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WoJ5i,JcflhI8onAv;.H,o .,-;.!,, .oiciH. gan State Bi?fci l-r01l Hve on Imncf a ck of . ... DRY GOODS not ttinouiuiig o 5,000,000 Dollars anite-but assure ilieir old ciwtomcra, and ihosc wi.Mng to buy, tliaj ihoy havo a well eclccted asgurtnicnt ior tho CHOLES ALE & KETA-IL TRADE, Cover tbéir ReiaÜ Store and Basement.] wlnch they will scll oi ■ fwroroW lerffls aa any estab fishmeut west of iVcw Yoilv. WANTKD- I'ot on cl Porl Ashes, fur w.Mêh j the highest cash a.lvnnces will hú m.-ulc. Altrelunts and othora will picnic drop in. Hn. li(x 24d- 3iiio ITIcdical Kotice. TÍIF. undeisigncd, in ofl'.'iiiis; liis services 10 Waslitennw and lbo odjoimng Coniics, afl liomojopatliic pliysicinn. WMiild 80y thni aliei hoving pracliced medicine on the principies ns taughi ín the old school, and trcaicd disc.sse fair tho last two foún according to the law of HomcBopathy,- -fSimilia svtí'úilms curaritur.J taught ín the now schooi oí' medicine ; and havin" conipnrcd tlio successof the iwo sysiems, lic uniiesilatingly bclievcs Ilomccopathy tobó the most safe, certnin and successlul rneihod of cure. Disea88s, liiihcrto incurable, are now n most cases, permanent!}' eradicaied by Humoeopatliy. AlFections of the spino, head, uterus, tomncbj &c. &c. have no.v their certain remedies. Ep"ilepsy, inania, pnralysis. neuralgia, broncliitis, livcrand iung dsenscs; scarlet lever, choleia. black merries, mallgmnt soru crysi))elns or black tonguo, croup, inflammotions of the brnir)r momnch, bosvcls. Ac. cVc. are only a few of the many ills, th.u have been stript of their terrors ly the liniely application of liotncropathic medicaments. Witliont furthnr cssny, the nndersincd svould loivo it to the alllicted lo sny , on trinl of tha remedios, whether Ilomccopathy is whatit claims to bo or not. He would nlso state tlint lio has just returncd from New York and PbilndIphia, wiih a comptote assortmentot' MEÜlCAMENTS, just imported from Lcipsic, tp this place, v.hnre lic will ditend to all calis, and fürnish mediontnenis. books, &c. nt the lowest prices. From the olpa and exclusive attention lic is giviny tn the stuly and practico of Homampathy to be ahlo to givc jsntiafaciion to thuse who itiay favor him wilh their pntrorrage. Gommuhications, post pud. froro patients at a distancc, will receive prompt altention. Thoae who may wish to place themsclvcs undor lúa treatmer.t Rr any chronic disease, ran o-btoin lodgings cither ai his house, or in other dIuccs, atlow pricts. T11OS. BLACKWOOD, M. D. HonuEopathiHt. Ypsilanti. '20th Nov. 1845 2W- 1vWardwcll & Dixon, IMPORTKKS ASI) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND CÜTLERY. 0No 4 Cednr sirret. 2 donrs nbovo Pearl st. New York. J. M. WaKDWKLI. CoUKTI.AND P. DlXON. W. & D. nrc recciving a full and peneral as sortment of English nnd Amciican Hardware, consisting in pnri of Ti blo and Pocket Cuilury, Buichersr Razors, Files, Cliiscls, Plane Irons and Snws, American Butu nnd Screws, A mes' Shovel nnd Spades. Win. llowland's Mili nnd - Cut Snws, llarris'. Blooda' . Dennis and 1 l lor'B Scythes- whicli ore oflbrcd on tlie inosi f favorable terms for c:isli or tix ii.ouih's credit. J New York, Eeb. 1846. 252- Gm J "WOOLEN MACMINERY. H& R.PARTR1DGE have on hnnd at ihcir shop. a largo uniouiH of W ooien cry, whicli is now rcady for sale, cohsistmg of Doublé Carding Machines, ricking Machines. Broad nnd Narro w Power Looins, Nopping and Teazling Mochines: all of which will be sold nt prices and on terms to correapond witb the times. They aro also prepared to malte to coninici Condenscrs and Jacks, or any other Macbincry tliat may lx; wantod for inanufacti'ring or custom work; and nll Machines made by them will bc warrantcd good, nnd for durnbiliiy and despatch of business are nol excellcd, if cqualled. by nny of the Eastern or Ohio Machines. And as much has been nnd is snid by Machine tnnUeis m neighborinu' States, of the superioriiy of iheijr Machinery over nll others. we now oQer F1VE HUNDllEU DOLLARS il they will produce o Mochín; of UieiroiP inake, ifaat wi;h -hf Mina ainount of power, nil! do more and bettcr work. in a given timp, than Machinc3 made by thern Those wishing to purchascareinvited to cali ind examine their Machines, and Jenrn iheir prieesand teruiH beloro purchasing elt-cwlieic. Ann Arbr. Janunry 12, S-.6. 217-3in FARM FOR SA L 1 3 , OR EXCIIANÜE for othkr PROPERTY THE subscribcr oll'ers his larm of GO Acres-, with '2 Acres improved. nnd n frame houso. Eixtecn by twen'y-six, wiih tin nddition of eighi feet on onc side. Snid farm is BÍtuntód in the town of Concord, Jackson Co., thrce miles north of Conoord villngc. live cast of Albion, tVelve west of Jackson. Thore ia u nevcr-f;iiliii;.'bti:ui; of water running across it, and aboutlö Aerosol first quality of natural meadow. For furtliri pnrticulars enquire of Benj. Haviland. or J. N Swain of Concord. or tho subscribcr at tlu Thrashlng Machine Shop, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. Tennstosuit the purchaser. Ann Arbor. T. A. 1JAVILAND. Jnnuary 19, 1846. -' "- '' "Steam Fonnclry." THE undeisiuöd hoving bought the cntin interest of H. & R. Partrtdgé and Gco. F. Kent in the "Steam Foundry," Ann Arl.or, will manufacture nll fcipdVoi ya'slingia to .r.lur, and willbe happy to furnish nny kind ofCastin to the old customers ol Mariis. Partridgo Sc Co., H. & R. Pnrtridgc, tfc Co., and Partridge, Kent &. Co., nnd to all others who mny favor them WÍlhaCalL .1.H.HAU.US. E. T. WJLL1 AMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, 1840. 2 1 l-:fCOVíYTY OUDERS. THE highcst price paid in cash hy G. E, L w is, Exchange Broker, opposite ihc Insuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny of ihe countios IQ the Stntc of Michigan; nlso tor Stat. ïcurities of all kinds and uncurrcnl lumia Cali andscc. --, . üec 1, 1845. 241-tf CLÖVER MACHINES. THRASHJNG MACIJINKS and Seperatöre made and sold by tlieir Mnchine Shop, near tlie Paper Mili, Lower T.wn. Ann Arbor, KNAPP HAV1LAND, Jon. 19, 1846. 247 tf To Sport iuc. AGENEllAIjussortinent of Cnsicel nndlion Har iel Rifles, doublé and single barrel Shot Guns, Tibiols, Gun Locks. Game Bags, Shot Pouches. Powdcr Flasks, forsnlc hy VVM. R. NOYKS, 248-1 y 70, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. A N NU ALS. - A lare and valuable assortment of Anniinls for 1 8 10, together with niany other splendidly bound books, Biuiablc for presents, (or sale at PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dec. 23. 241- tf Flax Secd ! THE Bubscriber wishes to buv n qunntity of Flax Skkd, forwhich he will pny the high est market price, in Goons or Cash. dèlivorod at h'i8 Millnt Mount Pleasant, Genessee County, Michigan, five miles north ol Fontonville. D. L. La TOURETTE. Dec 15, 1845. 213- r,m LiiveGeese Fêahers. O OOO kS" puro Live Gocse Feathers lor jvLv 8ae by tde bnle or single pouud, nt t JerPerson Avenue. Detroit, hr BEECMFR A ABBOT. a 34 1840. 248-3moLEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., No. 123, JcflVrson Avenue, "Eldred'a Blpck," Detroit, take lliis opportuuity lp inibrm thoir customers, jiutl the public generally, that tliey still continue to keep' on hand a full assortment of Spanisli Solo Leaiho-r, M tó priers' Tools, &c. Sl;m'1itorctl (! Morse anil Cmior Ltaiher, Jfeiiïock tnnned t'ppcr J.cnthcr, Gordeyan do o„k '; J '; a M"" Sluns, French lanncd Cnlf Skins. 8m1 db Oak and Ilcinlo.'k taniifd do O.wt Hindm Ilcmlock tanned Hnrncss ;md Bridlo Lcnilicr, Der and Laiub do Qnjc i. ij " ;- nnJ Coloicd Linings, Bng and Top, i . Pri.ited do Skirtinp. Pliilndelp'.iia nnil Oliio; Sboe I Ilu-M:t do min", and Kit o! uil kinds. As the Subscriben are now mrmufooivirinp thcir own Leather, they are prepared to spil as low nscan be piirchased in ihTs markel, - -- Mercinnts and manufocturers wiHTnul t to their advontage to cali and examine our stock before purcjiasipg elsewhere. ' Cash and Leal her exchanged for Ilidcs and Skins. " BRET & CO. Detroit, Jan. 13-1G. Thirty Thousand Persons A NNlÁLLY fíill victima tü Consuinptrun in A tíio Úüited Stn'tèa. The cause of il.e cvil if „erolly ovcrloofced. A hort dry cough , or ncclecicd cid, a tho precursor. 1 hese are lever, and niutu swóáts fyHow, and Icoia endt thc scenc. WouKl ya liml a bi h-.dy töa the F.riE i Uerc t i?. TIíc experionce of more " in 1)rIvate practico has prove.l a, ell.cac ond since its i.uroduction 10 pubhc rjpt ce, ali hoygj i 1 as now bc-on pflfercd bit a fcW months its sn!e has been uniTcccdcnu-J. nnd '"bj yünd qutstion, greai-so muc . 80, . hat it ijdeclared 10 be thc greaieat remedy in iho worid. ASTHMA. too. ihni fearful and di&trcssmg _ malaily, wlu.M renders lile burlhenáomc darin-Hs ormnuaiicc, j issubdued witiiouidiÜiculty by ilusgrcat icii.edy, nd the suffercr cnubled by its useto obttu.i húiet repose ; ihe shormess uf breath ia overcome, thc eoügh it nüuyed, and hcltl. nd yigOf t.,ke the place of döSpondepqy ond suflering. Dr. FülCl'8 OJ.OSAONIAX,r, Ai.i. t$èA.ta, is the rcmedy ymcn line been so cminently euceesslul in nileviuting; aña curiiiK ihc abovc complmnis ; nii-t u his been used by ilio first pbyjkinns ui tho cuy. Wpfl derlarc it tü bc imiïvallcl, masmudi au U ducsn..' disturti the JMövelslitJ the least by Wfi& ""■ livcncsa. wliile nll ulier remedies rggo,nmgnde4 fot ihe above diseases invarinbly &!nii up tuc bowds, iluis lend-.-rin it neecssury lo resort to iurgttttve medicine. , . , " Reud the tollowing cpsoej v.:.n h hnvi beri - Ücvdrurlcuicl w'Hhin ! t'w weeks : DAVID 11KNU1:ISO.. 60 L:Ut wrcet, topk n severe cl.l on U.c 4:h d'V pi Ju!y; :m,I Wfcèbtóughi vciv low l.y o distresaing,WUgl% wliicli rcsulicd ni !'m:.n Bliacks (.1 Ineoln. reótn iho hnu-.. Al'u'.i-iili bc iried .-vcry tluiig iu i,o ühapo üf rqic li s whick.eoiilJ bo fpiind, Oc.obbrtyas-so nnfch r9U..cod Uy ■:i.t swí. ,bai he depa)rEd qfüfc. ii,h,.uIüüI s Ojosa m rcjBtorfl jnm l.!l;;;!'1'-. v , v I has süfTéreJ fidct ■! - eïfeefs df ij sL'vèrcöM l'iir more ihm b yeaf. He waa .- ■.!■■. " . ! b.inU uftl.c grdirc èjflióst, 6y hi-uu,h and .lifelii 8weu) le coninionced roisitrg blood ui IIic monih' of Octobcr .laat. M-' pwnifl UÜig the Olosapjiiao, and l.y tl e mi.l.llo n iNovcmbor ,o was .o far resiored thal lic lofi lor Piusburgb withive viu.-Htic! iu-ow.imil.1. '';■' V1;, f Mrs BELL, iWe wife ol Róbeit l'. Bell, of ! Morristown, N. J-, waa drcdlully alU.ricd vv t!i Avthma io. moiiy yenrs. Her ,„,;.- i.r.ns l,ml despnirtd of rolicving He Onb böttle bl the Oloaaonion so for restored l.-r that wa.s . blo ou of lier bed and dress hèteiW, wbteh ahehad noi (Idikj bet'orc r,i mnil.i, aiiU öUis n'öw in n lai" "aV '" bq.tejed. Mr F LABAN. 52 PiS-e Miiei, was so bad with asihma thal he l.iul ?ol plqiln hiW lor ien weeks, when ho comníénced the use of this .■reu remedy. One boiilq curèd Jijm, and he has rtothad a rcunn ui ' his couiplaint now more ilian tive ni.inilis. Mra McGATÜ.Ñ; 20 Sflteï :reet. Waa hlso cmed of sëViSfe ihsUftttti l.y ilie Otófeoiifcn, and siates tliat shc ;vcr knèw roeditíne ge sucl. mmedinle and penunH u!i:l. GEORGE W. J1AV.S, I -ibis city. was _ivcn up by lus Rliyaicion p 'ciuablej Ilis issa6e was conBupmtiori and wheolu! .coinineoccd uiyj the Oloiaonian. waa so venU il,ai hú could not walk without b'eing assisted by fl (rientl. Hy strict aitention lie was so fár Moren m a lew weeks ns to be able to pnrsue !hh BUsJnc . JAMES A. CRO-MBlfii, 20 NnjisairstrécU; J. J. Parsolls, 11 Tcml) stn-et ; C. Bi nson, Üiö öleeilibr street i Joiium l).ivu-c B8 eiin-n.streel: and Mr.s. Ma!l1;ii, ) Morton snect ; have all e.rericncod the good efieci$ of ihe Olosaonian in cougbfl QÍ long siaudijitc nnd afRiCtjqus i liings,.flnd propouncc it, vyUh Tve jiccord. tú bo ihe greatesl reniedy. and the most Jpecliy and cflectuaL tliat tliey have ever knmvn. Ronder, are you sullering Ironi tho nbove discübc? Try this rcmedy. You will not, perliaps, regret t. It may arrest nll thosodisngrecablo symptoms which strike such terror t the inind, and prolüiis your days. For sale ai 106 Nassau èl,onö door above Ann, and at Mrs Ilays, 139 Fulton at., Brooklyn. Agenis for Ano Avbor, W. S. & J. W. Mnynard; E. Sumr.son. Ypsilanti: D, C Wintwuocf, Dexicr; Pickfofd & Craiir. Saline: Smitli 'Tyrol. Clintnn; II. Bower, Rtinchéster; P. FVrljick & Co., Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Ginnt, Vorthville. 24 l-(mo FEATHEUS and PAPER HANGIN'GS mny bo found at all times at iho rus Stork, DetrMt, V. A. RAYMOND. Décr25..4Ö44. :J ! !-i;m DISSECTED MAPS- An instruc;ie and nmusing article for tho yonna;. for safe at PLRRY'S BOOKSTORF.. Dee. 23. . UlbUPersiaii Filis. 'Putnolthe L'tghl mulera liiislul" bul read and ponder. rjEWIE T1MK1S CUiMK. oidnowis, ihnt the _L greal milis of ihe peuijlo o' th.s and the uld world, have Jcciilcd thul tho persíá itb xni-ix lxtracts. aie ilie mosi cíFjcmal comiiin.iuon oí medicinal iitiixdicats ihat ever hns, er ever can compose a RF.SURRECT10N or PERSÍAN i'l] !.S. bóiog iiinoo ól vcgctnhlo extraerá, uc cnyily di'Tstivp. bcèolumg a juico n ilie human ..tórn.u-h" Th:s li'inia iscnsily trik.-n tip by the abèórlxmt vessds. "rul coiivcycd ihroughout oll larts of the sysicm, dispcnsin-,' lile and nmmniioii in al! iho orgnns. By being ntsimilaled wuh ihc blood, t enters iniu iis günibinaiion, puniyno ihst'rcnnis oh Ufe. YoO f-ee it would nntu■iiy nnd re.-idiiy coniline sviili iho blond ::ad all hc Rccrjeüpps, tlm's ndiipjing usí.Ii M ilm renjovn) )fall tlisfiises of impuro blood. Wliicli clofr the rgnri8, causing poin, distress, and :lcnth. IfUhe rnpuri.tieji sciiic uopn the orgnn ol' ihc stomach. t causea bad tnsto mi the moutb; a furred touue, ml brea'.h. rndígóstíott; dyspfpfiiii, paííi, n sëhéb jf fullncis or onrfui=s; &c? lf upon the lunes )r throat. they will ciuso n cüiii;h. tighincss. iveakness. and an une.isy snsation in the throat. rritation. bronchitis, ma consiiríiption, K ihcy settle upon the liver. tlicy will cause livor com)lamt, jruindice, or eallow skin. fcver oud ague. ')i!ui!S disoiisea of all kinds, and irfegulanty of the bowels.diarraha-a. Jvc. lf upon the nervc?, ihey will canse nervous wcakness, pnin in the, Eick headachu. general debility, lowspiriis. heat in the back, side. or hcad. If in the sysiem generally, il caiit-e ;encral einaciation, scrofiila, tunioistighl haulfkin, pimples, blotehes, irritalivin. &c. iSrc. , ïou know if any thing clogs tho engine, nli the macliinery bccji.irs iinnlcl in u.s motion, nnd as it decrenses in strenpth, the moiiotis liecómc nnralyzed more nnd iiiQie. until finally it;cascs lo iiiovc. Sd wïth the human systein, of , bluod lucoines impitre with humor?, the ] ïnnssiif&rcreating, p:iin, mifccry, and ü' iiot r?uovcd, death, A constant usc of these Pilla in n fainily, ' t II 1,1,1 yenrs to ench' individual lifo. For heing made of vegetable exinictfi, thej -may bc taken Irom youih to'olil ne without injüry, luit with decidid bWétln Wfenfcl?; püny ehüdrcn. wil! heeoine hcnlihy and BrflHg with a !mv Qfie of tb(WO i'ills. They soothe wenk nervus. strenth. n die wjoak, and eloui;e all Uie-orgaus in a man iicr. abbve Jescnned ' Being cömpowü óf jüices, liuv pass ihrough the smallcsi vc-mI. tlnis ttiacliiiiíí disi'.ue m horuevcr pent up in ihe sysluin. evii) in ihe cycs and bruin. ' 'We know tliey nrc the Best TH! m the woi 1!. :..:■ l ,.„■ f.' ihal lnve laken cv. rj othcr i-il!. h'ivc ifecuTpd . and nothingcoulil hrntlèr ilïcm fiom keeping tKéhi on hand. - ''nUo lla-iC pUll fi. v, and ou will seldon; tram a pliywtian. ;i) 6ioi ii-.ird of inncli sickhessin a farrrtly wlm-e tlu-.-o l'iils werc Cttkfin ircelv ? Thr-u áÁn'n ftlV y cuise 110 pain or wrak it tiit-:r ip:-i .-ui in ; hi'y 8öoiUe'lho bowcls. 'and are a sure cure for DIAÜRIIÍKA Oll Hr.MV.lTv rOIPLAINT, iVd'gestlqri, costiv'cpcEs and u!l dictases aiising frqn) nn iiüpuie Miumach or blood. Tlicrc ia nolínugbt'ftqr f'Q.r rey er and ajue, 01 biliotisdis c:is-s. and all oiIicm inemioncd above. NT.'l5. Prico rvflucpü IQ -'s por box for 31 VUh. Reniemticjr eVch bpx coiitain II Tills- iliercfoio', tlïey nrc i lic chqapes't as ud! as the beet. Bcivarcof l'iils mnde of gunis, cnlomcl ,md conrse powders, for tlicy v.ill dqstroy the coala of the sMunacli in lime, gnd taurc dcaih.- liuviiic. lor liic'eih contain cajot'nel or sonictliinè as clesinictive to huninn cvistoncc. , ihber the ll'?-u neet ion or l'eioian l'ills. :,,, pi Veg'ftablè cMiacts. For ;-vo in all )Ó principal plncrs in the Unrin-Wliolesnle and ïetnil by V. Owen fc Co.. [)ctroit; C. Kberbaclij S. P. Jesvett. Lund & M'Collmu, Arin Aibor. 'J'.}7-(!ni VVIIOLESALK & RF-TAIL. A. M'ÉARRBN, BOOKSELLEH AND STATIONER. SMART'S fíLOCK, lí7 JHKKHKSOf) AVENUE, DliïliOIT. Ki'j;' .uii.iaiiily urï .Icü complete ossortmen? "i" Misi-II'uuíous. Schiooi hik) C'hit-sica! lii.oks, Leiur and Cap Paper, plain am) ml cl, Quills, hik. S.alin W'ax. Cmlcry. Wrap'l'.iiHr. 1'nniinf; Poper, of all sizes: and [5ok. Aowsaiil CaiiiiisliM luk. oi 'varions kinds. BLANK BÖÓKS, "uil and hall bound. ofevery voriety l Ruling, Merporandiyn Cooka. &c. flfo Murrhant?, 'reaeheis, and otbers. buyin: in (i'iautitics. a laiue discount made. Subbath School and liible Society Depositor. S47-tf WFIOEVKR wish.68 to buy thcir (joo3 t0 good ndvantago. musl not tliinl: of making iheir pur'eliases till thoy have looked over the üoods and prices at the Mami Stokk, Detroit. W. A. 11 VYMOND. D c.25i 1845. Í31Í- Gm VÏÏAjÏAM R. WÜyÏES, JR, DEALER IN FORHIGIN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlcry, Nrtfls". Glns'3. Cárpeme. Cooper's and BlacksTiiitli'e Tools. Also, Mnnufacturcr of Copper. Tin Ware. No. 70, Woodward Avenuo, Detroit. 2-lrt-ly_ jïïiïuk Deeds andüíortfiracs. WHOLKSAJliK AND RF.TA IL, tor .ale by BECKLEY.FOSTJEIjLCo. March20; ÍB45'.i oí: COUOIIS, COL.DS, CONSUMfTION &C. IMl'OkTA.vr TO AI.L TIIOS1Í AKKUCTKI) WlTfl DISKASKS OF THE tÚÑ.GS AM) BUIUST. W'i'l Mitiiélfy crcr téi&é? me tridente ft. tttrvasjing luilíli rrslaftt'tht tutins!!! q ?' ? ? ? ' 3 [From ür. JJaker. Sprinaficld. Wnsh Co. Ky.] Siiiko:-iki.d Ky.. Muy 11, 1M.". Messrs. Sanford &. I'nik: - Gr.srs - [ takc (liis opportunity of infoniiiiie ■. ■u i( ;i inosi roiiKirknhlc' cure ])er(oniicd upoii ir.o by 'he uso oí iiDh IViïtar's Jialsum of W.IL Gticrrg." l;i iho 1810 I wns mken witli nn IníliinnYínol'he JJoweU wliich I Idbored uilder or s!X wet-Us wlicn 1 "iiulmilly r5CÖVeré(ï. In tlic; ("nlí oí !.-'ll I v.oti miackcii wuh a ecverc cold. whicli sntd i t.soli" ujioii my Iiüijís. nud íor thc t-pnco of tinco yqjirs I was roiilincd m my lcd. I nii'd ;ill kih:(l5oi inötiióincB nntlcvery yaricíy oí medical nid mil without Iioni fi': nn! tilüa 1 wenued nlnn? until iln; winter OÍ 184 I. wben 1 itard of u 184 t3t'8 Knlsnm of Wild Chcny." My Iricnds pciíiuidcd me to give t o nial. thouiíh 1 fiüii giVen óp nlí hopos of n recovery. am! had prtípíircd niysclf for tho chongo oí ani.tiici woild. Tliioiih ihoir solicitntion I was uiduufil id m;ikc iist of thü -Gcmiinc Wistnr's linlaíim oF Wíld Clieny." The eílecl wns truiy astopisrfing; After five yenrs of aflliciion, pain .nul stifTn-ing: nnd aftor havtng spent four or fvc. luntdrcd dollnrs to no purposo. nnd the best ;iinl niosi respocioblcphvsiciaiiB had provcd unavriilm. I int o ll rryí nc 'lo rvthc lirnlk bij t'ir hi.sii: if (ioil and ihs vse of Dr. Wislar's ñnhani of Wild Ohrrry. I am now enjoying pood Iic.-dth. and snefa is myahorcd appcarancxj ihat I am no lúngef know wíic'n I nicct my fórnicr ncquajritpncès. 1 havo puined rapldíy in wóVchtj and my flcsh is (Irm and sol i tl. 1 can now cat ns tnucli nsany Iieison. and ny f"d íocinsto aprce with nic.-I have calen more during the lastsixmonths tlian 1 had eaten for iivc ycars beforc. f'onsiilerini: iTiy ense almosl a rnirnclr. T doem it iifc-fsary fur the good of the nfflieied nnd a dniy I owe !o ilie pipprictois and niy fellow men. (who should know whcre relief niay bc had) to niake iHis'stiUehïènt pul)lie.Mny til'-1 biótSítíg oF (d rest tfpotí thc pró'prieiorB f so vaiuabloa medicino as Wistai'a Jial- s saín of Wild Ciierry. .. ■ Yours rcsprcifully. WILL1AMIÍ. BAKEIt. ' Tíie Jjoliawblg' lia.tjust Leen rrreoe.d J 'rom Mr. Ethcard St.ruton. of I.hj iinjlim, Alo., wlñcli . sjiow? thit ('nns'nnption in i's irurtt ƒ orín 'can be rural bij "Wutar's JinUum of J Lr.xisciToV, Mo., Jan. 21, ÍS 15. ' Bdijnmin Plu-lps- Ucar Sir: ' I tsike gront pleasure in coinmunicnting 10 yon whra I consider en cxiinoidinuiy cure, eífected on my dnuchter. a!out 1-1 venís uf ígc. by Wis ' inr's jJnlsnm of Wild Cluny. About ihc lstof j September l;isi, my daiiülitcr wns i;.kcn sicl;. and W08 ai teiiaed by sevóroí physiciaus, % l-.osc proscriptiöns proved inoffeeinal; or scc.nod to do no cood. Silo watuHiendeii wiili a cons:;ni COligh, . and pain in thc brenst. Ucr physicians and all ' wbo s;nv licr. carpo 10 tlie couclusion iluit shfi wa'a in a coñfirmed singo of Consuniption. 1 mudo no otlíéV cdculation tíian for her tö die. - Hm as soon asshc conuncnccd tnking tlio snni slic began to improve, and continued so to ' do uiitil het lu-idili was icsiorcd, nnd is now enurtly well. "SVith a visw of bentlnting those ío' may be siniilarly niilicted, i tnke pleasurc in roconimendíng tliis rcincily to the confi Icnce of h.' pubHct Yonrs, -with respect, EDWARO STIíATTOy. WfSTAR'S BALS AM OF WILD CHEllllY tbni ribt oniy relieves but cures! (EFPi ice $ 1 per bottlc, or six bottlcs lor $5. For sale in Cincinnati only by SANFORD & PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards. ao!e Agcnts for tliisCounty. 2'S8 CAN'T BËTÉIY.' " THE subscribcr8 wouid inform ihe Public, tliai they couünue to supply t!ic State of Mrchigun wiih L, B. WALKER'S PATENT SJflUT JfEJÊCHlJTJES. Tha large nunionrs ol these Maclimcs tliat liave been sold, and the stendily incix-asing deniand for them. is the best evidence of their real valúe, and of their estimntion with those who have bccomo faniilinr with their nierits. Wai.kkii's Snuit Machine is superior lo otherti in the followini: pnrtieuliirs: 1. As it coin!incs the Bbttting, Sèotiringi anti Itloicing Principies, it cleans the smimiest t graia in the best ninnner, retniningall the fric lioii of thc wheat, tmd discharping thesinutand or fnst as sopnraied from the wlieai. VÍ. It is si in lc iu construclion, and ie llicre- fore Icss Habla to become deranged,anil coats lest lor repairs. 3. It rune vory Ught, and is pcrfectly secure from firo.4. lt ia as durable as any otiicr Machine in use. f. lt costs cnnsiderahly i.rss ifihn otlier kinds. These 'inpoitant points of diflcrenre havo ;iv en tliis Machino tho preference wiih those wlio havo íairly tned it. Anión nrs.c nuniberof in the Milling Business who inihi be named, the fjllowiii{r havo used ihc Machines, uw', certified to tlieir excellency and supcriuriiy: 11. N. IIowahp. l'onliac. Mieh. E. F. Cook. Rodio.Mer, do K. B. Damoütii. Masón, úo M. V. FitiNic, Bianch, do II. II. Comstock. ConiBiock, do Rcforcnccs niay olso bc had to Jomn Bacon, Auburn, Micli. V. llvo.v, do do I). C. VitKi.AM). Rock, do Jdiin I'iiir% Monroe, o 11. Doijsman, do do A. Ukacii. Waterloo. do (ín. Kv.rcuuM. Mnrshnll, do .. IIkmknway, Onklnnd, do All orders Por Machines will be promptly ottended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON, Ann Arbor. (í.owcr Town) WbsKj Co. Mícbi .'I. ltvKv 226-1 v "Crockery at Wholesale." 17R1:DKR1('K VF:T.Mü{K.. hSa constantly on hand, the hugest stock in the West ot' Crockery, China, Glass?we, Looking- Glasses and Piales, Britannia Ware Tcatjs. Lumps and Wiek? ing; Pial cd Ware, China Toys, &c. $-c. Uis stock ncludüs all the varieties of Crockery and (.'hin:t, from the iinest China Dinner and Tea Setts to the most comirjón and low ,, , ,,] uarc - froin the richost cut glass to the plnincsi ghiss waio. Uritannia Casiorsot'every kind. Britaniiia Tca Sutts. Coilbe l'ots, 'J'ea Fots. Lanips. Cnndlesticke, &c. Lakd L.ami's ofevery description Trom the most cosily cut Purlor Lamp to the cheapest Store la:np. All the ahove anieles nro importcd by liimselt diroctly from the inanufacturcrs and will be eold nt Wholesnlc, as low as at any Wholesnle House, expenses from seaboard addcd unly. A liberal discount giveñ for casb. Merchants nnd oihers are invilod o cali and examine thj abovo anieles at the oíd stand, No. 125, Jcflcrson Avenue (Eldred's Block.) Detroit. 24S-ly "teíperañce house. PB. R1PLKY woiihi siy to tis friends and the irionda of Tempen nee, tliat he has ; ilu'ii tiic Temporáneo" House, lately kept by Wm. G. Wbeaion, where hc would be gUd to wait upon them. Hay and OatR and Stubbling to nccommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 1S-1G. 245tf Wood ! Vood ! ! A FEW Cords oí Wood wnnted immedialdij in ptiyinenl for the Sigual of Liberty.rpriE pccce'íiíng figure ís givcn tb represent X ífte Insensible Pcrspirati'on. lt is the groit i:acuition tor tlie impunties of tlio body. lt will líe iwliced that a iliick cl.aidy miai bsUG0 iftffP all poima uf ilip evirfupe, wbj.cli imlica.tea fb.qi ihis iiêrgpirntfon flovvs üii n i rrupiédfy whon wc ure in hcalih. bilt Censes wlu-n we tiie. f-ick. J.i'e cnnnoi ba mstotfféil uiihout it. Jt is thnnvn ofl l'roin llic Moed -,inl 1 3 1 i j;;icb oí ilie body. nnd disposes by tlüb incins, qf neárty all ilie impuriiits wiiluii us. Tlio bluóil. Uy iIiií; menns only. works iisclt i ur ;. Thé InngiiBe of Scripmris. "in the IJK od is :bo LilV." H it ever hocouies impuro, it niny botnicod directly to the siopp.ige of tli' Ipsensibie l' 'i.-pir.-nion. li iievei requires aiiy inteiiinl im'dicincs to clcansc it, as it ;ilw:iv9 pürifics iisolf ly i(s own b'ént nndaction. nnd ihrows oit" n!l the oílbiiding bnniors. iluoucli the Insoiiïililo l'oispir.Mion. 'l'lnus wc sec all tlmt is nccès]snry wlicn the bloot) is atngnnnt, or infecicd. ie 10 open tlio póres, nndit relievcs itself from i:!l impnrily instaiüly. liaowii heat and vitnlitv nrc suliieient. wiiliont om. pniticlc of mtdicine, except to open be poics up:i thegurfnee. Th.ts we soe the - folfy of tnking so nincli intetnr.! remedies. All pr'aclÜïqlièrS, howj fivor, direct tlieir e fibrts to restore tiio 1 n-fii -iïi : pcispiration, luit t scems (o iic nol always tlio proper one. The Thonipsoninn, Tor instance, steatr.s. ilie Nydropnibist slnontis .is in w.èl blankei8. tlie Hoinopaih stdónlsont inflnitissiinal?, the Allopatht bleedsand doses us wilh mercury.nnd the blustering Quuck gorges us with pilla, pills.. nillf.To cive soíne idea of ihenmnunt of the ïnscn sible Perspiration. wc wil! state that tlu loarnctl Dr. Lcwetihoek. and tb ie:ii Uoeihnnvc, ascertained ihnt five-'oighihso'f uil we recaive inio llic stomoch, pnsscd oii' by tjiis ineans. In oiher worde, if wc cni and drink eighi pauridè pcrday. wc cvr.cuntc five pounds of it by the Insensible Peinpiration. This is nono oiher than the used up pnrticlcs of ihc blood, mul otlipr tiire. giving place to the new mul freeh ones. Tb (heek this. therefore. is 10 remin in the system fiv -cigliths of ;ill the viiuloiit iii.'iucr iliüf naiure demnnds should leave ilic tody. And even when lliis is iho ense, the bbod is of so active n principie. tlnU il deTcrínmeá Y'Tos'é partietes lo tho ski i. wherc tlicy t'nrni Bcnbs, pimples, ulcers. and otlier spots. Bya'sudden trnnsition irom heat to cold, the pores ore ptoppod, ihe perspiraiion ceases. aml disonse begins at once lo developo itself. Ilcnce. a 8tbppne of ibis ilow of ihc juiecs, originatc-s so niüiiy eomplnints. Jt ié by stopping the pores, ovcrvhe!n:s mankind with couyhs. ciAds. and ooiisumptions. Nine-tontbs Pifie worla dio from disc'isos induced by a Btoppagc oí the Jiueiiiible Perspira. tton. lt is casily seen, thereforc, how necessary is tlio ilosv of r.hia sublle humor to the suilare. to niservc health. It cannot be sioppod; it canT not be even clicckecl. witliont indnein disease. Let mo aek now, ovcry enndid niind. what cour8e scenis the most icatonsiblc jo pursue. 10 unslou the pores, after they are closcd? Woulc! yon yive physic totinelop the pores? Or would you apply sometliing that would do this upon tlie eitrfnce. wlicrc the' cloLging actunlly is? Would nol lliié be comtnon seusüï And yet 1 knowot no physieian w!io makes any cxterual appliation to elieM it. The'réiison í assign i?, ihat no medicine witliin iheir knowledge. is capablc of dóing it. Undcr these circumstnnces. I presint to physicions, and to 11 othors. a preparation that bas this power in iiP fullcst extent. It is McALISTEU'S ALL UEALING O1NTMENT, or the WORLD' S .SALVE! It has power to resiore perspiration on the feet, on the hend, a round oíd sores, upon tbc ehest. in short, jnpoïi any part oi the body, whetlicr discased t-lightly nr sfiverelv.It lins power to cause nll cxtornnl porcs, N fulous humora, skin diseapcs, poisonoui? wounds. lo discharge their putnd muiter, and ihen licals ihem. , It is n remedy that sweeps o(T the whole catalogue of cutaneons disorders, nnd restores ihc entirc cuticle to itohcnlihy functions. It is a remedy i!i;it fmliids iho m-cossity of so j inany and duloterious drugs laken into the ( mach. Ii is a remedy that nëitnor siekens, gives inconvenlcncc. or is danserous fo the intes'inee. lt preserves 'nnd dojende the eurface from 1! denumement of ils funclions while it kerps . pen ibe channelè tor the blood to void all ts ' imriiies and dispose of nll i is úseles partíales The snrfacè is the outlet of' five-ci.hths of the bile and used up maner within. It is niereed ' wi-h millions 0,1 openings to relieve the intcstines. Slop up tlnso pores, and dcüth knocks al your door. It is ri;htly ter.'r.fd AH-ïièaïing. lor iliere is scarcely n disonsC', exiernal or iniernal, thut it wilt not bcuciit. I linve upcI it for the last fourtetti years, for all discases of the (;lifst. consumption. liver, invölvihj; the utmost dnnger and rcs])onsibility, nnd I doolare Iiefore Ilcavfii and ?n;in. Uiiinotin one single case hasit taikd to licnifi', when liie patiënt was wiJjin iho reach of niortol nicans. I hnvc had physicians, learncd in tho profession; 1 hnvc liad ministers of the Gospel. Judgeson the Hench, Aldormcn and Lawyere. gen tlcmen of the highest erudiiion and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way, and therf hnsheen voice, onc unitoci. univor■ilvoiec. saying, "McAlisrtr, your Üintmcnt is good!" CONSVMTTION. It can bardly be credited that a salve enn have any cfil'ct upon the lunes, seated as tlicy nro witliin Uie system. Bat we say once for nll, 'hal this Ointment will rcach tiie hinss quicker than any medicine that can be given internally. Thus. ii" placed upon the chest. it penetrales directly to iliü lungs. sepárales the poisonous pn;ticlee that are consuming them, and expels tlicm from the systsmI necd not say that t is curing persons of ConaurrTption con'inually, altnough we nrc told it is loolishncss. I care not what is said, so long as l can cure severul thousand persons ycnrly. HKAI) ACHK. This Salve has pured persons of the Ilead Acbc ot (2 years standing, and who had it regiilarly every week, so thnt vomitina of;en tóok place. Denfncss and Knr Ache are holpcd with the like success. as a!so Ague in the Face. cor.D fk.kt. Con.7timption. Liver complninfi pains in the chest or side, falljng of tjbg hair. one r the other alwaysnecompanies cold leet. It is a sute sign of disense in tho system lo hnvo cold feer. The Salve will restore the Insensible Perspirntionand thns euro every cafe. In Scrofula, Fj-y.sipcl3 and Salt Rhrum, and other disonses of this nature, no internal remedy has yet been infecovered that is ho good. The same may bo said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spina) Diseases. Brokcn or Sorc Brcast, erè. And as for the Chest Disenso.", s;ich as Asthmn, Pain. Opprcssion nnd the like, it is the most wonderful antidote in the World. Fir Liver Ccmplaint it is cqually effiencions: for Burns it has not has its equal in the World; also, Excrcsences of every kind, such as Warts. Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of them all. sortn ktes. The inflammation and discasc nlwnys licsback of the ball of tho e) e in the socket. Henee the virtue of any medicine must rench the sent ol the inflaonation or it will do liulo pood. The Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate directly into the socket. The pores wil! be open ed, a proper peispiration wül becreaicd and the disease will soon pass ofTto the suriace. PÍHPI.ES ON TUK FACE, FRF.CKJ.V.S, TAN, MA5CITL1NF. SKIN, OROSS SUnFACK. lts first nctíon itto exocl all humor. It willot cense drawir.g lili the face free froni tmy uitier that niay be Ipdged under tho skin and equently breaking oiuio llio suríace. It tlien .ls. VViien tiren; S nothing btit grossness, or ' u!l repulsivo sórfaee, it begifos lo sollen ;ii,1 ,,licii u-uil ilic.-kín bocomes assnio.uh and ' ate n n diild's. It lhrxwa i frcshncss an. lurfhiní color ujioïi the now while. transpni-cnt; Urn. t!i7u ie porfcctly cnclinniinír. Sonic limes n case of Frecklea it wiil start ominóse !,at havo lain hidden alia secn biitsldom. Purud the Salvo and all will soon disajipcar. WOVMS. It'lKircnts Uncw Imw Tntal most medicines were o cliildrcn taken imvardly. thf y would be slow o resort 10 ihem. ]'pccially ;'inercunnl Uw.n: s." cnlled "medicated loscenges," pills, &c l'he triuli is. no onc can lell, invariably, wlu-n vorms nic p'rcshnl'. Now lé't me sc'y lo pnii ñts. h:ii this Salve willnhviys tPll ia cfiíM lint vornis. Jl wiil lrivo every vesiige oi" tliern a,viy. This is a e:rnj)le nnd suíe cuiií. Tliern is probably no niedimn : 011 ihc fnee of llio cnrlli íit once só surc and so safe in thc ex talarlo ñ ót wtírfW h vould be. cruel, nny wicked. to srive ínterHa), doubtful medicines, so Jungas a haimlesa, éxiernal olie could be iiad. T01I.V.T. Alihouh I Imvo .said little nbout it ns n Imii rsstorntive, yet 1 will siake iiagninsi the World! 'I'hey may briqg tlieir Oils íar and near, nnd mine will resture the hairtwo cases to theirone. di!) SORKsi MOHTIFICTIONS. VI-CKÜS. i;i'C. 'J'hai sönfé Sores nrc an outlet to the impurine of the syptcni. ík hccaiiBO they cnnuot pnss o(V ilimush the natu ni channels of the Insensible Perspirotion. lf fuch sores are healed np. th'o inipuritiea musthnve sonic other outlet. or it will ëntfniïgëf li'c. This is thc roason why it is impolitic to use thc common SdIvc of the doy in euch enses. Fot thry hnve no power to open other avenues, to let ofl' thií morbid matjpr. nnd ihe consnquences nrc alwnys fatal. This Salve will nlways provide for such emcrpcncics. di'seAskS of cmr.rmrN. IIow mnny thousandsare swcpt ofF by pivinc inicinl medicines, whon thcir young bodics and tender frames are unablc to bear up iigainat tnern? Whole a-mica nrc thu's t-ent to tlieir raves nicrely frnm ponrinc into iheir weak stomachs pnwcrful diiis ond phyeics! It is to such that tho All-IIcaling Oiimncnt tenders Lc salc, plcasant. and linrmloss a fine Such casos as Croup. ('holic. Cholera Infaiiiuni. Worms. and all Slimmer Con)plaints: by wHícl so [naiiy children díe, ihc Ointment will rcmove so spcedily nnd surcly, thaí a physicianwill be nccded. Mothers! tliroughont, :ill tiiis lancf. we now solonnily and socrcdly declare to 'yon tíiaí lile All-Hcaling Ointmcnt wHI save your children ('rom nn oaily Ri-nve if you will use t. Wc are not now. actuated by üu lenst desiro to coin; buj knowingns wc do that vnst botli03 of iniiints nnd childrcn dio cnrly: whicli is sijpp'óèéa to bc inevitable nnd mpossibic to prevent, we hold up our wnrninc voice. and declaro in the face of tliewhole world, CHILDREN IÍEEO iNOT DIE MORE THAN OTflERSü But it 9 from tbc wnnt ef proper nourisbmcni nnd the constnnt dfÜging th'cy undergd which niow8 Uicm down as the rank grass falltt before tho scyihf. Moihcrs! we repeat again. nnd if thcy werc the last wüi-ds wo.wcie ever lo utler. aml of conise past ibe rencli of nll intcicst. wc would sny. 'usctlic All-llcaling Oiniiucnt for sickness among childrcn.1' KHKÍJM.íTíSM. It removos nhnost imim'diately the nflnmbtion and swelling, when the pain of course ceaes. Fr.vrrts. Tn cn?rs of fever, tho difnculty ies in Uie p.OMS beinj; lockcd up. so tbat tbc heat and perypiraiinn cinnot pnss ofí'. If the least nioisturc could be starled, tbii cri'sfft is pof=sed nnff ibr diinaer over. The A J I- II cnl t.'iíí Ointincni will in all ensos of fcvers ïlinost instanily unlock tbc skin and bring forth the perspiration. Tf.iÁi.f: cCifii'L'Ái'sys. Iiiflrimntion of iha kidney.i, of the wonib. nnd is fnllinET down. vnkness, nnd irrcpulariiy ; m short, II lliOfc difiicul'.ics which are ficqucnl wjihi feinnlcs, lid rendy nnd permanent relict. We hnvc had agéd Indics teil us tboy could ji'ot live six months without it. Hu to fcnialcs abont tobeconie iniihcrs..if used forsomc weeks antecedent to tbcir confmenioiu. very few of ihosc pains and corivnlsionfi which attend (hem at thfll period will bc felï. Thisfact ought to be known the world óver. SC. T.D HF,D. We have cured enses thnt nctunlly doficd everything kniwn,as vyt'll ns the abiiity of fifi een or twenty doctors. Óne ninn told )is lic hndsj)'ent $500 on Iiis childrcn without nny benefit, whóh n lew buxes of the Ointmcijt cured tlicm. coWsi People need ncver bo troubled with ilicm if iliey will uso it. As a FA.MILY MF.DJCINH. no mnn enn mcasiire its valué. So long ns tlic stars rol] .ilortj; over the Hcnvens - so lonjr ns mnn trendi the enrth. fubject to nll the infinnities ff the liesh - go lonc; as disenso and sickness 6 known jusi so Ioiiíj will tlufi Ointniciit üe ujed nnci estt'cmcd. When man censes from oïï the eartli. then thedemnnd will cense, find not til! then. 'J" nllny nil r.ppreheneions on nccounr if tí inyiedicnts. in possessinttsuch powerlul proporties, we will state that it is composed of some oí llie raosl comnion and harniless lierbs in cxistencc There is no mercury in it, ns enn he seen from ihc faet thnt it does not injnre the skin one particlc, while it will pass throuph niul physic the bowcls. JAM KS IVlrALISTER & CO. 1G8 South Etreet. N. Vork. Solo propriclor of the ahove Mcdícífie, io whmn nll cotmminientions must he nddrèssed (post paid). Frice'Jü cents nud 50 cents. ÏTCAUTION.jr-o As the All-llealmg Ointincnt has been greatly cour.tcri'cited, wc have giyèli ihis cauuop to UicpnbUe, that "no Ointtnent will be genuino unless iho names of Jnmes McAhsier, or Jumes McAlisier &, Co., are writtcn with n pen upon evory label." The label is a steel engrnviiiir. wiih'theh'guro of -''Insensible Perspiration" on the face. Now we herchy ofler n rewnrd of $500. (o bo paid on conviotion. in nny of tho constiiuted courts of the United States, of any individual counterffitinc o:r nnnic'nnd Ointinent. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arhor, Wholeenle Afrents; Smitli Si. Tyrell, Chnion: Ketchuiü & Sfnitri', Tccumsch: D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; H. Bowrr, Mfinchesicr; John Owon & Co., Detroit; Marinan & Cook, Brooidyn. Dec. 18, 1845. 2'14- IyCLOTH! CLOTHH nnilF. subscribers will continue to inanufnc""FuIIciI Clotlï, 'or 37J ets. per yard. and white flanncl for 20 cents per yard; or they wïll manufacture the woul for hall the cloth t will makc. ■ Their Factury is 2i milos Wesi of Aitn Arbor, on the l'uron Rivo'r. Wool willalso he recèived at Scio. V.'Iiensent by Railroüd it will bc attended to in (lie same mnnnér as n me owneis were to come whh i(. Wool wlí!)e mnnufacturcdin tufn ns it comes in ns ncnrly ns it can be done with rclersnee to the different qnalititsof wool. WOOL CAR DING, 11 bcdonc at Scio, by Thomas HosUins. S. VV. KOSTER &CO. Scio, May 1, 1845. 10 "dëwtistry. E. G. BURGER,, HAS removed hiaoílice to Crane & Jewett's Block, iirst room on the Second Floor, where bcinc well prepared to nttend lo cvery iranch of his profession. would respectfully say id aJJ wlio have not lmd tlioso nece6sary organs. TIJK 'J'!;i:T1I, propcrlv attencled to, dolay no louter, but ent 1 upon him and experience the easo and dnrahility of his operations. TisRws accommoduting and charges inno case unreasonuble. Ann Arbor, March fi, 1845. 47-if SA MÍA TH SCHOOI. BOOKS for eale nt l'EURY'S BOOKSTORE. Doe. 23. iill-tf-Try-- Try Again. AFTEIt V(.n have tnea ono ihousnnd and on Lindó oi" Pilis; tlien iry Dr. llolstoud's Brisk PiUs ind you wii5 bc lul ly satislkd that tbey are ts nuch preferablé to cvcry other kind as the tun' iglit .iii'l hout js pieiemble, to bring fotwaid nnd )i(mioit' a hcahhy growth in vegetables to tkat hicli enia unies froni the mbón. Thy arejupl wliat is wanted in cotintry -a jiill that opera'.es quick, thorough nnd easy, :nriying all impuriiies with iheni; leoving ibe iiomacl) nnd boivcls ckrn and clenr. Away wiih íour S1.OU' PÍLLS. ibntact SLCAV-cIcnrso SLOVV. and lcavo ilic pystem in a SíLüYV stato. Bilious inauer nnd otlicr inijedinuiits colltct veiv Kipidin ihc system vhen once ihiy bcpin te nccuiini'ntc - nnd wïll uk f; ns Slow Pilis wül rtniovellxm. Jt is riccrssiuy ilerefore o ltavc a brifek operation- ilint will aüolsk ai.i ii 1: oui.A.vs ñoñi tieir torpii] tüite. pive a ■ iiictii.s io the blood and secretions. Tlicn fcod vill difPt - the aiomach uu'm sticngtl - ibc ays em stron? - tbe pkin c!onr - tlie apj ctitc good, nd you nro welJ - when your 6low dotes woulc uip you lingering along ibr niontbf- nnd ilirn Icrhapé J"bu wül send lor a Doctor, nr.d )ijr vill bc do? He will phc you a poverful cilinrtic - onc thnt wil! do yon sotnc pood. Now be your own dcciote, and takcIlnUtod's Vegetable J3riek Pjjls, nnd gradúate tbcni lo suh hc patiënt. To wcak pntients givc fninll ocs - nis-o to ehildren. Tbey are harnilrps and enn begiven to the n;oEt delicate - but (hen ihcy _uvc lile and inoticn io the system. PISEÁSJE is a glow inorbid onticn, dogg'wg ip all the snmll vcssels- and calis aloud for a remedy tiitiï will aronse them into action before hcy becoine too neak lo be kept in niotion. - people die for tbe want of nction- and feariig thcy sball obtain a hoalthy. natural nction - thcy ïrpfcr t.ikinir a slow rnèdieiné - ihat tbcy may loctor slovvly for years - rnd at lust dio with a slow, lingering disenee - tlie namrnl eflèct of tnking.ow Pilla. Away then witli tbis' nature wishes to purify tbc nii. she calis up m hurry a thtrtider shower. nnd with it her light nings (air physic) to purify. cleanse, and gives ncw tpotion to the atmosphere, anda)! is vel. She does not lightcn jrrntly the yenr round te produce tbit motion. Then follow nnture,whea you are out of beaïlh - bnve a bnd taste in you inouih - indigestión - costiveness - fcvrr - colk chills - fever and ngue - dysprpsia - pain in bacd or jirhbs - tnkcn cold - or in fnct out ol order in nny w:iy - rolicvo yourfcllinniiediatcly by (kin; tbc Brisk Pilis. Try tbem once and you Trilj use no other. 28 Pilis for i?5 cents. Pold wholn.?nle and retail by J. Owen & Co Dotroit: C. F-hciliacli. S. P. Jcwctt, Lud & McColhirn, Ann Arbor. 237-6tnS1CKNESS IN CÍII LD KEN. AND tbc sufTciing wliicl) they undcrgo frora ''wokms" oficn tend to a fatal terniinatiorr, ■hile the cause is liever suspectcd. Oflenïive hrenth, picking ai the nose. grinding tho iooth tliiri ji jt sleep, staning in sdeep wiih fright and screaming, troublesomecough, and fevcrishncs, are ainong somc of the Prominent Syvipttm's of the pres-enee ot worms. A liinely use of SHERMAN'S WORM LOZENGES Wil! immcdi.iiely remove II these unploannl symptoms, and reator to perfect hoilth. Sistor Igriatius, Superior of tlic Cntbnlic Hnlf Orplinu Asyluin has added her tesíimony in their favor, (o the wliicli hnve gone belbro. Sh staic-s thot ihere aro over 100 chiidren in the Atylnj)i. and 'li.ii thoy havo been in ilio habit of usiiig Shcrtnan's Iozenges. and ?ho has always found llierfi to be níteridod with t lic most beneiirinl efiects. They hnve been provcd to bo ïnfalliblo in over 400.000 cases. COiN'SUMPTION, influenza, Couglis, Colds, Whoopinp Cowgh, TiL'htiiPss of tbc Lungs or Che3t niay be curod. Rev. Daiius Amhüiiy was vcry low !rom Conaiimption. Jonithah Hownrci, the oclcbralcxl trmpernnee leciurcr, was rednepd to iho vergeof the prnfi by ïiiiiiing blood. Rev. Mr. Dnnbar, of New Yúik, iho Rev. Mr. De Forctt, Evange[isj in lite Western part of tbis slaie. Rev. Sebae.'íán Strecter. oí IWton. tlie wifrof Ornsnins bïbblëi l;'.:'. ï ii Monravin, and hniulrcds of othoi8, hnve been rolievcd and cured by a propo use oi SilERMAN'S COUGII LOZENGE?, And no medicine has eve been more cIFectimli the iclief of thosé (liseasfs, or which enn b rccotnnienrlcd with more confidence. Thoy al hival! itcliincr or irritation, rendor ihccoiigh oaey, prornoc expccioration, rfmove tlin ciuse, and produce the most happy and Incting clFecls. IIEADACHi:. P;ilpit!ition of the Ileai!. Lowness of Spirits, Sea sieUnes9. Dc-pondcnc"', FaintnoiS Cholic Spnsms. Crnmps of the Stomach. Slimmer or liowol Coinplainis. also all ibe distressing symptoms arising from irco living, or a night of diasi nuon nrè quickly and entircly reliovcd by 11 si 11 ET SÜKIMA.V'S CAMPFIOR LOZENGFS. Tiiey ::ct f])ccdi!y and relieve in a very short ppaccof time, giving tone and vigor to the sysipti. nndennblea person usisg ihem to undergo great mental or bodily faligue. RHEUMATISM, Wenk UncU. pain and wcakness in tbc Breast, Bnc!;. Kiinbs and otlier paitsofthc body. aro sperdily and cíFectunlly rclirved by SHF.RMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTEK, which eoslsonly 1J cenis, and is wiihin tho roach ff all. So grent bas bf-come the repui.uion oí this ártiele ihat one mïllïón will not begin to aupply tbc anniüd detnnnd. Ii is ncknowïcdged to bo ihu bcstsirengtbcning Piasier in thcworld. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. Slicrman's Poor Man's Pluster has hie namo with diredioiiB piin'ed on the back of the Plaaler, and a CITar umia u ot the Doctor's wrilton name under ibe direciions. None others are genuino, or tobe relied on. Dr' Shcrman's Warenousc. is No. 100 Nrssan st. New York. W. S. 6e, 5. W. MAYNAhD, Agents for Ann Arbor. 24fiCheap Hardware Store. TI IE Subácriber takes this mctliod to inform liis bid cusiomcr8 and ihe public gcnernlly thni hc still coniinucs 10 keep n largeand gcnernl assortment of Koreign imd Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wrought. Cut nnd Horae Shoo Nails, Gl;i89. Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Uur Lend, Zync, Bright and Anealcd VVire, MoInsses Gates and i'assetis, IV J í ï i Saws. Cross Cut Saws, Hand mul Wood Saws, Back and Key Hole Saws, Anvils. Vicop, Bcllows,Alzes,Coopor's looit-, Drawing Knivcs, Sokc Shnvot, Tap Borers, Cast Sieel Angurs, Common Augiirs, Augur üittci, IJollow Augurs, Steel and Iron Squares, Ground Piasier, Water Lime, Grind Stoiies, Potnsh.Cnldron and Sugnr Kettlos, Cable, Log, Trace and Halter Chnins, Broad, Hand and Narrow Axes, Spirit and Plutnb Levels, togetlicr wiih a general assortment of Hollew Ware, which will bc sold low for Cash or npproved credit at 123, Jefferson Avenue. EU dred's Block. lt. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lCih, 18-10. 248-1 y BOOTS ANI SÏÏÖÏËsT" AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GrIw & CO., WH.OLESALE AND BKTAIL DRAT.ERS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, Corner of Jrjj'crson and Woodtcard Avenue, Dclroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would respcctfully inform tlie Merchnnts of Michigan, thnt they hnvo oponed n WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in the rooms over their Retail Store, Smart'a Corner. Their long noquaintance wiih the Shoe business, and tho kinds of shoes ihat Jire needed in thi State, will cnable them to lurni-h nierchants wiih such shoes as they ncod. on 'botter lerme thiin ihcy con buy in ihe iew York market. as all their goods are from fi -st hands, and particular attuntion is p-mi lo t!ie selcciion of sizes. Detroit, Ití4tí. 2AB-U _ " WAWTED. rpV0 young men about 18 or 10 ycarsof oge JL ns apprentices to the Kash .ind BlinI ïnaku'g business. Also, one JOUltNEYMAN, ai tlo above business. H. GREGOPvY Ann Arbor, Lower-Town, Dec. 4, 1845.