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Estáte ot -Ludvvig (J. Millur. TATE OF MFCHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw hu. At a aession of tlie Probate Court ioi the county of Washtennw, holden at the Probate otnce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednetday, tbe twenty-ttfth day of August, in the year one thousand eigbi hundred and serenty-nve. Present, Noah V'. Cheevei, Judge of Probate. ín the matter nf ihe estáte of Ludwig C. Miller, deceaaed. On ronding and nlin? the petition. duly verlfled, of Friedieka IliUer, praying tb at tin Administrut"r iQiiy be appointtd on the estáte of said deceasad. Thereupou it in ardTed,that Monüay.thf twentieth day of September nrxt, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be assifrned tor the hearing of aaid petitloD, and tliat the bein at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons interested hi Maid eatate, are requfred to nppesral aaestios of aaid nut, ther te be hulden at the Probate Ütïice, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pi'iiyur of thfl petitioner &hould not be ranted: And it in t'urtlier ordertd, that said petition. t ïvt uotioe to the persons ïnterested in said estáte, "i the pendency of said petition, and the hearing tfiereof, by oioshlg a cupy of thi orrter to be pub lished in Michigan Aryua, a newspaper printed and oirciüating in aaid county, three succeseivc weeks previoui to aaid day of hearing, [A fcrucoopy.j XDll V. CHKEVER, !545 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Richard Flannery. - OTATÜ OF MICHIGAN, couuty of Washtenaw, ' ss Ai a Beflsjon of the Probate Court for tht oouni y of VTa&htenaw, holdeii at the i'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the twentytlni'J day of August, in the year onb thouand ight hundred and seventy-tlve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judfe of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Flannery, deceusod. On reading and flling the petition duly veriüed, of Ijuke Coyle, Administrador, praying be ni;iy be licensed to 11 the real eetate whereof said deoeased did seizod. Theroujion itia ordered that Tueaiay, thttwentyi-ih'h day of September next, at ten o'c'iok in the forenoon, beasaigcsd for the hearing of unid petition, and that the hii8 at law of aid deceaaed, and all othei persons nterected m aaid estáte, are required to Hppear at a session ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Oltice, in the city of Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer út the petitioner should not ueranted: And it Ís further ordered that said petitionergivenotieeto the persous intereated in sasd estáte, of the jjendency ot said petition snifi the hearing thereof, by causiu a copy of this ordei to be published in tlie Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and in aaid county, four snoeeaaave treelca previou to Baid dny oi hearing. (Atruecopy.j NOAH W. CHEEVtíR, 1545w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Reyers, Minor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of VVashtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probtite Court for the county of Wiu-hteiiüW, holden at the Probate office in the city oí' A un Arbor. on Tbursday, the twentysixth dy of August, in the yearone thousand eight hundred :ind seventy-five. Present, Noali V. Cheever, Judse of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Julia U. Rey ert ■ Theodor% A. Rejer, Auiauda E. Heyei, and Osear .Ï. Keyer, minors. Auna G. Millar, oxecutrix of the lust will and testament of Johu (i. ftfiüer, deceaseu, comea loto court and representa that nhe ia now preparad to render the final account of said deceased a guardián ot íüiid minors. Thereapon it is ordered, that Thursday, the twenty-third day oi tieptember next, at ten o'clock in thu toreiioou, be aeaigned í'or exnmwing and allowing 5iií:h account, and that tlie uext of kin of said minors and all othflx persons interopted in said estáte, are required to appear at a seaaion of said court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of An,n Arbor in said county, and show cause, if any there be,why the sid account should not be allowed. And it Ís fOrther ordered that said Anna GL Miller give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed Ín tne Michigan Argus, a newspaper piinted and droulatiag in ssid county three succesñve weekg previouö to aaid day of heüring. CA truecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1545w4 ludge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. Default haTing been made in the conditiun of a certain rnortguge executed by Wiiliam Ryan on the üleventh day of April A. D. 1874, to Martin Ryan, executor of the Iaat will aud testament oí Kdward Ryan, deceased, which aid mort gage was given to ecure the purchase money of the preniiaea therein described, and ïecorded on the same day at 5:20 o'clock r. af., in the office of the üugisterof Deeds in the county ot Washtenaw Michigan, in LiberSO of Mortgagea, on page 229, and wliich aaid mortgage was on the second day ui November A. U !h74,aBsig-ned by said MarLii Ryan to Leonhard Gruner, Hiid on the same day remorded i ii the office ot the register of Deeds in tin. cuunty Of Washttiiuw, m Lfbei 4 of asyininenta of mortgaKea, on page4g7 ndon the24th day of December A D.1874, Leonhaiü (jruner asainee as aforeeaid, assigned the same to Wiiliam F. Osiua, wliich itíísiyninfnt waw recordad ou tlu same day in the orhcu of Register of Ueeds in ihe couiity oi Washtenaw, in liber 4, of asaignments of rnortgages, on pafie 463, by wliich deiault the powei ol saie contained in said mortgaM hun btcome operative, ou which mortgage tbere is elaimed to be dun at the time of thitf notice. for interest, sixty-two dollars and sixteen cents, and also the í urther sumof tliirty dollars for a.n attorney'e fee as provided iu auid mortguge, and no suit or proceeding at luw or in equity having been institutcd te recover the ainount due on said inovtgae or ar j part thereof : Notice is, therefore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, 1 shall sell at public auction, at the South front door ot the Court House, in the city oí Aun Arbor. (that being the building in .Li.l. i i. L 'n.init rf'n#" ft v. i ii i . T f "fililí i' i tt A. ii jn tí. nu wis heldjou thetwenly-seventhday of November, A. 1 lrs7T, it ten o'cloek in the foivnoon of that day, the tollowin:premises deecribed in smd mortgage viz: Allo villuge lot number tive and ix in block number forty-live in the village of Manchester, m stiid eounty and State, according to the recurded plat thereol, or so muoh or rfiieh part or paris thertol' iib shall be neeeseary to satlsf y the amount due upon unid muvtyiige. Duted September 3d, 1875. WILLIAM F. OBIUS, FitEDEitiOK Pistorius, Assignee. Att'y tbr Atssignee. ló&ï Mortgage Sale. DKFATLT having beon nade in the oonditions oí' a oertain mortgage lande and executod by Hobert C. Lindey and Jeruah J. Lindsey, of Saline, Michigan, to Charlea H. Wallace, ot the s;iine place, dated December ninth. 1862 and recorded in the oitice of the Beguter of DeedB for the (:ounty of Washtenaw, Michigan, iu Liber tliiity ol mortgages, oa page 114, on the nineteenth day of De uember, A. I). 18ti2, atll a. m. of said day, which mortgage waa duly aasigned by the said Charles H. Waliaceto ('oniatock HUI, of Ixjdi, Washtenaw ('ounty, Michigan, which aasignment was duly executedon the twenty-sixth day of -Tuly, A. D. 1875, and recorded in the office oí the said Regiater of Ueeds on the 8th day oí September, A. D. 187J, on which mortgage and the note aecompanying the same, there ia elaimed to be due two hundred and eixty-aix dollars and ten cents, at the date 1 f this notice, for principal and interest, and thirty-tive dollars aa au altorney fee, provided ftr in aaid mortgage, by which default the power of sale contamed in said mortgage has becomeoperative, and no procedinga in law or in chancery having beeu commenced to recover the debt aecured by said mortgage or any part thereof: NoUce is herebj giveu that aaid mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of themoitgagedpremises, to wit: AU that tract or parcel of laud situüted ia the township of Saline, Washtenaw Coanty, Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Being the northeast q,uarter of Southwest quarter of aec tion (20), in township numbrr four (4), aouth ot ranjfe tíve C5), eat, and containiniï fort y aerea of land. Said sale will take place at the front door oí the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said Coonty, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County ia held} on the fourth day of December, A. D. Iö75, at eleven o'cloek iu the foreuoon oí sanJ. líattd September 9th, 1875. COMBTOCK HILL, D. Ckamer, Aaaigneo of Mortgae. Attorney for Asaignee. l."47 Al.K OF I Ui: Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern BAILRO&D, ITS PROPEKÏY AND FILANCHISES. Ih tlu' Histiii-t Court of the United States'ior the Kasteni District of Michigan. In Bankruptcy, In the matter of the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Noithtrn Kuilroad ('onipany, a bunknipt. Notice is hereby given thui on Tueadjiy, the fourteenth day of September aext, the underslgned, assignee of tne Toledo, Aun Arbor and Northern Raiïro&d Company, a bankrupt, will otl'er at public sale al lo o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and will sel] to the highest bidder at the south front door of theCourl Elonse, in the city of Aun Arbor, in the county of Washteiunv, in said district, all the right, title a nft interest in me rested, as assignee in bankruptcy of said aanknipt, and uil the right, title and Interest of said bankrupt, in and to the following property, to wit: Certaln promiasory ootee giren In payraent of BubaciipUons to the stock of said company In the sum of aboul $4,809. Subecriptioua to the capital stock ui' said company Í 11 sum ol' about (20,329. Certain judments obtaïned apon suhaoriptions as aforosaia In the sum of about $3,500. Certain agreementa to take stock In said company in the Biim of about ifü,002. Outstanding suhecriptions to the capital stock of said company in the sum uf abuut .(i.'isii. About thirty-eight miles of the road-bed of said banknipt. lyiog in the city of Aun Arbor and betwiin aaid city of Ann Arbor and theOhio State line, near Toledo, which has bren Beparately conatructed, viththe right of waysecurea and incident thereto. About 70,000 railroad ties, situatcd al dlffereni pointa along the lint' "i1 said road-bed. Aboui 500 corda of aoft wood, simUarly situated. Certaiii promissory ootos, vbose payment iaconditioned upon the plací ng of the inm on the said road-bed. in the sum of aboul sm.imo. A lot in the Third Ward In said city of Ann Arbor, Ifl said district, known as tbe Clinton lot, valued at 8800, and encumbered in thesum of 8200. lii, above oaentioned property (poaaeesing Lta cMefvalueln being controlled by a unity of interest n the construction of aaid road) ill be oflered and s.rid n (me parcel as-aforeaaid, A l'ull and sjircitir Bchedtile of said peosonal property and real estáte uiay be seen ut tne law pfltceof the undersirfued, in the city of .nn, in said district. Thia sale ill be made purauant to an order of said court made on the thirteeuth day of August. A. I. 1n7.". Dateo, August 28, 1875. KDWARD D. KINM-;, 1545-wS. - Aasignee. This sale is adjourned uuiil Tuesday, September 28th, 1875, at ten oclock ín the forenoon, at the same place. Dated, September 24, 1875. EDW A.BD I). KINNE, Assignee. Notice. The Amuial Meeting of the Washtenaw Mutiml b'in1 [nsurance Coiopany wlll be lu'M ut tha Coart llousr In the citj of Ana Arbor, on SATITKDAY, OCTOBEK 2cl, 1875, ;ii U o'clock . u., tot the purposeof the electfon of offlcers. and also lo anienj the charter of s;iiil compaoy. A general tttendauov ofmembers Isespecially desired Dated, Aug. 26, 18' N.SHELDON, SeiTetarv. ' Mortgage Sale. WHKREAS Patriík Fallen, ul the tn„ i. Ljndon, Wwhtenaw W,ity, ut."?1 igan, diil execnte and deliver t Thoma v " anindentuieol bearing date th„ ïnK teeiitUdayof Noeiubtr, A. l) (UÏ 1,1 the "■ thciein deseribed as all of thow cmáin í111"58 luud known and dencribe.1 as (olio ñ!0",0' The west half of the northeaat quarter ,eIy : east half ot the southwest quarter on 15' southwest quart.r of the ,,],„, . "ie ■ectioa numbei twtnty-aeven and ;?"1IM ot puft of the northeast quarter of the "? eaat quarter of nectiou thirty-t'(jur n ."'■ ate 111 towosliip number one aontb of r'anJ! .?'"' BMt, in the State of Michigan, oontinïï i i two huudred and neven ucres of huid, inorio,1! " Wbioh said uiortgaiie was dulyreeordtd in thlv1 atet't office for the couuty of Washtena i e' said, in Ubel number tiity-one of mortgi "Tt pae tour hundn.d and hlty-slx, on ,„'," of February, A. U. 1876, al S)i tfïïek? that day. And whcruaa default has been 'm 'j in the comiition of suid moitgage by non ment of moneys thereby secured to bepiHj iPaï" by the powor of sale therein contnined has'bir'6" operative, and there u ow, at the date of tfe notiee, claimed to be due on said mi)ïtai;p tht, ot live hundredandseveiny.fourdolUraana.LT1 ty-onecei)t8,besidesanattorlieyli'eof thirty-üwj i birs, in aaid mortgaite txpressly agrecd to be n !' is often as any proceeding ahould be takfí foreclose the urne, or any part therecif, and uo , cefidinirs at law or in equity liaving been nstitiTi to recover tha same or any part tliereof : ïfotir therefore given, that on the twen ty-third dav at t V1 ber, A. D 1875, at ten o'clook iu the forenoKfS day, at the touth domo; the (Jourt House in th city of Anti Arbor, (that being the place for imn int the Circuit Court for saiil connty of Waïi miwl, T shall sell at public iiuction, to the hil " bidder, the premisas desoribed in waid luurtKatr nbovc set forth, or such part oi parts ihereuf "- shall be neceasary to satisfy aaid amount with t terest, costa and expenses allowed by law DatedAnn Arbor July I!l, 1875. THOMAS Y0US8, MortiiHiftfi Rooi & ükanoer, Atfys for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS default bas b en made in the condi tious of acertain ut m ing date the second day of Janüary, A. D, 1S72 l ecuted by Jwh Colenuu, Of the city of AnnAr bor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan t Tjuther J jiraea of Lima. county and Htate aforesïid and rec.orded in the otiicc of the Klauter of D(S oí said county ot Washtenaw, ut UiAi o'clock a v on the I Hth day of Jauuary, a. d. 1872., in liber 4s of rnortgages, on page 37, whioh said inoitgage duly assigued by aaid Luiher James to Luman l1' Hlawaou, on the tenth day of October, A. D. Igji and the instrument ot aesignment thereof recorj'wi in Haiu Register a ornee, on the 21st day of Octobtr A. D. 1874, inliber 4 of assignmeuts ot' mortaawg' od page 417, and there is due find unpaid on u, mortgage, at the date ot this notie ■, the bujh nf three hundred und flfty dollars and forty-L cents, together with thirty dollars as a sohcitohór attorney tee, in case proceedmgs should be taktü to foreclose said morttrftge, and nu proeeedsu luw or in equity has been instituted to i ■iebt secured by said mortgage, or ;iny part thereof Notice is tbereiore hereby giveu that by virtue of the power ot tale in said rcnrtgage contaiu&i i shall, on Saturday the Dinth day uï Uctuber.A ij 187Ó, at ten o'olock in tb e forenoon ut siiil dny,aeli at public auction to the highest bidder t he prèmiaea deacribed iu naid mortgage to tutisfy the amouat of principal and interest with the chargi and ;;ttorney fee oí thirty dollars, the : liertinaítei' descrïbed at touth door of tht Court House, in Haid city oí A nu Arbor, ( House btíing the place ot' holding the Circuit Court within Baid couuty of Washtenaw), all those certhja pieces or parcela of land dcHcribed aafoüow; Jj. ing lots-number eleven aud twulve, in block nnmber three north of Hu ron street, in run ge number four eaat, aocording to a recorded plat ol tlie viiiaöt (nowcityj of Ann Arbor. Dated Ann Arbor, July lóth, h75. LUM.AN 11. 8LAW8OH, Asiigaee, EDWAUD R. SLAW8ON, Attorney for ASMgnee. 1539, Morterage Sale. DEFAULT havini been made in the conditiou of a certain mort gage whereby the power ïherv in contained to stil lias becorae optrative, execuitd by William Plimly and Jane l'limly, hisirife, of the city ot Ann Arbor, in the county of Waabtenaw and State oí Michigan, to John McCurmiek of öalem, in said county and State, dated the ninlh day ot' January, A D. einteen huudred andsixtyeight, and reoorded on the tenth day of Januarj, A. D.1S68, at uine and one half o'clockx.M.jn the otüce of the Register of DeeÖ8 Ier the county oí Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, il of mortgages, on pan e 224, which üuid morage was duly assigned by said John Mei Rachel McUormick, by deed uf asaignmtnt, dated the seventh day of February, A. D. eighteen kt dred and seventy-ane, which assinmeLtwasiiuli recoi'dod in the oince of th; said Register uf Dtfdi on the ninth day ot May, A. D. 1871, atelevemul one half o'clock .v. V., in liber three of aeemmti of mortgages, on page 119, upon which ■ gaife there is olaimed to be due, at the date of thu notice, thesura of four hundred and thiny-sitdollars and tttty centw, and all suite or prüwedinis which have heretofore been inetituted for thtrf covery uf the debt aecured by said mor; been discontinued, and no suit or proceedinsil law or Ín ehaneery having been inatatated siae said discontinuauce to recover any pari Notice is theref"re liereby giveD,thatb] the power oí sale contaiiied in said m shall, on Saturday the twenty-thiid dny of Octo ber, A D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forei at public auctioa to the highe&t bidder [l take place at the outh door of the Court Hoü ir the city of Ann Arbor, in said cou Couxt HouHebeing the place ot hola::. cuit Court for said county oí Washtenawj the pmises described in said rnortgage, 01 thereof as sfaall be neoeseary to satisfy the amuunt due on such mort gage and legaJ costs und émpi of such sale, together with au attorney fee of thirty dollars, covenanted for therein ; that 1 fohowing deneribed piere or parcel of lai lot number tifteen, (löj in block number finí, 9 l'artridge'a addition to the city of Ann Ailw, cording to the recorded plat thereof. Bated this-27thday of July, A. D, 1876. ZINA P.K] Admimstiator ot Á W. I). HaReiman, 1H1 Att'y for Administrator. Shoriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of V. O as. John T. Raywalt vs. Alva A. Kotai By virtue oi one writ ot' executiun of and under the seal of the 'in-uit Cour ■ the county of Waahtenaw, in tl e aboi cause, tome directed aud delivered, Idid Wlth dayof May. A. D. IS7S, k-viert upon allft right, title and interest of Alva A. Bol to the following describud real estáte rjtualeo ' the county of Wushtenaw, Ktatt of Michiran. wit : All that eertain tract of lund sRuuted i bll number eighteen of the village of 1" ■ tenaw county, State of Michigan, kn ' and des.nbed aa folio s, to wit: H. ■ the east side of saiii bloek nuniber eighteeB, south side of an alley twenty teet wide, one dred and seventy feet trom the south a street or Ann Arbor road, aud ruuDiiii.1 ty-four degrees west ulong said alley ol and eighty-five and a halffeet; thence w twenty aud a hall' degrees weat nlong au slletwenty feet wide. and parallel to said east I aaid block, forty and one half feet; il; flfty nine and ti.ree-fourths degvees cust.ooe im; dred aud eighty-six and afourtn feet to t nee ■ line of said block ; thence alom; s:ud et lwW live and a half feet to the place et bwW which above desenbed land I sliall exposé lor ' to the biahent bidder, at the south door tt ik Conrt House, in tlie city of Ann Arl o.clock A. M. on the 2Sth day of Septenibtr, Dated August 3d, 1875. .. Í M. ÏT.EMIXÖ, Steni. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJIT havmg been made in the contó?" of a certain indentuie ol mortgaie, jw date the thirtith day of December, A. D. í'- ecuted by James Coleman of the city ol M " eounty of Washtenaw, State uf Ml. ' Lumtm R. Slawson of the saiil city of "S and recorded in the office of the emtw "" for said county of Washtenaw, on the 1 Jauuary, A. D. 1874, at 3 1-1 o'clock P ;, % 4'Jof raortsages. on page !06,nd thw!, unpaid on aaid mortgage, at. the date ot tnw the sum of thirty-seven dollar and fonï ' . cents, together with thirty-Hve dollars as " ta tor or attorney fee, in case proctedmg s s u . taken to foreclose said mortgage. ADa ,oW1' ing in law or in equity bas been instituten i er the debt secured by s.ud mortgage oiw ij. thereof. Notice is, the.efore. hereby i; by virtue of the power ol sale m s'!1 TZ Jj coutained, I shall, on Salurday, the nu"0J üctobsr, A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock m il ' itiof said day, sellat public auction .""J3JÏD bidder, ttie premises des. ribed in Hid ""ijf.jih satisfy the amount of principal umi "'., the charges of sale and atlorney fee '.J. tb, dollars, the premises hereinatter desc il iu w„ south door of the Court House in siud tiiï h#,. Arbor tsaid Court House being tUe ?I S WbT ing the Circuit Court within sald couniy " ta; na'w) all those certain pieces or p1 '' ■;,,, ., described as foliows: lots n"", ju: .: and twelve in block number three. norl. street, in range number tour east, accoru recorded plat of the vülage (now '! Datéd, An i Arbor, July 15th, 1875. ?ti LUMAN R. 6LAW8ON, e Edwabd R. Slawson, Attorney tor ___ Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havint' been made in Uie Jm, of a certain indenture ot ,1UV SèeuieilW. date the seventh day of May, A. D. 'i ïite,ol Uotlob Beiserand Auna Mari 1. Me„ithe city of Ann Arbor, County ottU,i State of Michigan, to John Oau'.el Uf "' „m said city of Ann Arbor, and rewrdeU 'u ol the Begtoterol Deeds of said OonOT' tenaw, on the Mh day ol May, ■" o'clock a. M. ot said day, in Iibei3 otn . paire 471. wLich said mortgage wm "'S by said John Daniel Ueinrich to Jolji 4tu,„(l the 25th day ot May, A. 1). '" ■ ' ;'.ul' '' ' of assignmeut tbereof, recorded ín san office on the 18th diiy of July, .f;':.. o!cl(K-kv. m. ol said day, in UberS 1 o of mortgage., on page .173, anü J ' &A was duly assigned by aud John ü l %„: dayol March.A. D. 18Ï4, and tlie ' m,& ■ usiffnmeat thereot reoorded "'."j, - office on the 7th day of March, ■ rpOW" o'clock p. M. of said day, in l.hcr 4 o - uu „f mortgases.on page 243 and h, e' „„ pald on said mortgage, at the date ol the sum ol tour huncb-ed ■"?„.„ "i ty six ceuts, together wilh thngi o u torney fee, in c.ise proceedlng si i. m ; l'oreclose said mormape. and uo ■ or in equilyhM been initituted ■", the., secured by said mortgage, ol ■ an r , virtUt . Notioe is therefore hwreby f;n, t roürt;r„?r. the power ot sale coiltaiQed "?",■ Octoue'. , shall, on Saturiay the niuth if"";i,; 1). 1S7S, at ten o'clock in the to it biddor, seilat public anotioa o the hij M premisos described in said 'uort-"-,,, „lt, atP amount of principal and nte'TÍUj dolía ' ,r ut 8le and lee ut "",',„ BO premiBee heerinaftt-r di ril '■ ' A u Ai"' 1 the Court 11. .use ms.ii. cit} otA ■ the U Court House being the plnce oi ,fh-inav , cuit Court within said CouutJ t fourUo that part of lot number '"ejl, of í" range six east, that lies "jffJriforMaM, CCJ street in the city of Ann Artwr iUL' to the KOordcd plat theieoi. DatedAnu Albor, JWBO El)WABDR.8i.AW80.,forAasigIiee.


Old News
Michigan Argus