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SITB3CR1BK FOK THB ARGU8. - Aimual school meeting next Monday. _ The M. E. ministers of the city left for 0Oiiiereuce on Tuesday. _ The public schools opened on Monday fflth au unusually large attendance. - Prof. Heuneqmn has been recalled from jjurope by the sickness of his child. - The regular mouthly meeting ot the Coruniou Council next Monday eveuiug. _ (ieo. W. Walker lias purshased the stock 311d Bxturaa of the tobáceo store of C. L. Pack. _ Wm. Cooper had oue ot his hands severeIv uijurcd by a freight car at the depot Weduesday. . Cornelius Handy, a farmer livinir south of Delhi, was insiantly killod last week by a runaway team. _ Compauy B have on inspection and drill at the Armory next Moudiy oveuing, to which the public are iuvited. - Edward Eiseuhart and Levi Walker were jruuk and disorderly: Suita discontinued on ptomiseol better behavior. - The express office has been newly painted and papered, and thoroughly cleaned. It now .in a more wholesome appearance. - Travel on the Centra! road is now immense ; traius oí from 12 to 15 coaches on tliruugh trains are of cornmou oceurrence. - The Uuitarian Church will be opeued next juuday. The Rev. O. U. Howlaud, of Kalamazoo, wül couduet thu services ruoruing and BVBlliug. - N. H. Drake received a severe cut on the hand Weduesday moniiUKi u.v broken pitcher, while putting a large piece of use in the box at lus saloon. - " Uraudrna " Brown went out to Cascade lileu ou Saturday last with her scholars and o-ivij thBUi a picnic. Mauy of the pareuts attentled also. - J. A. Polhemus waa arrested ou Saturday for driving an extra liack without a license. The question will be settled to-mmrow before Justice Beahau. - Sliss Kattie G-arner started Tuesday on another of her trips visiting pnsons. She goes Kom liere to Jackson, and theuce along the Air Line Bailrcad. - John Clair paid lus quarter's whisky liceuse ou Monday, and üeorge F. Lutz followed suit ou Tuesday, aml the suits against them have beeu discontiuued. - The Congregational Church will hold service next Sabuath morning, instead or the afternoon, at the old place of worslnp. Sunday School after morning service. - The society of the Presbyterian church have extended au iuvitatiou to Rev. Mr. Brown to become their permanent pastor. His acceptance has not yet been signiried. - A grand excursión leaves Jackson on Honda next for IS'iagaia. The fare for the round trip bas been reduced trom $18 60 to Poetes have beou put up in this city. - The transformatiou of the building to be oceupied by the new homeopathie and dental has been beguu. The building will be ready for use by the time these schools open - Oue of the improvements of Hurou street is the remodeliug of the gutter on the south nds, trom Main street to a point beyond the Leonard House. A uew lottom of stone will heput in. - A uew coal tar sidewalk bas taken the place of the old plank walk in front of the University buildings, and from the law huilding to the eutrance of the campus on the northwe8t. - Rev. WylÜ8 Hall wit h his family returned to thiB city yesterday noon. His summer vacation has been spent East. Services will be resumed at St. Andrew's church next Sunilay moruiug. - Miss Ella frenen, tor a ímniber ot years a teacher iu the Secoud wur.t school, was married 011 Monday to a Mr. Jiaton of Üharlevoix. Mr. Eaton graduated trom the law departinent al the Univeraity a few years siuce. - Aun Arbor was favorecí on Saturday last by tin excursión ot' OUO people trom Leoni and Urass Lake. They represented the M. E. Sunday School. The day wa? spent by them ín visitiug the University, cemetery and other places ot interest. - The uext meeting of the Pioneer Society ol tlns eoanty will be lield on Mouday next in tliis city. This will be the regular animal meeting and ottiuers will be elected. 400 IuJiau curiosities auJ relius will be exhibited by David DbFuy oi l'ittsfield. - A large gatheriug of frieiuls was held at the resídence of C. C. Warner, in Lodi, last Saturday, to celébrate his 4üth birthday. One of the eveuts of the occasion was lus " chastisemeut " by each lady in attendance. Croquet and other games were freely indulged in. - Kev. H. F Belser was iu the city on Tuesday to cousider the propriety of accepting the pastorate of the First Lutheraii Church. He ilui not give a detinite auswer Imt will do so next Mouday. He expresses himself highly pleased with the prospect here, but fiuds it hard to leave his own vil lage. - Miss Miriam C. Ames, eldest üiughter of A. W. Ames, takes a situation as teacher in the public schools of McOregor, Iowa, the coming year. Miss Ames graduuted from the High School of this city with the class of '7-t. She luit ior her field of labor on Wednesday. - Prof. A. H. Patteugill has recived a letter from Prof. Henry S. Barton, who leit this city last Juue for Europe. At the time the letter was wntten he was in Brunswick, Germany, mastering the difficulties of the language. He goen to Leipsic this winter to atteud the University. - A committee consistiug of aldermen King, Walker, Bogers and Seabolt, and eugineer Sauford, visited Chicago early in the week to see about the purchase of a second-hand fire eugme fur the use of the the Jth ward. ïliey fouud tha ïl.SOU engiue, on sale for ÍGÜÜ, somewhat detective. Nothing deiinite has been deciüed by them yet. - The grangers will hold an extensiva picnic to-morrow, in the grove on the shore of E. A. Nordmaa's lake, three miles Southwest of Dexter and four and a half miles cast of Chelsea. Au address will be delivered by the Hon. J. J. Woodmau, Master of the State Grange. Vocal and instrumental rnusic will be supplied. Au mvitation is extended to all. - The contract for building the new I pital at the University has been awarded to Richard & Miokle of Jacksou. They take the job for f9271. Mr. Mickle graduated trom the Uuiversity with the class of '70. Four other bids were put in, the highest being from P. Marshall of Ann Arbor at 13,100. Work will be comnienced on the building at once. - Rev. Mr. Sliier preached a review sermón on Sunday morning last, ia whioh he reeounted tho ttnancial troubles the church had gone I through during the three years oi his pastorate. I With a heavy debt on ita shoulders then and lts nxpeiiitures exceeding its income, it was in a precarioua conditiou. By careful management, however, this debt has been largely charged, and the ttnances placed on a sound buis. The printed report of the church on these matters, wiil be ready aoon. - By invitation, the Congregational Church will units their services with those of the Metliodists at the Methodist Church next Sunday evining. Miss Rankin, representing the Woman's Board of Misaions for the Interior and diatinguished for her twenty years' misBionary servioe in Mexico, will give sonie necouut of her iniasioueiy work m that country. _ The passenger house at Chelsea has long been an eye-sore to the citizens of that village. Last Friday night about 11 o'clock the light at the swith some diatanoe trom the depot mysterioualy stopped buraing, and while the watchman was gone to light it agin, the building went down with a crash. Nobody knows anything about it. - Rev. Mr. Shier was the happy recipiënt of a magniflcent gift in money on Friday eveniug last. He had been invited to spend the evening at the residence of B. A. Beal, but on his arrival found that a large number of his friends had been honored with the same invitation. He found the house handsomely decorated with flowers and a bountiful repaat spread. Lata in the evening, Mrs Benj.Day rose to expresa the regrets of the company at his coming departure, and before she had finished, aaked him to accept $143 25, the gift of his friends. - Joe, ot the firm of Jacobs & Co., has gone East to secure an early fall stock of goodsThe firm propose to keep not only the latest styles, but goods of the bast material, and to cap the climax by underselling everybody else. The boss 25 cent collar, with their own brand, and of which they have the excluaive aale in this city, cannot be beaten. A case of 4,000 has been lately received. A few cases of fancy cassimere pants and worsted coate and vesta have already been received frora Boston. The coats and vests are of the lattest patterns, incluiiiug the Prince Alberts Cutaways and double-breasted sacks. The purchaser wil! uever regret a bargain at this store. - A meetiug of persous interested in orgauiziug a Boat Club in this city, was held at Fiske & Douglaa' store on Wednesday evening, September lst, 1875. A tomporary organization was effected by the election of Nelson B. Colé, chairinau, aud Chas. E. lliscock, secretary Frank L. Felch, Wm. Wella and R. W. Cor wiu were appointed a committee to draft a con8titutiou and by-laws. Messrs. Douglag and Corwin were appointed a committee to visit Detroit and other citiea and to correspond with various clubs in regard to purchasing a suitable boat. A committe of the whole waa appointed to solicit and increase the membership. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet agaiu in one week. Members : Wm. Wells, S. C. Douglas, Frank L. Felch, James Clements, Whedoh Smith, Chas. E. Hiscock, W. W. Douglas, R. W. Corwin, P. B. W. Riley. Frank Hangsterfer, Wat. L. Pack, N. BCole, C. M. Jones, Charles Myers, J. F. Lawrence. - The croquet touruament in progresa here yesterday and to-day, has the following officers : President, R. A. Beal ; Treasurer, Benjamin Brown ; Secretary, C. M. Jones ; Executive Committee, A. H. Patteugill, Alvin Wilaey, C. M. Jones, and Geo. A. Gilbert The following prizea will be awarded : To winnera of competing teams, silver ice pitcher 120; two gold lined cupa, 9 ; two silver lined cupa, $G. To winners of single handed games, butter dish, $12 ; pickle castor, f7. To the person who makes the beat in ten forty-feet shots, silver plated castor, 7. Special prizes also will be awarded during the progress of the tournameut. Delegations are present trom Tecumseth, Chelsea, Dexter and York. The following games were played yeaterday : lat, Joseph G. Price and Charles Hall against Geo. Gilbert and Charles M. Jones. 2d, Reuben Kemp and Jamea Gilbert, oí Chelsea, against A H. Pattengill and Alvin Wilsey. 3d, Messrs. Waugh and Warner, of York, against G. Bliss and Eli Manly. 4th, Messrs. Palmer and Williams, of Dexter, against R. A. Glazier and Lewis Wade. Those not designated are from Ann Arbor.


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