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The Michigan Argus

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p0BLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. m the tbird story of the brlclï block corner of Main and Huron streel e, ANX AÏIDOIi, - - MIOHIG-AN. tracce en Hurón Bíroafc ojipoBite Ibe Gregorj House. CARR & ÖOTJLET EDITORS AND PUBLIRHEItS. Terms $I.5O a Year in Advance. i;A rrCS OTT ADVERTISING. [Twelve liues or less a pquare.] rvM E. 1 W.T2 w. I :ï n 6 W. 3 m. 6 nt. 1 year "nuarT . 75 $1 25 $1 50 $2 75 $4 00 $fi 00 $0 00 ■es.. 1 50 2 00 i1 50 3 60 ( 00 8 00 13 00 es.. 2 d" 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 Mi 00 15 00 qid 3 50 4 00 ■( 50 6 00 10 OüjlS 001 26 00 Loan 4 00 ■" ik: 6 m 8 00 12 00 20 OOJ 30 OU 00 7 00 8 00 "i 00 15 00 24 00 38 00 mn 7 00 10 00 -2 00 tö 00 20 00 30 00 5S mi in.. 10 OOtlS en is 00 22 0(1 Ia iu Directory, not to exceed four linep, $1.00 editorial íiotiees 20 ceñís a linp. Basiness L2 cents a line for the Örit inseitiou, and G ich Bubsequent ineertlou. ige and death notices f ree; obituary noticea [ine. . ft4vertlsera have the privilege of chaoglDg : ertisements three timee. AdclitioiialchaugI ,- w:!i be ohftrged for, I vertí semonta anacoompanled by written or Tcrbal direeüons wil] br iniblislud three inonths, ■i.'fil accordingly. legal advertipenirntp," ñret insertion, 70 centö pet i cents per folio for each aubsequent ineer :rna poBíponement ia added to an advortisf-Biiot, (hc wïifU irill be cbarged the same as the ftrat ptftioo, To be paíd lor when aiïidavit is maUe. .TOB IPÜIiVaIa-. biets, Poslers, Ii;mdbills, CtrcttUure. Cards. ckete. I.abfls, Bl&nks, BUl'Hesda and other a of I'lain aud Fancy Job Prlnting executed imptnesS, and in the best i'ossible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus