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The K. E. Church and ïts Pastor. The following were preseuted to the Quarterly Conterence, liold at Ann Arbor, Aug. 24, 1875, by Eev. Benj. Day, and adopted by a uuaniiuous rising vote ; and, on inotiou, the Secretary was instructed to furnish a copy to Eev. Mr. Shier, and also to the press forpublication : Whkeeas, In the natural working of the ecclesiiistical polity of the M. E. Church, the present pastorate of Rev. W. H. Shier is about to termínate with us. And Whereas, This Quarterly Conference is the last oue to be held for this conference year; therefore, Resolved, lst, By the members of this Quarterly Conterence, that we hereby expresa to him ou r high appreciation of the ability and faithfulness with which he has preached to us the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ ; the ability, the skill, and persistance he has shown in helping to manage the finaucfcs of our church, and his consistent godly character as a minister to his pastoral work. 2d. That we hereby extend to him a cordial iuvitation to occupy our pulpit, to visit us in our families, and to be present at our social church gathenngs wheneverconvenicntto hira. 3d. That we shall continue to cherish for him and his family our warmest Christian sympathy, and a remembrance of them in our prayerb. A. J. Sutheeland, Secretary. - About 300 excursionista from Jackson arrived in this city Monday moruing, and proceeeed to the Fireinen'B Park, where a picnic was held". The excursión was gotteu up by the Oerman Workinginen's Society, and was accompauied by the Central City Band. During the afternoou quite a number of the party visited the University. They left for home ou the evening expresa. Green's August Flower, It is natural for people sutfering with Dyspepsia and Liver Cuniplaint, or auy derangements of the digestive organs, such as Sour Storaach, Sick Headaclie, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, ('oated Tongue, and disagreeablc taste in the mouth, coming up of tbod after eating, low spirits, etc, to put off from day to day buying an article that they know has cured their neighbor, friend, or relative, yet they have no faith in it until it is too late. But if you will go to your Druggist, Eberbach & Co., and get a bottle of Grekn's August Flower your immediate cure isas eertain as you live. Sample Bottles of this medicine can be obtained for 10 cents to try t8 superior virtue. Kegular size 75 cents. Try it, two doses will relieve any case.


Old News
Michigan Argus