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Michigan News

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Thb scarlet fcrer is prevading'at Sfr. Josoph. In obedrance to the new liqttorl nv, all thé liquor saloons of Detroit wcre ulosed on Kiinday lust. BsuNHEït I5i:o. V (nircry store, at Halzlmrg, twolvo miles from Kast Bagiumr, was ïecently destroycd by liro - tlie supposed work of nu inoeudiary. The sawmill of Thomas Saylor & Co. , at Oarrollton, was totully destroyéd by ftre last week, Luvolring a loss of about SHö,OOO, on which there wns an insuraneo ef $25,000. Fora arresta liave been made at líala mazoo of partios who eiidcavoritig to íitoíll u rido on tho Michigan Conlrul road. These are tho first arrusts Bkade under the new State law. The following gentlemen have been appointcd Postmasters at tho offices namod : Cambridge, Lsnaweo county, George H. Dewey ; St. Louis, Gratiot oounty, Georgo W. McHenry. JonN Faiiu'.anks, of Fentonville, has been sent to tho Conuty Jail at Flint for nino months, for uaing haruli laugiiago toward his stepmother, in which he threatened freqncntly to kill hor. The Board of Trustees of Kalamazoo retimato the expenses of the village for tl' o coming year at 849,200, of which $10,000 is for the interest on water bonds, and $8,500 for arroarages on last year's bonds. A ooiiLisioN between two f roight traiiis on tho Michigan Central road, uear Nilo", last Tuesday, resultod in tho wrecking of threo engines and twenty car, and the fatal scalding of John McGinnis, au ongineor. Damage, $50,000. The museum of the Michigan State Library.has recoivod two army requÍ6Ítions of Gen. Anthony Wayne, and ono from Gen. Wilkiuson ; also a completo equipment of au Apache Indian, aud likeneases of Judgss Cooley aud Christiancy. Amos Piokett and his on Trumaii, agod respectively 03 aud 18 ycarM, out, bonud up and shooked ton and one-half acres of heavy ortts in two days of eloven hours in ernüa day. This was dono on the farm of O. C. DeLamaffer, in tho towuship of Columbia, last week. A rEKitinT.E accident occurred on tho morning of the 16th, on the Flint nnd Pere Marquetto railway, about a mile nort.h of FJint. A special rau into a train, -wrecking both locomotivos, killing two men - Conductor Hurd and a brakcman named Ilandall - and seriously injuriiig a number of others. Dueino tho month of July postoflices were efctóbKsiièa uid diseontinued in this State as follows : Esiablished - Forést Home, Antrim county ; Jordán, Antrim connty ; Geddos, Washténaw county. Dixc.ontrwtcd - Gilford, Tnscola county; Forcst City, Oceana county. Name clunifcd - Thoru Applo Lake, Barry county, to Moadvilli. Tin; of Duncan, Shennan & Co., of New York city, has tied up the funds of IT. II. Spaulding, of that he will'probably discontinuo his banking bvisiness, but he will go on with a general store as usual. Mr. Spaulding was alao a loser by the failure of Henry Clews & Co., in 1873. Capt. Napiek, of tho steamer Corona, becomiüg aggrieved at something that appcared in the columns of tho Benton Harbor Timen, went to the oilico of the paper and assaulted the junior publishcr, for which he was arrested and ihiod $1 and costs. Thero was somo iulignation in the town at tho lightness of tho sentonce. A BAiLOONisT named Pedanto made an ascensión from Bay View on Sunday of last week, aud narrowly escaped drowning iu tho lake. The ascensión MU made without a basket, the d ai ing aoronaut going up on a trapeze. Beforo the descent could be made, which was assisted by toaring holes in tho balloon, üo acronaut was twelvo or fifteen miles in tho lake. He was picked up by a steamer sent to his assistance. Whie tho schooner Fayette Brown was lying at the doek at Marqqetto, last Sunday morning, a quarrel arose botwoen two sailors named Thomas Hanlon, an Irishman, and William Astrup, a Dañe, who wore working at the capstan, which terminatod by Astnip daTing a sheathknife and stabbing Hanlon through the heart. After receiving the woand Hanlon picked up a capstan-bar and struck Astrup a ñu'ious blow on the head, laying tho scalp open. Haulon livod only two or threo minutes after striking Astrup. He was a single man, agod about 30. Astrup was arrosted and lodged in jail. FoiiiOWiNö is a statement of the condition of the nixtional banks of Michigan at tho close of business on June 30 : BF.BOURCE8. Loaus and discount $19,'J98,(ií I :l OvM-.lnrfts !8Q,(iO!1.89 U. 8. bonds tt BeourjS circulation T,63S,150.D0 D, ft. bOBds to Böottrè deposita 800)66.00 V. S. boudo ou bami 5,460.110 Other Btöoka, bonos and möRKUgSB - 86a,129.Hl Lme from r-tl-ciuin anl rrs. rvc agtB.. l,490t3ü8.1-i Dik trom other natioiml bankw T(KÏ,5i8.61 Duo from Stat bauku imd bnfcrs 'Jl'-i .'i'Jl.Ti ], al leíate, (urniture, and üxtures ljP07,008.8 i Ourriiiit expeiiKC-s 9Ö,0B9.81 Premiums paid 3U,Sa8.13 cherks and other ouh Items 191,926.78 Elchangos for olfiag.hmie lii",'.n-'.i.iH BUls of other niitinnal bauks 874,1O7.IO FrscUozutl ourfanei 54,76.08 Specie L!,6é6.34 Legal-tendernótei 1,"'HI MM Five T'r Cfiit. rMÍ''iiiptinn luiul witb TreiUurer SBo.aoü 00 Dne trom Freasurer othnr tban 5 per Uut. lund M.W.74. 181,260,170.43 LIADILITIEP. Capital stock pd in íi..-.v""i Sur.ll.8 fund 3,088,58 1 .0? I oálviddpri 1,löi;h.h) National bank noten outstandlDg e,., , i.i'..i..'i Dividend impald 17S. íS'.i.ici imUndual dejjositi lil.' I.7K ir s. ildpodits US,09.!H Deposito of 1?. S. fffabnrilng oBeer.., .! Due to uational bankn ;r.t,'i i', .'.' l Dueto banknd bwnkere 3S1,(W9.S1 Notes and billB re-discorairted 08,T84.J1 BilIupajiaWe ■jH.iitlii.W i:)l,2ti,71.('O Xumber of buütfe, 81. Wihh: walking aiong tho 1)íihIím óf the Little river, ('t., bókc Bloonrfteid, the other (ïay, u pflrtj óf bdys Foutid a ingflsher apptuenily aöchorod and BtraggliuK in tUe fttream. Thoy waded out to Iho. liinl, and fonud it lnvl divo.l down upon ;i fresh wraterolani, nul, liavingpnt ita boakirisidetñosdioll, lia-l bëcn qriietly uaptured h.v being shut in it. Tho srl II m i') bé Müashea to froé tlie bird. XHB itorkiaco whii'h the Kli'üliw seut lo Mrs. Miuuie ghernxan Fitoh, last win ter, (uow valiie4 at css than $100,000 was origiiiallj designed as a tamil y present td Gèn. Bherman, but his daugliteis weddiag occurring about thé tima i was lninlieil, it wis coucluded to prosout it aominaJly in hër. Thé cliáinondá are '■' b divided beifweeta her uut fcèt two


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