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ïue MassachueettH eottou milis aro resuming work A second swimming match bctwcen Coylo, of Philadelphia, and Johnson, of England, camo off iu the Delaware river last week, and was won easily by tho Euglishman. Coyle, aftor swimming bíx miles, had to be taken out of tho water, being badly chilled. Loader, the npholsterer iadicted for libeling Beecher, has just been admitted to bail in New York Certain Eastern newspapers havo attacked tho proponed faut mail train between the East and the West, and havo aaserted that tliia train ha been projected and will be conducted mainly for the benefit of tho Now York daily newspapers. It is statcd that Ben Butler will act as counsel for Tilton in the socond trial of his suit against Beecher Stirling, Ahrens & Co., of Baltimore, heavy dealers in sugar and molassos, havo succumbed to tho general pressuro of buBiness. Their total liabilities aro $2, 500, 000. The nows of tho collapso of tho Bank of California caused considerable excitement in Eastern financial circles, but its effects wero only slightly feit. Col. Edward Longstkeet, of the susponded firm of Longstreet & Dennison, heavy leather dealers at Syracuse, N. Y., hasfoJlowod tho oxample of Ealston, and committed suicide. The well-known Boston publishing firm of Lee & Shepard has failed Union Adams & Co., heavy wholesale dealers in men's lurnishing gool, New York, have suspended. TUK WKST. The total earnings of all tho linos operatod bv tlm XnrtllwnKÍ.orii Tinilrnnl rinivirioni' im bracing about 2,000 miles, for the past year were .$13,828,570, and its uet carnings, aftcr doducting expenditnres of all kinds, wercL518,26C Extensivo fnuids on tbo part of distillcru and rovcmie ofiicers havo been discovered al San Francisco. An excurnion train, carrying 1,000 people, wa wreckod a few days ago ncar Bookford, 111., by running over a cow. By an extraordinary miracle no immediate fatal resulta occurred, altliougli three cara relied down an embaukmciit and a large numüerof passengere vvero severely braised. An expresa train on tbo St. Paul and Sioux City railroad went throngh a bridge near the latter place on tbo night of Aug. 2d, instantly killing the conductor, engineer and fireman. Nono of the passengere wcro seriously injured. The city of Ban Francisco has been thrown uto a fever of excitement by tho failnro of the Bank of California, the leading flnancial inatitution of tho Tacific coat. The bank had a iaid-up capital of 5,000,000, and has ahvays jeoh rogarded aa ono of the ataunchest and nest managed in the country. Tho suspension was caused, om in the cases of Jay Cooko & Co., 3uncan, Sherman & Co., and B. F. Allen, by a dieregard of tho laws of banking. It had made Mnlucky ventures in tho miuing dlfitricta of California and Nevada, and the rresideut of tho Bank, W. C. Kalwtcn, is known to have jecn a heavy and recklcm operator in mining stocks. Under the circumstances the collapso of the concern need not excito Kiirjiriso. . . . Capt. John Gordon, oí Black llills fame, bas noen roleased from confincment on a writ of labeus corpus. He has commenced an action againHt the military authorities for falso imprisonment. The Canadian steamer Manitoba collidcd wtth the propeller Cornet, on tho cvoning of the 27th of August, ncar Wliitefish Point, Lako Superior, and sank her instautly. Ten of tho wenty persons on board tho Cornet perishcd. io ouo on tho Manitoba was injiirod, and she continued hor journey. Tlie Cornet was bound down, heavily laden with ore, while the Manioba was bound up, ligbt An expresa car on he Union Pacific railroad was robbed of soveral packages of monoy, near Tablo Rock Staion, Utah, a fow days ago. The robber got on top of tho cara and climbed through a winlowwh'letho train was in motion A San "rancisco dispatch announces the tenjporary uspension of the National Gold Bank and tho Merehants' Exchange Bank A female forger vas captured at St. Louis, the otbcr day, in an attempt to defraud the Broadway Bank out of ■8,000. She presented a letter of introduciou and what purported to be a certifled check on i Chicago house; but the bank officials susccted a swindle, and tho woman and a conoderate wera taken into custody. Tuf, large four-masted steamer Perian, X)nnd from Chicago to Buffalo, with G7.000 nishels of grain and other freight, was lately burncd on Lako Erie. Tho vessol was valued atil25,OOO A malignant and fatal plague has broken out among the cattlo in the vicinity )f St. Louis W. C. Ralston, on tho day of lis death, deeded all bis property to William Bharm in trust for the benefit of tho creditors of the Bank of California. Public opinión in lan Francisco ia divided regarding the cauao of he great banker'a doath, aomo peoplo believng that ho died of apoplexy. The majority, however, ndhero to tho theory of suicide. The crops in Kansas pan out imraensel; The Socretary of State eatimatea that the Stat will havo 55,000,000 bushols of surplus corn fo oxportation Tho fnnoral of Wm. C. Ralston at San Francisco, was ono of tho mout UnpoJ ing -agoants ever witncHsed on the Paoifl coast. Aniong tho mourners woro delegaUon from cl! tlio military and civic societies of th city, as wcll as representativos of all Ilio manu facturing concern in whloh tho deceased was inlercatod, Tho entirc city was draped i mourning as a lolieu of respect ior tho Int princcly banker. Tho Board of BnpervisoT of San Francisco rcfused to paa resolutions o respect to hifi memory. WASHINGTON. About 100,000 nioncy-ordcr blankn, wort $20 per 1,000, have been stolen from the Post oilice building. Tui; notorious Chorpenning claim, havin boen Buclchcd by Attornoy-Genoral Pierre pont, f to be brought bof ore tlm f'oint o Claims In the nature oí an apphoaüon for ro lief on account of mail contract. .. .Tl 10 foi lOTVing aro Ihc oxpenditures for carrying th mailt; fOT the iiscal year: Jiailroads, $9,198,951 steamboats. $59,G8C; star sorvico, $5,158,86] mail nessengers, 5-G33,4'J3; tota!, $16,583,118 SUir service ík service in which tho mode o carrying the mails is loft to tho discretion o tho contractor. Tkesident Grant bas appointod Edwin I! Smitli, of MasHachiiKetts, First Assistant Attor ney-Goucral Tho Aasistant TrciiHiirer iu Noiv Yor han been directed by tho Secretar of the Treaaury to soll $1,000,000 in gold dvu ring t}io month of Boptember, as follows $1,000,000 on .the fiint, tliird, and fiftli Thuib days enth, and $500,000 each on tho sccoiu and fourtli Thursdays There will boanothe trial oí tho safc-burglary case of Harrington and olhers, new and important evidenco havini l)een discovered. Tuf. Treasury Department has declined to transfer any moro gold to California, aa it ha. Bont all it can sparo. OENKKAL; A eimcui.ousi,ï abaurd report was tole grupliea over tho country a day or two a;;o, to the effect that Donaldson, tlio balloonist, hai. been fonnd in tho forests of Canada in a dying condition, and that just bcforo ho breati,ed his last ha modo a confossion that, in order to save hls own life, bo bad thrown his companion Grimwood, overboard into the lake. Of course it was a wickod and outragoons hoax. The Chicago papers publisb a tlctailcd Btatcraent ia roferonco to the fast mail train to bo run between Chicago and New York. A traii will loavo Chicago at 8 p. m., arriviug in New York about 12 o'clock at night of the next day Thora will also bo another train leaving New York at 4:15 a. m. of tho Bamo day, arriving in Chicago at 6:30 tho following morning, making Iho trip in about twenty-six honra, a gain of fouïtoen hours over tho previous running time The suspension of tho Bank of Califonúa was brought about by a iight betweeu somo of its spcculativo managers and anothor set of capitalists and miuing 'speculatort3, who had ergauized the Bank of Nevada, having a cash oapital of flve million dollara in gold. The subject of tho fight was in regard to some of the " big Bonanza" mines, which tho Bank of California pooplo had secured ctntrol of some timo oo, 'hen prices were very much higher than now. The well-known speculativo operations ol tho Bank oí California managers, coupled v.ith the decline in mining stocks, so impaired confidence in Iho bank that depositors begaa a run on the bank which eompelled it to stop payraent. Ealston, the President of the institución, bas lost 6,000,000inniÍDing speculations within a few months. The asseta of tbo nuspondcd Bank of California are loss than $6,000,000, wliilo Ulo liabïlitias aro about $14,000,000. No wonder the "magniflcont" lialston went and drowned himself. The affairs of tho bank have been put in tho hands of au exccutive committoo, eonsisting of William Alvord and Georgo H. Koward Adrices liavo been received at Washington frorr. prominent officera on tho Rio Gumde, to the e.Tect thatcattle atoaling and murdere of pcac3atlo American citizons aro still porpctratcd by Mcxicau mraudcrs, and in all probability thay will continue in spite of the forcos our gevernmont can eend thcro, unloss they eau break up tho bands of assassiDsandthieves on eiihor sido of tho livor, and as far in tho interior of Mexico as may be found nccc.-sary Our Canadiau neigbbora havo not csoapcd tho effect of the prevailing depression of business, and numerous failure3 are aunounced in Montrcal, Toronto and Quobec. A recent telegram from tho iirst-named city says fourlccn dry j;oof.s lirms liad como to an arrangement with ibeir creditora within a woelt. A Isan Fhancisco telogram says it is ))robablo that the Bank of California will aoon rcHume business again. The stockholders of tho instilulioa represent i150,000,000 Tho exploralioiiH oí Prof. Haydcn's aurveying piu'ty iji tlio far woBt, aa dotailod in his report to tho Interior Doputment, show how littlo oven onr best goographors know of the prominont features of the greal territory lying nearly duo wastwardof Chicago. A canon nonio 3,000 fcot dtcp, which a mighty river flowod, was diacovered, and tho remains of au ancient civilization that were ftmnd aro eaid to be truly Tlio records of theso surveys will no doubt provo highly intcrostiiig, not only to scientiute, but to peoplo at large. THJK SOUTH. A telkobAm Trom ïexarkaua, Arle, senda a fiattering roport of the erop prospecta down down there : '■ There ia fin abundant corn crop. Five million butiholn of wheat írom Texa? r.nrl Arkansas will be ihipped Nortli thia seasen. Cotton never m bettor. Tho prospecte for tlic íall trado aro iirvitiog. There is no fevor, and all aro hopoful." A dispatcii írom Macón, Míhh., reporta a riot ai New Hopo church, in which eight ncgrocc were Suled and overal wonnded. Tho canso or ího :iot was a quarrel and flglit betvoc:i awlntoman and a negro, nbonl drum beating. A lukjj was fouglit tho other day at Waco, Texaa, betwcon Charlé Cnrrick and J. M. Turnor, 'Jio rcHiilt of a trivial qiuirrol. It took placo in tho dark - diHtanco, íour f eet ; weapons, Hix-Bliootcrs. Threo shota wero diacharged, and Turner was killed. J-OUTICAL. EX-ÖKSATOR MAT!. II. CABriïNTEIt, Of Wirtconsiu, iu a letter to ex-Scnator Chaiidlcr, of Michigan, Cenyiug any authority to use bis aamc iu coimoction with tho recent grecuback convección at Detroit, pays hja respecte to the moixi::g proas in tho íollowiug sarcaatic and amnaing vein : " I havo loag Guasea to preteml to auy knowlcdgo iu regard to my busiDCRB or cngaBcmonts cxcciit wli:t 1 re;il iu the Uloruiug paper, which I consult daily I ú atícertaiu where I have been, where I am KoíiiK, vli:',l lawsuits I aiu retaiued in, wliat I am in favor c.% how 1 stand 011 tho third terni, and uiy fi:.-o conreo uot onl' iu regard to pending qucsti:,as, but in regard to thoec SHbjects which niay or may not rie íu the futuro. " I Lave learned one tliin, aud I tell it to you for futuro guidance- uever coutradict anythiug a uewspxL:er eays. " S( _Lie monthS .TKd tko Mihvaukce .V, IM publíshcd an ipferual falsehood aboat me being out of the Renati;. I thonght I had a right to coutradict it, so Iwrco a c;:v;l noto to the papor for that purpose. It publi&ed only uno word of my letter, and that btcatua, I liad speüod crroncously, aud edíto;i..l]y iaid ir i would hve in ieace I had lmtler niind cay own business. I took the hiut, for if there 3 -nythisg dear lo my soul it is to Uva in peacc. üo I never contradict a iiewepapor. Th.: TeenbSck convention ivt Dotroit waa attende 1 ty about 1,000 delégate. Thoman J. Durait, cf Washington, prosided. THK New York Liboral Republican Stato Conveuticn will uo held at Albany Scpt. 22 Tho campgn in Ohio waxes warm. POKKIUN. Tit.-kí:.' íh concentrating her f orces in tho direotion oí Niuaa, in cousequenco of the part takon by tho Bervians in (lio insurrection in Herzegovina. Tho military oceupation of Servíais regrrled as not improbablo Tho two A.erican vossels sent to Tripoli to avengo tho insult oiTored to our CJoiisul, arrived there on the 22d of August. A number of of'liccrs who 1 jided from the Congrcsa woro hooted by tho rcbble. Satinfaction was given for tho inBtilts to ílis offleers who landed, but uot for tlio previous insult to tho American Consul. . . . Tlio Porte haa wrilton to Austria and Gennany, thanking them for thoir oiliceH iu llerzegovinian affaira. . . .The foot and mouth distomper ia raging foarfully in some parta of Eugland. Iu DorHlielwliirc alono 12,000 aro down willi it The belrothal of King Alfonso, oí' Spain, to the oldcnt danglitor of tho Duke of Montpousicr in announced. Businkkk is mach doprossed both in England and on the Continent, on account of apprehonBions of polilical complica! ioiiH A meeting was held iu London, tlio othcr day, to disensa the caiiHCH of the high prics of moat in England. Au association was fornied to necuro a Huppiy of livo catllo f rom the United States Capt. Wcbb, tho great Hwimmer, has accomplished tlie oxtraordinary feat of swimniing acros8tlcEuglinh ehannel, from Dover to Calais twciily-six miles- without a life-píeeerver or othcr aiding applianoon. Ho did it in twutityone honra and forty minuten. This execeda any swiinming performance on record, Anotiihk war - this time in Koutli América. The Hiato of Piuinimi has Mmotinoed hostilitios againat tho licpublic of Colombia The wifo of Garibaldi is doad The (rand Vizier of Tnrktiy has resigncd. . . .Tnrkoy will bo repreuonted in a liniiteá way at onr ('cntennial War clouda are cverywhere looming ap. It, is stattd thnt tho f riendly relations of (rent Dritain and China aro in drager; tho lnsurrëoti'iiiH in Herzegovina and Kljokanaro progroosïng, and revohition is said to bo imminent in Uruguay. Tripoli ban (hun far refnsed sausfactiou to the United States for tlio inuults to the American Consul and bis foniily, and thcro i talk of ordering Kear Admiral Worden with tho Europeau squadron to the secno. A Madrid dinpatch annouuces thatSoo do Urgel, which haH for nomo weeks been iu a state of niego, has oapitulatod to the Alfonist. The garrison wero made prisoners of war Late advices from Tripoli stato that amiilo apology bas been made for tho insult offorod to the American Consul, and tho uloop -of-war Hartford had left for home Tho Herzegovininn diflioulty with Tnikey is still tho lcading topic in European dispatohes. Tho cabio tells us that sevon thousand women and ebildren havo (led into Croatia for safoty, while tho insurgents have burncd and sacked two Bmall towiiK. Turkoy has a protty big job on lui ml to Hubduo tho turbnlont spirits in that insignificant but almout imprcgnablo mountain región. The cattlo plague is spreading in England. San Domingo is in tho throes of anothor revohition. The rcvolutionists have proclaimed Baez president, but tho loading cities remainod loyal to thoir lcgitimato rnler, Gonnalos Tho prico of grain continúes to declino in tho Enropcan markets Mohammed Ali ha'i been appoiuted commander-in-chief of tho TurkiBh f orces in Herzogovina and Bosnia Six of the editora of tho Zeihing, a nowspaper publishoi at Frankfort, Gcrmany, aro iu prison for rofusing to diecloso the authorahip of certain articles. One of them, Loopold Sonneman, ia a member of the Prussian Parliament From cable advices from tbo scat of war, tho disturbances in tho Turkish provinces seem to be spreading. Tho provinco of Albania has caught tho infection and is in open revolt Spain haa decidcd to eend 22,000 more troops to Cuba. The recent picasant weather in Great Britain and on tho continent hasonabled the farmers to gather thcir cropa with but littlo injnry. Tho yield, however, is deficiënt, both in qantity and quality, espocially in Groat Critain and Franco. In other parts of Europe, thero will bo little deficioncy over last year.. . . A Berlin dispatch says that all of North Bosina is in full icbollion against Turko.y. Tho fugitivos who Hought safety on Austrian soil numbor 80,000, and aio moetly the wives and children of reb is, who havo deaertod thcir villgea and mado for the hills. In Herzegovina, the insurgents havo formod a national govornment under Lynbobraüch. The uiBurgent leaders havo boen informod by their Montenogrin frionds that, very shortly, all Montenegro will como to thoir ascistanco. In Servia, military preparations continuo Nows las been rceeivod from the Engliah polar cxlodition, at Disco, Went Greenland. All woll. Proparations wero being mado for pnshing ïortli aa far as possiblo Tho Carlist, in Spain, aro greatly discouraged at tho reversos hoy havo receutly encounterod, and it ia said )on Carloa may disband bis forcea and await a moro favorable period to ronow the etrugglo.


Old News
Michigan Argus