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Michigan News

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In obedience to tho new iiquorlaw, all tho liqnor saloons of Detroit were closed ou Siuiday last. Theke is considerable oxcitement in Espaaung over tho diwcovery of silvcroro u Ui:it vicinity. Foxes are bo plentiful in Cullioun county that tlu; farmera caunot keep poultry; oven young lainbs and pigs aro carricd off. The attoiidnnceat tho pioneers' picnic, at Vicksburg, has been estimated at t'rom 5,000 to 7,000 ; 13 Mr loada went froffi Kalamazoo. The Jackson Citizen says that seven disgnsted Tyrolese immigrants have loft Michigan for Tenuesaee, " becanse Michigan is so niucli like Kussin." Dr. Horn, editor of tho Nilos Dernocrat, has sued Dr. Barnard, editor of the Berrien County Journal, for libel. Tbe plaiutiff claims $25,000 damages. N. J. Rice, a clerk in the Postoffice at Battlo Oreek, has been arrestad for robbing the mails. ïhe evidence against him was conclusivo, and ho made a fnll confeasion. Aaron Paksoits, for many years a prominent citizen of Saginaw City, died early on Friday last of heart disease. He was Secretary of the Saginaw County Agricultural Society, and was highly esteemed. A fabmer of Niles township, namei Oiiorge V. Iiwm, has tlireshed out tho largest yield of wlieat in Berrien oounty, and probably the largost in the country. Froin a field of 16 acres lie obtained a yield of 42J bushels per acre. John A. Bose, of Henton township, Mecosta county, was killed by a tree striking him on the head, on Thursday last, while engaged in felhng trees. He was oue of the iirst settlers of the township, and was 50 years old. Hibst Kousk, an old citizen of Jackson, wont to a drug store the other day and asked for arsenic, but the druggist discreetly put up surnac instead, whon House put it in soine water and swallowed it, but did not die, much to hifl disappointment. At Hillsdidc, on Monday last, Peter Dufty, aged 15 yearB, feil into a kottle of boiling lye at an nshery. The proprietor noticed him in time to save his life, but whcn he was extricatcd from his perilous position the flesh was eaten off his face aud body in a horrible marmer, disfiguring him for life. Port Atjstin has two mineral springs, and the good people are only waiting until an analysis is made beforo lianging out the sigu to the world, " All ailments cured herc." This village, so prcttily located at the mouth of Saginaw bay, possesses the picturesque rojky beach so rare in Michigan. 4 Germán named Daniel Weichert was aceidi-ntally shot near East Saginaw the other day. In company with a lad named Krell, he was in a boat on the river below the city hunting and fisking. The lad attempted to pass a loaded gun to Weichert, when the hammer caught, and it was discharged, the charge lodging in Weichert's leg above the knee. He lived but a few hours aftervard. There was a general suspension of the liquor trafile in Detroit last Sunday, aud the day was the quietest known in the city for years. According to the reports of the policcmen, saloon-koepei-3 seom inclined to acquiesce quietly in their defeat in their attempts to secure the passage of a resolution authorizing Sunday liquor trafflc o ?er Mayor Maffat's veto. Several variety shows had announced entertainments for the evening, but they did not open, the chief of pólice announcing that he should arrest all the actors and spectators.


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