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Ann Arbor Market. ANN Abbob, TltunBDAY, Aug. 19, 1875. Appleb- 50c per bu. Hkanh- $1.40. per. bu. Butteh- ltc. j3EEr - $6@7 per hundred. Coun - 60c. per bu. Chickens - 3Cíg50e per pair ; dresBt'd 12c pei'lb. Eoos- Command 12c. Hay- $12@lö per ton. Lard- The market stands at 16c. Oats- Old, 45c ; new 3üc. Pouk- $7.00(s7.6') per hundred. Pctatoep- 25(ui3'i cents. Tuknivö - 86@85o Wheat- $1.35@1.45 ; new, $1 . 15@1 .20. Detroit Markets. One week ago we left No. Whcat nt tl 50, aluce whicli time it has declined to $1 42, but rallying to H lö on Tuesday, and olosed Wi-dnusday ut $1 45. The tirst rally was caused by lifcht receipts, ince then it would troublt' the wisewt to exnliiin the cause of the advanee, bot at the Board Wednesday there wero buyers at the iluso tor No. 1 white at 2r. to 8c. above priet-s paid. Receipts were liberal, and stocks in atore have increased to 211, (KM) bushels, and jrobubilities favor au increase of these stocks, with a large amount of wheat in growers and dealers' hands. Corn is rather more steady, thouth quiet. A small sale was reportad Wednesday at 76c. Oatfl were steadier and in better requett, thougfa stocks are increasing. Sales of mixed were reported at 39&8S 1-l1'1. white at i:i. Rye- A sinall sale was made at 81 03. General produce remains dull. Aitples are increasinji in itoekl and decreasing in prices; liberal otl'erings were noted at j'2 2Sa2 50 por barrel. I'otatoea are dull and in full BUpply at 30a35c per bushtd. Butteria Arm and steady but quiet; strictly ehoiee is held at 21a22. Eggs are dull at 14c; the stocks arelight. Cheese 1 qalet and easy at lóallc. Pears tSa per barrel, (rapes Siai 25 der basket. Peachea scarce, but bard to stil at ïl 75a2 Uu per box.


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Michigan Argus