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Horrid Mirder. - A. corresponden of the Louisville Journal, gives the de tails of a dislrcssing murder in Russel ville, Ky. as follows : " A young man named John George, of respectable con nections, attempted to mislead a Miss Jackson of this town ; fuiling in his at tempts, and fea ring it would be made public, he stole by the window of the young lady's room, rnised it and shot her after waking her and making himself known. He fled. The report alarmec the fumily, whorar. into the room and found her dying. She lived only two hours, but Jong onough to disclose every thing. It Í3 probable that the young man has gone to Louisville. The quantity of tea consiimed in Great Britnin in 1711 was 141,995 pouitds. In 1800,20,338, 702poundd. In 1833, 31,329,620 boundu.Foueion News. - We are indebted to a friend for a copy of the N. Y. Berald, containing the news of the arrival of the lacket sliip Toronto. The ndvices from Londorr, which we lave reccived, are to the 7tb, and from -iirerrpool to the 6th ultimo. The news is, of a very favorable and nteresting character. Cotton was firm. The LoflHon Chronicle of the 4th uit., contains a long arttcle relativo to the inelligence from America, carried out by he packet ship Yorkshire. The corn markets were somowhat acive and firm. The war in India had again broken out, and the annexation of Punjaub s )robably consummated. If not, it will je. This Anglo Indian intention hns )ccn for some time maturing. There was a great excitement and ianic in Ireland relativo to the new commercial policy. It is probnbly ruised tor n cirect on Parlinment. The course of Mr. Calhoun was fnvoably spoken of by the London Times f the 7ih ultimo. The London money market wnseasier. There has been anothor debate in the rench CJiambers on the Texas queson. It is shown that since the first deate on tho queslion the ministry have ost strengt h. A letter from Algiers states thnt the xperiments made by the Trappists of taoueh to cultívate the tea plant in Aleria, have been fully successful. Suicide. - Monsieur Urtis, in Franco, mainained (hot suicide was jnstiñabte. In the ear 18S9, tho suicides in that country alountcd to 1847 : nmong them werc two lildrcn of from eipht to nino yenrs of nge. 2ight libmlecd and aixteen lumg thcmseWes.