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jyLortgage bale. DEFATJLT having been made in the oonditioa of a mortgage executed by George W. Havens and Mnry Havens, hia wife, to Charles T. Wilmot, all of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated the thirtcenthday of April, A. D. 1870, and recorded on theflrthday of Muy, A. D. 1870, at two o'clock in the uiltTuoon -t that dny, in hbei 41 of murtgageH, on page 616, upon whicfa murigage there ie claiiiied to be lue at the date of this notice tht Mum of one thouaad tlv hundred and forty dollars, and no auit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the mortuaged debt, or any part thereof: Notice is therrtore hf-reby given, that on Saturday the tweuty-nrst day of August 1875, at ten o'elock in the foremton or said day, I ahall sell at public am-tion, to the hiphest bidder, at the south door of the Court Houee in the city oí Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premiweí1, or so inuch at will satiafy the amount diie 011 such mortgage and legal coatB and charlen of Huch Bale, together with an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollar, to wit : Lot liumber Uve, blx'k uuraber eleven in Hiacock's addition to the city oí Ann Arbor, county ot WaHhteiiiiw and State of Michigan, except four roda ir width off frora the north t-n!e of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1022-Ü2 JHAULEST. WiLMCT, Mortfiagee. Mortgage Sale. Default haviag bten made in the condition of a ceitain mortgage executed by Wiilium Uvan oc the eleventh day of April A. D. 1874, to Martin Hyan, executor of the laat will and testament oí Kdward Kyau, deceased, which -aid mortgage van givtm to secure the purchase money of the premises thereiu deacribed, and recorded in the oth'ce ot the Hegiaterof Deede in the couuty of Waahtenaw Michigan, in Liber50 of Mortgagea, on page 229, and wiiich uail mortgage was uu the second day oí November A. D 1874,aBfligned by said Martin Rya to Leonhard Gruner, and on the bame day recordé in the office of the regiBtnr of Deeds in the county of W'ashtenaw, in liber 4 of aHsignmentff uf niortgagee, on page 4J7, and on the ïlth day of December A D. 1874, l.eonhard Gruner, asaiguee iia aforebüid, aasigned the ame to Willium F. ÜBiua, which aasignment was reoorded on the name day in the onice of KegiBter of Deeds in the county of Waahtenaw, in liber 4, of aasignments of mortgagea, on page 463, by which delauit the power ol aale contuined in said mortgage haa become operativa, on which mortgage there ia claimed to bc due at the time of this notice, for interest, sixty dollars and aixty-aix cests, and aleo the further surn of thirty dolían for an attorney 'b fee aa providedin eaid mortgage, and no suit orproceeding at law or in eqnity having been inatituted to recover the amount due on aaid mortgage or any part thereof : Nolice is, therefore, herehy given, tlmf. ïv virt.ii nf t.hfi nnwHT ot' hhIp nont.ainfd in sald mortgage, I shall sell at public auction, at the South íront door oí tlie Court House, in the city ot Aun Arbor, (that benig the building in which the the Circuit Court for said County oí Washtenaw is held; on the flrst day of Septembei A. 1 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day , the Í ollowin g premises described in said mor tgage. viz: All ol villaje lots number flve and six in block number forty-nve in the villano of Manchester, county of Waahtenaw and Slate of Michigan, according to the recorded plat thered, or so much or such part or parta thereof as shall be necestmry to aatisfy the amount due upon said mortgage. Dated June Ut. 1876. WILLIAM F. OSITJ8, Vbedehick 1'ibtorius, Asignee. Att'y for Aaaignee. 1533 Mortgage Male. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the conditiona of a certain indeoture of mortgage, beuring date the seventhday of May, A. 1). 1867, executedby Gotlob Beiserand Anna Maria Beiser, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw, State of Michigan, to John Daniel Heinrich, of the said city of Ann Arbor, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County of Washtetenaw,on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1867, at 9 o'clock a.m. of Hbtr37 of montages, on page 471. which said mortgage was duly assigned by said J'ohn Daniel Heinrich to John G. Gall, on the 25th day of May, A. U. 1871, and the instrument of assignment thereof, recorded in said Register' office on the 13th day of July, A. 1). 1871. at 3 o'clock p m. of said day, in líber 3 of assignments of mortgages, on page 173, and which mortgage was duly assigned by said John G Gall on the 7th day ol March, A. D. 1874, and the instrument of assignment thereof recorded in said Kegister's office on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1874, at 4 o'clock p. m. ot' said day, in liber 4 of assignmentB of moitgages.on page 243, and there in due and unpaid on said mortgage, ut the date of thia notice thesum of tuur hundred and weven dollars and flfty six cents, together wiih thirty dollars as an at torney fee, ín case proceeding should be taken toforeclose said mortgage, and no proceedings in law or in equity has been instituted to recover the debt secured bysaid mortgage, or uny part theieof : Notice ia therefore hereby given, that by vtrtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I shall, on Saturiay the ninth day of October, A. D. 1875, at ten o'elock in the forenoon uf said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premiseu described in aaid inoruraire to sa isfy the amount of principal and interest, with the charges oí sale and attoruey íee of thirty dollars, the premises heerinafter described, at tht south door of the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor, (said Court HouBe being the place" of holding the Circuit Court within said County of Washtenawj, all that purt of lut number tour, block four north, range six east, that lies nortbwesterly of Pontiac streel iu the city of Ann Arbor aforeaaid, aecordiug to the recorded plat thereof. Ited Ann Arbor, July 15th, 187ö. LUM VN R. 8LAW8ON, Aasignee of Mottgage. Edward R. Slawson, Attorney for Aasignee Chancery Notice. THE CIECUIT COURT for the county of Washtentiw. In chancery. William Leutz, complainant, va. Caroline Lentz, defendant. It satisfactorily appearing to thia court by nfüdiivit aiid the return of the ofticer on the subpoona isHuwd in this ciiune, that the residence of the defundant ia unknown, and that said defendant is not within the jurisdictionof this court. On motion of Frederick PiBtoriua, solicitor for complainant, it ia ordertíd that the defendant cause her appearance to be entered in this cause within three months from the date of this order, and that in case of her appearing she cause her answer to the complainant's bilí to he ñled in this cnuse and a eopy thereof to be served on the cumplainant or bis aolícitor witliiu twenty days after service on her or her solicitor of a copyof the bill of complaint flled in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said complainant's bill be taken as confesaed by the said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days, the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus a public newapaper printd in aaid county of Wasbtenaw, and that the publication continue at least once in each week for bíx successive weeks, or hat he cauBe a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant, acoording to the rules and practice of this court. Dated July 15th, A, D. 1875. A. D. CRANE, Pbedebick Pistorius, Circuit Judge. 8o ieitor f r Comp't. 1541w6 Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Patrick Fallen , of the township of Lyndon, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, did execute and deliver to Thomas Young n indenture of mortgage bearing date the thirteenth day of November, A. D. 1874, on premises theiein described as all of thoBe certain pieces of land known and deacribed as follows, namely : The west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section number twenty seven, and the east part of the northeast quarter of the aoutheast quarter of section thirty-four, all sitúate in township number one sonth of range three east, in the State of Michigan, containing in all two hundred and neven acres of land, more or less, which said mortgage was duly recorded in the Regïster's office for the county of Washtenaw aioresaid, in liber number tílty-one of mortgages, at page four hundred and fiity-six, on the sixthday of February, A. D. 1875, at 8 o'clock a. m. of that day. And whereas default has been made in the conditions of said mortgage by non-payments of moneys thereby seeured to be paid, whereby the power of sale therein contained hs become operativo, and there is the date of this notice, olttimed to be due on said mortgage the aum of flve hundredand seventy-four dollars andseventy-one'sides an attorney íee of thirty-fi vedollars, in said mortgaste expresaly agreed to be paid aa of ten aa any proceedings should be taken to foreclose the aame, or any part thereof, and no proceedingK at luw or in equity having been iustituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is thereforegiven.thatonthetwenty-thirddayofOctober,A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for aaid conuty of Washtenaw), T hall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises desciibed in said mortgage as above set forth, or Huch part or parta thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy said amount with in terest, costs and expenses allowed by law. Dated Ann Arbor, July 19,1875. TUOMA8 YOUNG, Mortgagee. Root & Grangf.b, 1640 Att'ys for Mortgagee. Chancery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit-In chancery. Marie J. Root, complaiuant. vb Levi H. Huynea, Carolina B. Hiiynes, William tí. McMullnn, Charles H. Wallaoe, Poter M. Eatun and William N. Bassett, defendants ; suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county of Wiushtenaw, at Ann Arbor, oii the tenth day of July, A. D. 1875. Upon proof by atüdavit ou üle that the eaid detendant, William 8. McMullan, resides out of the State of Michigan, and does reaide in the State of Pennsylvania, it is on motion of Phinehas L. Page, solicitor for said complainant, ordered that the said defendant, William 8. McMullan, appear in said suit and answer the bill of complainant therein, within three inonths from this date ; and that this order be pubüshed once in each week for six weeks in ancceasion in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper pubht-lu-d in said county, the first publication to be within t.t, days from -.ÏÜlwillSNCa:. Circuit Court Com'r, Waehteuaw Co , Midi., P.L. Paoe, ÏS Solicitor for Complainant. (copy} Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahteniiw, sa John T. Kaywalt va. Alva A. Bobiscn. Bt Tirtuc ol one wTit of execution issued out of nd under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washteuaw, in tte above entitled cause to me directed and dehvered, I did on the ■ath day f May. A. D. 1875, levied upon all the rwht title and intereat of Alva A. Robiaon mand to the followiiij? described real estáte -ituated in the oounty of Wnshteïiaw, State of Micliigan, to wit All that certain tract of landsituated in block uumber eiKhteen of the village of Dexter, Wash tenaw county, Btate of Michigan, known bounded and desinbed aüfollowB, to wit: Beginning on the east öide of aaid block number eighteen, and soutli side of an alley twenty leet widi', one hundred and seventy feet from the eouth side of Main street or Ann Arbor road, and running north sixty-tour degrees west along said alley one hundred and eighty-flve and a half feet ; thence south tweoty and a half degrees west along an alley twenty feet wide, and parallel to said east Hoe of said block, forty and one halt feet ; thence south ttfty nineand three-fourths degveea east, one hundred and eighty-six and afourtn feet to theeaat line of aaid block ; thenoe along said east line flftyHvc and a half feet to the place of beginning, which above described land I shall exposé for sale to the hishest bidder, at the south door cf the Court House, in the cjty of Ann Arbor, at ten o clock A. M. on the 2Sth day of September, 1876. Dated Augu.t M, W. FLBmNe 3h„ Mortgage Sale. TkEFAULT tiaviug h, . n ülllj , n ,, MT of a certain morïgage, execmed l,y juhl? b"Ic1 and Maij Harrta, of the city of Am, , " H"ri, of Waahtena and State of MichW . G? Volland, of the same plací., on the ,1 ' of.Tum.-. in the var of our I„,r,i ,'"'""'} eight bundred and sixty-four, .n,( ,-,-,' .i,'""'"'1 Begtotei' ofllce 11 the county of Wió , '" "" gtate of Michigan, on the 24fli rtav V.i ":l" IMMnUberd of mortgagea, on page i '"'-)■."■ taid mortgage wttiduly awigned Sy [aerttTV n to Andrei .LrihivHy. of tl tJ aí.l s' ' Vf!lll'l York, on tlie ninth dayof August , .' L said aaaignment was recorded on tl,,. M;,?,i ' "'''' August, A. D. 1864, in libergi of mortgaS. ' 56S. there is now claim,..! to be á.ít i,', morttíane, aud note accompanyino n,,. -"'"' sakl mm of „k-ven hundred 'aml5 ftStyXfS dollars; also tliirly dollars as ;, i.-Wial,l ,,r' Kliil , .hould anyproc ing be taken to&S the aun, and no iiTOceedingii havini been i ted, either in law or equity, .„ r,"„v, , !' orany part thereof. Notlce la therefórè i Kiven, thatonth.. Ilth day of SeptSil 2 oclock in the aftenu of said da? at'iwi al diwr of the Court House, In the cttj of' , A01" (that being tl, place of holding the (■;'„■ 1 r. '. for atid county;, and l.y.viru,,. of the ]„,". contalned in aud mortgajre. I shall Ju , aurtlonto thehlgheat Sidder, i ' pre.n !'C crTbed in uid mortgage, to satisfy the imú'Z, principal and interest above olatmed to be , n "' the charge of Ie and attorney'B fee ofthirtTiÜii All those certain pieces or parcela ..Hand i,, , . the etty of Ann Arbor, .■,„!„„ „, Wa-n,! ■""' ' State aforenid.known bounded auddestS lows, to wit : Being Iota numbered nii„. ,u f"'1' '"".i" blockn Krone(l),northofHK and range twelvc ■ 12) ,-ast. aceordioi t„a . ,'',' of Ann Arbor. mwcll Dated .Ii ntli, 1875. AKDKEW J. 8HIVSLÏ JOH N. Oott, Awignee of Hortmk. Attomey for Assiguee of Mortgagee ' Estáte of Rachel MoCormick OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa„h'tp„ O s. At a aession of the Prooate Court S?' county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probato (U in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mondny the In sixthday of July, in the year one tliotisand 2 hundred and Beventy-five. K Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Rachel Hof' mick, deceased. ■ Zina P. King, administrator de bnnis non of nu estáte, come? into court and representa that 1 now prepared torende rhis Hrst account assuchJ' ministrator. m' Thereupon it is ordered that Modiív ,i thirteenth day of September uext, at ten o'cloïk in the forenoon, beassigued for examining andnl lowing such account, and that theheirsatlswof ,, j deceased, and all other persona interested in aiii es tate, are reqnired to appear at a session of aaid couit' then to be hok'en at the Probate Office, in iC city ol Ann Arbor. in said countj, anj ,how cause, if any there be. why Ihe said actovuit ghould not be allowed : And it is further ir dered tbat said Zina P. King Kive notice to thé persons interest ed in said estáte, of the oen' dency of said account, and the hearing thewf' by causing a copy of this order to be publishediri the Michigan Arma, a newspaper printed ana til culating in said county, three suocessive week! previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEKVER 1541 w3 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tbe cocditioni of a certain indentuie oí mortgage, hearing date the thirtith day of December, A. D. 18;j ei ecuted by James Ooieman of the city of Ann Arbor couDty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to Luiu vn R. Slawson of the said city of Ann Arbw and recorded in tbe oöice oi the Ilegiater of Deedi for said county of Washtenaw, on the 26th oaïot January, A. D. 1874, at 3 1-4 o'clock i. m.,ih in 4 of mortgages. on page 106, and there is doe and unpaid on said mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of thirty-seven dollars and forty-thrftcents, together with tbirty-tive dollars as a solkitor or attorney fee, in case proceedings should ] taken to ioreclose said murtgage. Audnoproceeding in law or in equity bas beeu instituted to rewver the debt seoured by said mortgage or any pari thereof . Notice is, therefore. bereby given, that by virtue of tbe power ol sale in said mor'.gat contained, I sball, on Ualurday, the ninth day ot Octobflr, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auclion tthe high,,: bidder, the premises des'ribed in naid satisfy the ainounl of piiuripal uiid interest" ritb the charges of sale and attorney fee of tliiitv-tt-ï dollars, the premises hereinai'ter describeö, át the south door of the Court House iu aaid City of Ano Albor Csaid Cowrt House being the place ot holding the Circuit Court within said county of Waihtenaw) all those certain pieces or pareels of land described as foliows: Bcing lote number elera and twelve in block number three, north of Huion street, in range numbei l'our tast, am recorded plat oí Ihe villaje (now citj Arbor. Dated, An i Arbor, July 15lh, 1 s 7 .", LL'MAN R. SLAWSON,Mortijee. Edward R. Slawson, Attorney lor Mortgaget. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN : The Circuit Coortfor thn county of Washtenaw- In Chancery. Esther A. McKnigbt, Complainunt, vs. OrlandoH. McKnight, Deftndant. lt satisfactorlj apotra; to this Court, by amdavit, that the defenditiit, urlando H. McKmiiht, is not & resident oi thio :-.■. bat nis residence is unknown, on motion of b. Cramer, solicitor for complainant, it i& oraered that the def endant cause bis appearance to be en. tered in this cause within three months (rom -i date of tbis order ; and that in case of üisappeariig, he cause bis answer to the coiuplainant's UI to be tíled, and a copy thereof to be aerved on the complainant's solicitor within twenty days afte: service of a copy of said bill of complaiBt, and notice of this order, and in default thereof, that ttsaid bill be taken as confessed by said defendent. And it is further ordered that within thirty d&ys. the said complainant cause a copy of tüisorai" be published in the Mú-hiyan -Aryus, a newepuf printed in said county of Washtenaw. and tijm" publication continue at least once a week tor a successive weeks, or that she cauBe a copy of tb order to be personally served on thesaiü aceording to the rules and praetice of this Courl. Dated, July 13th, A. D. 1S75. J. F. LAWKENCE, t'ircuit Court Commissioner, Washteuaw i'iin;, Michigan D. Cbamkk, Solicitor tor Complainant. Mortgage hale. WHEREAS William O'Hara and HanoraO'Ean hia wife, did exetute auddeliver to Frederui Huson, an indenture of mortgage, hearing dale It: ninth day of April, A. D. 187o, on premise" tbtrti: described as all that certain piece or puree! of I sitúate and being in the city of Aun Arbor, i I the oounty of Washtenaw aud State ol described as follows, to wit : Being tin fourths uf lot number tbree (3), in block oumte one, south oí Hurón street, and range numcii two east, according toa record ed jilatof the villift fnow cityj of Ann Arbor, which said mortier waa recorded in the Uegister'a office for tie ccuotj of Washtenaw, aforesaid, in líber 4'J oí on page 392, on the ninth day of April, A. D. 18'3i at 2:40 o'olook p. m., and whereas default hm beffl made in the condition of said mortga payment of moneys thereby secuied to be pw. wheieby the power of sale therein contaioed hii become operative, and theie is now, at the date ol this notice, claimed to be due on said morW the sum of eleven hundred and twenty dolían "■ eighty four cents, besides an attoruey fee of tbmi dollars, in said mortgage expressly agreed lo . paid as often as any proceeding should be taken w foreclose the same ; and whereas an adiudicafio" bankruptcy bas been passed in the District Cour. of the United States for the Eastern Distn" Michigan, in bankrup cy, affainst the said YiwaB O'Hara, since which adjudication the said wulnn O'hara has deceased. Now, therefore, no smt proceeding having been instituted at law to reeove the debt now remaining secured by said mortg or any part thereof, and leave havinï been p by an order of the aforesaid court, on the seventtn. of June, A. D. [874, to foreclose said mortgagt t advertisement, in pursuance of the statute ot in State of Michigan, in such case made and pron Notice is hereby givep that to satisf j the ""ÏJ sum due on said mortgage at the date thettot, interest, and said sum of thirty dollars, sttorn'! fee, and all olber costs and expenses allow ■■ law. after deducting the amount of all llB , shall have been received by the mortfragee, a named, on account of the mortgagied premisM der authority of the aforesaid order, tM mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the m gaged premises above described, to the hijheit o - der, at the outer south door of the Court EoiW thecountyot Washtenaw, in the city ot Ann A'. in said county (said Court House bemgtiep of holding the Circuit Court within the ■" ■ in which the above described pre" situatedi, on Saturday the fourth dayot vber. A. D. 1875, at one o'clock in the alterno"Dated, Anu Arbor, June lOth, A. D. . FREUüIUCK Hls", Root & Granoer, Morí, Attomeys for Mortagee. Mortgage 8aleWHEREAS default has b en made in üZe. tions of acertain indentuie of """rtg „. ing date the second day of January, A. v. i - ecuted by .lamea Coleman, ot tbe city ot r ,0 bor, Couuty of Washtenaw, State ,f ""Lrf, Luther James of Lima, county and t"ilt „, iW and recorded in the office of the Register oi L of said county of Washtenaw, at 10J( o w (, on the I8th day of January, a. d. 18i-, of mortgages, on page 37, which said oortm ,,, duly assigued by said Luther James to L ,,;t Shiwson, on the tenth day of Uct0!'er';7]líi and the instrument of assignruent tlierwin said Register's ohïce. on the 21st dJ_ "„,.,„ I A. 1. 1874, in líber 4 of assignments of w ,; I on page 417, and there is duo and unpaw j( mortgage, at the date ot this notie , lne,"rtv.j,i three hundred and flfty dollars and IJ", cents, together with thirty dollars (K "" attorney iee, in case proeeedmgs sllouiu t to foreclose said mortgage, and no P1 e, tl law or in oquity has been instituted to rei debt secured by said mortgage, or any !', Notice is therefore hereby (riven that w j of the power of sale iu said mortgage i cw i r. shall, on Saturday the ninth day of y"", 1 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ol at public auction to the highest b"i.lJ!r,ie ,ui es described in said mortgage to s itlwj l Mle. of principal and interest with tbe cts.r; „,-arin and r.ttorney fee of thirty dollars, tne !■ f tlr hereinafter described at the ouüi ", Court House, in said city oí Aun A"ii,uit Co House being the place of holding thel "J" cerW within said county of Waahtenaw). ",,-, t pieces or pareéis of land described as .'",mV ttv mg lots-number eleven and twelve, m ' mtK: ber three north of Huron street, in "{&enW four east, according to a recorded plat ■ tnuwcityj of Ann Af bor. Dated Ann ArboJuh, Edward R. Slawbon, 191, I Attorney for Assignec. . CommissionerB JNotice. ,. wanten11 tJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol " „tri1' 3 ss. The undersiüned having J"'en ' Zxi'"f the Probate Court for said county, aDa dito receive, examine and adjust all " i; mandsof ill persons against the est1 Donnelly, late of said county Iff.'.nofei! notice that six months from date " ., rs to P! order of said Probate Court, lor ",ë of id , I sent tbcir olaims against the,„t the 'oie.i ceased, and that they will meet r ,n Joseph Donnelly, in the city of Ann . a„d county, on the twentioth day of OcW oV:iorf I the twentieth day of Ja" ,ne?';,ev6, e" ' a. M., of each of said dayi, W Kxl , and adjust said olaims, 1M'1


Old News
Michigan Argus