We wish to coll the reader's attention to WISTARS BALSAM OF WILD CH ER RY, that s ndverdsed in another column. - Thcre is 6ome peculisri'y nbout this article llmt no other romedy ha8. It is completely mastcr of all Pulmonnry Diseascs, even to the mosl malignnnt, 6ch hs our most prominent nnd skilfnl physicans nfter long ueatment have glven lip in tespair at beyond the rcacli of medicine, nnd their ski.l, are cured by tliis remedy. The reader may tbink tliere ia romc aseurence in this nnd wilh eome reason too, if t wub nol plain mutter of foei uroved by nnny case wi'.hin our immedinte circle of acquoin:ance. We rcconnnend it to die afllicted a6 the best medicine befare the public. See Advettisemeni.
Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
Old News
Signal of Liberty