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PENNSYLVANSA H 111 tur y Aeademy, Chetr, Pa. piw 5pl itlt. Civil Rnglneerini?, the i Pautes, KnifUsa and Uüitarj Art tboroughly ini;ht. For circulara mnly to Col. THlfiO. HYATT, Piiwtdwnt. "7ÏRE AND WATER-PROÖfT" IjungltyN Pateni Slate Pu. Int Stops the leaks in an oíd Shingle Roof and mnkes a new one lfiHt twiee as long ; is alao the moet durable piint nndtt tui Tin and, Iron. Snd tot patnphlet. Aftenis wanted. WILLIS O. JACKSON, General Agent, ltfcj Washington treet, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. THE OLDEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA! tuk SATURDAY EVENING POST. T.VF.UY WiH'.K CnNTAINS Gontinned Storles l.v thn Beat Wrller, Sbnrt SUotches, [ Miehvical Items. Centennlal fléws, brlcht Plctniei, Faebk)Ti Plate and Letter, SoteAoa, Newa, Humor, l.itorfttnre, lïoys and íürls Íepailment, líilmhil of eood tbinii. Snlctidld (üiromo. '.yx'2j, to etBTf Suucrüer. Threo dollfir a yvAir, pobtniid. On trial fur nontbt, l Good Afrmits wanted i vdiywbero. Aililrcs UKF.D, WIÜKKRSUAA1 A CO., 1Ï6 Sar,noni st , l'1-iiadeípnta. " OA.XLDXVZ3R HOVSEr" Cor. Michigan Av. and Jackson St., Chicago. This elopant botel aoknowlvdffBfl no rival ft!ier Ín ííb BB liimgftliwnt-, nppriírtmentfi, or local ion. In tho liilir rospect it affordi at enett a otaarmtng and anobatraeted view, from two of its of tir, Éttmtm, pi Lake MLohican ufiru the eya oan raoh, thé flnett wstencape view in Ameriun. Is dinKunally upp'isitH the tircilt i&xuosltfon lliiilcling. Íleo, TaíVa Pusienger Ellct'. II. GAVI5ERT, Proprlctor. K. C. Grimt. Mamigrr. AGENTS! GOOD NEWS!! We are ftivinR away uitli " Tlio IUustrated Weekly" thls fnil and wintnr, thret 24.í) Cbromos, Instesd "f one u lait mmiol Our indaoementa to ncnts and aubsciiben ex ol anytbiPK of Mie kind m the woild. Ymi oertslnly matte a trninendons tnistakfi il ynu do nat iöti 1 one stamp lor circulan and Urmi nt onoe, fur the territoij is being ra-.iiiily takea np. OntflM (3 plofnre) 84-(!O. Addree, 'Thk lLLrs'.HATEDWEEKi.v1"lUMonn)e-st.,Cnicago. Impiovt.1 ('liicagn FIItK mul BWflfiliAB SAFES aml V.M'I.T DOORS mr tile BSÍ8T aml CHEAPBST. iniiiifiory mul .Sul- ronm.ü:jfcÉ4."Kst Kimflnlili-it.. Chicago. TBesUSfoI. á Kcady for the Brush. TSend for Sample Card. f r.riinch Ofliccs nncl FactoS' lies- 5Ci West street, Now r York; 210 SonthTliird-st, 8r. LoniB. Jio. ; 8:1 "Woat "!T S1"' Van Uuren-a t,Chlcago,Ill. E USE THE Ep XCELSIO K LAMP CHIMNEYS. Thy are mntlr of (Jiebest tiend Glassaml Wlll Stand Heatbetter than any ofhir. SAFE ANP RELIABLE. Have Yon Weak T-iiings? llave Yon a Cough or Cold? Have You Pain in Breast? Have Yon nny Tliroat Piscase? Have You Coiisumption ? USE Da. L. Q. C. WISHART'S PINE TRES TAR CORDIAL Are You AVeak and Debilttated? Po Yon Suffer from Indigestión ? Po You require a Tonio? ITave You No Appctite ? Po You need Building TTp? Do Yon wlsh tobe Strojig and Healthy? USE De. L. Q, C. WISHART'S FINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. Sold by all PruggistB. Principal Depot, No. 2.32 Korth Second St., Phila. ACENTSWANTED AH men out of emplnyment can makelurfre wacs sclline HtutkéU'ê Mop, C karts, Picturos imd Ifr&mea. TheloteS and beet Eellln Map ti-id CHartê in the country. Addrejj the proprietors.O. 0. Hnskell ACo., 64Lake-st.,Chicajo. HÖWTÖGËTAHÖÏS IOAVA LANDS, SOO,OOÜ ACHKS. Rlch Soll.good Cilmatn, excellent Wtar,growingSetU monte, Kood Schools. We offer tb I.;inis of thp Sioai Oity and St. Pü-al R. R. and th Mcí5rej?or nd Mlwourt Blver R. R. at Si to J8 per ivcre, on easy p&rmBU J'wo yon rent wlll buy a fjirm. Appljr to DAVlDSON & CA1.KIN8. R. R. Land OÈnes, Sll)ey, ÜicaoU Co., lom. Jw To Obtain It! "" jKEBW Circulara containing all f5ÍmM ncccfoaryiniormationwill 'w5[Svl&SÊr o sent frec. Addrcts, ï ,,,'Ëmmmk CiïOSBV '. mglfflmÊmÈÊL Box S129' louis,mo. ■ ''K'SljKS %ST No Agenta waütei


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