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REVOLVERS! Wfi: 1 UK V i LV i'. Il for only Si.-Immrase sala. Circular FVe. WESTBUS Gl' WO11KS, Chicago, 111. DLARÍC8 BOOK-KEEPTNGyiS"stZctS: [GEoTpmiYco.j , D 0 U B L Ë YO IJ B TEAD f Drugsrtst, Grocors and Dmilers- 'ure China ij. i Japan aealed packanes, serate-top can,boxes, or halt ohesta- Gi oei -' prict. Send fitr circular. The WELLB Tea Oompanx. 201 Fulton.Bt., N. Y., P. O. Box 4560. i IPUTCI 117 Í ITTPIÏ for the fastest. !■' JlUJjil 1D II 2111 L JÜV orerpublilhed. , Rend for circular and tmr eitra teiTns to AgHntB. , TIONAL PUU. W)., ClhJcsiO, 111., or St. iouta, Mo. WORKC that I" a.-5TS ! Sl!Oper Miintli is madn by Afronts sollinfï nur Bplondid aasoTtment of nkw Uapsana Picture. O&talogne (ree. I1.. O. BRIDGMAN, 5 Barolu St., Now York, nul 17'. West 4th st., Olaclntiatt, O. THTR Paper 1 prlntd with Inlc made by O. R. Kane ACo.,Ul Deatborn St.reot, Chicago, and for aale by ufl ín larjre fr small qnantitii-s. CHICAGO NHWSPAPMI UNION, 114 Monroe Stroot, Chicago, IU. OUJlfi L ÏILIMJ Agent8 coin monfy. We bave wnik and monpy for all, men or mimen, boys or girls, wholeor spinetime. Send Btamp íor Catalogue. Aildreso FHANK GLUCK, New Bedford. Mms. CfiD CHIC Chicago Suburban Ixits at $l)oach, lUn OHLC.tl5dnn'niinrl $5 monthlyfor balance, withln a short, dlstanoe of City Limite, with hoiiriy train umi cheap faro. Send for circuláis. IKA BROWN, 142 LaSalle-st., Chicago, UI. PENÏSYLVANIA Military Academy, Cfecuter, Pa, Opent Sepi. Slik. Civil Kiigin'.-oi-in, fche ('lisssiirs, Ktlgüsb nnd Military Art thorouglily c;mfi!it. For circulara ftpplyto COL. THJÍO. HYATT. l'reaident. Shot Ghms, Rifles, Revolvers, nnd Sporting Goods of every doscription. Largo discount to Clubs and Cash Buyars. Send stamp for illusWhdPSwCATTíBJI SITPLÏ CO. F. H. HILL, Manager, 63 Ninth-st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mili SI I ICC A splondid Kr.w illustrated Booit Vil LU LlrL of thu autbni's own ;0 yrars' IX THK lire and thrilling adventures among CAD WE'QT lndinn, in bonior wara, buntinK wild rHli nCOl animáis, etc. The 6M and only nnï and eomr&ttt book on the wild Fab West. lienta rtfltthlng in .-dl. AGBNT.S WANTEO. F. A. HutchINBÓN 4 CO., CniCiGO, ILLS. 57 IaSalle fctreet, Chicago, 111., DEALER IN REAL ESTÁTE, Farms, Lands and Villago Property. Correspondence solicited from thoso desiring to dispose of their real estáte. Good farm wanted. THK MOUNTAIN MKADOW MASSAORK-A tmthful account of this terrible traeedy is contfiined in Mr. Stnli;.ust:'s '1ÍOÍJKY MOUNTAIN SAINTS.' a full añil completo history of the Mormons. FulJy illuulnited with en;ravingg, maps, eto. This is a greiit book for Ajfents at the present time. For full particular apply to the puUishers. IX APPLETON A CO., 549 and 551 Broadway, New York, Piensan nnd Proiltaiile Employment."Beautiful!""ChflritiihK!""Obthowlnve)y!fl"Whatair they worth?" Ac. Huch are exclnmationsby thosa wbosfe the large elegant new OhromOB produeed by the Kuropcnn and American Chromo Publialiinjí Co.Thej are all perfect geras of art. Noone can resiet thetemptatïoïl tobuy when seeing the Chjomofc. It requires no talkinf? to seü the pietures, they speakfor theznselves. Canvasten, Agentsand ladies nnd gentleman out of empli;yinent,will lind thisthe beat opening ever offered to make mon py. For full particulars nond stamp 'or confldffïitlal circular. Addresö F. GLICASON & GO., 738 Washington St., Boston, Mass HOÜTtO GET A HOME. ÏOWA I-ANDS, SOU.OOO AlïlES. Rich SoÜ,g;K)d 01im;ite, exofliant Water, prowing SettlO tnftnts, rood Schools. We offer th Lanns of the Sion.ï Oity and St. Paul R. E. and the AícGregor and Missouri Rivor SC. R. at fil to O per acre, on easy payment Two yearo rent wilï !my a t'nrm. Apply to daViuson & Oalkïns, R. E. Land Office. Sibley, Osceol Co., Icw. èN. F. BURNHAM'S TUHBINB WATER WHEEL Was selectetl, 4 years aso, and put to work in the Patent OIhrct Washington, I. O., and bas provcd tpbethe best. 19sizes made. Piiies ïowcr than any ottior firet-clasf Whoel. P;imphletfree. N.F.BUHNHAM. York.Pa. 0 II I IT MMorpMne HaMl Spoodily ciired by DU. DECK'S only known and sure Kcmedy. ' ÏHABUK lor treatmeut until cured. Cali on öf Muréss Dr. J. C. BECK, 112 John St., Cincinnati, 0. ïolSMëliiy F AST by selllng our Patont Water-Proof Clotllea Line. It wfil notShrink, Stretch or Kot. Ncithind Kkn it i:i the market. ThJ i muoh better and chsapcr tHnn the White-WireOlotheIjine. A(iKTS CAN COIX JUN'1; V with it. Ererr fnmily wül bny One. Sample Box 900, l'lttaburgb. Pa. :Xr5'TT3CIl"E3 IOH. W.A.DROWN&W UMBRELLAS. PHII,ADE1,PHIA and NEW YORK.-Tho qualities marked with their nomo aro confidently recommended. í"TÍ3í. IBHÖM BKilDHUiD ISFUSS! VV I1 i T'JrMiil.s ave iudorsert by the V fj ', tJ A niorit eminent physiciaBï in 'ViVPiJ' st theworldforthecnreofrhenlir sr intisin.nourivlgiu,HTCroom"T-XVi- , plalut, djp8pepla. kidneyma- JÚ ■■-ewp1Achee.raitt,w!rvoiifldi9l -MKr orders, fiti,ftnmlo complaints V$W "- i' rvwis an-1 K' ikbility, " XJbV nml otliw Hir"iiiriü's "t s&L theclie8t,hea.iiver, Btomacli . -MVv - kiiliicysnndblood. Book wit IS IFE fullimrticularsfreeliy Voi.ta lg ■"■' Co, Ciiiciiiimti, Uh). S. H. HARRXS' Improvcrt Clilcago FIUK and OTROIjAB nntl V4-!rfiT DOfllS are !ie IÏ53ST anö C1IKAPEST. niamiJfcctory aml Salesroom. tf3A 5 Kat! ltv1flin-8t.CUIcgo. vmw ■ ,?r "'Kffa-a This new Truss is worn gíic' hi -k wil1' perfect oomfort nicht fiSv'Vi r a m t rTraaand day. Adapta itself to M L L A S T I C Mevery motion of the body, 'V, T K U S 3 . Fljf11' lininftrnptureuiidertlie L];. - !-7jt'íí''jr h:it(K:si r'Tt;iseorseverost Eb-V , - %sf Btrain until permanent ly l&'Y' jf Bold cheap by the jrX Elastic Trnss Co,, NO. 6S3 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by mail. C.iU or Böil'1 fur Circular nnd bo cured. ?"■ ttTHE BEST la IhtWorM. jL3rZ3rvA ' '' t;'vts lnivp:s!tl Satisfaction. 9K WOWBF.IíFÍIj Éronmnjr. ï3 savk'Íu'ÍIk, BGês,Se. cïr # ía (i;c. ' rillbuya cdw. rïiSaft I 1 i11" UHBMH'B ItllE'lD, I ISlü'yj I . Winter. I.iflitcr, Xivcutor. Kiuhir. VVAïaïfv BVERTBOdV Prftigei It. Jk; &r J)í Ladies an all te Love with it lLÖif 1 RI'IS lila HOT CAKES. Jif aftrXk LM l .'"" r;enl at nnc.Q fnr Circular to SJfisMr, ,iw. f-. uaxtz fc t., i tff St.. IVcv Vorïi. Sclected French Burr Mili Stones íIKíIm.1 wni kinanship. Iori;Il" Jms:, A Ji'iiiliiií; ni!N, ei ;'iiiifm IiiJu Aiif55 üolliiiï 'loili. 1IÍ1! 5 ,. J l'irL. ('uní Sl,fli-is : 1 1 . ! "?■"'■ ' ii;i mi s. (i'.uing, Sliiiftiiiir. jiis of Mili ïlticbinery nul iSÊÊanWÊr i'am'ii'hlct."11Jiïranb "Jli'Ü Ciiiclmmtl. Otiio. ■ „ - - nv MfiiHiff.elurti all kill3s of flTT'FT PIJ V Tttbl VatlOry. Iiïclusive lili I iFin I inrker of tho "FATKNV Uul JUJJJ.V 1 lYORÍ " or Oalluloid Knifo ■ ■i " . . - i ■ - . in Ti-(! mOst Durable WIIITE IisÍMIFÍimY maker of the Tl', !:u l:frUUMl ,11 1 BKIl lllSDIiK. Aiwys JT.' J.I.. I - cali for "Traile Mark" MKP.I1KN UUTLEKY CO., on tha Blade. Warranteil and old by all dealers In OuÜery and by tlie MKRIDKN OÜTLlCRY CO.. 49 Chamher Stnwt. Ka Ynrt. The Kin of tlo Bofly Is the brnln ; tbc rtomaeh ItamiLnopporl , the i.he kiilnc-v :"i'l nena it Bafeguard. Ittdlgostloii creates a violenl revolt amona iMoi the ragol „i-K in.. mi. I to bring them Bacl to thelr nolhiiii! likethe regalai . taTigoratüig. ooolinroperaüi nolïarrant'n Effbrvcsceni Scltzer 4ntTÈ('H( It reiiiivatts the intsai and reataros to banjth boththe I J! Druggists. Smith Örgan Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by liïusic Bealers Everywhero. GENTS WANTED IN EVESV TOWN. KoM tbrounhoat the United Stiltes on the INSTALLMENT PLAN: Tht U. ra Brttwn s( Slonthly Psjnnento. PaicheMn should uk for the Smito Ahbhioak Osoán. 0Ul'rn5 Bd (uil ptjtloalan os ap;littMk ?heWonders of Modern Chemistry, Sarsaprülian Slis Associates. ' hangcs as Sccn and Feit as Thcy Dal! Occur af ter Using a Few Doses of DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent5 TUE GRE1T BLOOD PURIFIER, 1. Good spirits, disappearance of weaknes, lamninr nolanuholy ; inercase and hardneBB of flesh andnïu! 2. Strengtb increases, appotite improve3, relish f0, :ood,no moro wmr cructations or waterbriBh, eond rf; ïestlon, calm and undiaturbed Bleep, awaken frosh and ::. Disappearsnoe of spots, blotches, pimples ; tho skin ooks clear and healthy, tho urine ehañged from !& J j : ' 1 and cluudy npptj.irance to a cleac sherry oramh. ïotor; water passes freely frnm the bkddei thronKhtíp irethra without pain or ecaJding , httle or no sediment u pafoor weaknees. 4 ,!:rki;d diminution of quant Uy and frequencvif nvoluntary weakening discharges (it afilicted thatwavi irtth certainty of permanent cure. Increased Btrenrth uhibtted in the eecreting glande, and functional ha' mony restomd to tho scveral organs. 5. Y.-llow tinge on the white of the eyea, and the6war thy,s;ifFron anpearanco of the Bkin changed to a clear" Lively and healthy color. 6 ThoM suffering from woak or ulcerated hngs fir tabesolea wül reafize great benefit in eipectoratiñc freely the tough phïcftm or mucous from the lunps L cells, bronchi or windpipe, throat or head ; diminiBíto of the frequency of cough ■, general increase of Gtrentrtb throughout the system; stoppage of niftht eweaU and pains and feeling of weakness around the anklea, lojrs shonlders, etc. ; cessatiott of cold and chilla, eeríee of suffocation ; hard breathlng and paroxysms of coufih on lying down or arising in the morninp;. All thege diatreeg. ing symptoms gradually anÚ Burely disappear. 7. Asday after day the SARSAPARILLIAN la taken, new slgns of returniiig health will appeaT;stho blond improves in strengfh and purity, dfseaso wil] S minish, and all foreten and impure deposita, noden taino, canoero, hard lumps, etc., bo resolved awayaitfi the unsound made sound and healthy; ulcera, fever sores, syphilitic sores, cttronic skin diseases graduaily disappear. 8. In cases where the eystem has been salivated, and Mnrcury, Quicksilver, Corrosivo Sublimate. (the princi pal constituent, in tho advertised Sarsnparillae, assocuted in Bome cases wlth Hyd. of Potassa) nave acenmukted and become deposited in the bones, jointi, etc cansing caries of tho bonos, rickets, spinal curvaturw' p.nntrt.iona. white Rwellings, varicoso veins, etc., the SARSAPARII.L.1A will resolve away these poslt and extormüiate the virus of tha diaease from the system. 9 If those who are takins these medicinpsfortheenre of Chronic, Scrofulou or Syphilitic dieeitses, howeTW clow may be the cure "fee! better,"and hnd theirgen. oral health improvinj?, their ilefih and weight increasing or oven keoping its own, it is a sure Bign tbat tho cun js pr)Bre8sing. In these diseases the patiënt either eeta bctter or worso- the virus of the disnase Is not inaeüre if not arrested and driven from the blood, itwill Bpresd und continuo to undermine th?. constitution. As Boon m the SARSAPAKIL,IiIAN makes the patiënt "feel better," cvery ■ hour you will grow better and ín. crease Ín health, strengt h and ileeh. Tha great power of thia remedy is in diseases ttut thr;.iten death- as in Consumption of the Langs and TubereulnuB Phthisiü, Scrpfula, byphiloid Díbombi, Wastins, Degeneration, and Ulcoration of the Kidne Diabetes, Stoppage of Water (instantaneouB reiiet fDrdod where catheters have to be usea, tnus doingairaj with tho painful operation of using these instrumenta), íí'Hnnlvin"etoneintbe bladder, and in all cases of Inilammaf Ion of tho Bladder and Kidneys, in Chronio ca-sns of íxiucorrhea and Uterino diseases. In tumors, nodes, hard lumps and Byphiloid ulcere; in dropsy and venereal soro throat, ulcere, and in tubercl of the lungs;in gout, dyspepaia, rheuraatiBm, ricketsin mercurial deposits- it ís in these terrible formsol discase, where tho human body has becomu a completa wreek, and where every hour of exwtence is 1 1 wherein this great remedy challenges the iistonishment and admiration of the sick. It is ín ench ciiees, where all tho pleasurtis of eistence appear cut otf from the unfortunate, and byits wonderful, almost supematural restores the hopeless to a new Ufe andntw existence where this great remedy stands alono inits might and power. In the ordinary skin distases thnt every oneisraoreor leas troubled witb, a few doses will in most cases, and i few bottlos in the more aggravated f orms, work a permanent cure. Those atïlicted with chronic diaeases shonld pnrehise a packago containing one dozen bottlea. Price jlO per dozen, or 85 per half dozen bott-los.or $1 perbotUe. Sold by druggiats. RADWAY'S READY BELIEF Wllili APPORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATTON OF THR KTONEYR. INFLAMMATION OK THE BLADDIÏR, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWKLS, 00NGKSTI0N OF TUK HINGS, SOEE THROAT. DIFKICITLT RRKATHING, PALPITATION Ol' TUK HEART, HYSTKRIOS. OROI:P. DIPHTIIERIA, CATARRH, INri,UF.NZA, headache, to0tha(!he, miïmps, keuraLgia. rhf.umatism. cold chills. agüe chills. Tho applicatlon of tho READY RELIEF tot! part or parts where tho pain or difficulty exista will afford ease und comfort. Twenty drops in huif atnmblernf wator will, ïnafe momenta, cure CÜAMPS. SPASMS, BOUR STOM. AOII, HEARTBURN. SIOK HEAOACHB. RHEA. DYSENTKrV. COLIC, WIKD IN TUE BOWELS, and all INTERSAL PAINS, Travolcrs shonld always carry a bottlo of RADWAÏ'5 REIjIEP with (kern. A few drops in Hei wiU prevent sicknes3 or pair.9 from chango of v.-atcr. IT IS BETTER THAN FRE7TCH BRANDY OE BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Pricc 50 Cents. Solil by Draggtsts. DR. RADWAY'S UHOLLUKPIU! Perfectly tasteless, olegartly coated with Bweot gnm, purco, rirulate, purify, cJeanao and streníthen. RADW.lli'S PIliL.S,forthocaro of uil disorders of th Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidnoy3. Bladder. Ncmw Disensos, Hoadachc, Oor.stipation, Costivcr.ess, Indigestión. Dyspepsia, BuloumMS, BilLms I'evor, Inflammitiunof the Bowels, Piles and all DerangomenU of the ïntemal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positivo cura, Purely Vosetable, containing no inercury, minoráis, or ■-ious drugs. ' y )bserve the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestivo Organs : Öqnstlpatton, Inward Piles, Fullness of th Blofldtn thoHoitl, Aeitlityof tho Stomach, Nansea, HejrltaiJ Disijust of ï'ood, Fullncssor Woiftht in tho Stomncb. Scmr Brnctatlons, RinkinK or Flntterinc at the Pit of tM Stomach, Swimming of tho Hcd, Hurried nd Br ficnlt Broathing, Cluttering at tho Hoart, Chokineor Suffocatini; Sensatlons whsn in a Lytag Posture, Bmf Vision, Dots or Wobs bofore tbo Siel" and Dull Pain in thn Head, Deficicncy of Perspinton, Yellawness of tho Skin and Kycs, Pain in tl' Chesls, Limbs, und Sudden Flashes of Heat, Burnuiiu Afmvdosesof RADWAY'S PILLS wlllfteeU system from all tho abovo named disordoTB. Prict'-J Cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Rcad " PALSE AND TRUE." Sendonelotter-stampto RADWAY & CO., So, 3a Warren Sirnot, New York. Informata worth thousands will bo sent you. Ui m agBP EPS AGEKTS FOR THE Wff fTÍS8 BBiftetains 15 Sheet ftp, 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen, Pen Holder, Pencil.P Yiid M.-.üiT, ;iTidPleceof Jowi-1... SingleftaW with etecant Prize, post-pald, ■". cents. Oircutaa BRIDK & OO., 7GU Broadway, New York. 3 Great Central ifH 0 TEL I "'■■ íffiSi Jíarket, between W ;,V.-.n. ■ ■■■■P J. A. Wilsos, Propr. ËTOEfsToOD JACKET Uil SHIPÏHSrGrFOïnjJRJPOSKS' Are superiorto any paukaco ever offered totno" aiul Oil frade. „nn J.- TIIF.V ARE STRONOBB. TIIRY A15K LIOHTKB. 3.- THBY ARE NEATKg 4.- Til KV ARK CMEAPEI" 5.- TIIF.V A15K IIASrpiBK. tll),,) (i.- THBÏ ARK VKTKI).'J( One of these irood-covered cani v.ül last íoví n süN mmononen. I'ri.o abont the samo. "" AI5VKNUEN, Chicago, Hls. il- a'iïiiiiiii lüiiápí i íiíi&ie hMW% ■ No


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