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Capt. Webb's Wonderful Swimming Feat

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The cable furnislies tho following particulars of tlie marvelous feat achievod by Capt. AVebb, of swimming across the English chaimel : Gapt. Webb started (Aug. 24) on liis Svnm across tho channol, at tho rato of 20 strokes to the minute. The wcathcr was calm. At 5:20 ho lunchod on ale and beef tea, and at 8 o'cloek on beef tea and beor. He then rested, floating on his back. At 9 o'elock he ivas troublod with floating seawecd. At 11 o'cloek, cod-livor oil was given him. Tho moon roso at 1 in the morning. Ho indulgod in brandy and toa. At this time Webb declarad tho accomplishment of the feat a sure thiiig. At 3 ho partook of cofloo. Then tho tidc turned, running noi'thward, and tho Captain appcared exhaustcd. His trainer stripped, roady to render assistance, bwt Webb laughingly deolined his services. His strokes at this time woro at tho rato of 20 per minuto. Toara arĂ³se that the northorn tide would drift him abroast of Calais sands, and, as tho sequel provod, ho had four miles furthcr to swim. iaylight broko at 4 o'cloek, finding liim drowsy, wlien ho indulged in coffec nul brandy. At 5:30 llidon's buoys weije sighted, and thcir position locatod. At 7 there was a westerly breoze and chopping soa, retarding in their influences, and it was only indomitable pluck tliat insiu-ed snecess. A skiff was kopt on tho wcather side, Webb swimming slowly from this time. Ho indulged in brandy straight every twouty minutes. Soundings wore taken at 8 o'cloek, and 10 fathoms roportod. Steamcrs now made their appcarancc from Calais, und steamed along tho weathcr side of the swinmier, breaking tho soa. Chocrs rung on incessantly, giving fresh hope to tho gallant swimmer, who laid a direct course for Calais sands, westward of tho pior. At 10:30 o'cloek ho was in shallow water, and at 10:40 to-day, iucrodible to relate, tho brave Matthew Wt:bb stood on land. Ho was tired, but soon recovered, and was conveyod to a hotel in a carriage, whero ho was rubbcd down and put to bed. Capt. Webb, naked, beats Paul Boytou about two hours. In London, tho wildest enthusiasm provails. It is ironounced by tho presa the greutest physical foat of the century.


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