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Michigan News

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The booksellers of Michigan havo orinecí i Büito Association. ThomtsoS, the coloml lawyor of Jackou, has been tried fcï boing a vagrant, nt the jury coiililn't agree. A TiïAJir swooped down on Kalamazoo ately, and attompted to steal a minisi 'scout, l)iit Ihc piiïh'on discoYBred him nil had him taken into cuwtody and put u jail. U i;;. üenj. Poutek, of Jackaon, died ecen% OÍ a ])arulytic stroke, brought m )y a fall a few days since. Sim eam? to this connty in 1833. Hor hun janil waa killed by a runaway thirteen yeara ago lafst month. A. D. Coknell, working in tho Etna uill, at Jacktion, lately went up to tho 'ourth story to oil tho machinery. Hin clothea caught ou a shaft, and hc waa Irawu dom to tho shaft, bat lio bxaped limsolf and ewsapsd wiü a hroken shoulder uul tho loss oí a suit of clothes, A man named Murphy was run over by a eonstnicticm truin 0 tho Chicago, Saginaw and Canada raüroad at llivcrdalo Station, lalt week, crushing liia loft log and badly brnising tho othcr ono. Ha was standing on tho track and lid not observe tho train, which was boeking into tho station. lic will liav(; to andergo aniputation of tho wouudcd member. AijBErt MoiiItob, a merchant aud lnmV)orman of Hogers City, and Edward Sullivan, his bookkeopor, wcroboth shot, probably i'utnlly, whüc standing at a dosk in Molitor's storo ouo night last wcok. Fonrteon biickshot entered Molitor's sido. Snllivan was shot in tho face, roceiving a fcarful wound. Tho shots were ftred through a window, and tho etmmáa ia nnkuown, but ia ïujposed to bc one oí Molitor's laborera, who had bcon dischargod during the day. At Marqucttc, a few days sincc, whilo Frank Brancdt, a bvalvoman on the Marqucttc, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad, was discoimcoting a special car, eontaining some of tho officers of tho Union Pacific road, from a train of oro cars, ho was knocked down and fatally injurcd, tho entire train of twenty cars passing over both arnis and limbs, causing death in a few hoxirs. Hc was 30 years of age, aud leaves a wife and thrco chüdrcn. Bef ore leaving the city tho party with tho special car raised over $100, which was presentod to his wife. Tna Michigan Central raüroad has just issoed a now local passengeer tarilï, the ratos of which nro more eqoalized tlian thcy nave bcon nurotoiore, aajusting tkcm on tlio basis of tkree cents a milo as neai as practicable. The ratos from Chicago to thc principal pointe on tho roatl aro as follows : Detroit, $8 ; Wayne Junction, $8 ; Ypsilanti, $7.05 ; Aun Arbor, $7.40; Clielcsa, $0.90; Jackson, $0.25 ; Albion, $5.05 ; Battle Croek, $4.90 ; Kalamazoo, $4.25 ; Nilcs, $2.80 ; New Jíuílalo, $2 ; Michigan City, $1.70 ; Lake, $1.05 ; Kousington, 70 cents.


Old News
Michigan Argus