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Ann Arlior Market. Ank Arbob, Thubsday, Aug. 19, 1875. APPLK8- 50c per bu. Beans- $1.40. per. bu. BUTTEB - 18c. Beef - $6@7 per huodred. Corn- 60c. per bu. Chiokbnb- 30@50c per pair : dresseu 12c perlb. Eoob - Command 12c. Hay- 12@15 per ton. Lahd - The market stanás at 16c. Oats- Old. 45o ; new 30c. Pork- $7.OO@7.6i per hundred. Potatoeb- 2S@30 centB. Türnips- 25@35c. Wheat- J1.35(g1.45 ; new, S1.15@1.2O. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW. New York Markets. Gold clo8ed at 1 13 3-8. Money on cali 1 l-2a2 per cent. ; prime mercantile paper 4a5 1-2 per cent.; sterling exchange 4 8G 1-2 aight, and 4 89 1-4 for 60 daya bilis. Treasury disbursements, $22,000 ; clearing house tranaactions, $17,427,000; exporta of produce for the week, $4,499,335. Flour easier but closeB with more inquiry; extra white wheats, 6 65a7 50. Wheat Ia2c better and fairly active ; No. 2 Chicago, 1 28al 34 ; amber WeBtern, 1 45. Corn lc better, 84a8ö. Oats dull and lower, mixed Western 62n64 ; white Western, 6öa70. Coffee in iair demand, 18 l-2a20 1-4 for Rio cargoea gold. Sugar steady. Egga fair, Western 18 l-2al9 1-2. Pork lower, $21 10a21 40. Lard heavy, 13 3-4 Butter uuchanged, 14a22 for Western. Cheese dull, .ral0 3-4. I urí(íu markets. Liverpool, Aug. 25.- Breadstuffs steady: flour, 27c ; wheat, No. 2aNo. l spring new, UsüdallsSd. Mixed corn, 33s. Fine American cheese, 5 25. Fork, 83s6d. American prime meas, 72aüd. The latest Mark Lane Express, Aug. 24, special says the crops have been secured in better condition thau had been anticipated, and prices generally yielded Ia2s and in sorae cases 2a3s. New samples look poor in comparison with tlioso of laat year. Detroit Markets. The wheat market has been a moderately active one all the week, yet stocks have accumulated about 45,000 bu., and prices have receeded 3añc except in new No. 1, which haa been more steady than other gradea and to-day cloaed steady at $1 34, Monday at $1 3ó and Tuesday $1 34a2. Stocks in store are to-day 260,000 bu. and receipts were to-day 120 cars. Corn continúes very quiet and rather easy ; buyers could be accommodated for a moderate amount at 75c. Oata continue flrm, but are rather quiet, new mixed selling at 40 1-2 a41 1-2 and white Western at 45a46. Barley comes forward slowly but there is but little inquiry ; an occasional prime lot commands high figures, a car selling occasionally at 2 26. Rye is nominal at 1 03. Apples continue dull at 2 00 a bbl. for good fruit. Beans are about nominal at 1 80al 90 for best medium to prime city hand picked. Butter continúes very flrm at 21a22 for strictly prime, and low grades dull. Cheese is unsettled - offered at 10 l-2all 1-2. Eggs finner, sales at 15c. Bran, 17 1-2. Potatoea 25a30c. Fruit8 active, whortleberries $3 50a4. Plums, $3a4 50 Blackberries $3 50a4.


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