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Chill Cure ! - Safe and Sube. - Dr. "tVilboft'a Tonic is ciirative aud protcctive. It will cure Chills aud protect from ínrther attacks. Its roputatiou i established. Itn composition is simple aud seientitie. It coutainB uo poison. It aotrt prompüy anl ite eltects aro perniaueut. It is cheap, because it saves doctors' billa. It is liarmless, spoedy Ín actiou and delightful iu its effects. Try it and prove all that's said. Wheeloou, Finlay 4 Co., Froprietors, Now Orleaus. Foil SALE BY ALL DliUGQISTS. Officers and soldiers who servad in tbe army, pbysicians, surgeous, and cniiuciit men and womeu everywhere, join iu recommeuding Johnson1 a Anodync Liniment to bc the beat internal aud exterual family mediciue ever inventad. That's our experienoe. Thomas Alks, the fighting man, has sold lúa ftglitiug shoes, and now íf he QOUld ouly get rid of his month, he 'd bü well íixed. All the year round, íhcridan's Cavalry Conrlüion J'owilers should be (íiven to borscH tbat aro " kept up." To borses and cattle tbat graze in eummor they should ouly bo given iu wiuter and spriug. Olkn Flora Srumo Watkk, at AVaukogan. 111., cures all kidney diseases. How to Get a Home, Seo advertisomout. WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT IT. Obïstal Lake, McIIf.nri, III.,) Mat 6, 1875. ( Gf.nti-KMEN: I have ha1 )}m Tpry bost doctora ín the country treatin my wife for (ilsnllllltfoil for the last fonr years. nnd with íiltlo'or no ofTect. A friend Bont U8 a bottle of In (lian Bomp bo (ry, and nhe has nsd Imt two 8O far, and I om hnp(y to fay it has dorp hor more Rood than all the doctorinj?, nnd she thinks fhí is (jettinp wellasfaBt as any one can expoot. Sho is lively and hopefnl, altogother liko another vroman. Fill and expresa inclosed order at once. Gratefiilly, K. M. GBitn. N. B. Thlfl Remedy Bponks for itaelf. A elnsle bottlw will natisfythe most skeptica!. There ts not a single ryinptom of 'oimtini4ioii that. it does not dissipM.' Nicht,, Irritation of tho Neríes, DiffieuH Blpfrlor.itions, Sharp Pains in the LuiiR, Sore Throat, Nanspji tA thé Btomaoh, Inaction of the Büwels, and Waslini; at t io jMusclos. Í2.S11 pnr bota, 01 thraa bottle for W.W. Pilla and Ointment. $1.2 eaoh. Address ORADDOOK 4 OO., 1033 Rao Street, Phlladelphia. Send for circular. AstUnia anl t'aliivrli.- Seo I. LangU"i adv't. n 11 ■■■pi"!! ijHiriiTiarll Colnmbwi dieooTerod Aroericiii raTflui al ■ Imt it hnK bM-n fnnnd Iliat th1 tB l-'ü Ull "I Sh i tc.r chil 3TrTQ3ÏlJ dren aro tlie colebntol Silvw ■ m I af ly ijp'a 'rpii. .■■.■%.■ .■."- ..-u ni ; ITllUllTh ■■"i I" ""t tip. AH ll.'iil.TBWll Ill-m. " Keep ynnr heail cnnl nnd v,,.rljpfljj"lj'ii.-4r- Jj feetdry." It h:.n alwuy hfen '"■ H C7 . t jf rrasary. in order to carry ' hl ■"" HOTJJ . l'J1 1! lo sel in Hi' hoiiBe mul tick 1 'HjAl7jli'fl ' i lii'nd nat of the window. Nmv J"H l ''l M '„Ti -aJ onapalroflliblcSc.cwVl "-IJIS BooU or Shoei and walk out. Hap5


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Michigan Argus