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The Michigan Argus

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PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MOENING, lu tho tliird Blory of tlio brick Woel: eorucr Oí Main ■nd HnroB streel b, ANN ARBOB, - - MICHIGAN. Entrante on Huron BrooN opposite the Q House. OARE & GOIILET EDIT0R8 AND PUBLISHERS. Tcrms, $I.5O a Ycar n Advanco. BATES OV ADVERTISING. [Tvelve lilu'6 or less considerad a Rimare.] sdi'k. 1. -■-. Sw. tw, Hm. üm.flyoar 1 square.. $ 75 f 1 26 ÍI 50 fci 7.1 Í1 00 ffi (I Í 00 2 squares.. 150 2 01) 2 80 3 B0 6 00 8 00 12 00 Ssqnarea. 2 on '2 50 S 50 5 00 7 50 10 on 16 00 1-5 column SM 100 4 50 6 00 10 (K) 15 00 Ï5 00 , 00 0 00 fi 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 1 00 8 00 10 (Ui 15 00 ■-■( 00 3H (KI [amn V 0 00 15 oo 20 00 m i1 65 "" ,n. 15 00 18 00 .'-' 00 ÏS M 50 00 100 00 O&rds ia Directory, iiot to exceed four linoc, H.00 Lncñl eilitoriiil noticos 80 cents a line. Business noticea U cents :i line for t!ir fin-l Inuitloo, and o conts foreich snbseqnonl Inmrtlon. Marriatro amï doatli uoticos free; obitviary noticea 5 centa :t line. Ycarly advcrliKora havo the rirlvileprc of chaDKinp; tli ir advertisemente three tiinoH. Addifionaf cbanginrr wil! 1' charged fur. CF"A(lviTiis"tncnis anaccompanied liy wriUfii ot verbal direollona will be imbliehcd thrw mouUw, and ofaarged accordingly. r.cjjal adTertlsementi, tirst inscrllon, 70 couts por folio; S6 etuis por f"li for each Bub8Cieiit iusertion. WhenapOBtponemOul is afMd lo au adverlifonn'iit. the wbole win be chorged tUo ame H the Brin iuserüon. ïo bi iaid for when allidavil is made. ,H)H PKINTING. PuapUete, 1'oKlers, Haudbilla, Circulnrs, Cards. BaJ] Ticiet, Labela, BlaoW, i;ill-Hoals and "tin r varietie of l'luiii aud Faucy Job rrinting exacuted with jiroiujtuoK?, aud iu tho best possiblo Htyle.


Old News
Michigan Argus