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Politics And Politicians

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Three Democratie newspapers in California are edited by wonien. The Union Spy, of Roohester, Miun., noniinates tho Hon. Daniel D. Pratt for the Presidency. The new constitution of tho State of Nebraska gives Stote and couuty ollicer flxed salarios and no fces. Ex-Governob Skïmoub aniioiuiced in a recent speech that " time had cured Mm of political aspirations." The Bepublicaus of Maryland talk of 0. O. Fulton, of tho Baltiinore American, as thoir candidato for Governor. Ex-Governor Fenton, of Now York, declines to allow tho use of his name in connection with a Congressional nomination. The Gen. Preston who made that crazy speech to the Virginia alumni used to be one of the richest men in South Carolina. He had some hundrods of slaves, and the flnest houso and grounds in Columbia. The war strippod him of his property and his kindred. Two roiiimciANS of opposite partios have qnarreled in San Francisco over a speech whioh was written by tho one for the other to deliver at a mass mcetiug. Tho writer has bronght suit against tho speaker for the prico of the oration, which he considers worth one hundred dollars, but for which he is willing to take half that sum. The Missouri Constitutional ConventioD has voted to oxempt the property of churches, schools, benevolent iustitutions and agriciütural socicties to the amount of one acre of land, with tho buildings upon it, when situated in a town or city; and to the amount of live acres, with appurtenances, when five miles from a city or town. Senatob Sohubz writes to fïiends in Washington that ho will return to this country in Octobcr. He has spent most of his time abroad in Berlin, at the Foreign Office, studying the eorrespondence between Prussia and our Government a century ago, intending to use the data obtained in the political history of Amerca which he designs writing. Tennessee ishavinga heapof trouble, tliis year, with her nuances. The State Treasurer says he's biest if he knows whero the July interest is coming from - let alone the January. It has been proposed to convene the Legislature, but what that body can do about it is not so clear. The taxes falling duo in November will be pretty much used up in paying off maturing warrants for money borrowed to keep the pot boiling. LouisviiiDE disputes the claim of St. Louis for the next National Democratie Convention. The C'ourier-Journal says : " St. Louis already puts in i bid for the next National Democratie Conventiou. Not if Louisville knows horsölf, and sho tliiuks she does, for we have special claims in that quarter. 'lilis city ík on the border. It has better hotel accommodations than St. Louis. It is more central and accessible. ]t hat a hall capabte of scating '20,000 peoplo. St. Louis will have to stand aside or walk over the dead body oí Louisville. As a matter of fact we have set our heart on that Conventiou, and mean to have it. " The Washington CAroniqle has been looking up the (acts and figures pèrtaining to the organizatioD oí the next House. Tho following table, showinrf tho immber of candidatos for tho various positions in control of the House, may be set down as approximately, if not absolutely, correct: Speaker (i Glerk 11 Scr'-aut-iit-Aruis 12 l'osiiTiiihli r 10 Doorkecpcr '21 üatrrer ■ 31 Employé under Speaker 'X Employés iuuIcx Clerb ion Employés umlcr Kt rn -Anus 33 Employés andet DoorlLfi per 475 EmployeB nnder PostbAttéf i)5 Oapstol pólice 60 Total expectante kh'2 liuismuch as ouly about 100 of Hiese, all told, can byany poseibility be aroom modated, a simple operation of stlbtraction will show tnere must needs be about 780 disappointed gentlemen. TnE boys of McDonough's school, in Baltimore, annually vieit tho grave oí I that deecased millionairi, mul cover it I with flowere. This ia in accordance wit li the provisión of John McDonough's will. The ceremony was rocently performed.


Old News
Michigan Argus