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work and mnn for II, men or womon, bnys ac girls, wtaole or stmrw time. Ronil strtmp for Ot.i!oue. AddreFRAIfK GLUCK.NewliedfonJ. Mw P EÑÑ TS Y L VA N IA Mllltnry Aisdfiny.ChfMrr, Ti. Opfnsppt. fctll. Civil KmtinorínK. th CUmIo, Fnclixli nnd Military Avttboruaghly tanglit. For eir.ular uur-Ij t Col. Til 1K. HYATT, Freatdwit. Plrnsmit and PrnfUnlílc Kniploy mriií .- "líoantifnl!" "(,']]nnniiiíL!""(h, how lovrly!'"' "Whntftre they worth?" íc. Snfh nre exolftauUonsbythose whoac thelarfiepípgant nfiWGhromo6 nroducrd by (hp Knrojiivin and American Cb romo PublishínROo-Tlioy irnall perfpct gcniRof art.. No ene can reslst thetemntatlon tofmy whon et'oinp tho Chromos. lt reQUiies notalkinj: to fpII the piehiree, they spnnk for themselveB. OmiTAsaezv, ApontR and liulics Hnd centiemen ontcf tiiHployni(nr,vill ti mi thistbo benopeninit evoroffered tuumkenionoy. Frfull partícula, tsend Ftnmp for con futen tiü utrcular. Addrtïes F. GLKASOV A CO., 7 Wimliinftton St, Koston, Waes ■■■■■'ílí t.1. '-l'rJiVfc. !Rta UW 'l'rnsB js worn Etíf-w. - - . ■'Jiui', perfect comfort nicht ÊBtv T A C T T pTift'""i day. Adapta itself to ■ A i A o 1 U WLHfverv mol ton of the body, "BRt T R U S S. laFrflíainiriítr"Pnreumlartlia [j'Tv- - lt . TOff!y h;irdestex(;rt:Í6HorPevercat WCfeFÍ&íírLí BtrHin un til nerninnently fSkmSSrW t'urert. Soldctu-ap bv tho IilfluUü II lioü UUij NO. 633 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by mail. üall or nend for Glruuljir nnd be cured. ThTharris' Iinprovrd Cliiragro KIHK aml BVRGIjAJX SAFES anfl VAtILT DOORS are tile BEST aml CHKAPKST. Slmuifiníory niirt Salesriiiitn. 'J.I v tri KnM Kaii(lolph-.f ., C'llicao. JUST PUBLISHED. ! ! THE SHINING RIVER ! ! A New Sabbath School Song Book By H. S. & W. O. Ferkina. TBICE 35 O'EXTS. $30 TER HüNDEÏD. " Rust In Thee," "What JaaoaHw 87," " Wiindering Child," "Wht ArThoa" "WntrlimanAwnke!" aro epectinons of thtititleeof tho benutüul new hymns, to Bweot new melodie. ! ! THE HIGH SCHOOT CHOIR 1 By L. O. Emerson and W. S. Tilden. Pkice$I.ou $7.50 ter Dozen. The TIIfïH SCHOOL CHOIR is similar in pennral de. tfffn to thn Try popular "Hoiut of SlTfOENa," uhich iiis tíñfn aimoet unlversHlly tuad in High Bohools. The iresent work Ir In no w;iy inferior to its predocossor, and s ontirely fresh and new. TH E SO Ñ C M ON I ARCH. Price 75 Cents. $9.00 per Dozen. By H. R. Palmeb, assisíed by L. O. Emfrson. Dqnot tblnk of teaching a Singinx School without uang this nttractive, popular nnd useul book. Specimen copies sen, poat-paid, for retail price. ÏLIVER DITSON & CO-, CHAS. H. DITS0N & CO., Boston. 711 B'dway, New York. : HQ WTO GET A HOMR TWA I.AItDS, N(O,O()rt ACRES' ment, nood SchooU. ïVo or tfe UlCif ti.'wi - Oltr nd St. Fl R. R. k4 ih 5(Orr M.1 W!" !Tr R. R. at 4 to 1"! pr fr o au) pB" PORTABLE GRINDING MILLS. " -3Kr?SE iicstrrtiu'iii'i"'; t fwtTl Wcrü'sí'nt'lVorlt.. !TC ■ JtmlM M-.iiiuiunii(iw ' jfjtfM Bil 'i'u'n'' ','[,;. -!'' . i öf-g WMof ÍIillilaclmuTy.n "'J! jj!-, ■ííytá Síraub ïliiïi "nïi''ffl' I ' 15x Ha. 'iiM-liin The King Oftba Dorty is the brílnitWÍJS ite raain support ; tho ñervos lts raiv?ent;prs ; V ncosiinn tho kidnej-s nnd tho pnres lts safejtunrds. 'f!r.Mil creats violent mirawikr. attaci'f o' "lherca orirun.anrt t. bnnr them b t tho.r (int'. '" ndthniKlikothoroKvllatint,'iS"!í"i,,cr hiB opertl.m oí Turra KlMTcnt ' ,„ Apcriftit. It renovites the sstem nd rMM haalth botli the body and the nüiiií Sulil blUU__ ïübp-3 linsi Sil I oMpSÜ [HÉfoES WIIKN WHITIIV TO ADVBUTIn piense say you snvv the adveriwr Ui tliiü paper


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