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Ann AitBOR, Thubhday, Hept. i), 1H"). Applkb- öOc per bu. Beank- $1.40. per. bu. BüTTEB- 2OC. Beef - $6(607 per hundred. ConN - 6Uc. per bu. Chickknö - 30(ó)50cper pair ; dressetl 1-c perlb. Eggb - Conimaud 12c. Hay- 12($15 per ton. Lahd- The market atañas at KIe. Oats- Old, 40c ; new 28c. FoitK - $7.00(07. 6u per hundred. Potatoeö- 2o cents. ÏUHNIP8- 25(aj35c. Wheat- $1.35öj1.45; new, S1.15(gH.2o. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW. The Graiu ITIarket. Tbis, at the present time, poBBOBBOH more Interest to the farmer than any other line of produce. And it shoukl nut be íbrgotten that the forelgn market must luinisli the key to the problem. There are causes existing at lioiue that wou ld tend to low prlces. For, although the yield is beluw the average, there is yet au almndance, and the depresslon In business and the general tendency t a shrinkage in v;ihas, would be sensibly lelt iu the grairj iHuikft. Two tacis clearly appéar in regard to the European erop : First, a defieieucy in quantity; second, u deticiency iu quality. ïhe last tact elieits the statement froni the Mark Laue Express, that " the best quality has inostly maintained its previous valué, while inferior has tended downward." It aliso saya that " while tlie general average of prices is within a sixpence of last year, the ainounts then sold were doublé those now. Flour DiUS riTUïcHXl HíiJiu ín i ut, nuil uuu uiu wuiai baa risen a shilling per quarter." Most oí the leading continental markets however are reported rather weaker. The same authorüy continúes: " But at Odessa hulders maintain prices greatly to the detriment of the wholesale trade, in eonfidence that they will eventually bc paid for their patience aa the season ad vances and the general deñciency is knowu. Still looking at the general yield as oTily ui average one in quantlty, and as from thia b large deductioo must be made for its general tightnees lo the actual amount of floui produced. we niay posslbly couni on a further deficlency of 750,000 quarteis at a time when our population Is vüstly on the increase. Wo have no doubt that the importa will meet our necessities, but we expect as tin.' ,-season terminales it will be a close run." In New York the market has been steady and rather quietwith an advanee on the week of about2c on thebetter grades of wheat. Corn is quoted ■■■ lc avovelAst week, and oat barely malntaloed. Betroit ITIurkriN. The wheat market is stiïl ftuctuating. Thedowuvaid move continuad laai weck ap ti Friday and Baturday, irhen prices rallied a little, and on Monday there was a sharp advanee of 4c o white, and on Tuesday l(o--c, hut ou Wednesday the tendency was tbe oiïier way, prlcea falling 'o :w closins al 81.87@l.:i8 for extra, 1.27@1.28 ibr No. i, and $1.25 ui ij(í for amber. Corn at t8c for No. l mixed. Oats at 41 in VI forNo. 1 mixed, and 15 for white. Butler Btronger at 22@24 for good to cholee, the market favorina the outside Agure. Eggs atronger ■a ui 1-2. In hops the fall markei .pens comjiaratively low at 14f".lS. Potatoes a shade botter ander llght reeelpts at 28 80. Cabbagea, per hundred, 92.50@8,00. The live stock marset on öunday and Monday was rather fmn, there belng lees competitton with western eattle, bul prices were m better. Best stock are not quotable above &4.50, uitli inferior as low as 92.50. Fat shecp at Ï3.5O@4.25 per ewt. Fat hogs, $ti.2öfa7.50 ; store hogs, 56. Salt pork is incllned to good prices just now, aa stocks are worked low, hut with abundance of corn tlie season's hog erop will hardly rule very high.


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