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Mortgage Sale. Default having bten made in the condition of a certa in niortgage executed by Wiliiam Kyan on the ekventh day ut April A. D. 1874, to Martin Kyan. executor of the laat will and teatament oí Kyau, deoeased, which aid mortgage was given to secure tte purchaae money of the premises therein deecnbeü, umi ïttoiutu m the office of tht Register of Ueeda in the couiity oí Washtenaw, Michigan, in l.iimr ."( t Mortgages, on page 229, and wtiich aaid mortfiage was nu the second day ui November A. IJ l74,asaigned by said Martin Rya to Leuulmrd (iiuner, and on the saine day recordé in the office of the regmter ot Deeds in the county of Washtenaw, in liber 4 oí nsaignmentti of rnortgagea, on page 427, and on the J4tli day of December A. D. 1874, l.eonhard tiruner, aaaignee as aforesaidj aeöigned the to Willitim F. Osius, which aatjignment wasrecorded on the same day in the office of Kegister of Deeds in the county oí Washtenaw, in liber 4, of asaigiimenta of inortgagea, oii papa 4Ö3, by which deiault the powei ol sale contiiiiied in aaid mortgage has btcomt opei'iitive, on wliicli inurtgui thero is claimed to ba due at the time of tliia notice.for interest, sixty ilollary and sixty-eix cents, und aleo íhe furthei aam of thiriy dollar tor an attorney'a fee aB providedin suid mortgnge, and no uit oiproceedin at law or in equity having been iiiütituted to recover the amouut due on said mortgage or any partthereof: Notice ia, therefore, hereby giveu, that by virtue of the power of aale contained in said mortgage, I shall aell at public auction, at the South front door oí the Court House, in the city ot Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the the Circuit Court fox aaid County oí Washtenaw is held) on the firat day of Septembei A. D IH75, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the tollowing premiaes decribed in aaid mortifage. viz: All oí villagé Iota number flve and six iu block number forty-iive iu the villano of Manchester, county of Waahtenaw and 81 ate of Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereoi, or : much or euch part or parta thertof as Bhall be neceaHUry to satisfy the amount due upon said morlgage. Duted June let, 1876. WILLIAM F O8IU8, Fbedekick LibtoriU8, Asaignee. Att'y for Aaaignee. 15o3 Mortgage Hale. ÜEFAULT having been made in the conditiona of a certain iudenture of mortgage, bearing date the öeveuthday of May, A. D. 1867, extcutedby Uotlob Beiserand Anna Maria Beiaer, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of VVaahteuaw, Htate of Michigan, to John Daniel Heinrich, oí the atiid city of Ann Arbor, and recorded in the oiüce ot the Oeglater of Üeeds of said County of Waahtetenaw.on the 8th day of May, A. D. IW7, at 9 o'clock a.m. of aaid day, in Iiber37 of mortgatfes, on page 471. which said mortgage was duly aseijfned by said John Daniel Heinrich to John G. (all, on the25thdayot May, A. D. 1871, and the instrument of assignment thereof, recorded in aaid Register'a officeonthe 13th day of July, A. D. 1871. at 3 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, in liber 3 oi aaaigmnenU of mortgages, on page 173, and which mortgage was duly assignedoy said John G Gnll on the 7th , . ■■"_. . _fc. L Et ■ Air i 1 -1 . ,_&_.. m ,- 4 „i dayot Maren, A. D. 18T4, and the instrument 01 assinment thereof recorded in said Kegister's ottice on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1874, at 4 o'cloek p. m. of said day, in liber 4 of assignments of moitgages.on page 243, and there is due and unpaid on aaid mortgage, at the date of tlm notice the aum of tour hundrud and seven dollarB and fif ty six cents, togEther with thirty dollars as an at torney fee, in case should be taken toforecloBe aaid mortgage, and uo proceedinga in law or in equity has been instituted to recover the dibt seeured by said mortgage, or any part theieof : Notice is thorefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of Bale contained in said mortgage, I shall, on Saturiay the ninth day of October, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of said day, sellat public auction to the higliest bidder, the premisos deacribed Ín said mortiraffe to aatiify the amount of principal and interest, with th charges ut sale and attorney fee of thirty dollars, the premises heerinafter described, at tht south door of the Court House in suid city of Ann Arbor, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said Cuunty of Washienawj, all that part of lot number four, block four north, range six eaat, that hes northwesturly of Pontiac street in the city of Ann Arbor aforeeaid, accordiug to the recorded plat thereof. Dated Ann Arbor, July lftth, 1876. . LUMaN R. ÖLAW8ON, Aaaigueeol Moitgage. Edwabd R. Slawson, Attorney for Aesignee. Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the condition of a mortgage, executed by fatrick Kennedy and Nancy Kennedy to Elijuh W. Morgan, dated January íirst, A. D 1873, and recorded March flrst, same year, in the Washtenaw Couuty Registert Oiücü, in liber 46 of mortgagea, page 435, and as signe d to Chiiatian Helber, aasignment dated and recorded February twentieth, same year, in liber 48 of mortgages, page 505, by which default the power of sale therein contained beoame operative and the sum of four hundred and thirteen dollars is claimed as now due thereon (including premium paid for insuranee and a reas on ab Ie attorney 's fee,) and there are flve further installmente with interest to become due, and no suit or procl'o1iui;b having betn instituded to recover tht mortgage debt or any part thereof: Notice ie theref ore hereby given, thatsaid mortgage willbe t'oreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premiaea, oi aome part thereof, to wit: Lota number three and fourteen, in block number three north, in range two eaut, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Court House in said city, ou the fourth day of Öeptembei next, at noon, said mortgage was piveii to secure the payment of the purehaBe mouey for the mortgaged pre mises. Ann Arbor. June 1, 1875. CHRISTIAN HELBER, E. W. Moroan, Asaignee, Attorney 1634 Chancery Notice. THE CIRCUIT COURT for the countyof Waabteuaw. In chancery. William Lentz, eompluinaiit, va. Caroline Lentz, defendant. It satis - l'actoiily appeaiing to thiB court by tiffidait and the return of the otiicer on the Bubpcona iasued in tliis cause, thnt the residence of the defendant is unkiiown, tind that Baid defendant íh not within the jurittdiction of this court. On motion of tfrederick Pistorius, solicitor for complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause her appearance to be entered in this cause within three montha from the date of this urder, and that in case of her appearing she cause her answer to the complamant's bitl to be flled in this cause and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant or his soücitor within twenty daya after service on her or her aolicitor of a copy of the bill of complaint filed in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said complainant's bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty daya, the said eomplainaut cause a copy ot' thia order to be published in the Michigan Jww, a public ntwspapor printd in eaid county of Washtenaw, and that the publication continue at least once in each week for bíx suceessive weuka, or nat he cause a copy iif this order to be personnlly aerved on. the aaid defendant, according to the rules and practice of this court. Dated July 15th, A, D. 1875. A. D. CRANE, Fredekick Pistorius, Circuit Judge. Ho ie i tor for Comp't. lMlwti Mortgage Sale. EFAULT having been made in the conditiona of a certain indentuie of mortgttge, beuring dute the thirtith day of December, A. D. 1873, executed by Jame a Coleman of thecity of Ann Arbor, couuty df Washtenaw, State of Miohtgan, to Luman R. Hlawson of the said city of Anu Arbor, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deed? for said county of Washtenaw, on the 26th nay of January, A. D. 1874, at 3 1-4 o'clock p m., in liber 49 of mortgages. on page 206, and there is due and unpaid on aaid mortgage, at the date ot this notice, the sum of thirty-seven dollars and fot ty-three cents, together with thirty-five dollars as a solicitor or attorney fee, in case proceedings should be taken to forecloae aaid mortgage. And no proceeding in law or in equity has been instituted to recver the debt aecured by said mortgage or uny part thereof. Notice is, therefore. heruby given, that by virtue of the power oí sale in saitl mortgage contained, I shall, on Saturday, the ninth day of Octobflr, A. D. 1875, at ten o'olock in the forenoon of said day, Bell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premiaes dearribed in said mortgage, to satisfy the amount of prinmpal and interest with the charges of sale and attorney fee of thirty-üve dollars, the premiaes hereinafter described, at the south door of the Court House in sald City of Ann Arbor fpaid Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court within said county of Waahtenaw) all thoae certain pieces or pareéis of land described as foliown Bring lots number eleven and twelve in block number three, north of Huron ctreet, in range number four ettst, according to a recorded plat of the vülage (now city) of Ann Arbor. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 15th, 1875. LUMAN R. ÖLAWSON, Mortgagee. Edward R. Slawson, Attorney for Mortgitgee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a certai mortgage, executed by John Harris anü Mary Harris, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and Stutt of Michigan, to Jacob Volkuid, of tlu1 same place, on the twentieth day ol' June, in the year of our Lord oue Uunuasd eight hundred and sixty-four, and recorded in tlie Reglstei'a offlee ín the eouuty of Washtenaw and Stale of Mullican, im tin1 24th day of June, A. D. 18fï4, in Ubei 89 of uortgayee, on page 442, vhtcfa aaid mortgaee was duly aaslgned by Jacob Volland to Andrew .J.Shivcly, of the city and State of New York, on the ninth day of August, A. D. 18tï4, which said MBlgnment wga recorded on the ninth day ol August, A. D. 1864, in liber 32 of mortgages, on page 562. That there is uow claimed to be due upon raiti mortgage, and note aceompaiiying the saiue, tht Mini ut' eleven hundred aud forty-four 73-10üth dollars; also thirty dollars as a reasonable attorney fee, should any proceedings be taken to fencloM Un1 sume, and uo proceedings having been instituted, either in law or equity, to recover the saine, or any nart thereof. Notice is therefore hereby yivcn that un the llth day of September, 187;"", at 2 oclock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, (that being the place of holding thé Circuit Court fox suid county j, and lykvirte of the power of sak cont&iaed ín said mortgage, I shall sell at public auctioii to the higiust bidder, the preniises de3Crtbed i said mortgage, to satisfy the amount ol principa] and interest above claimed to be due, with ! hi charges of' sale and attorney 's fee of thirty dolíais All those certain pieces or pareéis of land situated in tbe city of Aha Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State ftforesaid, knowu bountled and described asfollows, to wit : Bt'ing lots numbered nine (9) and ten (10), in block number oue (1), north of Huron street, and range twelve (liï) east, according toa recorded plat of Ann Arbor. Dated June llth, 1875. ANDREW J. SHIVELY, JOHN N. GotTj Assignee of Mortgagoc. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. 1534 Sheriff's Sale. i TATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Wabhtenaw, ' üs Alfred W. Hanmer vs. James W. Case. liy virtue of one writ of execution ïssued out of and under the aeal of the Circuit Court for tLe county of Washtenaw, in the above entitled eause, to me direeted and delivered, I have on this M day of August, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the right, title and interest oí James W. Case, in and to the following described real estáte situated in theeountyof Washtenaw, State of Michigan to wit: The east half of lots number six hundred und ninu and six hundred and ten in Follett, Vought and Holmes' additioa to the city of Ypsilanti, Michigan, which above described land 1 will otter for sale to the highest bidder, at the soutii door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 28th day of Heptember. A. D. 18T6, at ten o'elock A. M. of said day. Dattid AgUHt3d, 1876. 1542 M. FLËMINO, Shehtf. Hortgage Sale. WHKREAS Paíriok Fallen, of the tmr i.Lyndon, Wfchtenaw raumy h , .'S"01 gan, did execute and clel.ver lo Tlom v lch' inindeutuiuol mortgage hearing .1,1. ,; "?! teenthdayof Noembtr. A. D U74 í '"- Iheiein deseribed hb all of those certáin ríil1"' landknown aod deacribed aa ion ,„ p tces f The west half of the northeast qUartè'i "e'! : eaat hall ut Ihe Southwest Quarter anfl '?' ' outhweat quartcr of the northwest ' ni,. e aection number twenty-seven, and tr u part of the northeast quarter of th ea" east quarter of snction thirty-four J ,,m"lhate iu townahip nutuler one onth of ,'..' Í1' east, in the State of Michigan, contamínfi,, eS two hnndred and aeven acres of lan.i moremii which aaid morti?a(re was iluly reoorded in tl u lster's othce Tor the county of Washten-iw , - said, iu libel uumber Hlty-one of ruortiri 'te' p:ine four hundred and flfty-slx, on tl. L?,'1 of February, A. O. 187'., at 8(2 ,)'ci.k ,"' Ja: that day. And whereas default has been !J' in the conditionjr of said mortgage hy non I ments of moneys thereby sccured to paid Lï" by the power of sale therein contuined Iihs'i, te" operative, and there ia uow, at the date of t!e notiee, claimed to be due on said mortgase tht of tlve hundredand seventy-four dollars Mui atv ty-one centB.besideB au attoniey tn; ,,f tl,;, ty ,tlars, in said mortgaife expressly afreed to ber ' aa of ten hb any proceedings should be taken forecloBe the same, or any part theraif, and no t, '" ceedinus at law or in equity having been institE to recover the same or any part thereof ■ noh therefore given, that on the twen ty-third dav of 1 w" ber.A. D lH75,at ten o'clock In the forenoonoK -i ilay, attheoothdoovo! the Court House int! city of Anu Arbor, (that bemg the place tor hol '1 mfi the Circuit Oourt for said connly of v )!t naw), T shall stil at public auotion, tu the (,,,1 bidder, the premisea deticribed in .s;inl murtcaei above set forth, or such part 01 parts theS " shall be necessary to Baliafy naid araoTuit wia terest, costa and expensea allowed by iaw Dated Aun Arbor July l'J, 18T5. THOMAS YOUXG, Mortun2w Root & Obanqer, Att'ys for Mortgagee. Eatate of Rtichel McCoruiiclT STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wwhtem, ss. Atasessionof the Prouate Court íorr' county of Washtenaw, holden at the Prol in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, thetwtat sixtbday of July, iu the year one thouaaud jji.' hundred and seventy-ti e. Present, Noah W. Chcever, Judgo of Probate In the matter of the eatate of Rachel McCot mick, deceased. Zina I'. Kini;, administrator de bonit win of s estáte, come? into oonrt and repre.seuta tbat ht 'u now prepared to rendt r hia tirat account as such tí mini9trator. Thereupon it ia ordered that Monday, u, thirteenth day of September next, at ten o'd in the foreuoon, be assifjned f or examining tui $. lowing such account, and that theheirsatUvofajj deceased and all other persons intereated in naïd . Line, ti e iiuiicu vaj appcai aii ït ncnniuu ui H&ldcOGT' then to be hok'en at the Probate Ottict, io & city of Ann Arbor. in stiid couïity, and sW uause, if any there be, wby tht stud aecoaa; should not be ailowed : And it is furthw ! dered that said Zina P. King give aotice to k persons interesled in said estáte, of the mi. dency of said account, and the hearing thenf by cauaing a copy of this order to be pu the Michigan Argus, a newspaper priuted and te culating in said couïity, three suecessive ïetb previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CUEEVEB, 1541w3 Judge of Probis, Murtgage Sale. WHEREAS detault has b en made in ttowi, tions of acertain indentuie ol mortgagebetr ing date the second day of January, A.D. 18tya. ecuted by Jaines Coleman, of tbe city of Ann .: bor, County ií Waslitenaw, State of Michi:.:, Luther James of I.iina, couïity nnd State aforeeaid, and reeorded in the otheu of the Registei of said eounty of Washtenaw, at In1, o'clock j.n on the IHth day of January, a. d. 1872., in lik;, of mortgages, on page 37, which paid morl duly assigned by said Luther James to Lnmn , Slawaon, on the tenth day of October, i and the instrument oí assignment thereo in said Register' ortiee. on the 2Ut day ol A. D. 1874, in liber 4 of asigurneüta of mortgwi on page 417, and there is due and udjjhi mortgage, at the date of this notie , tb three hundred and fifty ilollars and fortui cents, together with thirty dollars as a sotaitofw attorney ïee, in case proceedings should be tai-i to foreclose said inortgage, and no prowedta t law or in equity has been instituted to recovat! debt secured by said mortgage, or any (■;. Notice is therefore hereby given that of the power of sale in said mortgage eonuinri! shall, on Saturday the ninth day of Octot. k 1 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oí aai at public auction to the highest bidder ths m es described in said mortgage tosatisfy thtswm I of principal and interest witb tbe charges of alt and attorney fee of thirty dollars, the I hereinafter described. at the touth !' Court House, in said city oí Ann Arbor. ! House being the place of holding the Cil within said county of Washtenaw}, all t: pieces or pareéis of land deseribed as follom : ting lote'number eleven and twelve, in i ber three uorth of Huron street, in ran four east, accordiug to a recorded plat ui (nowcity} of Ann Arbor. Dated Ann Arbor. July 15th, 1875. LU1IAN lt. SLAWSON. Ebwabd R. Slawson, Attorney for Assignee. 13W. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condito of a oertain mortgage whereby the power tl in contained to sell has beeonie operati1. by William Plimly and Jaue Plimly, hiawift:: the city ol Ann Arbor, in the county oí naw and State oí Michigan, to John 11 of Salem, in said county and SUte, dated tik;.. day of January, A. D. eighteenhundred eight, and recorded on the tenth day of Jamt A. D. 1868, at nine and one half o'clock a. ,:. the office of the Register of DeedB for I! Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, of mortgages, on page 224, which said morlBf was duly assigned by said John McConnick Kachel MeCormick, by deed of assigsn the seventh day of February, A. D. eigliteet I dred and seventy-one, which assignmenl recorded in the oilice of the said Hegister ol W. I on the ninth day ot Hay, A. D. 1871, at kraai I one half o'clock a. m., in liber tliree of aasipmite of mortgages, on paije 119, upon which suid mwtgage there is claimed to be due, at th '. notice, the sum of four hundred and tliii lar and ttfty cents, and all suits or procei which have heretoforc been in.-tituteil (r tk." covery of the debt secured by said mor been discontinued, and no .suit or pro law or in chancery having been institnted m said dincontinuance to recover any pari Notice is theref' re hereby given, thai the power of sale contained in saM mort,shall, on Saturday the twentythird daj ber, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the fon at public auctioa to the higheat bidder ( take place at the bouth door of the Conrt M ir the city of Ann Arbor, in said C'ouit Uouse being the place of hoU : cuit Court for said county of Washtenawiitap mises described in said iuortgage, l thereof as shall be neceseary to salisfy ttew due on such mortgage and lega) costa na tutl" of such sale, together with an attorur; ty dollars, coveuanted for therein ; thu! lohowing described piece or parcel ot . lot number flfteen, (IS) in block number wr, l'artridge's addition to the cil y of Aun Aiw'i r cording to th9 recorded plat thereof. Dated this 27th day of July, A. 1. 1815. ZINA P. B Administiator ot i W. D. Habriman, m Att'y for Administrator. - Mortgage bale. WHEREAS William O'HaraaudHanoraO'Hi hiswife.did execute and delivur to tw' Huson, an indenture of mortüage, hearing" ninth day of April, A. D. 187Ö, on premis described as all that cerlain pieoe or parce' ?' " sitúate and being in th city of An Al' the oounty of Waahtenaw and .State ol described as follows, to wit : Being th fourths of lot number three (ÜJ, In block o une, aouth oi Huron street. and r: two east, according to a recorded plat oí tien f now city) of Ann Arbor. which san'. waa recorded in the Registert oíüce for tne m _'■ of Washtenaw, aioresaid, in líber 4S of "Si on page 3S2, on the ninth day of Apnl. at '2:4U o'olock p. M., and whereas deíaultí " made in the condition of said mortgup payment of moneys thereby aecuied to w ï whereby the power of sale therein cm: beeome operative, and there is now, at . J1 "5-,thia notice, claimed to be due on uw f the sum of eleven hundred and twenty aoiun , eighty four cents, besides an attorney ! dollars, in said mortgage expressly 8rek( , ::. paid as otten as any proceeding shouU ..j0,„; foreclose the same ; and whereas un "i'wTc„,r bankruptcy has been passed in the UBtrwjJ , of the United States for the Easteru Michigan, in bankrup cy, airainst the W t)'Hara, since which adjudication tbe aia " . ■ O'hara has deceased. Now. therefore, n' proceeding having been instituted at la '" 0 the debt now remaining secured by ud ""ÏJ, or auy part thereof, and leave having """Li; by an orferof the afoiesaid court, un these ,, oí June, A. D. 187, to foreclose uil "■; advertisement, in pursuance or tbe at" State of Michigan, in such case mude n1 H li; Notice is hereby given that to satiífy BJ sum due on said mortgage at the dale t"" „,; inteiest, and said sum of thirty ''o"""'."' I) f ee, and all other costs and expense a"" ui iaw. after deducting the amount of all " M„ shall have been received by the i"011"! w named, on account of the mortgaged Prem, „ü der authoiity of the aforesaid oraer , mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale w tji iraged premises above described, to the lrfi der, at the outer south door of the toiirt a thecounly ol Washtenaw, in the eityot An ,,, in said county (said Court House tainï',,, of holding the Circuit Court n-itli"' ' in which the above described )■■' situatedl.onSalurday the fourtb daï i . ber, A. D. 187S, at one o'clock in the l" Dated, Ann Arbor, June lOth, A. Ví'íoSi Root & öranoeb, Mu Atlorneys for Mortagee. - w Sherirs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WísM, 88. John T. Kaywalt vs. Alv : ,i By virtue of one writ of executio ■ u of and under the seal of the Lircu the county of Washtenaw, in tte ?"". dil m cause, tome directed and delivered, i í 29th day of May, A. D. 18TS, Iw, right, title and interest of Alva A. R1';, to the following described real e"vtehigi the oounty of Washtenaw, State o 'iia Dl,rf wit : All that certain tract of land sitt y number eighteen of the villoge ot um tenaw county, State of Michigan, "K1 , and desrtlbed as tollows, to wit : D'btKti,"" the east eide of said block number f meUy ■ south sideof an alley twenty teet A jh dred and seventy feet ftom the sou t il street or Ann Arbor road, ,nnLe liunJ' tyfour degrees w. st along sa.O al h r and eighty-Bve and a halt fe"' , „„ twenty and a half degreíí "ZJmo m twenty feet wide. and paral lel "" heI1ce said block, forty and one ha lt ■ t ,, Sfty-nineand three-fonrths degree" ared and eighty-six and afourtn feet t line of said block thence along said JJU Uve and half feet to the eeJ[p„sf fo r which above described land I shal 1 P ur c 1 to the hiKhet bidder, at the """r, ut f Bourt Houee. in the city of -?2el,teiii,clock A. M. on the 2Sth day of ep IJ Datod August 3d, 187Í y FLEMINÖ. 9her"'


Old News
Michigan Argus