho following cxliibit of the vote on that memorable occasion, thoso in favor of acquittal whose names appear in italics wero Kepublicans : I-OR IONVICTI0N. Authony, Morman, Ferry, Oamorou, Morton, Morrili, (Mc.) Oaltcll, Pomorny, Morrill, (Vt.) Cbandler, ltamry, Nyo, Oolo, Shonuiin, FitteiK, (N. II.) Conkliug, Bprague, stnmur, (lonnees, Stewart, Tbayer, Fi-flinghllyseii, 'Jorbitt, Tipton, Harlau, Cragiu, WÜey, Howanl, Drakc, Williams, Howe, YatQB, WilBOU - 5, Wade, EdijiunclM. FOR ACQÜITTAI,. liajiird, Fowler, Pattorson, (Tenu.) Buckalew, fSHmet, ]!■. DaviK, Henilrrxon, Sanlshury, Dixon, Hcndrickp, 'J'nnnbuïl, Qooltttle, Johnson, Van Wiukle- 1. .V.svíc nrien, McCreery, Vickers, Norton.


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