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fiow t Fooi Wild SleWS. A wild stoer entered Central Park, in New York, the other tlay, and made rushos on a nurabcr of peoplo bofore it was killod. In overy case tlic park pólice slioutcd to the jicrsons attaoked I to throw thonisulves on the grourul and lic rnotionless. Whenever this was done before the steer reached tho persons, it stopped, gazed at the prostrate l'orm, and ran olf without further demonstration. Evuii whon those who were Btruftk had the presence of mind to lio quiet wtere they liad dropped no further notice was taken of them. The potato is supposed to be a nativo I of South America, and it appears probI ablc that it was first brotight into Spain from the mountainous parts of fluit country, m tho neiffhbrohood of Quito, carly in tho sixtecnth ecntury. It is not known by whom or whon its valué as an articlc of food was discovercd. Chilt, Cure I - Safe and Sure. - Dr. Wilhoft's Tonic is curativo and protectlre. It M'ill cure CbillH and protect from further attacks. lts repnlation íb cntablÍBhcd. It cumposition is Himplo and scientific. It conUiins no poiñon. It actw promptly and its effcctM are permanent. It in chcap, becauBC it save doctors' bilis. It íh harnilcsH, npeedy in action and dolightful in it effcctH. Try it and prove al] tliat'a riaid. Weeelooe, Finlay & Co., Froprietorn, New Orleans. I'OR SjU,E JiY ALL DllUGCUNTS. At tliis seasou of the. year cramps and paine in tlie Btomach and bowelw, dyHontery. diarrlid-a, tc, are quito common, and whotild bo checked at once. Joltnsuii's Anodyne Liniment 'm the bost article that can be used in all Bucb cases, and should bo kopt in cvery family. Uaod mternally. Gbeat harm and discomfort is oansed by the uae of purgativos wbich' gripe and rack the Rysteiti. l'arsons' J'urgativc I'ills aro free from all impuro matter, and are mild and healtb-givïng in their operation. Glen Floea SrniNO Wateb, at Waukegan, 111., corea all kidnoy diseaeee. How to Gkt a IJome. See advertisement. A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A Consdmptive CunED.- When death was hourly expected from Canniiinptinn, alt remedies hnving failed, accident led to a discovery whereby Dr. H. Jnmes curad liis only cliild rith n preparation of Cannabü Indica, lie now fítvon recipe free on receipt of two Bfjimps %o pay expenses. There is not a Binïp Bymptom of ConBumption tbat it doefl not dissipiïte - N&hf STFeafs, Irritation of tho Nerves, Ditticult Kxppctoration, sharp Vains in tbo Lnngs, N.-msBa at the Stomach, Innction of the Koivul, and Wuting of the Muscles. Address CltADDOOK 4 CO.. 1032 Ro Street, Philadelphia, Pa., giviiiir name of thia papr. H&taMnCESj A pair of shops will cost you only, Bhv B 0%s 3f i five cení more with a KTC4rÜ?t SIIA'BttTIP gpHm3BH nn Ui;in without, nnd it will ndd HEgHg'yyygjyj twice the oost of the shoe to their BbSi s 13 Ai weiirinK valne. PwMl liimpg! lÈtn AIsu 6rj Wire QulHcd Soles. For service nnd comfort wpar BpWMBapajfaat ■ Cable Screw WireSr5 Boots and Mines, the best :nn1 fJNSjLXj-gjAjj oasiest. iJKTTÍSíí1 JqtSi Also try Wire Quilled Soles. t&SftScl 1H f = Cl O J%Pcr A7 8t'n(1 for Chromo Catalogue. 4) k U 4& O J. II. BürroED's Sons, Boston, Masa. VBRYPAMILTWARTSIT. Monarlntt." Sold by A sent. Addnm M. N . LO VV.IA,. Erie. Pa, WASTED AGESTS. Sample and Outfit fret. Beller than Gtld. A. COULTER L CO., Chicago. AGKKTS, 80 KLEGAKT O1L OHROMOS, mounf od. Bizo (lifl forSl; 140 for $',. Ijirgest vajiety in the world. ,a tloan 1 ( hl onio Co., Pmr.ADliLïHIA. I? TT, VAT VTÍ1 T? Q t TUe "few bbpÍXJCj f JLj Hitn palo iiili, IíífVOÍ-VlíU for i.iüï .-í.-lnimenso salo. rh-r„l„r r;c. WKIsTÏCUN tílfx WOJEUK8, Chicígo.IH. flVlTTTSfr and Morphlne habit abaolutely and II Kil 1 Piwdly cnred. Painless; no pubicity. Ui JIH. tit'"'1 "'nip for particular, fir. Uarlw W ton. 187 Wasliington St., Otaicuuo, 111. 1 Geo. p. Rowell & cTI Ifftiflfl A MONTH and EXPENSES to all Articles ,11 w new. stople aa floar. Simples freo. C. IINv14:JUNtiTX, NIOW 'ORKor CHICAGO. ■fl g. f f A MONTH- Agontswantod eyerywhere V 5h Business honorable and first class. Par til Zi ti II UoalM nent freo. Address WORTH .1 WÍIV OO.. bt. Loul. Mo. WORK tlan,t OF A.-5TS5 ! Sl.Opcr Monthln mad bj Aírente Belltag our splondid aLB.irlint nf n:w Mapa and Plétoras, intiiloguo 'X' ,í' (:' niiI"; MAN, .", Barolay Ht.. New York, and 170 Wust 4th St., CinfinnoM, O opíüMlísSi Ine. Prof. D. MicUcr, P. O. Boi 75, Laporto, Ind. nrilTO lUIIITm '"r 'o best, clieapnst ASEBTS WANTED -dg for our extra terms to Agant. N ATJONA L PÜBLISHING CO., Chicago, I.ll., or St. Ixuis, Mo. ÖKiÖiT-KEEPINGJK'-J; J'ril-C $1.00. postpald. Send for Ciroulur. V. S. CU.KK & CO., 143 lUce Street, Cmoianti, Ubio. THIS Paper Is prlnted wlth Ink made by G. B. Kane A Co., 121 Dearborn Hti-ofit, Chicago, and for sale ly ua in larKH or smaJl quantltíos. OUIO'AGO NKWSPAPRB UNION, 1U Monroo Streot, OhicaKO, 111. ClWCiffííATl lK)I,l-:IUVKEKI,y STAK. An Independent Family Newspaner. H Pages, 4K ColimniBOf Koadii.K. d-] Per VKAli. Specimen ('opy fuke. Free í postee. Addre The " STAU" CO., Cliioliinatl, Olilii. CflD CAl'C OhlOMoSabnihanlotoal UW I Ufl OHLCi.'eiSiloivii nd í-íi" mtbly for balance, wiOiin ji sliort disrjuice ni ('ify Limite, with hnnrhr trauis and ebeag faro. Send f.'r circulan,. IllA HROWN, 1 iü l.n.s.'lK-ít., Ohioago, 111; ■ flfflfll Ooyouwant the Apncy in-your í B [PV Itown for the best paylnrbnslneM I.H IID fL linthn U. S. If ro. nddri-s.-. .. ü!i 1Í"""B' ■OO.,M1 Mailinun-Bt., Uhicaüo, III. 5í1WFTIíT'VO 'or Sells ■" #■ Otlr tíUittJillllWt Ageíts coln monar. We havo work and money for all, men or women, boys or slrl, wbole or spare timo. Send stamp for Catalogue. Addrees FRANK GLUÜK. New Bodford. Mass. ■V4FnVBto lourKamo Elccantly PrintIHllr e'l on 12 Transpahekt Vismxn ■■■ríaW Cards, for 25 Cents. Kach canlcontainí scenc -which is not visible nntil held towards ttie liht, Nothinglike (heuaevcrlHiroTeo(lTC(l in America. Ilij;inclucements to Aííents. Koieltï 1'kim !.í Co., Ashlaiid, Man tT C" A 2 - Tbe choloesl in the world- Import B &MrH9i ms' primea Largen Oompany in amerlofl Btaple artiole- pleasefl everybodj - Trado conlinnaliy liMireasinB Afcrcnts wnnted erorywhare - best InHi. -dtm't waste snd for circular to , I .1.6, 43, N. y,, P, O. Bol 1S87. TUR MOTINTAlff MKADOW Ulan ,-i in Mr. StonhouBe' -KOCK V' HÓonSaiJ ' a dill mi onraplete hlstorj book for Agenta at the pn,s,.„t ti,,,.. S,1 Ing lars apply lo tho pnMisliorí. I) Appt l,-v,'l':!l:irtn.S40ud 551 Dn.nítivay, Rew York, L'Í1-)X i (L PE'nnSYLVANIjT Military Arariniiy, Chesfrr P ít Mh. Civil KnKÍneerinK, thd C-lnwica JA f ELECRAPHY. w ynnnicmnn and fatdi, to lesrn and inn!huMÍ ■ Jg' Metfo. II] WM fl I ICC A Montliíl Net in,,,,.. WILU Lift of the anthor'i nv,„ -uléi bor IN Tlllí Ufe nrv! IMIlíVo nPm„' "'r," rHnnCOI aimal,eto. TI. ,.." 7n WI.J and nmpuu boo'n on tho wild Fn Wist I,'"" thigto;n. A(iKTpVA.XEIjf r í'?.".,. isioj A (Jo., Chicago, Ílm. "nca! Knvelopes, Golden Ton, Pen Hold'or, PmS] ï'l, Yard Measurn, and a Pioen rif Jewelry si,,,. p""t'. wlth elegant Prize, posUpald, a.", cuita ríf fW. BRIDK 4 UO.. ihÖ Broadw.v. New lSrk. "' Plenami and Profltalile KiiinloTITr" "Boautiful!" "Charmlng:" "Oh. hcw lim.h"' 'it1"'they wortbf" 4c. Such aro oxclaniationsbytliceii'" the larrire e]ep:ant new (Jhromoft prolurfdhv(h(. p Me and American Ohromo Publisliíns (,.They,TO""l"'w geniH of art. No ono can renít the tpmptation tobut k' ' Beoing theChromos. It requires notalkinfj toseüth n turea, they apcak for thpraoelves. Canvnsnrn At.. ladies and gentlemen outof emplojTnent.wtUfiSy? opening ever offerod toraaKHmoner Ftrfniu !flam, eetid stamp fi.r rnnAdi-iitlol circular E101 f. GLKASON CO., 738WahingtonSt.,BoitoSü 33. Ii. OANPIELi) 57 La Sallo Street, Chicago, in DEALER IN REAL ESTÁTE, Farms, Lands and Village Property. Ootrnnpondence solicited from thoso desirinir tn pö oí their real Btata. howWgetahöme 10VA LANDS, SpO,o5o ArilES U Ricb Soil, god Climato, eAceilont 'r.cnjwinffS,.,,, monte, iryd Schools. Mro offer th Landn of tb# Olt and St. Paul 11. R. and tbe lloGrcgor r,d Miu!5 Rlver R. R. at R4 to Js per acre on v PwS Twoyertrentwillbiivafarm. ApplV to ' "mM DAVID8ON & CALKIKI R. R IJind Oöc Slble-. OceoU Co . ïw jöcTSiAQ. One j-njir's savlnc wij] t,nj Í' t . ' "i ' i7iv i)„u,ii M.,KrwYort. -" "- lw ,'grgf. Thi new Tra Is n, --dSHk "4' rrfect ""lort nlibi FtTt a o TTfi H&and dar. Adapt" itrtli, BB ffLttö 1 II KSmx'rv Tnntinn of the Wj Pv T R TJ S S t retainftlgrnptureandertlié i....,,1. -- - v? y íwirdrttexfirttworieTerfit NO. 633 Broadway, N. Y. City! Sent by mail. Oall or send for Circular and U cuid. S. H. HARÉIS' Impioycd Chicago FIRE and BI KGLAtl SAFES anil VAi;r,T DOORS hit Ilic BF.ST ani ('IIKAPUST. llMiiuf:iiry llrtil Sal room, Í3& ;4r, lïwt Ka mlol pli-st., (Ilteaga, m E RÍDEÑ Mvvm. nn Mjui!if:ictim) lll kintWnf PílT! UDV Table Cutlery. Ricljjiw I iilTtfl I maker .f tl." "PATEOT V tl 1 ilJUit 1 i VOKY " nr CilhüoH Kuif. ' The mo-t Durable WHITE nnijn fiTiTIT havdi.v; knovm. o IlllrJ i All I "mknrs "f hc.l!A!Kí)tlffift'Tl'ÜHt O-.on thé Jild"WMrt.,lii wild by si 11 dealers in Cutlevv ntifl ly tfc MKMDHI CÖTI.V:RV CO., 4U Ghnmbors Street, New YorL Portable grind sng mTsT losft ii]ipoi'-ruiiii'Tf , Tor Vwi'iuor 1J f HEprclKiut Work. SuioA#Cr%L 18 i'ior Iflill StotK'H of all f Ipi Til 11 Rii,cf4,oiiniuol)atch,ii. jVL H.H '■"■ Bolti'!s l"!,11; 3I,U LMmS 1 lül rüllip, flanccrs. i5c., II kroï! jF-g Mfflof ÏIillVnehÜH-ry W Killer1 "Ï3t St'iii'ib MiH tonii:iip. ""Jr Box liao, 'Incliiimli, 0. ftHeljiUl-]0OltóffljW.r, . "tWj:'ï. S3S2 TItADr! MAT.K, rATK!TEÜ. The best an1 cheapest r:iint in ihe World for Iron. Tin ir '■nt,ü. Tras. by PphIcts pvorywiiorn. PUTNCES' MT5TAUK PAEST CO.. Munnft'rers, 96Ci'darRI . N?T TCAÜTION Purchascra will pleasc sec that onr name ai. tl trado jnnrkíirconfcochüiiil nvorr packasc. Bond for a Circular. The Best is always the Cheapest, UIL JAÑK i Groceis ji. H The MdlnK top lo without seams or Wnges, and cannot get out of order. TM measurlng Pump Is the onalest, fastett, and ONLY PATENT PUMP used In a galvanlzed Iron tank. Prlces reducod. Ssn for Catalogue. WiLSÖN & EVENDEN, ratenlen nnd IbM&ctaran, 47 & 49 Weit Lke SI., ChKM p idir SIt la " "Seo Hoto So BükuS!aUBb!nniKiíietií. C5 cuuts ud uuwa11! To Pcoplc who Seaion. It 1 bacaiu Tarraut's Effervesceut Seltzcr Aperiert reduce the beat of th blood by crentitig l'61;!,', as well as through its mirpative oiwritimi. ttat proaucw eucb marvelons effect m rebrile diseaíes. SOLD BY AIJ, DKÜOOIST O. N. U. _2ÜÍ-TWHEK WRITINU TOADVKRTIíERJl


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